Established: 2022-03-07
Chat room: #Stardom_2023
- Pro wrestling
- Even match
- Female / Female
- Two on One
- Tag Team
Stardom is a womens only Japanese pro-wrestling federation.
74 members
14 stories
17 photos
0 files
22:47 <Dump_Matsumoto>

22:49 <Dump_Matsumoto> I enter the StarDom Arena wearing my black swimsuit with stripes and my white wrestling boots, no makeup this time with my World of StarDom Championship in my right hand as I would walk up the runway as I would then walk up steps and into the ring through the ropes as I would head myself to the corner while the referee checks me out for any weapons but I have none so I'm clean as I give the referee a nod just as he nods back at me as I would then wait for Patti to arrive
23:05 <Dump_Matsumoto>
01:14 <LipstickPatti> After the bloody loss I had against Dump in that title march some months ago I stopped with wreatling. I tought It was too much for me and retired. She brutalized me if even I was so close to pin her and get her title. So when Darcy told me about a rematch, at first I said NO. But then I tought I couldn't retire from wrestling letting all the people remembering me as a bloody mask. So if even my family didn't agree..a week later I called her saying I would have been up for a rematch. I know I could end up brutalized again...but I don't want to miss this opportunity to wear a title belt once again before I will retire for ever due to my old age...mtc
01:19 <LipstickPatti> So finally the big day arrived. Obviously I'm pretty nervous. I know what you are able to do to your opponent with your dirty tactic but I already defeated you and I can do it again. Marvin is in the room with me and give me a sweet kiss on my cheek not wanting to ruine my signature lipstick on my lips and he goes to take a sat in the arena...being the challenger I will enter first...the song starts to play over the arena sound system as i make my way to the ring slapping some hands of my Stardom fans that are so happy to see me again competing for that belt..i am wearing my short white ring jacket that says LIPSTICK PATTI on the back with a red lipsticked mouth printed on the back as well.
.i take it off and throw it to one fan of mine..then i hug my 35yo son Jack and my husband Marvin kissing him passionately before to step into the ring wearing my black one piece back thong that looks a bit too skimpy for this kind of match flabby butt cheeks are full exposed at the back...but at least my fans love to see my ass jiggling...mtc

01:31 <LipstickPatti>
and also at the front it very skimpy since it barely cover my big vaxed pussy.. . then i wear white knee pads and some shiny white pro boots just below my knees with white soles and laces. My makeup very heavy to look younger than my age but also to hide all the bruises i still have from our last match: black eyeshadow, a lot of foundation to hide my wrinkles and the bruises on my forehead and my signature red lipstick on my lips that match my nails. I slip in between the ropes as the speaker starts to yell in the mic..LADIES AND GENTLEMEN..NTRODUCING FIRST.. SHE IS A VETERAN OF THE RING...TONITE AT HER DEBUT IN 2ND MARCH IN THIS FEDERATION...WITH A RECORD OF 0-1...STANDING 198LBS 5'7" 59YO...PLEASE GIVE YOUR WELCOME TO THE CHALLENGER FOR THE WOMENS STARDOM TITLE.......LIPSTICKKK PATTIIIIIIIII..I do a long parade around the ring puckering my lips as I'm blowing kisses everyone..mtc

01:35 <LipstickPatti> Fans getting crazy and i love the way they are cheering me..then i move back to my corner getting on my left tip toe letting the photographers that now are into the ring, taking some pics of the challenger before the match that will be obviously compared to the ones they will do to me after the match knowing that this is going to be a rough one...but i dont mind and still puckering my lips 💋 in seductive way for fans and cameras
while i'm waiting for the Champion...

18:48 <Dump_Matsumoto> Soon as Lipstick Patti made her entrance, my music comes on as I would slowly enter the StarDom Arena wearing my black swimsuit with stripes and my black wrestling boots, no makeup this time with my World of StarDom Championship in my right hand as I would walk up the runway with the crowd giving a mix of cheers and boos at me as I would then walk up steps and into the ring through the ropes as I would head over to Patti in the middle of the ring, raising the World of StarDom Championship up into the air in front of Lipstick Patti, soon as I done that, I put my right arm down and I would myself to the corner while the referee checks me out for any weapons but I have none so I'm clean as I give the referee a nod just as he nods back at me as I would then wait for the referee to call for the bell to start the match off
18:48 <Dump_Matsumoto> 

19:49 <LipstickPatti> I hear your music starting to play as i see your big shadow appearing on the aisle.....i feel nervous, i know this is going to be an hard battle and i also know that we are going to hurt each other badly like it happened last time...then you make your entrance into the ring as my eyes are focused on that belt i was so close to win last time. Some people booos you and i nod at them doing the belt motion around my waist...I'M GOING TO TAKE THAT BELT! i say as you step into the ring showing off that belt to everyone and especially to me. the ref comes to check my attire and my boots and obviously he doesn't find anything..then move over at you..CHECK HER WELL! i say as i start my usual hot show ...i start to dance like a stripper taking off my signature red lisptick tube from in between my breasts..i open my mouth and twist it winking and then apply it on my lips making them look like if they are all covered by a large amount of red paint....i pucker my lips as i do...
... and i start to send kisses to everyone acting in sexxy way ...MUAAAHH.. MUHAAHHH... MUAAAAAAH......moving back to my corner and step over the top ropes and use both hands to throw kisses again and again forming a "duck" red mouth and an heart with my hands ..before i send the last ones to both Marvin, Jack before i hop back to the mat as i hear the sound of the bell...DINGGGGG...

20:29 <Dump_Matsumoto> Soon as the bell rings, I slowly start to walk slowly and circling Lipstick Patti around the middle of the ring, eying her out as I would come over and lunges into a collar and elbow lock up as we both lock up in the middle of the ring as I would start to push you back by pushing your arms and body back with my arms and body forward, looking into her eyes
20:32 <LipstickPatti> as i hop back to the mat i see you quickly coming ......FUCKK, are SOOOOOOOO big......and it's clear you want to go for a lockup where you should have a big size i decide to fake a lock up with you but instead of going for it, i slam the tip toe of my white boot to your belly as hard as i can..looking to wear you down..or, at least, to force you to double over...
20:33 <Dump_Matsumoto> I snarl out as I groan, doubling over forward so I'm facing downwards towards the mat after that hard midsection shot with your big white wrestling boot GGGRRRRR..ssss..mmph..
20:35 <LipstickPatti> as you double over in front of me i decide to don't give you any time to recover so i lock my right arm around your neck...forcing your face against my flabby hip and do a big jump before it kick my legs out, looking to slam your face onto the mat in a DDT if i can...AYEEEEEEE...
20:45 <Dump_Matsumoto> I feel you do a big jump as you lifted me off my feet and groan out as my forehead got spiked hard onto the canvas just as my body lands on it with impact, slowly rolling onto my back as I hold my forehead in pain
20:50 <LipstickPatti> My fans erupts in a big I take control of this match....and as you roll on your back I try to cover you for a pin..hoping my 198lbs will be too hard to get I hook your big fat leg putting my breasts over yours...COUNTT HEEER...I say as the ref drops onto the mat...ONEEE...he screams a the crowd scream with him together...I nod hearing 1....
21:11 <Dump_Matsumoto> 2.... Soon as the ref and the crowd counted to two, I grunt out as I twist my body to the left just as I lift my left shoulder up off the canvas, kicking out
21:39 <LipstickPatti> I keep you down...but I know you would kick out...I just try to get into your mind with an early pin. As the ref slaps twist your body and break the pin....FUCKK..I say as I get up grabbing your legs...I spread them wide open and start to ram my white boot against your inner thighs..first left then right..left..right...BAMMH BAMMH BAAAMMH...
23:21 <Dump_Matsumoto> Just as you would grab my legs with your hands, I slowly pull back with my boots pressing on your breasts and grunts as I would push you hard backwards with my boots
23:23 <LipstickPatti> as i'm going to give you some stomps you pull back your boots and press them on my breasts...pushing me backward..OHHHHHHHH...i let go your boots stumbling backward losing my balance and ending up on my ass...
23:25 <Dump_Matsumoto> Then I roll myself forward as I stand back up onto my feet, coming over as I grab your hair with my hands, dragging you up onto your feet as I would grab your right wrist with my hands, irish whipping you towards the ropes as you come running back to me, soon as you was near, I raise my right white boot up and hits you squarely onto the face with the big boot, knocking you back down onto the canvas
23:29 <LipstickPatti> as i'm trying to get up you grab my hair and drag me up...MY HAIRRRRRRR...i scream as you don't give me any time to react and throw me to the ropes so fast that i can't stop...i just bounce back at you out of control and your white boot hits my face so hard that i kick my white boots toward me....your almost make me flip backward...BAMHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...i end up on my back leg bent at the knee..
..stunned by that kick to my poor face...OHHH...

23:32 <Dump_Matsumoto> Then I chuckle at the downed Patti onto the canvas as I would sit on top of her by sitting onto her stomach as I would grab your head in my hands, sitting you up as I look at the crowd left and right and back at you as I look at your forehead, leaning in and I would start to bite it good with my teeth, hearing you screaming in terror as you wave your arms about just as the ref comes quick and pulling me back and off Patti as I would chuckle and snarl at her with my tounge out
23:39 <LipstickPatti> until now i was able to save myself from your nasty attack...but that kick to my face almost ko'ed as you sit on my stomach grabbing my head i moan...feeling so dazed....then you lean and grab my hair forcing me to sit up and start to bite my forehead like you did last time..NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...suddenly blood start to run from my forehead across my face....crowd i scream in terror watching all the blood running. ...
23:46 <Dump_Matsumoto> I see your face getting bleeding into a bloody mess as it runs down your face as I come over and gets on one knee just as I grab your hair with my left and starts hammering away fast onto the open wound on your forehead with my right hand, hissing after each piston right hand shots I'm giving you just as the ref counts up to three to break the hold and I step myself back as I look at my bloody right fist and rubs it on her black/white striped swimsuit
23:49 <LipstickPatti> i was hoping to avoid a brutal beating like this...but you caught me...and now you start to strike my face making it getting a bloody grab my hair and hammer your right to my open forehead making blood spilling out and spraying everywhere....crowd shocked as you keep hurting me with no mercy...the ref saves me as you step yourself back making me fall onto the mat...
05:12 <Dump_Matsumoto> Then I try and move back towards you but the referee is preventing me to get to the bloodied and beaten down Patti by holding onto my arms as he argues with me, face to face just as the referee was doing his job, giving you a chance to get up, bloody and all
07:47 <LipstickPatti> I feel like if im passing out...I'm losing so much blood and can't see anything..I was expecting to get hurted but not like fans can't say a word...everyone is shocked to see so much violence by the big as you argue with the ref I try to roll outside the ring knowing I need desperately a break...
01:16 <Dump_Matsumoto> After I argued with the ref, I saw you out of the ring as I would start to follow you by rolling out of the ring under the bottom rope as I would then grab the back of your hair in my right hand, looking at the crowd as I walk towards it and throws Patti over the railing and into the crowd
01:41 <LipstickPatti> As I roll onto the floor I start to wipe some blood from my face and slowly get up..but I stagger a lot...and walk like a drunk gal left and side.. suddenly feel my hair pulled from force me to follow you until you throw me to the crowd over the railing...AAHHHHH...I land over some people that fall onto the floor with me on top of them...
04:54 <Dump_Matsumoto> After you landed on the crowd after I throwed you over the railing, I start to head back into the ring by rolling myself under the bottom rope and standing back up onto my feet
08:31 <LipstickPatti> Some people help me to get up.. But im not able to stay up and drop onto one knee once... Twice.. It's clear I'm almost done.. The ref count us... 1...2..3..and as you roll back to the ring he keep counting for me only... As I past some people they look at me in horror since my face and my upper body is covered in blood... 4...5...6..i past my family.. My son grab my wrist and tell me to don't come back into that ring.. I look at him but pull my arm away and step over the apron... Slipping one leg between the ropes.... WATCH HER.. I say as i slip my body in between the ropes..
17:21 <Dump_Matsumoto> Just as you climb up and gotten back into the ring through the bottom ropes, I would grab your bloody head in my hands, dragging her up as I put your head between my thighs with my arms around your waist, grunting as I slowly hoist you upside down and snarls as I would grunt, spiking your head onto the canvas with a kneeling powerbomb pin with your legs over your head as the ref comes over and started the count 1... 2... soon as the ref counted to two, I shove her legs out to the left side to prevent the count
18:12 <LipstickPatti> You grab my hair and force me back to the ring...I show off no more resistance.. as you plant my bloody head between your thick legs...and lift me up..I look like a ragdoll my pussy a couple of in head from your arms hanging loose along my hit your finisher like last time slamming my head and back to the mat brutally...blood dripping next to our bodies as my legs go spread body folds as the tip toes of my boots go aside my head...not moving at all...blood running from my face onto the mat..the ref slaps 1......2......I don't move....but before he slaps 3 you throw my legs away...breaking the count...crowd boooos...
18:43 <Dump_Matsumoto> Then I would get myself up as the crowd boos, then grabbing your bloody head again as I try and drag you up onto your feet by your dead weight, hissing as I try and get you up
18:51 <LipstickPatti> I look like if im dead if even im not passed out force me up by hair but only my head goes up.. my body doesn't you pull hard..and force me up to my legs wobbling...I look like a ragdoll..face full bloody.... ..
18:54 <Dump_Matsumoto> Then just as you are wobbling, I run myself to the ropes and running back to you to attempt to finish you off, snarling at you as I'm running
22:01 <LipstickPatti> You run to the ropes and bounce back to fans and especially my family yells at me to move away...but I dont have the strenght to do that..I just take the lipstick tube I still have in between my breasts which is all metal..and as you are close enough I throw my hand to your face looking to hit your forehead with the pointed side of the lipstick as hard as I can....AHHHHHH..
22:05 <Dump_Matsumoto> I scream out as I felt the pointed side of your lipstick hit my forehead as hard as you can, knocking me down onto the canvas on my back, rolling onto my front slowly as I see blood started to drip from my forehead onto the canvas, feeling it on my right fingers as I look in shock with blood started trickling down my face, huffing as I would turn to face you, looking angry as I would grab your hair on the back with my right hand, dragging you into the corner, leaning you against it as I grab the top rope and starts repeatedly kicking away onto your stomach just as the ref quickly comes over and separates me from you in his nelson hold on me, snarling as I wiggle my body about
22:05 <Dump_Matsumoto> 

00:19 <LipstickPatti> As i hit you with my own lipstick tube I see you start bleeding...i stil bleeding as well as I put my lipstick tube back in place between my breasta and you grab my hair leaning me to the ropes as you start to hit my belly hard several times.. I moan and scream each time you hit me.. I feel my legs wobbling... But luckly the ref stops you.. I turn around bending myself a bit over the top pad of the turnbuckle and start to remove the protection... Then turn myself again.. My back against the turnbuckle as I lay there.. Waiting for you to come..
. So I can try to smash your face against the steel of the turnbuckle if I can..

14:39 <Dump_Matsumoto> Soon as your back is against the turnbunkle padding with the top one removed, I see your hands taunting me to come at you as I would then come running at you with a scream, about to splash my body on you
00:24 <LipstickPatti> I wait the last moment... And as you come to me I do a step to my left letting you splash your fat body against the turnbuckle as I move behind you... I grab your hair and try to slam your already bloody face against the unprotected steel of the turnbuckle i exposed a moment ago... BAAAMHH..
11:45 <Dump_Matsumoto> I groan out as my body got slammed onto the corner turnbunkle just as I feel your right hand grab my hair from behind while your behind me and I grunt out as my bloody forehead gets smashed down hard onto the exposed top turnbunkle steel as blood spurts out from my forehead as another wound on my forehead was opened after that hard shot to the turnbunkle steel
23:24 <LipstickPatti> Crowd get crazy as i use your own dirty tactics agianst you... Then i turn you to face me and grab your left worst pulling you as hard as I can looking to throw you to the opposite ropes.. I wait for you to bounce back and rush over at you... And as I'm close enough I try to hit you with a yakuza kick with my white boot to your bloody face. Looking to send you flat onto the mat on your back if I can... AYEEEEEE... yy
14:56 <Dump_Matsumoto> I feel Patti whip me towards the opposite ropes as I bounce back and running back, then I felt your Yakuza kick hit my bloody face with your white boot, knocking me down flat and out cold, panting as my bloody breasts heave out and in
15:38 <LipstickPatti> I stagger a bit after the brutal kick..I could try to pin you but I want to be sure you are I roll outside the ring and grab tell to Marvin to get up from his chair..i take it and close it before to toss it into the ring...I slide back into the ring and place the closed chair to the center of the ring...then come back at you grabbing your head...I force you to follow me to the chair and then place your head between my legs..I adjust my ass almost naked on the back of your head and then kick out my boots looking to slam your already bloody face over the chair...BAAAMMHHH....
22:13 <Dump_Matsumoto> I feel your hands on my bloody head just as you would place it between your juicy thighs, feeling your ass adjusting on the back of my head just as you would jump up and Pedegree head first onto the steel chair with a sickening thud Ughhhhh..sss..
23:49 <LipstickPatti> My pedigree was so hard that I feel the mat shaking a lot as I slam your face onto the steel chair onto the mat.. But im not done with you yet. I haven't forgotten how badly you hurted me last time... So as you lay onto the mat I get up and run to the far ropes. Then I bounce back at you full speed and leap in the air looking to drop with my fat ass on the back of your head slamming your face against the steel chair again with my 198lbs on top.. AYYYEEEE..
04:38 <Dump_Matsumoto> Soon as I lay my head onto the chair after that Pedegree, I groan out as I hear you run up to the far ropes and back full speed, just as you jump in the air, your fat ass drops hard onto the back of my head, slamming my bloodied forehead hard onto the steel chair with you on top of me, making my right leg twitch
07:45 <LipstickPatti> As i see your leg twitching I still with my ample ass on the back of your head for like 5 seconds to see if you are able to move a muscle. But you aren't. So I get off your head and turn you on your back before so sit my ass on your face pressing it so hard feeling your nose pressing against the thin material of my thong then I reach for your right leg and pull it to me, hooking that leg under my armpit.. securing the pin... In this way your crotch area is on display... I look at the ref stil having my bloody face as well... COUNTTTT HEEER.. i say as the ref drops onto the mat.... ONEEE...
07:45 <LipstickPatti>
08:49 <Dump_Matsumoto> TWOOO... - as the ref slaps his right hand on the canvas while I'm onto the canvas on my back with your thick juicy ass on my face and my right leg hooked under your armpit
12:36 <LipstickPatti> my fans screams ONEEEEEEEEEE counting with teh ref while i nod as the ref slaps 1...and nod again hearing my fans screaming TWOOOOOOOOOO as the ref as the ref slaps tapping your barely covered crotch with my free hand adding some humiliation....and finally the ref slaps 3...all the crowd slaps THREEEEEEEEE...and i nod again...keeping your leg hooked under my armpit for like 3 more seconds before to throw it back to the mat...both hands on my face as i start to cry....i do a couple of bounces with my barely covered ass on your face...doing also a back and forth rub looking to humiliate you for what you did to me last time...the ref comes to me with the belt.....YOUR WINNER...VIA PINFALL....AND NEEEEEEEEEEW STARDOM CHAMPION...LIPSTICKKK PATTI! i wipe some blood from my face shownig off my smile and my tears running from my eyes...i shake my head..i can't believe i did it....
14:16 <Dump_Matsumoto> I groan out softly as your barely covered ass is bouncing and rubbing back and forth on my bloodied face to humiliate me while I'm down and out on the canvas as I hear the ref bringing the World of StarDom Championship over to you as he passes it to you after the announcement was made by the StarDom Ring Announcer: Yuka just as I hear you cry and the crowd cheering for you
16:58 <LipstickPatti> i get off from you and still on my knees next to your face...the blood you had on your face now is totally on my ass....i get that lipstick tube i slammed on your face turning the match to my favour and twist it before to apply it on my face that is totally messed up, all my makeup is gone and it still dirty of my own blood that now got a bit dry...but i apply the lipstick on my lips anyway as i strike a victory pose placing my boot on your face in arrogant way....letting the ref lacing the title belt around my waist....i lift my hands on my hair and fluff my messed up hair acting like if i'm fans so happy...i look down at you teasing your face with my white boot....YOU DESERVED THAT! i say as i celebrate myself a bit more parading around the ring before to exit from the ring hugging my family at ringside and then go to the dressing room to get a long long long shower...END
<Published> 2024-09-22, viewed 55 times.
Wrestle Girl Erin
2024-09-23 17:15Absolutely lovely, amazingly brutal, and now a new champion with a big bullseye on her big, fat backside! Lookout Patti...I'm aiming to make your title reign short and unmemorable.
2024-09-23 21:32(In reply to this)
Awww you're SO funny! And you would be the woman who would make my title reign short and unmemorable? Seriously? Ohhh pleaseee! If you want to know what "brutal" means i will be more than happy to show you off.
Goddess Faith
2024-09-24 03:58(In reply to this)
She'd certainly represent the short part, Patti! lol
2024-09-23 02:15mmhmmm a very lovely and well described brutal affair.
2024-09-22 19:04Wow! The belt changes hands. What a great win for Patti! Poor ol Dump. She must be devastated at dropping the belt to her rival. The big boot to the face and the devastating Pedigree finished her!
Dump Matsumoto
2024-09-23 02:19(In reply to this)
I may have lost the World of StarDom Championship to Patti, I'm so proud of her. She gave it her all and she did it. But luckily.. I'm still the StarDom Queen of Queen's Champion 🙂💪 from the time I beat Oh Elle No for it
Olga Morales (deleted member)
2024-09-22 18:47Wow!!I will have to be very careful with Patti's fat ass
Goddess Faith
2024-09-22 18:05Quite the bloody and brutal affair indeed! Great details in this one!