Street Fighter's League

Public Restricted

Established: 2025-03-08
Chat room: #Metro_City_Cafe

  • No holds barred
  • Submission
  • Fantasy
Federation specifically for fighting game characters (Not just Streetfighter characters)
6 members
0 stories
0 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

The Street Fighter's Federation

This is a federation created specifically for characters from fighting games to meet and fight with one another. Despite the name of the fed, we are not just limited to characters from Street fighter. Characters from any fighting game, no matter how niche are welcome.

If your profile is not based on a character from a fighting game, your application will be rejected. If you are from a fighting game, just include the name of the game in your application.

Feel free to add any fights you have within the federation and have fun!

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About Street Fighter's League

Hello and welcome!

Hi there! I'm so glad that that you're looking into our federation! Now to get the main parts out of the way.
"Do I need to be a character from a fighting game to join this federation?"
Yes, in order to be accepted into this federation, your application must be of a character from a fighting game. If you do not fit this description, then I'm afraid your application will be denied.
The other big question, is "Since the name of the federation is the Street Fighters League, do I have to be a character from the Street Fighter series in order to be accepted?"
Not at all, you can be a character from whichever fighting game you would like. We welcome crossovers with open arms! The name of the federation is simply a theme.
So! If you are interested and fit the correct description, then feel free to sign up and invite anyone else who you think would be interested! Thank you for reading!

11:58 <Lily_Hawk> Of course! Fighters from any franchises are completely welcome! So be sure to show your friends!
11:59 <Lily_Hawk> I think I meant to mention that on one of the boards... Oopsies
12:01 <Chun_Li_Power> Yes, the other franchises will be scared to face the street fighter woman but they should try.
12:03 <Lily_Hawk> It would definitely be entertaining! If you manage to bring anyone in, just let me know. I don't want to miss any applications after all!
12:04 <Chun_Li_Power> all good, i will keep that in mind.
12:04 <Lily_Hawk> Thank you!
12:07 <Lily_Hawk> Oh! And thank you of course!
12:08 <Chun_Li_Power> Going to slip out, do have things to do, but will be back, have fun.
12:09 <Lily_Hawk> Okay! You too!
12:09 <Lily_Hawk> I'll probably make the federation look all nice at some point