Ringside Rebels

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-08-29

  • Pro wrestling
  • Female / Female
  • Tag Team
  • Wrestle for top
  • Muscle Testing
An underground wrestling fed.
21 members
3 stories
1 photos
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11:45 Krystal_White: My music hits the floor and I stepped in behind the curtain and made my way towards the ring. It's my first time to participate in a no ref no crowd match tourney. But kind of excited
11:58 Kelly_Love: break to the curtain as my music plays. walk down the ramp to ring and slip through the ropes to enter the ring where you already await me
12:27 Krystal_White: I stand in my corner having my arms over the ropes, smiling while looking at you and waiting for the bell
12:35 Kelly_Love: as the bell rings i rush out of my corner across the ring to slam my shoulder into your abs. tries to knock the air out of your lungs
12:38 Krystal_White: As the bell rings, I just moved out of the corner and then got trapped there again as you hit your shoulder into my abs making me gasp for air
12:42 Kelly_Love: reach out to the ropes as i crushed you in your corner for a better stand and tries to slam my shoulder again into your abs. tries to hold you short on breath
12:43 Krystal_White: I bend forward a bit as I was having trouble while breathing as my abs hurts. I used my hands to grab the ropes
12:45 Kelly_Love: as you bend over and grab the ropes I straighten up and lift you up from the mat. carry you round on my shoulder
12:59 Krystal_White: I grunt as you lift me up on your shoulder, I try to hit my elbow on back of your neck in retaliation
13:02 Kelly_Love: carry the heavy wrestle through the ring with wobbly legs. as you ram your elbow on the back of my neck, i drop on my knees and shove you off my shoulder. tries to catch my breath
13:03 Krystal_White: As you dropped down to knees, I landed on my feet safely, and try to hit my knee against your face
13:05 Kelly_Love: scream as your knee hits my face and my head snap back. i drop on my back a bit stunned, i roll on the mat at your feet
13:06 Krystal_White: I bend towards your face to taunt you "How's that Kelly?" I screamed as I try to stomp your abs "How your abs feel now?"
13:08 Kelly_Love: gasps loud out as you stomp into my abs and drive the air out of my lungs. tries to catch your ankle as you stomp down again
13:09 Krystal_White: I stomped you successfully and then I try for it again but failed as you catched out my ankle, making me feel off balance a bit
13:10 Kelly_Love: still gasping for air as you stomp down on me. Manage it to grab your ankle. tries to unbalance you as i twist on your boot
13:13 Krystal_White: As you twist my ankle made me drop down on my left side, but try to hit my foot sole targeting your breast
13:14 Kelly_Love: whimper as your boot sink into my breast as you kick at me. your boot slip out of my hands as you kick at me
13:15 Krystal_White: By taking a deep breath I start to getting on my knees beside you
13:17 Kelly_Love: still gasping for air as you getting up on your knees, i tries to roll on all fours to come up too
13:18 Krystal_White: As you get on your all fours next to me, I try to hold your head by one and by other hand try to hit forearm across your face
13:20 Kelly_Love: as i am up on all fours your hold my head with your hand and deliver with your other hand a hit across my face. drop back on the mat. my head still in your hand. whimper as i tries to shake me head to clear my view
13:22 Krystal_White: I then while keep holding your head in my hand, try to hold your head in my arm and try to move my body over yours for camel clutch
13:25 Kelly_Love: feel how you swing one leg over me to mount my small back. gasps i feel your weight press down on me. kicking out wildly as i squirm helpless under you
13:28 Krystal_White: As there's no ref, no crowd but only cameramen so I used my left hand in order to tease you by grabbing my hand on your breasts
13:30 Kelly_Love: moan as you grab my breasts and squeeze them firmly in your hand. Squirming more under your ass as i tries to escape
13:32 Krystal_White: I keep enjoying your suffering as I squeeze harder and whisper in your ear "looks like you're weaker than I thought, no fun with Miss love!"
13:37 Kelly_Love: whimper as you squeeze my tits in your hand. as you bend down to whisper in my ear i snap my head back and tries to ram the back of my skull into your face
13:38 Krystal_White: Squeal as your skull hit my nose and I lost my control over your neck
13:39 Kelly_Love: buck wildly up under you to knock you off me back "not so weak as you thought" i growl as i slip free
13:41 Krystal_White: You dropped me on my back while slipping free as I was holding my nose "Uh you bitch!"
13:43 Kelly_Love: turn around quickly around and grabbing your foot as i push me up on my feet. start to wrap your leg over my thigh
13:45 Krystal_White: I try to wiggle my legs weakly as I was grunting because of my nose
13:47 Kelly_Love: looking down at you with a smile on my lips. then i push your leg down on the mat while i drop on m knees to slam my knee in your sensitive inner thigh
13:49 Krystal_White: "Uhh fuck!" I screamed out loud as I crossed my legs, and putting my both hands to rub and cover it up while laying on my right side, not facing you "You bitch! You're not going out from here without payback tonight" I said while grunting in pain
13:52 Kelly_Love: as you lay on the side i wrap my thick thighs around your waist to crush you between them. tries to squeeze the air out of your lungs
13:53 Krystal_White: Ahhh I gasp for more air as I'm trapped in middle of the ring, trying to push off your mighty legs by my hands but all in vain
13:55 Kelly_Love: cross my ankel behind your back to apply more pressure on your frame as you tries to push my legs apart. pumping and flexing my powerful thighs
13:56 Krystal_White: "Uhh leave me bitch!" I yelled at you as I had trouble while breathing
13:58 Kelly_Love: push me up with one arm to sit on your chest. my firm ass press down on your tits as i reach down to place my hands around your neck. tries to choke you out
14:00 Krystal_White: "uhhh no!" Crying louder and try to use my nail on your abs and by other hand on your inner thigh, trying to dig as hard as possible
14:02 Kelly_Love: riding on you and grind from side to side as you nails dig into my skin and leave red strips. leans forward to press with my weight down on your throat "tap and nap" is hiss
14:04 Krystal_White: "no!" I yelled loud while getting out of breath under you, feeling humiliated
14:07 Kelly_Love: tighten my hold, my long fingers squeezing your throat as i slowly choke you out. as i notice your fighting back goes weaker and weaker i get confident and slide upwards to sit on your face. wiggle my ass on your face and raise my arms in a victory pose
14:10 Krystal_White: Feeling the worse humiliation of my entire career as you set up your ass over my face. There's no crowd but still the cameras are there to have it on record that what you've done with me. I tapped out as I was unable to take it anymore
14:13 Kelly_Love: lift my ass a bit as you tap out looking over my shoulder down at you "happy now?" slap your cheek gently as i stand up to put my boot on your abs as i pose for the cameras
14:15 Krystal_White: I stayed down, groaning as you humiliated me really badly in my debut match in Ringside Rebels
14:17 Kelly_Love: stepping off you and help you up "maybe next time" spank your ass as we leave together the ring [END?]
14:18 Krystal_White: "There will be a next time for sure!" Replied as we leave together (End)

Published: 2024-09-01, viewed 25 times.



Amazon Queen Meena

24 days ago

What an amazing match up! Keep it up!
Better luck next time Krystal!

Kelly Love

25 days ago

you will end under my ass again dear :)

Krystal White

25 days ago

(In reply to this)

Not again bitch!

Keri Khaos

25 days ago

Hell of a match! You'll get her next time Krystal!

Krystal White

25 days ago

(In reply to this)

For sure I will!