Pic Fighters

Private Open

Established: 2022-06-09
Chat room: #picfight

  • Trash talking
  • Stakes
  • Naked
  • Sex
  • First to cum
A Fed for all genders into picture fighting
475 members
5 stories
0 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

Welcome to Picture fighting ;)

But how does it work? Well, there are different rules available, let talk about two flavours, one without a judge and one with a judge (or multiple judges):

1) H/M/P - also known as Hit/Miss/Pass
Thoose rules work fine, if you don't wanna select a judge first, but needs trust between the contestants. Goal is to force the oponent to a orgasm in real.
The Rules are quite simple, you decide who starts by sending a pic, the oponent judges, and decides:
If it is a hit if it was hot, a miss if it was lame or a pass if it really turns you on.
If its a miss or hit, the others turn beginns
If its a pass, the one send the pic, is allowed to send additonal 2 pics
If both of thoose are a hit or miss the oponents turn beginns
If its one pass or even 2 passes, your allowed to send another 2 or with 2 passes, 4 pics and so on

Of course, if you're flooded by passes, your about to cum over time... first who orgasms in reality, looses. As mentioned above that relies on trust, but hey if your getting flooded by stunning pics, i guess it's fine to cum ;)

2) A judged fight.

2 Fighters - 1 Judge (or more if you like to go for a more democratic match ;) - unequal number recommended)

Before you begin, the fighters decide who starts and if using nudes is allowed.

One fighter shares a picture, the other tries to match the pose, outfit, attire etc., as best as they can.

Thejudge scores the Pictures from 1 (Picture was slightly better) to 3 (The Picture was defiantly way hotter/better) for the winning picture. So the winner of each round can get 1 to 3 points, while the loosing one goes without any points.

If one fighter receives 2 times 3 Points in a row, the opponent gets Knocked out, and has to share another picture to get back on her/his knees. This picture will be used against the last picture which scored 3 points. If this fails again, it's a K.O. and the match is over.

- The looser of a turn, starts the next round.
- Pictures will be scored on a 1-3 point scale per round - whoever reaches 15 points first, or K.Os the opponent, wins.

To spice things up, you can decide upfront, if the contestants write a story while sending pictures, or if the judge writes a story depending on a kind of match selected. Like Sexfight, Boxing, etc. - but if you like to just spam pics, thats also fine.

To get a bit more action into thoose matches, its fine to use trash talk, or dirty talk against your opponent if you like ;)