Pet fight arena

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-10-16
Chat room: #Pet_room

  • No holds barred
  • Stakes
  • Wrestle for top
  • Forced cum
  • Musk/Scent
This is a fed for people into pet play and like to wrestle/fight as pets against other pets. Or like pet play after the match
1 members
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Information for non-members

This is a fed for people into pet play and like to wrestle/fight as pets against other pets or wrestle/fight as a human against pets. Or like to use pet play after the match

If applying to join please stat whether you are a pe or human. And if a pet please stat what kind of pet you are pup, cat, fox, etc

Any gender and any sexuality are welcome to join

About Pet fight arena

This is a fed for people into pet play and like to wrestle/fight as pets against other pets or wrestle/fight as a human against pets. Or like to use pet play after the match

If applying to join please stat whether you are a pet or human. And if a pet please stat what kind of pet you are pup, cat, fox, etc

Any gender and any sexuality are welcome to join

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17:53 <Sinner> I have created the public room #Pet_room.