OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
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  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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Photo Bomb at OCW

07:20 QueenLola: Early morning at OCW. I came in dressed in my bikini preparing for a shoot as we needed new poses for the cards. I finished getting ready and was soon called to the shoot stage. Standing along a white back drop I placed my hands on my hips and began to pose for my photos. Halloween Havoc was eight weeks away and I planned on destroying Oh Elle no, and rightfully claiming my spot as number one contender.
08:39 Oh_Elle_No: I have gotten word that the Queen herself Lola is in the building today doing one of those slutty shoots she's known for so she and Zack can proceed to shove her pics in the faces of everyone in the OCW. No thank you. If this fed deserves to see any hot blonde in a black bikini, it's me...not her. And to top it all off she's been running her mouth about how she's gonna beat ME and become the number one contender? Pshhh...I don't think so. These are all the things that are running through my head as I make my way through the backstage hallways toward where the shoot is taking place, then I peek around the corner and see you, standing in that black string bikini in front of the white backdrop, camera and tripod set up in front of you with a photographer messing with the lens. I make my move. I dart around the corner, coming up behind you before you even have a chance to turn around and I try to raise both my hands up and bring them together and smash them into the back of your stupid head with an axe handle blow! "You're mine Lola!!" I shout as I strike!
08:43 QueenLola: I grunt taking hard blow to the back of the head sending me into the tripod and photographer taking us both to the ground. I hold my head and look back to look at Elle. “Oh you no good bitch!” I say and groan holding the back of my neck. “Couldn’t wait til later could you? Seems the bitch is jealous of the Queen. Good, cause in eight weeks at Halloween Havoc, you’ll be looking up at the Queen.” I say groaning in between from her vicious attack from behind.
08:52 Oh_Elle_No: You crash into the camera and photographer, who quickly scurries away to not get caught up in the middle of this as you roll over onto your back and look up at me, clear distain in your eyes for me the same as I have for you as I glare down at you and you talk some smack to me which doesn't even phase me. IN response to you saying how I'll be looking up at the Queen in 4 weeks, I smirk evilly and snap back "who's looking up at who right now, BITCH?!" as I then grab the tripod and try to jam it down hard into your stomach!
08:55 QueenLola: I go to retaliate but groan heavily and turn over onto my stomach my hands grasping as the pain of the metal connecting with my bare skin radiates through my body. I place one hand out in front of me and reach for one of the supply crates trying to pull myself back to my feet as I cough, as the pain felt as though you could of easily cracked my ribs with that tripbod. Breathing hurt at the moment as I try to get back to my feet.
08:58 Oh_Elle_No: I pull the legs of the tripod out of your belly as you roll over onto your stomach and try to push up and crawl away, using the crate to assist you I grin confidently as I bend over and pick it up, watching you from behind as I say to you "come on Lola! Get up and give us a pose!" waiting for you to turn around to face me and as soon as you do, I lunge toward you and try to swing the camera at your head and smash it into your face as hard as I can as I shout "Say cheeese bitch!"
09:04 QueenLola: I get to my feet and turn taking the expensive camera to my face sending me back to the ground as the camera shatters upon impact. I land on my stomach and hold my head feeling blood trickling down from just above my right eyebrow as I hold my head for a bit. “You bitch. You bitch! You’re going to pay for that.”
09:10 Oh_Elle_No: I slam the camera down into the back of your head now for good measure as you lift your head to check for blood and find it. "Oh no bitch....it was YOU'RE gonna pay!" I toss the camera aside as I stand over you, straddling you with one foot on both sides of your body I say "and Lola I'm gonna show you how to work that bikini!" and I reach down and untie your top and strip it off of you, then back up and do the same with your bottoms, leaving you naked on the floor as I proceed to strip my own pink sports bra and booty shorts off and set to work sliding on your little black string bikini it it's place!
09:10 Oh_Elle_No:
09:15 QueenLola: I laid naked on the floor and groan looking up at you as you take my bikini. “You’re gonna pay big time bitch. Next few shows, leading up.” I groan holding my head front and back from your attack. “Leading up to Halloween Havoc. Best of three series, winner decides our stipulation for the number one contenders match at Halloween Havoc bitch!” I say and then let myself lay completely down on the floor.
09:21 Oh_Elle_No: I step over toward you as you tell me the best of 3 series stipulation and I plant my foot down firmly on your belly and smirk "fine by me Lola....in two short matches I'll win the series and pick our stipulations. And....queen....you're not gonna like em" as I then step up ONTO your belly as I walk over you and walk away....
09:22 Oh_Elle_No:
09:22 QueenLola: [End]

Published: 6 days ago, viewed 29 times.
