Established: 2022-06-13
Chat room: #HachimanClub
- Romantic
- Karate
- Kick-boxing
- Judo
- Sex
A federation for fighting fetichist.
19:09 <Sun-Chiyun_Takeda> You're welcome, i hope you can find opponents quick and have a good time.
19:12 <Mixtko8910> I’ll do my best thanks!
19:17 <Barefoot_fighter> Ready to put my feet against worthy opponent’s feet
20:46 <Mixtko8910> I don’t suppose there are any boxers in here
20:49 <Barefoot_fighter> Private Kumite between two face kick masters.
20:54 <Mixtko8910> Ok
21:24 <Sun-Chiyun_Takeda> Welcome @The_Kumite, i know her personally and she offers quite the service.
21:24 <Sun-Chiyun_Takeda> please contact her and you will be pleased.
21:26 <The_Kumite> Thank you, i offer a roster of fighters from diferent styles ans sexes so youcan face and defeat in combat at my pleasure
21:30 <Inna78> Oh, there's some cool characters I see) They only intended to lose or there can be other fight outcome?)
21:31 <The_Kumite> (You can choose to loose and die if you like but all matches are to the death)
21:33 <Inna78>
21:33 <Inna78> ooh.... I like this character) can you tell more about her? I see she's mature and skilled, may be a good opponent for me)
21:42 <The_Kumite> Her name is Alex McGuirre and she's a randmaster of Karate and Kempo
21:42 <The_Kumite> she runs a school but with limited funding she took into the proposal of the Lady in Red to fight for millions
23:06 <judofem> hello
18:36 <Apartament_Fighter_Marc> Looking for an apartment fight
16:14 <Luke_young_guy> Hi people
17:36 <Blackangel> helllo
08:46 <Bloodsport_Tournament> Hi people, im a profile who enjoys having Bloodsport type matches and i would like to invite anyone to challenge any of my fighters.You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
08:47 <Sheshmera> the girl with white hairs in red shorts and that huge woman with black hairs in her blue sport bra look so challenging !
22:43 <John_Ryder> Hello.
09:15 <Master_Roy_Rodriguez> Looking for younger karate or kickboxer jobbers to destroy on the mat!
14:32 <Annie_Lind> Man. Did I miss another TheKumite, Bloodsport, Hachiman account that’s created for 24 hours and then disappears?
22:36 <Brittany_Lagos> Yep, happened to me too!
09:47 <fightergr> Hello
12:00 <White_Belt_Jobber> Hello folks
11:06 <Bad_Wolf> Hi
19:18 <Brunhilde> Greetings
01:09 <Bad_Wolf> Hi!