Pic Fighting Fantasy Fights

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-27
Chat room: #PicFightingFF

  • Fantasy
  • Back and forth
  • Squash match
  • Descriptive writing
  • Trash talking
A group for people who like to engage in all forms of pic fighting excitement.
29 members
0 stories
0 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

This group is for people who like to engage in all forms of pics fights or anything that falls under that umbrella. For clarity a pic fight is any chat where two people go back and forth exchanging photos, with or without a third party judge.

For ease of finding opponents I've created two basic sub-divisions to help you find the right opponent;

Vanity Matches - These pic fights involve two combatants exchanging photos of themselves, normally with a judge deciding the winner of each exchange.

Non-Vanity Matches - These pic fights are for exchanging any other types of photos, from models to wrestling, catfighting, etc and can be done with or without a judge.

All that said I hope you all have fun and find some exciting pic fights to tickle your fantasy.

About Pic Fighting Fantasy Fights

This group is for people who like to engage in all forms of pics fights or anything that falls under that umbrella. For clarity a pic fight is any chat where two people go back and forth exchanging photos, with or without a third party judge.

For ease of finding opponents I've created two basic sub-divisions to help you find the right opponent;

Vanity Matches - These pic fights involve two combatants exchanging photos of themselves, normally with a judge deciding the winner of each exchange.

Non-Vanity Matches - These pic fights are for exchanging any other types of photos, from models to wrestling, catfighting, etc and can be done with or without a judge.

All that said I hope you all have fun and find some exciting pic fights to tickle your fantasy.

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17:43 <runofthemill> Hey. Most members I've seen in the chatroom. Welcome everyone. 🙂
17:43 <Macey> Hi :)
17:53 <cute_little_fox> Hello
17:53 <Macey> Hey there
09:43 <Zula_the_Maskwoman> True 😊
21:44 <Bundy> Hello Lisa
21:47 <LisaX> hey there ;)
21:48 <Bundy> How are you doing? it has been so quiet in these pic fight rooms so far
21:49 <LisaX> yeah... thought this one is dead, the other one actually created some fun fights
21:51 <Bundy> be great to have more and I guess most are fvF .. so hard to find mixed opponents though always happy to judge
21:51 <LisaX> ;)
01:55 <Emma_Dilemma> yeah I find discord works a lot better I agree, I am there as noairzone if any women want to add me and fight
09:51 <Zula_the_Maskwoman> I didn’t adapt to discord. Maybe someday
15:34 <TantalizingTami> I am not much of a fan of it either
19:48 <Carlawrslr> On what discord do you do that?
10:38 <FightQueenEmma> hi
10:39 <LisaX> Hey ;)
08:30 <Zula_the_Maskwoman_X> @cute_little_fox hey
08:30 <cute_little_fox> Hi
08:31 <Zula_the_Maskwoman_X> 😝😜