Swinger 2V2

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Established: 2023-12-28
Chat room: #2V2_Swinger

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Group to fuck another friend's partner 2V2
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About Swinger 2V2

Group to fuck another friend's partner 2V2



2024-01-12 00:05

Are there any two or more ladies who would be interested in facing me by myself in a handicap match?

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05:04 <Sensual_Aria> Hiii!
05:04 <HaHaHazelzelzel> Ariaaaa!!
05:04 <Sensual_Aria> Hazelllll~ ❤️❤️
05:07 <HaHaHazelzelzel> So if we're lucky, we get to be in some sort of foursome, right?
05:09 <Sensual_Aria> Mmn fuck yes!
20:24 <Small_Dick_Stud> Greetings to one and all
02:40 <Small_Dick_Stud> Wow this place seems dead xD
18:53 <Annie_cruz> Could be fun
23:05 <Annie_cruz> Bing
23:06 <Small_Dick_Stud> Hey there
23:09 <Annie_cruz> What's up
23:29 <Small_Dick_Stud> Nm, just lying in bed, wbu?
18:15 <Small_Dick_Stud> Anyone here? Lol
17:51 <NikkiDarling> This place looks dead
21:21 <Small_Dick_Stud> True that lol
23:36 <FightQueenEmma> hi
08:38 <Mxdmlwrstler> Hi!
08:38 <FightQueenEmma> hi
08:38 <Mxdmlwrstler> How are you?
15:23 <FightQueenEmma> hi