Palace Of Agony

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-06-18

  • Weapons
  • Female / Female
  • Torture
  • Extreme violence
  • Death
A writhing structure, screams and smell of blood fills the air
11 members
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1 photos
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A torturous gauntlet testing your endurance every step of the way, I find it rather satisfying seeing mortals running on adrenaline and fear~ death game

About Palace Of Agony

Put simply it’s a wrestling themed death game, think danganronpa meets physical 100, winners suffer, losers perish, and agony rules (you do not need to delete characters if you “die” here) fvf only (if you men feel left out I can make an mvm one)

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19:33 Agony: I have created the public room #Courtyard.

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