Public Restricted

Established: 2022-03-07
Chat room: #Stardom_2023

  • Pro wrestling
  • Even match
  • Female / Female
  • Two on One
  • Tag Team
Stardom is a womens only Japanese pro-wrestling federation.
76 members
14 stories
17 photos
0 files


Blaze Freya

2024-11-02 12:26

I'm in! Mostly pro style with some erotic elements.

Anastasia the brawler

2024-10-31 04:42

Always motivated !!!


2024-10-30 00:33

I'm in... Ready to STARDOM

Amber Payne

2024-10-29 23:38

sign me up!


2024-03-30 04:20

Sign me or us up partner!

Jojo Offerman (deleted member)

2024-03-29 18:46

Sign me up

Lady Darcy

2024-03-29 21:45

(In reply to this)

You're signed up Jillian, I will contact you to discuss matches.

Amber Payne

2024-03-28 15:02

How can I sign up?

Lady Darcy

2024-03-28 21:57

(In reply to this)

Consider yourself signed up. I'll contact you directly to discuss matches.

Bombshell Anisha

2023-07-17 18:12

Put me In for sure. Pro wrestling mainly

Lady Darcy

2023-07-13 13:35

If you would like to sign-up to appear in a match on Episode 1 (2023-08-01) of the "We are Stardom CF!!" show then please add your name by clicking on the "REPLY TO THIS" BUTTON at the bottom this post and posting your interest.

Sasha Banks (deleted member)

2023-07-17 12:11

(In reply to this)

I'm in pro wrestling but I'm open for anything


2023-07-15 23:46

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im in! im open for any style, cat,kickboxing,no rules;......

Miss Celeste Bonin

2023-07-14 23:15

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Unfortunately I won’t be able to participate in this event but you best believe I’ll be in the next one. I’m coming for my titles


2023-07-13 23:58

(In reply to this)

im in. pro wrestling erotic is good for me.

Lady Darcy

2023-07-13 23:55

(In reply to this)

Signed up so far:
+ Lady Darcy & Kara Anne


2023-07-13 22:22

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WWE style pro wrestling. Erotic is fine

Lady Darcy

2023-07-13 16:04

(In reply to this)

Copy of message sent to members about the inaugural show (Episode 1):

Hello everyone,

You are getting this message from the Stardom Federation to invite you to sign-up for matches on the inaugural “We are Stardom CF!!” wrestling match show. In order to sign-up, you can reply to this message and/or post your interest on the sign-up page (just click on this link). If you have preferences/limits on your matches, then please message me and tell me.

Stardom is a straight pro-wrestling company, we aren’t into sexfights or erotic matches, it’s all about the fun of the pro-wrestling memes/theatre etc. I have given the Stardom Homepage (click on this link) a bit of a revamp, please visit. We currently have two titles in Stardom, a World Champion and an International Princess Champion, and I would like to introduce some Tag Team Titles if we can get Tag Teams going.
You shouldn’t read anything into the lists of “Contenders” and “Rising Stars” on the new hompage, for the time being these have been “randomly” populated. When we have had a few matches the wrestlers who are active will move to the top pf these “ranking ladders” and those who are inactive will disappear from the ladders.

In order to move up the ladder and to get title shots etc. you need to be “active”, taking part in matches and publishing stories from your matches. Account will also be taken of “comments” on matches, if you read a Stardom match and you think one or both of the wrestlers was great then please post a comment. Note the comment doesn’t have to be “friendly”, you can challenge a wrestler, tell them they’re a “cheating bitch” or such like, it’s a case of the wrestler generating heat by their performance. So, it is plausible for a jobber, who jobs well, to move up the ladder. If you also want to let me have feedback on who you think is really good, either by message, or in the Stardom_2023 chat room then please do so, and I will include it.

Although I am currently “World Champion” I hope to soon be able to move back to being a regular wrestler in Stardom, and maybe involved in “feuds” with other wrestlers. In that respect I hope that active wrestlers will be interested in developing feuds and having fun matches rather than fixating too much on titles.

When matches are arranged you and your opponent(s) should create the match room and do the match and publish the story. It would be nice if you could post a link to the match in the Stardom 2023 chat room and welcome other Stardom wrestlers to cheer/boo/be the crowd, but it is not a requirement, doing a private match is quite okay.

When the matches are done and stories published, I will create a “super-story” of the match “show” linking together the stories and post a link to it on the Stardom Homepage.
I have set a “target date” of August 1st (2023-08-01) for the completion of the first “We are Stardom CF!!” episode of matches. If you can let me know as soon as possible that you’d like to take part, then I will get the first draft of matches out by July 17th which allows 2 weeks for matches. Late sign-ups will be added, but obviously there is less flexibility on matches and less time to complete matches.

Thank you for reading this long message, I hope that some of you are interested in taking part in matches and look forward to hearing from you,

Lady Darcy