Seamair Dheirg (The Red Clover)

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-09-15
Chat room: #Deep_Ground

  • No holds barred
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Kick-boxing
  • Bareknuckle/fistfight
  • Extreme violence
Hidden in Plain Sight (A loosely story-driven bar where violence abounds)
9 members
0 stories
0 photos
0 files

The Story

Kirah Vacar

2022-09-15 11:12

Right in the heart of Belfast on the Irish Isles sits a pub where only the most vile come together to drink and beat the smuga out of anyone who looks at ya funny. But if you catch the eye of the REAL powers that be, ya might just find yourself more Snattered than ya intended and wake up in a place ya didn’t expect. Something darker lurks here. And if your lucky your life will be forever changed but if ya aren’t, it’s lights out…

(Depending on popularity this fed will be on a special tournament-elimination style, most likely if ya lose 2out of3 your out! Tourney fights will be to the death! This is step 1 of a new project.)