Established: 2022-03-07
Chat room: #Stardom_2023
- Pro wrestling
- Even match
- Female / Female
- Two on One
- Tag Team
Stardom is a womens only Japanese pro-wrestling federation.
Yurie Kozakai: I strut out to the ring accompanied by my dancers, the crowd cheering as I strut down the aisle to the ring... I climb the steps and enter the ring, waving to my fans...
Yurie Kozakai: "Welcome to Stardom and to tonight's MAIN EVENT... a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH for the... STARDOM WORLD TITLE!!..." The crowd cheers loudly... "Introducing first... THE CHALLENGER.... standing 1.7m (5'7") tall and weighing in at 90kg (198lbs)... Please welcome... LIPSTICK.... PATTI!!!!!!!!..."
<LipstickPatti> After defeating her in a non-title match for another wrestling federation I have challenged the Stardom World Champion Dump Matsumoto in a title match. I'm pretty confident I could kick her big ass again and get a name in this famous wrestling federation. But first I want to show everyone that if even we are both big girls, I’m younger than her and in better shape than her. I take a deep breath as I hear my name announced… I know this is going to be a match live on TV and a lot of people will see it on streaming via YouTube.
Finally, my music starts to play over the arena sound system, and I appear on the aisle... all the lights are on me... I’m showing my pretty smile as I lift both of my arms in the air, wearing my signature white jacket with the words LIPSTICK PATTI and a red painted mouth printed on my back... I high fives to the crowd as I take my time walking to the ring, letting them take some selfie with the future Stardom Champion... I hug some fans and then walk to my husband Marvin who is waiting for me behind the steel barricades, we hug each other, and we kiss each other. "Good luck Patti, kick her ass again!" he says as I nod at him and take off my ring jacket, giving it to him as I show off my signature black one piece back thong that seems a size too small and that show off a big amount of cellulite on my rear...
...then my white knee pads that match my white pro boots that ends just below my knees... my make up heavy to hide my age imperfections like wrinkles... so heavy black eyeshadow and a lot of foundation. My nails painted red to match my signature red lipstick I have on my lips... I do a slow parade around the ring... smiling in sweet way.... blowing kisses everywhere, hearing my fans loving me so much... I tug my suit at the sides which makes a couple of more fatty rolls appearing under my big leg holes and look at the recording camera, showing to all the TV fans a lovely smile...
… then I walk to my corner… placing my back there...
... then move one hand to my fluffy hair... and take a deep breath waiting for the soon to be FORMER Champion entrance...
Yurie Kozakai: I wait until Patti is in her corner and then again turn to the crowd... "Now, please welcome to the ring the REIGNING STARDOM WORLD CHAMPION... she is the.... LEGENDARY... TERROR... of JAPANESE WOMEN'S WRESTLING... standing at 1.63m (5'4") tall and weighing in at 100kg (220lbs) here is... DUMP... MATSUMOTO!!!!!..."
<Dump_Matsumoto> My entrance music: Black Devil comes on as I walk out of the red curtain from the left and to the middle, facing the ring with the kendo stick in my right hand behind my neck and my signature wrestling gear on: her yellow top on with my black swimsuit under it and my black shiny wrestling boots on as the crowd are cheering and some are booing for me as I start making my way down to the ring...soon as I arrive, I step onto the ring apron and slowly enter the ring between the top and middle ropes as I would walk over to one of the corners and wait, looking at the stage and the screen as the music dies down and the crowd are still cheering and booing me just as I would look at Lipstick Patti across the way from me with a serious look on my face, twirling the kendo stick forward and around with my right hand, waiting for the bell to ring
Yurie Kozakai: I walk over to Dump and hold out my hand for the title belt. She hands it over grudgingly. walk across the ring and show the belt to Patti, then turn and take the belt to the referee waiting in the corner... I give him the belt and he in turn gives it to the timekeeper...
<LipstickPatti> Everyone would gulp watching you... but I don't. I did it when we meet for the first time some weeks ago... but now I know the bigger they are, the harder they fall. So, I'm not impressed since I kicked your ass badly last time... I show you an evil smile, nodding at you like if I want to tell you "You know what's going to happen tonight, don't you?" and lick my lower lip... and as Yurie comes over at me showing me that belt i admire it ...caressing least it was a big dream to me that now is going to come true. ...most of my fans are behind me and I can hear their cheers... I turn around doing the belt motion around my waist... I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU THAT BELT AROUND MY WAIST SOON! I say as they cheer me YEAHH PATTIII!! GET THAT BELT!! I nod again... I just scan Dump and her attire, noticing how much she is covering herself compared to me... but I feel confident by the fact she is really too old and too fat to compete with me ...and it was pretty clear in our last match where I destroyed her. So, I just have to pick if in which way I'm going to pin her .... But as Yurie walks to the center of the ring to announce the match I start my hot show… I start to dance like a stripper and take off my signature red lipstick tube from in between my breasts and apply it on my lips making them look like if they are all covered by a large amount of red paint… I pucker my lips as I do, ding a duck mouth... as I start to send kisses to everyone acting in sexy way ...MUAAAHH… MUHAAHHH... MUAAAAAAH... moving back to my corner ... I step over the top ropes and use both hands to throw kisses again and again …looking to steal also some of your fans... CHEER FOR YOUR NEW CHAMPION!! I say before I send the last one to Marvin before to hop back to the mat still showing off my lovely smile.
Yurie Kozakai: I walk to the middle of the ring and announce "To be clear... this is a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH... winner by PINFALL or SUBMISSION... Please come to the middle of the ring for your instructions, handshake and wait for the bell..." I turn around and walk across the ring ducking out through the ropes... as the referee comes to the middle of the ring and signals the wrestlers to come to the middle...
<LipstickPatti> Then I hear Yurie start to speak....and as I hear "No disqualification match" I gulp... WHAT?? I look back at the promoter Darcy... “HEY YOU DIDN'T TOLD ME ABOUT THAT!” Then at Dump… “WHAT DOES IT MEAN?” I thought it was going to be a normal pro match... I come over to Yurie... “C'MON ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” I say as I try to read on that paper, she is reading... my smile changes to a serious expression... as I look disoriented...
Yurie Kozakai: I am standing at the side of the ring when you come over to speak to me... "WHAT DOES IT MEAN?"... "C'MON ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"... I look at you with a small contempt... "This is Japan Patti... you big woman no?... you big, tough, woman no?... You want to win title; it be a tough match... No Disqualification Match... You want to be champion... you got to beat Dump Matsumoto in No Disqualification Match... Now you go fight Dump!"
<LipstickPatti> Still not believing at it... I look around and then hear Darcy words... “HEY BUT... BUT... NO ONE TOLD ME... LOOK AT ME!... I'M NOT DRESSED FOR THAT KIND OF MATCH” I say turning around showing off Darcy my suit is too skimpy for a match like that… I... I WANT THAT SHOT BUT... BUT... I try to find excuses… THIS IS MY DEBUT HERE... I... I DIDN'T KNOW... looking for some help from Darcy, Yurie or any person who wants to give me any help with this situation… feeling myself not ready for this kind of match if even I have beaten Dump before... so I'm not feeling so confident as I was just a moment ago...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Just as I would gotten back to my corner, I wait for the bell to ring as I would hear Lipstick Patti complaining to Yurie about it was not going to be a Singles Match but a No Disqualification Match saying that she's not prepared for anything like this in Stardom from a normal smile to a frightened face to Yurie just as Patti was finished complaining, Dump has had enough of her, hearing her complain as she comes towards Lipstick Patti and delivers a hard double axe handle to the back of her
<LipstickPatti> Darcy steps away and I follow her...but as she leaves the ring I don’t... I just step over the lower rope bending over the top rope… “C'MON DARCY! WE ARE FRIENDS! YOU CAN'T MAKE IT A NO DQ MATCH! HOW CAN I WRESTLE IN THIS WAY!” I say feeling myself so inappropriate for a rough match wearing a skimpy outfit and all that makeup....but as I’m protesting with the Stardom boss you come behind me and deliver an hard double axe handle to my back....ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... I lose my balance and fall back to the mat bending over a bit… one hand on my back right where you hit me...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then as your hand was on your back, I look at the crowd just as I put my hand on her hair, slowly dragging her up onto Patti's feet, then I drag her to the middle just as I would grab her wrist and whips her towards the ropes just as I do the same by running to the opposite ropes, then just as we come running back, I deliver a hard right clothesline onto your breasts, hoping to take her down good onto the canvas
<LipstickPatti> You grab my hair roughly and force up to my feet...HHEEYYYYYYY...but I can't protest this time… no one would make you stop cause no one could DQ you once I'm up you grab my wrist and try to whip me toward the ropes...but I plant my boots onto the mat and grab your wrist myself trying to use the momentum to reverse the whip... and if it works I'm ready to throw myself up looking for a dropkick to your ample chest...AYEEEHHHH...
<Dump_Matsumoto> I look up as you would jump up and delivers a hard dropkick onto my oversized breasts, falling back and landing onto the canvas on my back, slowly getting up on my feet as I would face Patti and start delivering a right hand chop onto your ample beautiful breasts hard till it hears a smack… SMACKKK!!..
<LipstickPatti> My boots connect with your ample chest making you fall back and landing onto the canvas.... the crowd erupts in a big YEAAAAAAAAAAAH... I smile at first but then I see I haven't hurt you too much.... FUCKKK ... I know you're strong so I need to keep hitting you in some way... but you get up before I do and when I’m up to my feet you are already in front of me, delivering a right hand chop to my breasts... AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH...the chop is so hard that i do a couple of steps backwards holding my breasts with my right hand....
<Lady_Darcy> I get up from my seat and come to the ring apron, banging my hands on the ring apron... "Come on Patti... she ain't that tough!"
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then as you move a couple of steps, hearing you moan and hiss in pain from that chop I landed on you, I run to the ropes, comes bouncing and running back as I would slam my right forearm onto your ample breasts as we both hit the ropes, forcing us to go over the top rope with our bodies landing onto the floor on our backs as the crowd in Japan at Stardom are cheering for us, my oversized breasts heaves in and out as I take a quick breather before I slowly get back up onto my feet
<LipstickPatti> I step backward looking to get some space between us and recover from the hard chop... my chest became red with a big imprint of your hand right over my ample chest... I hear Darcy cheering me... it's clear she wants me getting that belt and I can't disappoint her and my fans... but as I feel my back to the ropes I feel like if I’m trapped and your body is already in front of me since you charged yourself bouncing from the far ropes... AAAHHHHHHHHHHH... I scream before the impact that is so hard that our big bodies get catapulted backward, flipped over the top rope and outside the ring… my back first hit the apron before to land onto the concrete floor... AAAAAAAAAAH... I hold my poor back in pain.... trying to roll far away from you...
<Lady_Darcy> I squeal and run for cover as over 400lbs of 2 big women comes flying out of the ring and down to the floor....
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then I grunt, slowly getting myself back up onto my feet while on the mat floor outside of the ring, then I would see you roll far away from me as I would follow and grabs your head with my hand on the back of Patti's hair, dragging her up as I take her to the barricade and I would yank her back and throws her over the barricade and into the crowd
<LipstickPatti> I know how dangerous is being outside the ring. Not only because my opponent is the cruel Dump Matsumoto but also because this is a match with no DQ which I’m not used to. So I HAVE to keep the match into the ring... that's why I try to roll away a bit, then turn myself onto all fours and get up as fast as I can if even my back hurts… but as I pass the stairs I feel my hair pulled backward... AAAAAAHHHHHHH... you stop me from walking away and force me to bend backward a bit... MY HAIRRRRRRRRR... I scream as both of my hands go over yours as I try to make you stop pulling my hair back... but you drag me up and back taking me to the barricades just to throw me over them and over the crowd sat behind them... AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH... my big body makes 2 men, 1 woman and a boy falling on their back with my body on top of them... a couple of bruises appears on my thick legs since I hit the chairs where these people was sat....
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then I follow you as I see you in the crowd, putting my legs over the barricade as I would grab a chair in both hands, standing back as I would look at you, slowly getting back up onto your feet, then I toss the chair hard onto your cranium… BAMMMM!... as the crowd are in shock and booing for me as I would scream and stick my tongue out to the crowd
<LipstickPatti> I have people over my body, one chair between my legs... plus my legs are stretched and I feel my thong riding into my butt cheeks causing me a nasty wedgie... some of my fans try to take off some chair while all the people next to me try to help those how have fallen... so slowly I plant one boot onto the mat and a nice young body helps me to get up... I stagger feeling some pain to my knee...really not taking care about where you are, just need to get up... but as I turn around, I see a giant in front of me with a chair over her head... I just have the time to open my mouth and eyes in shock and say "no" with my head turning it side to side… then everything goes black… BAAAAAAAAAAMHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... I fall like a tree backward, once again but this time there is no one over the chairs that still onto the mat... so I fall there... not moving at all at first... just seeing all black....
<Lady_Darcy> Whoa... Patti is getting creamed; I need to do something... I grab one of the chairs that has been scattered around and pick it up, rushing across towards Dump I raise it above my head and swing it down towards the back of Dump's head...
<Dump_Matsumoto> I grunt as I felt the chair hit the back of my head, still standing there as I would slowly turn around to face Darcy, coming close to her and pressing my forehead onto her, snarling and screaming in her face as I would grab the chair from Darcy, raises it above my head and slams it down hard onto her cranium with a sickening thud from the chair… SMACKKK… THUDD!!..
<Lady_Darcy> I crash the chair down onto Dump's head, but... OMG... she doesn't fall down, instead she turns and gets in my face, snarling and snorting... "No... No..." I squeal and let go of the chair as Dump grabs it, I turn and start to run away, only to feel the chair smacking into my head... THUDD!!... sending me sprawling down onto the floor on my hands and knees... dazed by the blow I can only hope that I bought enough time for Patti to get up...
<LipstickPatti> I slowly sit up caressing my head... feeling a big bump on my forehead right where Dump slammed that chair. I check for blood and luckily, I don't see any...the look up in front of me and see Darcy slamming a chair on Dump head. I'm pretty sure she hates her for the fact she got the belt from she should be very mad at her...but Dump turns back grabbing the chair from Darcy hands… I can't believe... it seems she hasn’t felt any pain... I slowly get up adjusting my suit and as I see Dump slamming her chair to Darcy that drops onto the floor... so I decide to hit Dump in some way... making her fall so it will be better for me attacking her... so I walk over the barricades and then rush over at Dump and as I pass her grabbing her hair and kick my legs out in front of me looking to slam her face against the floor in a sort of running bulldog... AYYEEEEE...
<Dump_Matsumoto> I feel Patti rush over at me just as she would grab my head and hair, jumping forwards as she kicked her feet out in front of her, my face got slammed onto the floor with Patti's Running Bulldog… THUDD!... I may have felt that on my face, but I shake my head, trying to recuperate.
<LipstickPatti> I end up on my ass next to Darcy head... I feel sorry for her cause she tried to help me... “HEY LOVE… YOU OK?” I say slapping gently her face trying to wake her up... “C’MON DARCY... GET UP”...I say as I also see Dump shaking her head after I slammed her face onto the floor… so I let go the boss... “SORRY LOVE... SEE YA LATER”... and I get up as fast as I can… knowing I have to keep pressure on her to get the match and the belt… so I give to her head a couple of stomps trying to slam her face onto the floor then grab her hair... I pull up with one hand but I'm not able to lift her up… so I add my other hand... “GET UP FAT BITCH”...
<Dump_Matsumoto> I felt a couple of stomps hit the back of my head by Patti just as she would grab onto my hair with her hands, dragging me back up onto my feet so I would slowly twist around to face her and screams, ramming my right knee onto her midsection, winding her as I would grab onto her hair with one hand then Dump tosses Patti back over the barricade and landing softly onto the mat floor just as I would climb over it, then I head over to the ring apron, looking as she would find a small metal trash can as she would grab it with one hand, taking it out so she could hold it with both hands, slowly coming over to Patti about halfway, waiting for her to get up onto her feet
<Lady_Darcy> Dropped down onto my hands and knees by the chair shot I stay down for a moment or two, only to suddenly have Patti and Dump land next to me after Patti delivers her bulldog... "HEY LOVE...YOU OK?" Patti asks... "Yeah, yeah..." I say weakly, nodding my aching head... "C'MON DARCY...GET UP" Patti urges... "Yeah, yeah..." I gasp again, one hand coming up to rub my aching head as I lift up onto my knees... "Don't waste time... Go get her!..." I say to Patti, who replies... "SORRY LOVE...SEE YA LATER"... I twist around and grab hold of one of the guardrails that is still standing to pull myself up to my feet... as I lean back against the guardrail, one hand holding my head, the other holding onto the guardrail to hold me up, I can hear the fight progressing and suddenly Patti comes flying down onto the floor near me... as I look up I see Dump coming towards Patti with a metal trash can... "LOOK OUT PATTI... GET UP!!..." I squeal in warning to Patti...
<LipstickPatti> I grab Dump’s hair and try to pull her up to her feet, looking to keep the action going as i try to weak her but suddenly she rams her knee to my soft midsection OHHHHHHHHHHHH... I bend over letting go her hair to hold my belly… I do a step backward and as I’m going to the second one, I feel Dump grabbing my hair... AAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHH... I feel pain on my head and suddenly her brute force makes me fly over the barricades making me land over the mat floor... I feel pain on my left arm and leg that were the ones I dropped on when she tossed me onto the floor... I slowly get up and hear Darcy screaming at me to look out... I turn to the side where her voice comes from, but I have no idea about what I have to watch out about ... I look around to see where that fat bitch is...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Just when you are turning around to find where I am, I raise the small metal trash can up into the air and I slam it hard onto Patti's cranium on the hairline, hearing a loud smack… THUDD!!..
<LipstickPatti> I turn around my head side to side... but can't see you yet... so I turn my body and BAAAAAAAAAMHHHHHHHHH... you hit my head hard... it snaps back and forth... I stagger a bit back and forth but still in front of you up...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Just as I see you stagger back and forth after the shot with the small metal trash can, I scream in your face as I would raise it up again and slams it hard onto your cranium once again with the small metal trash can… THUDD!!..with a sickening thud throughout the arena as I start looking at the crowd as I would scream out with it up in the air, showing the dent on the trash can and tossing it aside
<LipstickPatti> My husband screaming at me to get off from there but you ram the metal trash onto my cranium once again... BAMHHHHHHHH... this time I stagger backward a lot, like 4 or 5 steps... and as I'm almost going to fall backward I do a step forward and to my left... then to my right... walking like if I'm drunk before to drop onto one knee… holding my head with one hand...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then just as you stagger forward after another shot, I scream out, running at you and delivers a right punt knee to the jaw, hoping to knock Patti out, hearing a loud… SMACKKK!!!... throughout the arena as everyone in the Stardom Arena is shocked and booing at Dump
<LipstickPatti> As Marvin see me on my knee he realize suddenly it's a dangerous position knowing what you're able to do with your brutality... in fact you scream out anticipating another brutal shot... BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMHHH... your knee hits my jaw so hard that my head snaps back... I spit some saliva in the air as I drop on my back in a spread-eagled fashion... looking like if you KO'ed me... my thin suit showing off a bit my intimate parts as the crowd in the arena says all together OHHHHHHHHHHHH... in shock...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then I would stand myself up slowly onto my feet as I would look at you, KO'ed onto the floor spread eagled as I would slowly sit you up while I'm on my knee behind her as I slip though my yellow top and my swimsuit top as I would slowly get my signature metal fork out with my right hand, then I look at the crowd, snarling as I would lick it with my tongue on the fork tines as I would comb your hair back with my left hand and I place it so delicately onto your forehead and I start stabbing it once, and another as I would hear you panting and seeing your blood flowing freely down your face and repeatedly stabbing it until I'm ready to stop, then once you are panting and trickling down your mature face, I grab your hair with my left, getting myself up first and then slowly dragging you up onto your feet, staggering as I would then finally throw you back into the ring under the bottom rope..
<LipstickPatti> You come from behind as I blink my eyes to get my senses back... but before I realize what hit me you grab my hair sitting me up… I moan... holding my forehead with one hand... showing off a big bump thanks to that metal trash you slammed on my head... then you put one hand into your yellow top and grab something metallic… I feel my hair pulled so hard backward that I’m almost forced to look up at the lights... now I realize what's going to happen… you did it also last time... “NO…. NOOOOOOOOOO...” I suddenly feel more than one tip coming inside my forehead right over the bump... AAAAAAAAAAAAH... the pain is too much and blood squirts at first from the bump... my mouth forming a big "O"... I scream trying to make you stop, holding your wrist but then you start to stab it repeatedly making much more cuts both on the bump and on my forehead... in less than 5 seconds my face is covered in blood… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... then you force me up by hair... and force me back to the ring... a big trickle of my own blood appears onto the apron and then onto the mat as I roll back to the ring...
<Lady_Darcy> Hanging onto the guardrail I can only watch the mayhem unfolding as Dump batters Patti with the metal trash can, and then brutally stabs her with the fork... "NOOOOO!!!..." I yell... as Dump starts to force Patti back into the ring I rush over and grab Dump's hand which holds the fork and try to wrestle it away from Dump's grip, so that she won't be able to use it again on Patti, and to distract Dump for a little while in an effort to give Patti time to recover and get on her feet...
<Dump_Matsumoto> I keep the fork in my hand just as Darcy would try and wrestle it away, snarling as I would inhale from my nose with my lungs expanding inside, leaning back and sprays Darcy's face with the Red Mist with my mouth, blinding her eyes as she would scream out just as Darcy was blinded by the Red Mist, delivering a hard clothesline o to her breasts, taking her down onto the mat floor outside the ring, the Dump rolls back into the ring under the bottom rope, following Patti as I would grab Patti's brown hair with my right hand, dragging her up onto her feet just as I would wrap my arms around her waist, dragging us back into corner, slowly getting onto the second rope as I would pull her bloody forehead back a little and I use my teeth to bite down onto the open wound on her bloody forehead
<LipstickPatti> My hands on my face as I check for blood and GAWD I see a lot! OH MY GOD! once again you made me bleed in a bad way... and if even I try to keep my hand on my forehead, blood drips onto the mat ... I barely try to get onto all fours, but a puddle of my own blood appears right under me... “OH MY GOD!” I say again shocked about how much I'm bleeding...then I hear some screams as Darcy tries to take the fork from Dump but fail... first spitting on her face some red mist, then hitting her with a clothesline that send her onto the floor. Meanwhile I planted one boot onto the mat and try to get up... but as I do you "help" me up pulling my hair... AAAAAAAHHH... as you do, my face gets shown to everyone for the first time after you used your fork... it's all bloody mess ....and as you drag me first up to my feet then wrap your arms around my waist, I follow you staggering a lot...feeling not able to walk for a long... feeling the crowd shocked.... especially my husband that saw me bloody against you in our last match but not that much... and as you drag us in the corner, I almost offer no resistance. Slowly you get onto the second rope showing off my bloody face to everyone... and then lean over it and bite down onto the open wound.... people feel bad watching the veteran spraying blood everywhere… I scream for the pain as I feel my face becoming all wet of my own blood that drips on my chest and belly... and onto the mat forming another little puddle of my own blood between my white boots...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Soon as I bitten you enough, I spit your blood up in the air as I would scream and snarl out with my tongue out to the crowd with her blood dripping out, then shoves you forward so you fall down onto the canvas body first as it shakes from the impact
<LipstickPatti> Once you are satisfied enough, you shove me forward... I drop first on my knees and then onto the mat on my belly... making the blood on my face spraying everywhere... crowd totally silent....
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then the crowd in the arena started booing for me as I would head to my corner, grabbing my kendo stick in my right hand and twirling it forward, waiting for you to slowly get yourself onto your feet, seeing your blood drip from your bloody forehead onto the canvas in small puddles.
<LipstickPatti> The fans boo you so loudly... my family can't say a word as they see me not moving on the mat... despite all the effort Darcy did to help me, it looks I'm done... but the cheers of my fans give me some strength... I slowly get onto all fours... bloody still dripping onto the mat... I plant my boot onto the mat... but as people see you coming to me with your kendo stick in your right hand, they scream at me to move away.... I get up and it's hard for me to have a good view for all the blood that is covering my face… so I turn around fighting to not fall again, I feel like if I was drunk plus the big amount of blood I'm losing make me feel too weak...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then just as you would slowly turn around while your staggering, I raise the kendo stick up high and quickly whacks it hard onto your bloody forehead, hearing it… CRACKKK!!... as I watch your arms go limp and slowly falling back hard onto the canvas with impact as the crowd are still booing.
<Lady_Darcy> The effect of the mist is now wearing off and I struggle up to my feet at ringside, stumbling to the ring apron just as Dump brings the kendo stick crashing down onto Patti's head. I grab the bottom rope and start to pull myself up onto the ring apron ready to climb into the ring...
<Dump_Matsumoto> I drop the kendo stick down onto the canvas as I would see Darcy started climbing your way up to the ring by using the ropes, snarling at her as I would see you enter the ring
<LipstickPatti> As I turn around to your direction is too late... your kendo stick hits my head so hard that my body falls like a tree backward on my back... BAAAAAAAAAAAMHHH... blood spraying everywhere... I don't say a word... I look like if I was KO'ed... not realizing what's happening meanwhile... I lay onto the mat in a X formation once again... my face and hair all messed up in blood...
<Lady_Darcy> As Dump turns away from Patti and drops the kendo stick, I climb into the ring between the ropes and then charge at Dump with my arm outstretched for a clothesline on the big woman's chest...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Dump grunts as she felt the clothesline from her as I fall back onto the canvas as it shakes, trying to get myself back up by sitting up.
<Lady_Darcy> My clothesline knocks Dump down to the canvas, the whole ring shakes from the impact of her crashing down on the canvas... as Dump starts to sit up, I grab the kendo stick and raising it above my head send it crashing down towards her head...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Dump pants as she felt the kendo stick hit hard onto her cranium as I cut was made and my blood started trickling down my face just as the crowd are cheering for Darcy while Patti was still down onto the canvas.
<Lady_Darcy> I smash the kendo stick down onto Dump's head in order to stun her, then I drop the kendo stick and rush to Patti, kneeling down beside her, I grab her right arm to pull her up, wrapping my left arm around her back, my head under her right armpit, heaving the big woman up to her feet... "Come on sweetie, you can still do this... go get her!... Pin her!..." I squeal as I let go of Patti and then turn and run to the ropes to leave the ring...
<LipstickPatti> I feel someone help me up first to a sat position....blood still dripping on my chest.....Darcy is so sweet with her words while she helps me to get up...and if even she put all the effort to lift me I look like a bag of potatoes...she pull but I don't move...then slowly i plant my white boot onto the mat and as she put her head under my right armpit I slowly get up....she cheer me telling me i can do that telling me to go and pin her...but as she run out of the ring I walk like a zombie, unable to see what's happening around... I drop onto one knee feeling too weak... but slowly get up again just to drop onto the other knee a step later... also the crowd screams at me to go and pin you...almost driving me where you are... until my right boot goes against your big body, so I fall over you.... crowd erupts in a big YEAAAAAAAAAAAH... PIN HEEEEEER... and I hook your big leg, placing my back against your chest arching my head backward as I try to pin you... the ref drops onto the mat ONEEEEEEEEEEE
<Dump_Matsumoto> TWOOOOOOOOOOOO… just when the ref drops his hand down for two, I managed to roll my left shoulder up hard, giving everything ounce of strength that I would have to kick out after that kendo stick shot to my bloody forehead by Darcy, everyone in the arena is shocked at what we just witnessed
<LipstickPatti> You roll your left shoulder up hard which make my big body almost flying off yours... I drop to one side in a foetal hand over my face to clean some blood... I just see my husband right in front of me with his face totally shocked... he could even recognize me... I barely say some meaningless words which it means I’m really dazed...but once again i drag myself to the ropes leaving a big trail of my own blood...i grab the middle one and take like 5 or 6 seconds to pull me up on one knee... I take a pause and after 5 o 6 more seconds I get up... I turn mouth full open, only way to breath... my back arched against the ropes... both arms at my sides over the top ropes to keep myself up...then I slowly let go the ropes and walk back at you again like a zombie... taking care to move my boots cautiously to don't fall...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then just as you would slowly walk back to me, staggering from a huge amount of blood loss from your forehead making you weak, I slowly stand myself back up onto my feet, staggering as I would turn to you and surprises you a bloody red mist onto your face so you would be blinded just as I would grab her head and shoves it under her thighs with her arms around her waist, wanting to finish her off as I would look at the crowd and snarling at them with my bloody tongue out as I would look down, then hoists her upside down and spikes her bloody head onto the canvas in a Reverse Tombstone Piledriver Pin as her shoulders were down and her legs over her head just as I see the referee drop down to the canvas and starts the count… ONEEEEEEE!... then slaps his hand down again… TWOOOOO!..
<LipstickPatti> You come over at me while I stray around the ring not really knowing where to go... and you spray a bloody red mist on my face... blinding me more than I already was... instinctively I move my hands on my face but you grab my head and shove it under your thighs... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... I scream already worried for what's it's going to happen... I'm sure you're going to setup one of your most brutal moves... “NOOO GAWDD PLEASE NOOOOOO”... I beg you as you move your arms under my waist and hoists me upside down before to spike my bloody head onto the canvas... in a reverse tombstone piledriver… BBAAAAAAAAAAAAMMHHH... 400lbs crashes onto the mat at the same time... my outstretched vertical legs gets bent at the knee as you piledrive me... my legs getting spread like if someone turned OFF a button... my white boots now are aside of my own head as my big body gets folded... my fat ass on display since my thin thong isn't covering much since the brown of my anus gets visible… the ref slaps his hand ONEEEEEEEEEE... TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... I don't move at all...the blood on my face still flowing onto the mat forming another puddle...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then I shove you off me onto your side at the last moment just before the ref slaps his hand down, playing with you as I would giggle and snarls, slowly getting up and out of the ring, looking under as I would grab a wooden table with barbed wire on it with both hands, sliding it into the ring as I would also get a bottle of gasoline and a lighter out with both hands, rolling myself back into the ring with it while I'm still weak from blood loss as my blood is dripping from my chin onto my thin yellow top, then I put it down at the corner as I would head over to the barbed wire table, putting up the legs from left and right, slowly putting the table up ready… then after the table was set, Dump would head back to my corner she would grab the gasoline can and she goes back and pour the gasoline out onto the wooden barbed wire table all over, then she lights the lighter and soon as the flame hits the gasoline, the table started to ignite with the flame as it was so hot, then I toss the lighter as I would slowly come around to you, grabbing your head as I would try and lift you to your knees by your dead weight, shoving Patti's bloody head into her thighs as she wraps her arms around Patti's waist, lifting to her feet for the moment and then Dump would grunt as she would flip and hoists up onto the shoulders with the crowd terrified of what's going to happen next..
<LipstickPatti> You could have pinned me to 10… maybe to 20 or 100... I'm too weak and almost passed out for the pain… but you break the pin without a reason... shoving me to my side... I lay there in a foetal position while you set up a barbed wire table and put some gasoline over there... people shocked about what you're doing thinking you're crazy! then you light the table who became covered in flames... my husband wondering if this is legal in this match... feeling so worried about me now... but no one stops you.... he looks at Darcy... “HEY SHE CAN'T DO THAT!” but you grab my hair and force me up to my knees by my dead weight... my body doesn’t move at all... but you flip me over hoisting me up onto the shoulders… my head drops forward as my blood drips over your head... my arms hanging loose along my body… showing off no resistance... almost all the crowd who was cheering me beg you to don't do it....
<Dump_Matsumoto> Just as the crowd are begging to stop you, the rest of the Stardom locker room comes rushing in the ring and tries to fight me off to save Patti, but instead I use my right boot to hit on some woman, knocking them down hard onto the canvas and then the Red Mist on the other women, blinding them… PFFFFFT!!... as they scream out and fall onto the canvas with their eyes covered by their hands, soon as I would face the flaming table, I scream as I would throw you down hard onto the flame, then onto the barbed wire as you get smashed into the table… SMASHHH!!... breaking it in half right onto your back just as the flames slowly subsiding and you rolling onto your side and on your front, seeing your mature body started to shake from the burning sensation of the flames..
<LipstickPatti> I seems lifeless so while I am over your shoulders with my crotch almost on your face my body seems to bend over your head... my arms still hanging along my body... my fans so worried about what's going to happen... even my husband is so shocked that he doesn’t say a word... then you smash my back against the table full of flames… breaking the table ... I lay there with my legs spread wide open... in a sort of "pin me" position... but the hot of the flames start to burn my fat ass and one arm... so I roll to my left leaving another big trail of my own blood along the mat... and I lay on my back… one leg bent at the knee... the other flat... while my face covered by a mask of blood still looking at the lights.
<Lady_Darcy> "NOOOOO!!!!..." I scream as Dump throws Patti down onto the burning table, with the locker room girls crawling out of the ring I slide in under the bottom rope and charge at Dump, aiming a double axe handle at her back...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Dump grunts as she felt the Double Axe Handle slam against my back, turning around to face Darcy as I slap my right palm downwards onto her breasts, hearing a loud… SMACKKK!!... throughout the arena as I would scream out in front of her face…
<Lady_Darcy> Arrrrghhh... I scream loudly as Dump chops my 38DD breasts making them bounce and wobble in my top... but I am not going to back off... I am desperate to protect Patti from further punishment... YAAAAARGH... I scream aggressively and send repeated forearm smashes at Dump's chest... 1... 2... 3... 4.... I may be smaller, but my aggression is driven by my determination to protect Patti...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Aaaaaaargh!!... I scream out as you chop my oversized breasts four times, putting my bloody forehead on your head hard, screaming into your face as I would deliver 8 hard right hand chops onto your 38DD breasts...
<Lady_Darcy> My four chops on Dump's large breasts strike home, making them wobble and shake, but not enough to drive her back, instead she fires back chops at my 38DD breasts... I stand my ground as my breasts wobble and bounce from the repeated blows, but the expression on my face betrays how much it is hurting me... when Dump pauses I sniff and snort and take a deep breath, then fire back... 1... 2... 3... forearm smashes at Dump's jaw, leaning my 170lbs into the blows in an effort to actually have an effect on the brutish monster...
<Dump_Matsumoto> I felt Darcy's forearm smashes onto my jaw as I would stagger back towards the ropes as I come bouncing and running back as I would deliver a hard clothesline onto your 38DD breasts with a scream when it connected, hopefully it should be enough to stagger you backwards.
<Lady_Darcy> My forearm smashes crunch into Dump's jaw and the big woman stumbles backwards, but the effect of the blows was only temporary, back she comes at me, charging like a bull, her arm outstretched for a clothesline... URFFFF... your arm connects with my 38DD breasts, squashing them in my top and sending me stumbling backwards towards the ropes, my arms windmilling at my sides... close to the ropes I stop stumbling and regain my balance, but clearly stunned from the impact...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then I would head over to Patti while she's down and says in Japanese: - 頼むよ、ダーシー。彼女を押さえつけてくれないと、もっと傷つけるぞ、ビッチ (Beg me, Darcy. Beg me to pin her or I will hurt her more, bitch) - looking at her while Darcy is hanging onto the ropes.
<Lady_Darcy> I see Dump standing over Patti, babbling in a threatening way in Japanese, I don't know what she is saying but despite the fact that my attack has so far been ineffectual I am not going to quit and let Dump have her way with Patti... "NOOOOO!!!!...." I scream and charge off the ropes at Dump, again raising my right arm to launch a forearm smash at her jaw...
<Dump_Matsumoto> I grunt as Darcy hits my jaw again with her forearm, staggering as I would come back and starts pummelling away on your forehead, forcing your way to the ropes, leaning your back against it as I would go under, grabbing your legs as I would lift and throws you backwards and over the top rope, out of the ring
<Lady_Darcy> My forearm smash smacks home and sends Dump stumbling back on her heels, but it is not enough to put her down, instead she comes back at me with her own forearm smashes at my head... UHHH... my head snaps back and I stumble backwards... UHHH... again... UHHH... again, until my back hits the ropes... hanging on to the ropes for support I suddenly feel dump grab my legs... "No... no..." I squeal as I am lifted up and tipped over the top rope out of the ring and down to the floor... landing in a heap on the hard floor... the locker room girls rush to me to see if I am okay from the fall...
<LipstickPatti> I barely move... rolling onto one side... not able to say anything due to the large amount of blood on my face that still dripping... I slowly plant my right boot onto the mat... like if I want to get up but drop back to the mat in a sat position... one hand on my forehead... I check for blood again and see my hand getting all red of blood... I just need to go to the hospital... but try again to get up, planting my boot again... this time I push on that leg and get up... but stagger like if I drunk badly... moving myself side to side... my head bent backward as I walk like a zombie around the ring, hitting the ropes just to come back to the center of the ring walking nowhere...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then after I throwed Darcy out of the ring, I pant as I would slowly turn around and shocked as I would see you slowly getting yourself back onto your feet after that amount of blood loss, slowly coming back to me as I would come over, delivering a hard right boot onto your bloody face, hoping to knock you back down onto the canvas
<LipstickPatti> i walk around the ring not realizing where I’m going to... but as I turn back at you the crowd scream at me “NOT THERE!!! NO PATTIIII”... but I'm too dazed that I keep walking to that direction until your boot hits my face so hard that my head snaps back and some blood sprays in the air... I fall like a tree in a spread eagled formation... all the people shocked... “OH MY GOD!!” as I don't move at all in a "Please pin me" position... with my bloody face staring up at the lights and my intimate parts barely covered by my own attire too skimpy for a match like this one...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then I would sit on your breasts as I would grab your hair with my left hand, slowly slipping through my black swimsuit top as I slip another metal fork in my right hand, placing ever so delicately onto your bloody forehead between the skin and hairline as I would quickly and repeatedly stabbing away on it, growling on it as I see more of your blood flow out repulsively and delivers a final stab with a grunt and sees you panting so much.
<LipstickPatti> You sit on my breasts... and I don't move at all... people throw into the ring some plastic bottles since instead of going to pin me you grab my hair and slip another metal fork from your swimsuit top... the crowd roars again... feeling so bad for me at this point. this is totally unnecessary... but you don't mind and start to stab it repeatedly into my already bloody forehead... OHHHHHHHHHHH GAWGGGGGGGG AAAAAAAAAAH... blood spraying everywhere making this match becoming splatter... my black suit all soaked by my own blood...
<Dump_Matsumoto> Then once I finished stabbing, I started panting as I get exhausted too from the amount of blood I've lost, slowly grabbing both your legs as I would get Patti into the School Girl Pin with her shoulders still down on the canvas just as the ref comes rushing over and started the count… ONEEEEEEE!!... then slaps down again… TWOOOOO!!... and for the final time… THREEEEE!! THAT'S IT! RING THE BELL!!...
<LipstickPatti> You grab both of my legs as my head dangle side at side... almost passing out and you sit on my beaten body... showing off my intimate parts as you go for the pin... I show off no resistance again... as the count starts ONEEEEE... TWOOOOOO... THREEEEE... the bell rings as the crowd booooooooooos but at least this nightmare is over for me...
Yurie Kozakai: DING!!... DING!!... DING!!... The bell rings and I slide into the ring with the belt to make the announcement…
<Dump_Matsumoto> Yurie passes me the Stardom World Title as I would raise it up in the air in my right hand in front of the crowd, booing for me, to add more humiliation, I stand next to Patti on the left side taking my boots off and places my sweaty feet into her bloody mouth, snarling and sticking my bloody tongue out, giggling
<LaceyP> I am watching everything from the locker room on the monitors and it is mayhem out there...I see my tag partner out there trying to help out Patti only to be taken out by the massive Dump…I burst out of the back and come running to my partners aid at ringside... ”OMG are you ok Darcy?” I help her up to her feet and tell her we should check on Patti too to make sure she is OK… I slide inside the ring with Darcy to go check on Patti...
<Lady_Darcy> Struggling to get up at ringside I suddenly hear LaceyP's voice, she helps me to my feet, I can see Patti down and in a bad way, Dump towering over her... LaceyP slides into the ring and despite the beating I have taken I slide in with her... our aim is to help Patti, who looks like she badly needs medical help...
<LipstickPatti> I don't move at all... and as you get up my body still flat onto the mat spread eagled... then you take off your boots, maybe to make me pay for what I did to you in our previous match for another wrestling federation where I humiliated you making you taste my feet....and you place your sweaty foot into my bloody mouth... UNHHHHHHHH... my body jolts… unable to breath both for your fat foot and also for the blood into my mouth... I gag as you press your toes to my tongue making me feel them while you strike poses on my beaten body looking to humiliate me worse...
<Dump_Matsumoto> After I humiliated Patti with my foot in her mouth, striking poses to humiliated you more, I see Darcy and Lacey running their way to the ring to get in and check on her as I would then back myself off with the Title, booing for me as I would slowly leave the ring.
<Lady_Darcy> As LaceyP and I slide in Dump starts to back off from Patti... I drop down onto my knees at Patti's side, I slip my left hand under her head to lift it up... "Patti... Patti... sweetie... we're here" I say as I try and wipe the blood off Patti's face with my right hand... I look to Lacey for a towel and bottle of water...
... and then move my right hand down to rub Patti's belly in an effort to bring her around...
<LipstickPatti> I’m so hurt so badly, both physically and mentally, that as Darcy comes next to me I tremble... worried I will be hurt again… “NNN NNO MOORRE... NNN NO MOREEE”… I moan in tears as you lift me up, making me sit, wiping soe blood off my face, if even the cuts are still open and blood still flowing....
<LaceyP> At Pattis side with water and a towel. Darcy asks for them, and I wipe the blood from Patti and try and help her get some sips of water
<Lady_Darcy> Trembling Patti moans... "NNN NNO MOORRE... NNN NO MOREEE" as she sits up... I keep my left arm around her shoulders and brush her hair out of her bloody face with my right hand... "It's okay sweetie... it's okay... it's over... You're very brave, lots of guts... she's a monster!!... We'll help you out of the ring..." I nod to LaceyP to take hold of you on the other side of your big body so that we can lift you up between us...
<LaceyP> Helping Patti out of the ring along with the help of Darcy.
<LipstickPatti> I sob and cry... unable to stay up myself... you both help me keeping me up... I hear your voice and recognize it... IT HURTS... EVERYTHING HURTS... OHHH… I stagger as you both help me out of the ring... I'm delirious... “NO MORE...PLEASE”... I say again. We pass in front of my husband... I just whisper at him... “I....I ...I'M SORRY”... then drop onto one knee… not able to stay up yet....
<Lady_Darcy> You fall down onto one knee sobbing, but I have your arm around my shoulder and LaceyP has your other arm around her shoulder... we have our arms around your back and lift you up off your knees... "Come on sweetie... dignity... for your husband’s sake... leave like the... fighter... that you are!!..."
<LipstickPatti> I hear your words and nod... cleaning my face from some blood and tears that mix up.... then I lift my arm up just to tell to the worried crowd I’m ok... they applaud me... as we walk to the locker room...
<Published> 2024-07-16, viewed 34 times.