Teenagers Wrestling Club (TWC)
Established: 2022-05-15
Chat room: #TWC
- Pro wrestling
- Grappling
- Freestyle wrestling
- Oil wrestling
- Mud wrestling
A place where age between 18 to 23 can wrestle each other and can have fun. So they are welcome..
Ethan visits Duke's Hotel Room
<Duke_Terrell> I've been talking with this muscle boy pretty hot and sexy guy I knew I need to wrestle this guy so while I was in town I invited him down to my hotel for a private meet up as I throw my clothes off coming down to my red and white compression square barefoot and torso shirtless and lean my bulge already tenting up a little at the thought of wrestling his guy as I laid the king size mattress of the bed on the floor waiting for you to show up
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<Duke_Terrell> yt
<MuscleboyEthan> challenged by this smokin HAWT stud Duke to match in his hotel room & i accept immediately, driving over to his hotel wearing my jeans & a tee as i head over to room & knock on the door, my teen cock already stirring in excitement as i wait for you to open up...........yt
<Duke_Terrell> I start doing a couple of push ups while I wait as I hear a knock at the door pushing to my feet a lightly sweaty across my chest as I walk over and opening the door seeing you a grin on my face "Hey Ethan glad you could make it bro" my eyes wondering up and down you as I let you inside "Hope you brought your wrestling gear" yt
<MuscleboyEthan> eyes widening as you open the door wearing just your tight compression shorts, greeting me & asking if i brought my gear as i greet you back.... peeling off my tee & removing my jeans as i kick off my sneakers, wearing just my skimpy silver speedos now as i FLEX by my 5'7 155lbs Latino bod before you..... "gonna make you WORSHIP these before i breed your HOT ass Duke", i smirk
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<MuscleboyEthan> yt
<Duke_Terrell> "Yeah your cocky too" I grin wider laughing lightly as I step up into you shoving my chest against yours are bulge slapping against each some too "I'll show you up who's gonna get their ass kicked I then suddenly fling my elbow forward smacking you across the face as I raise both arms up flexing my bicep "You'll enjoying kiss at this when I'm done with you" yt
<MuscleboyEthan> you move in & PRESS your smokin HAWT bod into mine, my teen cock haaaardening rapidly as you taunt me before your elbow SMASHES across my face to send me STAGGERING backwards.... shaking my head to cleat the cobwebs as you FLEX cockily before me & TAUNT me.... "f.fuck you Duke", i hiss in anger as i rush back at you, bending at the last moment as i try to SLAM my shoulder into your abs..........yt
<Duke_Terrell> "UUUffff!" you bend over and rush into my abs, slamming your shoulder into them as I double over your shoulder my hands slipping over your back side as I grab on them sliver speedos giving them a pull up before I pop my right knee up into your lean pecs...1...2...3 times before raising my right arm up and fling my forearm down across your back side hard yt
<MuscleboyEthan> my spear not proving enough to bring your smokin HAWT bod down onto the mats as you fold over me, but recover immediately as you YANK on my speedos to give me a HUMILIATING WEDGIE & expose my brown asscheeks even as your knee SMASHES into my pecs again & again..... my howls still filling the hotel room when you straighten up & SMASH your forearm across my back to FLATTEN my Latino teen bod down facefirst onto the mattress at your feet..... HURTING already as i ggrroooaannnn, one hand clutching my back even as the other looks to grab & YANK on your ankles to bring you down as well.............yt
<Duke_Terrell> Bring this sexy muscle boy down to the mattress at my feet those ass cheek showing more after that wedgie as I grin down at you my hand rubbing over my tenting bulge as I lick my lips "Umm this gonna fun" I snicker over top of you as you grab my ankles bring my feet out from under me as I crash back first onto the mattress with you looking up at you with a smirk as I bring my legs up to kick out at your pecs with my feet yt
<MuscleboyEthan> bringing you down onto the mattress as well as i start to get up, but only able to get onto my knees when your feet SMASH into my pecs to send me crashing back down onto the mattress.... ggrroooaanniinngggg & clutching my pecs as i roll away from you & start to get back up onto my feet, my teen cock already ROCK HARD & TENTING my skimpy speedos as i realize that this is gonna be a tough match............yt
<Duke_Terrell> "Nice try Ethan but you'll need do better bro" I snicker as I roll over coming back to my feet as you clutch your pecs coming back to your feet I quickly launch a kick up into your navel to double you over as I lunge in to you trying to wrap my arm around your head as I go to dive down on my ass and slam your face on the mattress floor yt
<MuscleboyEthan> barely onto my feet when you move in & SMASH your foot into my abs.... aaauuggghhhhhhh i cry out in pain as i double over, still clutching my abs when your arm wraps around my head... trying to SLAM my fist into your abs in an attempt to break free, but you drop down & SMASH my head into the mattress in a DDT as i end up STUNNED facefirst on the mattress..... ggrooaanniinngggg & shaking my head as i try to clear the cobwebs...........yt
<Duke_Terrell> I roll over as your face meets with the mattress and I push onto my knees over top of you pressing my bulge up and down against your ass cheeks in those sliver speedos "Um you like that?" I smirk as I slap both my hands on your shoulder yanking you backwards as I whisper down your ear "Don't worry I wont take your ass too quickly!" Then I shove your face down into the mattress as I stand back yt
<MuscleboyEthan> my asscheeks still exposed from the WEDGIE as you climb on top of me & HUMP them to add to my HUMILIATION, TAUNTING me while SLAPPING & YANKING on my shoulders before my Latino teen bod gets shoved back down onto the mattress.... mmoaning as i slowly pull the wedgie out to cover my asscheeks again, getting back onto my feet in anger.... "gonna make you PAY for this punk", i hiss as i start to circle you, looking to lockup.........yt
<Duke_Terrell> I see you climbing back up as you hiss and circle coming for a lock up but I duck and slip past your side coming swiftly behind you as I shakes both my arms under your pit and press my hands down on the back of your head to push your chin to your chest as I lock you into a full nelson "Come on Ethan that the best you've got?" I laugh as I push my tenting bulge against your ass cheeks again yt
<MuscleboyEthan> lunging into you to lockup, but you duck & get behind me swiftly.... your arms sliding around & under mine as your hands now lock behind my neck to TRAP me in a FULL NELSON, my chin pressing into my chest even as i FEEL your pecs, nips, abs & hard-on against my sweaty back & covered ass.... "f.f.fuck you D.Duke", i groan as i watch my own cock THROB & TENT my speedos, FLEXING my muscles & STRAINING as i try to POWER myself out of your hold.....
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<MuscleboyEthan> yt
<Duke_Terrell> "Fuck what?...Fuck you?...bet your eager for that with my cock on your ass" I laugh down your ear enjoying toying with you as I thrust my hips forward giving your ass cheek a hump with my tenting cock in my gear as you power around trying to escape the full nelson "Want out?" I suddenly twist around and release you as I try stepping in front of you reaching under your bulge my other hand coming for your shoulder to lift you across my chest and slam your back into the mattress with a body slam yt
<MuscleboyEthan> mmooaanniinngggggg as i FEEL your hard-on HUMP my covered ass & make my own cock THROB, unable to power out of the HUMILIATION hold when you suddenly TWIST me around & break it.... not being able to match your speed or your power as you quickly HOIST me up, your forearm PRESSING into my teen cock as you hold me up before BODYSLAMMING me down hhaaarrddd onto the mattress..... aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh... f.f.ffuucckkkkkk, i cry out as i clutch my back & arch out in agony, before trying to roll away from you & get back up............yt
<Duke_Terrell> I slam you down on your back as you cry out in agony rolling away from me as I grin stroking my tenting bulge as little as I push back up onto my feet as your getting up I grab your shoulder and head and shove you toward the wall of the hotel as I launch my fist straight up into your navel for a hard uppercut yt
<MuscleboyEthan> barely onto my feet when you grab my shoulders & PROPEL me backwards until my back SMASHES into a wall, your fist SMASHING into my navel almost immediately as i HOWL & double over.... clutching my abs & coughing as i struggle to remain on my feet, in trouble against this smokin HAWT White stud as i lunge forwards & try to SLAM my shoulder into your navel once again...........yt
<Duke_Terrell> I wind up for second uppercut though I'm surprised this sexy stud had enough in him still as you charge forward and slam your shoulder into my navel again "UUhhh!" I double over your shoulder again as I grunt out "Not bad you got me twice with this one but seem you forgot so let me remind you!" I raise my arm and smash my forearm down hard across your backside yt
<MuscleboyEthan> my 2nd spear ending up having the same result as the 1st one as i'm unable to bring you down, but your forearm SMASHING into my back FLATTENS me down facefirst on the mattress once again.... my poor back now HURTING from the BEATING it's taken as i ggrrooaannnn & clutch it, trying to roll away from you as i find myself in trouble against this smokin HAWT stud in his hotel room now...........yt
<Duke_Terrell> I follow after you as you roll away reaching down grabbing your hair by a fistful as I drag you onto your knee in front of me rubbing your mouth and nose along my tenting sweaty bulge giving your face rub around it so you soak up the scent before I drag your face further up across my flexed sweaty abs "Go head give them a worship that all you good for right bitch?" I snicker down with a grin on my face yt
<MuscleboyEthan> not allowed to roll far as you grab my hair & DRAG me onto my knees, my face YANKED into your crotch as your manscent now washes over my HURTING Latino bod.... closing my eyes & mmooaanniinnggggg as my teen cock THROBS inside my skimpy speedos, turned on badly by the HUMILIATION as you finally YANK my face up from your crotch & press it into your sweaty abs..... being ORDERED to WORSHIP your abs as i mmooaannnn & kiss them, licking your sweat off them before i try to SLAM my fists into your sides in another attempt to fight back..........yt
<Duke_Terrell> "Umm Yeah good little bitch boy" I smirk as you start kissing and licking on my sweaty abs worshiping them making my cock hard in my gear before suddenly slamming your fists into my side making grunt and groan as I release your hair hugging my sides a little as I stumble back from you "Uhhh you fucking bitch!" I growl out. yt
<MuscleboyEthan> managing to get you hurting finally as you stumble back, i get onto my feet & rush at you now... my arm outstretched as i try to SMASH it into your pecs in a CLOTHESLINE...........yt
<Duke_Terrell> I see you rushing at me as I bend over and lunge low my hand coming under your leg around your ass cheek as my other hand slip on your shoulder scooping you off your feet as I spin you around and drop straight to my ass spreading my leg to smash your skull down on the mattress with a michinoku driver
<Duke_Terrell> yt
<MuscleboyEthan> your speed once again outwitting my moves as my forearm only hits empty air, you bend low & hoist me up again as my Latino teen bod ends up SLAMMED down hhaaarrddddd onto the canvas in a michinoku driver.... ending up spreadeagled on my back before you now as my bod CONVULSES from the BRUTAL move, my teen cock TENTING my skimpy speedos badly as i struggle to remain conscious.....yt
<Duke_Terrell> I slide my bulge over your mouth and nose as I reach down scooping your leg up from the canvas floor as I raise my free arm up and flex it over you panting out a little as I go for the pinfall...1...2...yt
<MuscleboyEthan> your crotch now planted over my face as your manscent washes over my BATTERED Latino bod once again, making me spurt pre into my skimpy speedos as you hook my leg & start to count.... too STUNNED from the move to even move a single muscle even as i ggrroooaannn weakly into your hard-on & end up involuntarily kissing it, unable to kick out & or stop what you're planning............yt
<Duke_Terrell> ...3" I grin letting your leg drop to the mattress as I flex both my bicep over you while you kiss on my hard cock under me...I stand up grabbing your hair forcing you to your knees as I kneel back down pressing your face into ma single flexing cep "Now show me how much you admire this body bitch!" yt
<MuscleboyEthan> slowly coming back to my senses when you finish the 3 count & release my leg, realizing what happened as i mmooaannn & kiss your crotch again before you get up & off me.... YANKED onto my knees by my hair as you drop down onto your knees as well, FLEXING with one hand as you YANK my face into your bicep & ORDER me to WORSHIP it.... mmoaning & closing my eyes as i SURRENDER to you completely, kissing & licking the sweat off your BULGING bicep as i start to WORSHIP it.... SQUIRMING as my 6" teen cock THROBS inside my skimpy speedos & spurts precum into them, SERVING this Superior White stud now as i know i'm his until he let's me leave his hotel room............yt
<Duke_Terrell> "UUmm good bitch" I smirk as you kiss and lick on my sweaty flexing bicep getting all the sweat licked from it as I push your face along my bicep over to my pecs "Go on suck and lick at them bitch boy" I smirk my cock throbbing in my gear yt
<MuscleboyEthan> my face PUSHED along your bicep now as i kiss & lick your armpit before my face gets pulled into your pecs, WORSHIPPING them as i lick all over.... sucking on each of your nipples as i mmooaannnnn, my own cock THROBBING inside my skimpy speedos as i WORSHIP your meaty & sweaty pecs.... mmooaanniinnggg..........yt
<Duke_Terrell> I bite and lick my lips as you kiss and suck on my nipples I reach over your head and shove down on your mattress as I flip you over to your chest pushing your sliver speedos down and off as I kneel up letting my cock out from my trunks as I slap my hard cock down on your cheek rubbing it along them before forcing my hard cock down your hole letting my cock slam down into your prostate yt
<MuscleboyEthan> my Latino teen bod finally SHOVED down onto its back as you flip me over onto my chest, my speedos YANKED off as you expose my hold.... mooaanniinngggg & raising my ass up in the air for you as i soon FEEL your hard-on SPANK my bare asscheeks.... "f.f.fuckkk... y.y.esss.. f.fuucckkk D.Duke.... f.f.fuck me hhaarrrddddd", i cry out as you THRUST your hard cock into my hole, IMPALING my naked Latino bod over it as i screw my eyes shut & BURY my face into the mattress...........
<MuscleboyEthan> yt
<Duke_Terrell> "Yeah you want it hard?" I growl down your ear as I thrust my hips in harder and faster hammering your hole with my throbbing cock spitting precum into your hole as I pound your prostate harder with my cock head until I end up shooting a warm load of cum down your ass breeding your ass heavily with my seed, moaning and panting out as I slowly remove my cock as my juice all pour down your ass yt
<MuscleboyEthan> you start to POUND your cock in & out of my asshole now as i get TAKEN HHAAARRRDDDDD by this Superior White stud in his hotel room, FEELING your cockhead hitting my prostate each time you THRUST in as own cock THROBS & spurts precum without even being touched..... you suddenly THRUST in HHAARRDDDDD & DEEEEEEP into me, your cock swelling up & ERUPTING as my eyes roll over in my head from the sensations.... getting BREEDED by you on the mattress as my own cock ERUPTS, my orgasm FUCKED out of my BEATEN & BROKEN Latino bod as both of us SHOOT our loads until our orgasms subside..... collapsing down facefirst into the puddle of my cum as you finally pull out, your cum oozing out of my breeded ass as i ggrrooaannn weakly on the mats before you.... OWNED......
<MuscleboyEthan> You are not logged in.
<MuscleboyEthan> yt
<Duke_Terrell> I stand up over you stomping my foot on your ass as I flex my bicep over you "Thanks for the fun Bro...feel free hop in the shower when you can stand up again" I laugh as I shove my foot from your filled ass walk into the bathroom as I shower while you lay humiliated and pounded on the mattress.
<Published> 2022-09-30, viewed 115 times.
Damian Fenrir (deleted member)
2022-09-30 22:55This sexy HOTSHOTS fed stud Duke Terrell has stunned a few fed studs defying his prettyboy looks and showing everybody here he is a force to be reckoned with for sure!
When I saw he was facing the sexy latino Ethan I was pretty sure he would enjoy dominating another HOTSHOTS stud. Well he definitely did that and more..
Totally worked over his opponent and enjoyed his winning spoils.5 bouts and 5 wins for DUKE ….thats definitely impressive!