Ringside Rebels

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Established: 2024-08-29

  • Pro wrestling
  • Female / Female
  • Tag Team
  • Wrestle for top
  • Muscle Testing
An underground wrestling fed.
21 members
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Ringside Rebels: Rebellion championship tournament Keri Khaos vs Mistress Alexandra Star


09:13 Keri_Khaos: The rebellion championship tournament was under way and tonight's match up was between me and Mistress Alexandra Star. Star was another villain in the league like I was so I knew it was gonna be one hell of a match. I made my way to the dim lit ring, with my pink hair pulled back tight and a smirk on my face. Slipping between the ropes I looked to the empty arena just with camera on, with this current tournament there wad no ref to stop us and the only major rule was no weapons. Talk about my kind of tournament! I step back to my corner letting my ass rest on the second turnbuckle as I waited for Alexandra to make her way to the ring. Adjusting my thong bottoms a bit before fixing my top.
09:13 Keri_Khaos:
09:26 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I made my way out from the curtain having my evil smile on my face. Moving towards the steel steps as I get inside the ring, biting my lower lip as I keep on looking at my opponent, knowing that both of us are hailing from the same dark side.
09:27 Mistress_Alexandra_Star:
09:29 Keri_Khaos: As you make your way to the ring I bite my own lip, I know we both don't play by the rules much. Watching you get inside I finally push up from my seated position just waiting for that bell to ring. " No hard feelings Alexandra but that title is mine. You're just a stepping stone. " I tease hands up waiting on the bell.
09:31 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: "Just don't talk too much before getting to know me babe" I replied as I pulled my hands up for the lock up as the bell rings, but while I was going for the lock up, I slip behind you so that I can lock my arms around your waist from backside
09:39 Keri_Khaos: "Aww don't worry Alexandra I promise during this match I am gonna get to know you real well." I tease as the bell rings. I go to circle but as I go for the lock up you slip under me. I feel you get behind me and grab my waist from the back. My hands go down to your wrist as I spread my legs hoping to stop any lift you try. " Ugh! Sneaky bitch!" I hiss a bit trying to pull free.
09:44 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I try to fight back with my grip "What you had in your mind whore, you're going to get an easy win?" I lick on your right shoulder for teasing you and as you try to get free I try to lock your head in my right arm by pulling my arms upwards and freeing your waist
09:48 Keri_Khaos: You keep your grip tight as you lick my shoulder making me moan just a bit. " Oh honey nothing I do is easy." I tease back as you move your hands to my head. You catch me in a head lock and I hiss as my back is slight bent. I go to rotate so I am not looking up and my body faces you instead of behind. I bring my right hand down and try to slip it between your legs teasingly hoping to distract you and pull free finally.
10:01 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: As you try to get your hand between my legs to tease me, I freed your head and getting my hands on your hair try to hold them and with a rear thrust to smack your head to the floor
10:06 Keri_Khaos: Trying to get a good distraction going I am stopped again ad you free my head and grip my hair hard. Without warning I am thrust down hard to the canvas! The impact echoes in the empty arena as the cameras coming in close seeing me grab the back of my skull kicking my feet. I go to roll away from you getting some distance.
10:12 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: "Hope you get it now the difference between easy and difficult targets" I tease you and run towards the ropes, bouncing off the ropes I try to body drop on you
10:17 Keri_Khaos: Rolling on the canvas I hear your words and as you run I can see you headed towards me. As you bounce off and leap I roll just under you, your body drop just missing as I roll to my knees turning to you. " What was... that about easy and difficult targets" I tease pushing to my feet.
10:18 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I grunt as I body hurts, but I managed to get on my knees, "IT'S NOT FUNNY BITCH!"
10:21 Keri_Khaos: As you get to your knees I smile darkly rushing forward and looking to slam my left shin into your chest. " NO, BUT THIS IS!" I roar out going for the kick.
10:24 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I groan as your shin got connected my chest, "FUCK!" I screamed out loud as it hits the target with sound of a thud
10:27 Keri_Khaos: My shin hits your chest and I smile walking towards you. " Don't worry Star I am gonna sooth those aching tits of yours." I smirk as I reach down to grab you by both of your breast looking to haul you up by your breast.
10:29 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: Groaning I get back to my feet as you pulled me up grabbing my breast, I try to hit my left forearm to your jaw out of rage
10:31 Keri_Khaos: Hauling you up by the breast I laugh ready to inflict more pain when you slam your forearm against my jaw! The impact sends spittle out of my mouth as I stumble back hard into the ropes. I groan and wipe my cheek. " YOU BITCH!" I hiss hands up again.
10:33 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I moved closer, as I try not to hold your hands, but with right hand, in order to grab your hair and with left, squeeze my hand between your legs as you were against the ropes "Shhhh! No time to become loud!"
10:36 Keri_Khaos: Again you are fucking quick as you come in as I go to lunge. Your right goes to my hair and your left gets between my thighs. I hiss as your squeeze pushing me against the ropes. "Grrrr... we will see who is loud when I have you moaning like a slut!" I sneer back as my own hands go up. The left to your hair the right between your own legs squeezing. A battle of who wants it more now taking place as I am against the ropes.
13:08 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: "So you really want me to outfuck you little whore?" I tease you as I begin to rub between your thighs meanwhile the ropes getting rubbed against your back
13:19 Keri_Khaos: "That's cute slut, I fuck whores like you as a mid-day snack!" I hiss back rubbing between your own legs ad my back rubbed agaisnt the ropes. Tugging your hair forward I plant my lips on yours before trying to get my leg behind yours and twirl us around so your back is on the ropes.
13:23 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: As we were rubbing each other out and you turned me around the ropes, breaking the kiss I hissed "oh so you want to play like that". Then by removing my hand, I try to hit my knee between your legs "but I don't want to keep going like that whore!"
13:26 Keri_Khaos: Flipping you to the ropes I smiled as you broke the kiss. My eyes widened though as your moved your hand striking with your knee to my pussy! There was no ref to call foul as I dropped to my knees holding my aching sex glaring daggers at you. " Bitch! When I am done... with you you are gonna kiss it and make it better!" I hiss
13:35 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: "If you really win but don't think so!" Saying that I hit my knee on your face, "now feel the agony bitch!"
13:37 Keri_Khaos: You knees strikes my face and I go landing back hard on my back. Groaning I go to hold my face shaking my head. This fucking bitch is giving me a fight, but it only makes me want to win more.
13:38 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I now get down on my knees, resting my ass over your torso, sliding my hands over yours in order to pin your hands down to the floor, "how about this pose bitch? Won't enjoy me pinning you down like that?"
13:45 Keri_Khaos: Not having a chance to get back up you pin me down and I growl feeling your ass on my torso. You hold my hands down and I growl shaking my head. " Fuck you!" I damn near spit before laying my head back. Without warning I shoot it forward trying for a big headbutt to you.
13:58 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I grunt by your headbutt, but still smiling as I know you're frustrated now. "No baby! The fun is just begun!" I tease you as I move my torso against yours and leaving your hands behind to squeeze your titties by my hands
14:08 Keri_Khaos: My headbutt lands, but you are a tough bitch! You take it as you smile and grab my tits squeezing hard. You force your torso against me, but my hands are free. Shrieking from the pain I hiss bringing both hand to your hips looking to force your hips down towards my legs. I then try to repay the favor of that knee to my pussy with one of my own to yours.
14:10 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I was enjoy teasing you like that but you countered again by hitting your knee against my crotch. Being under me, the effort was not like while that of standing but still hurts as I yelp out and rolled on the other hand while closing my legs and having one of my hand to care it
14:12 Keri_Khaos: The teasing between us was definitely getting to me. I was arousal for sure. My bottoms definitely showing how wet I was. Gritting my teeth as you pulled off of me I rolled away again on my knees. "Doesn't feel so good does it." I smirk lunging forward hands eager to grab and squeeze your own tits.
02:40 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: "You bitch! You're not going to get with it that way!" I hissed and then groan as you put your hands over my tits again. "NOOOOO!"
05:32 Keri_Khaos: "Oh yeah! I think I am gonna get away with so much more!" I sneer back keeping one hand squeezing your left tit. My right hand snakes down to your bottoms and tries to slip inside eager to rub between your legs.
05:56 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: "Not so fast whore!" I hissed as I was groaning while you were squeezing mu tit. But as you try to put your hand inside my shorts, I put one arm around your neck and let your lips meet mine as a surprise counter and try to roll over you
06:02 Keri_Khaos: Hearing you hiss I laugh still working my hand to your shorts. Your arm goes around my neck and our lips meet in another kiss. You go to roll and I roll with you though you may be on top my hand still finds purchase with where I wanted it. My fingers lightly rubbing as I try to deepen that kiss a bit.
06:04 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: Kisses you with more passion as I now slides my left hand between your legs too, and begin to rub it harder, seemingly as we both are enjoying much
06:06 Keri_Khaos: My breath hitches as your own hand finds my mound. As you rub harder I do the same both of us rolling around trying to get the upper hand. I try to use my weight to get on top. Moving my right from your breast to your throat hoping to keep you down with a choke and the hard rubbing.
06:10 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: Having trouble while getting into a sexfight with you as we both were giving each other hell of a hard time, but as you mount over me, I try to press my hand inside your shorts and using my 2 fingers to press inside your sensitive space, I also tried to pull my torso upwards in order to get you off balance without breaking off the kiss, as I don't want to back off from it now as a kiss fighter
06:15 Keri_Khaos: As I get the mount you force two fingers inside of me. I hiss and force two of my own fingers in you. You pull your torso towards bucking me trying to get me off of you. I tumble to the side but manage to keep the kiss and my fingers in. Pissed you broke my mount I glare trying to tighten my grip on your throat.
06:18 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I used my other arm to lock around your neck as well, as I get on my knees, but seems like both of us are on our fours like two big wild cats(tigresses), moan as you fingers me but keep on fingerfucking you too meanwhile the kiss goes on even though I'm having trouble in breathing now
06:23 Keri_Khaos: That other arm gets wrapped around my neck. We are both on our knees now. The wild moans and growls between us getting louder. You're one of the toughest I've gone against in a sexual manner like this. My breath caught with yours as wet pours down my legs from the fingerfucking. It's definitely about who wants it more now. I try to place my thumb right on your clit while working my fingers. My grip as tight as I can get it. Breathing getting a bit harder now as well.
06:26 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: Teasing by words is now stopped, now things are more intensed than I thought. "Gosh she's a bitch!" Thought in my mind as I used my thumbnail to tease your clit while fingerfucking you by two fingers, while you're making me so legs through out my shorts and legs by your fingerfucking. The kiss goes on but the strength was not like it was before
06:29 Keri_Khaos: "Fuck she's tough!" I think to myself as you use your own thumbnail to tease my clit. We are locked in now. The kiss between us losing strength, but I refuse to break it. Air getting short I try one final press, pushing my chest against yours. My nipples hard through my top pressing into yours. " Come on break the kiss slut!" I think no daring to try and break it.
06:32 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: As our nipples smashed against each other, I thought that it was a really daring step of yours, by breaking the kiss "so if you can do that, why don't we let our necks rest on a mutual agreement" I hissed as I pinched by my finger nails inside your wet pussy while you were making me moan badly too
06:39 Keri_Khaos: Our nipples pressed hard as we press against the other. Finally we mutually break the kiss. " Fine skank!" I hissed as you pinches making my breath hitch again. I pinched back both our pussies soaking wet. "Told you... fuck...told you I'd have you moaning..." I moan out again refusing to break the finger fucking fight between us.
06:43 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: "I'm not the only bitch who's moaning" I hissed as I felt that electric current by your pinching "Fuck you! Copycat? I see you're enjoying being my whore!" I tease as I keep on pressing my breast against yours, wanting to sexually dominate the situation but it seems like going either way and even if winning in sexfight doesn't mean to win this match. It should be won by pinfall or submission
06:46 Keri_Khaos: I can't find the fact that you do indeed have me moaning like a cheap slut. That electric current between us and the pinching has me on edge. " I got you first slut, that makes you the copycat!" I tease and hiss a bit. " you'll be my whore at the end of this!" I sneer again feeling that electricity again my body so close to release. Even if we both score an orgasm this doesn't end until a pin or submission and we both know that.
06:50 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: "You never got me either way whore" I hissed back at you as it was getting difficult to control against a hot rival which I deny to admit the fact that this pink haired whore is a hottie, but as it was clear we're falling for each other as we getting close to release. "You're a filthy slut, who's enjoying being treated bad sexually by me"
06:55 Keri_Khaos: Another round of hisses and teasing between us as I can't deny the chemistry between me and this red and black haired bitch. Our releases getting closer as you taunt me again. " Mmm talk dirty to me bitch. Because at the end of this your gonna be pinned for the 3 count eating my pussy!" I sneer feeling closer to climax as my grip on your throat loosened a bit.
07:00 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: As the competition is reaching another height, and we haven't agreed on anything so I grabbed your hair, pulling your hair back so that I could give you kissing bites on your neck meanwhile keeping the fingerfucking inside your sensitive pussy in order to make you release before me and get a phycological edge on you
07:04 Keri_Khaos: This bitch takes the intensity even higher as you grab my hair and yank back hard! My neck exposed now you start to kiss and bite making me moan louder. Your finger fucking intense as I can't seem to retaliate! " Ugh!!!! Fucking whore!" I moan hips bucking against your fingers. I finally releasing your throat I move my hand up to your hair to yank back trying to get your lips off my neck. My fingers in your pussy moving as fast as I can. One of us if not both of us is gonna climax and soon.
07:07 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: You yanked back by pulling my hair back but I did my best to make the maximum sexual damage I could to you as I finger faster deeper inside your wet pussy meanwhile moaning as both of us are now holding each other's hair by other hand and yaking them back meanwhile keeping the eye contact. But both having submissive face, never had such experience before
07:12 Keri_Khaos: Two dominant alpha bitches locked in battle means one is gonna end up breaking soon. Eyes locked on to each other hair pulled back. Fingers locked in the others pussy. It's the definition of a hot pro erotic match. The cameras catching every bit of this. Finally I can't help but scream out and orgasm! The match isn't even close to done, but having an orgasm during match doesn't help!
07:34 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I felt your warm orgasm coming out of your pussy along my fingers, but even I was close and wanting you to help me release it out too so I didn't even comment on this, was just enjoying battle with you but making it clear that I'm the alpha bitch and this is my house. Instead of winning the sexual competition, still the match isn't over yet
07:38 Keri_Khaos: Fuck! You didn't say anything, but I knew deep down you were gloating. You were close to though I felt it. With a hiss I looked to you. " I finish you off, then we finish this... may the best bitch win." I hiss as I work my fingers harder and faster to work that orgasm out of you.
07:42 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I was moaning loud "Fuck bitch! I'm winning either way!" I hissed in a teasing way but keep on moaning loud. And screamed out loud as I released my orgasm
07:45 Keri_Khaos: Feeling your own juices gushing down my hand I moan finally pulling my hand free from your shorts. I roll away from you toward the ropes taking a breath on my knees. A slight nod of respect before trying to pull to shaky legs. " Come on then bitch! We finish this!" I roar out.
07:54 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I get on my all four, as like you I also have shaky legs. Weakly but desperately reaching you to fight it out to the finish
07:57 Keri_Khaos: Seeing you on all fours as I try to pull up, I groan. This has been one hell of a fight, but I need to finish this. You may have won the sexual battle for now, but I want to win the war! Pushing through the shaking in my legs I get to my feet and try to drive the side of my left thigh into your face hoping to knock you back down.
07:59 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I pulled myself up with the ropes by my hand as you came up to hit my face but then I slide down to dodge your kick
08:01 Keri_Khaos: You slide down with my just narrowly missing your face. That misstep causing me trouble as I just catch myself before my leg slips through the ropes. Knowing that could have been bad, my already over stimulated pussy landing on the ropes could have been devastating! " Ugh you slippery BITCH!" I snarl angry I missed my kick.
08:02 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: "Not so fast bitch!" I replied and get back to my feet as I try to hit my forearm across your face while having my own legs shaking after such a rough and hard hitting sexual battle with a tough and worthy opponent like you
08:04 Keri_Khaos: "Ugh!!! Fuck!" I groan taking that hard forearm across the face. My back agaisnt the ropes now. Energy damn near drained. I shake my head knowing I need to dig deep. I need to give my all against you! I swing my own forearm at you looking to aim for your face.
08:06 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: You hit me as I stumbled back against the corner, having my hands hanged there "FUUCCKKK!" as that was a massive one and both of us had really less energy to keep it up any longer
08:08 Keri_Khaos: You stumble back to the corner after my forearm and I take a breath. I need to put you away or this could be it. Moving towards you I reach for your hair again and go to drive my left knee up to your abs hoping to take the wind from your lungs.
08:10 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: Spit came out of my mouth as your knee connects my abs and I bent forward, but not losing my way to fight back as I try to dig my left fist to your abs
08:13 Keri_Khaos: Spit flies from my own mouth as you fight back with a left to my abs. However you are bent forward. This is it! Now or never! With you bent a bit I reach trying to get my left arm around your back and down between your legs. I bring my right to try and catch my left wrist from the front. With a groan of effort I try to lift. That orgasm has taken a bit out of me. But still I try to use my strength to get you up trying for my punkhandle slam (a pump handle slam)
08:15 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I was nearly out of energy, I tried but you got me total surprised as you lift me up out of nowhere like that making me scream out "NOOOOOOO!"
08:17 Keri_Khaos: You tried to fight, and you almost break free. I get you up and go for the slam as you scream! As I slam you I drop to my knees trying for the pin. If I get this off it would be a hell of an upset. However if you kick out that could be it for me.
08:20 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: Laying out cold without any movement as you start to pin me for count of 3
08:22 Keri_Khaos: I grab your left leg and hike it up as I go for the pin. Pressing my chest on yours I look down at you. " Fuck you're tough." I say as I slap the mat for "ONE!" Then bring my hand up again to go down to go for two.
08:22 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I still lay there as weak as never before, breathing heavy
08:24 Keri_Khaos: I get the count for "TWO!" And look again. This could be it! You gave me a hell of a fight and I have such a new found respect for you. Talk about an honor! My chest beating faster I go to bring my hand up again looking for that third count. This is it now or never.
08:26 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: "3" as you count it out just half a sec after I kicked out by collecting all of my energy but all in vain as you already slapped it down for 3
08:28 Keri_Khaos: I get the three count and look just as you kick out. I won! I can't believe it! Pulling to my knees I look to you and go to help you to your own knees. I may be a heel, a villain, a bad guy. Still after a match like that I can't help but give respect. I go to give you a hug and whisper in your ear. " I win this whole damn thing. You're the first at a title shot you sexy bitch. " I tease with a smile.
08:31 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: I pushed you off me, "just get off me whore! I definitely deserves a rematch, no pro a pure sexual competition, just you and me again but this time just what we really died for tonight" said it out but being rude as I'm always even though, I had the same respect for her as she had for me. But I'm not ready to show it out on camera "you better won this pro match this time with luck but I won the real battle already" teased you in anger
08:35 Keri_Khaos: I growl as I am pushed off, but I can see the slight break in character. I nod knowing she isn't willing to show it on camera. " Fine by me whore. You won the battle I won the war! But you want a rematch you got one slut!" I hiss back before rolling out the ring my arm raised in victory as I look back to you with a grin! 
08:37 Mistress_Alexandra_Star: Having no smile at my face as I was sitting on my knees, facing you while you were showing me the victory sign by your hands, my anger about losing and rage for the revenge is clear by my facial expressions. (End)

Published: 2024-09-02, viewed 29 times.



What a match 🔥🥵

Keri Khaos

22 days ago

Thank you both for the comments!

Miss FOXY Heavens

22 days ago

(In reply to this)

Lots of xxx 💋💋💋

Amazon Queen Meena

23 days ago

What a match!
Really hot, and pretty much descriptive! Keep it up girls! Hope you get her next time Alexandra!

Miss FOXY Heavens

24 days ago

Hell of a match! Way to go Keri, you finally made it after getting so far with Alexandra. Hope you make it to the finals after the semi round partner!