Retro Rumble Collective

Private Restricted

Established: 2024-08-25

  • Pro wrestling
  • Descriptive writing
  • Male / Male
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
a friendly group for old-school pro-style wrestling enthusiasts of all genders who cherish the fun and flair of classic wrestling.
2 members
0 stories
3 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

Welcome to the Retro Rumble Collective – a vibrant community where old-school pro-style wrestling enthusiasts come together to celebrate the thrill and joy of the sport, without the pressure of winning or losing. Our group is open to all genders and is dedicated to those who appreciate the classic wrestling era for its entertainment, artistry, and camaraderie.

Here at the Retro Rumble Collective, we embrace the fun and theatricality of wrestling's golden days. We focus on the excitement of performing iconic moves, crafting engaging storylines, and enjoying the shared passion for wrestling. Whether you're reliving the glory days of your favorite legends or discovering the magic of old-school wrestling for the first time, you'll find a welcoming space to indulge in the sport's nostalgic charm.

Join us to experience the thrill of the ring in a supportive, inclusive environment where the fun is always the main event. No competition, just pure enjoyment and a community that celebrates wrestling in all its classic glory.