Teenagers Wrestling Club (TWC)
Established: 2022-05-15
Chat room: #TWC
- Pro wrestling
- Grappling
- Freestyle wrestling
- Oil wrestling
- Mud wrestling
A place where age between 18 to 23 can wrestle each other and can have fun. So they are welcome..
<Duke_Terrell> I'm Eager for a rematch this with Muscle boy after he manages a win over me the last time. got me heated to bring him down and humiliate him the same way he did me as I show up to the private ring room in my yellow square cuts barefoot and torso shirtless at 5'8 158lbs as I jump up on the apron grabbing the ropes in my corner as I stretch myself out getting Limbered up before this Sexy Fucker show up for this rematch yt
<MuscleboyEthan> You are not logged in. You are not logged in. my 5'7 155lbs Latino teen bod clad in my skimpy blue speedos as i enter the pvt ring room after you, eager to take you on again in this tie breaker & OWN your sexy Brit ass again as i slide into the ring & start to FLEX before you..... my teen cock haaaardening as i check out your smokin HAWT bod..... "you're gonna get BREEDED again Duke", i smirk.........yt
<Duke_Terrell> I hear your voice and look over seeing you flexing that muscle bod at me as I waste no time rushing straight across the ring and firing a massive right uppercut into those open abs as your flexing your bicep at me...I reach for the back of your head trying to yank you closer toward me and I launch my left knee right up toward your navel as I growl out "I'll be doing the Breeding this time but after I punish you!" yt
<MuscleboyEthan> FLEXING before my smokin HAWT rival as i get distracted a bit by his smokin HAWT bod, which COSTS me as you rush in & SMASH your fist into my abs.... following it up with a knee into my navel as i cry out in pain, STAGGERING back & collapsing down onto my knees as i clutch my abs & cough..... my teen cock already ROCK HARD as you TAUNT me, making me hiss as i try to LUNGE off my knees at you when you come towards me in an attempt to SLAM my shoulder into your chiseled abs...........yt
<Duke_Terrell> "UUhhhhh!" you ram your shoulder into my abs as I come closer making me step back as I lock my arm around your head dragging you with me as I squeeze your head tighter then popping a few quick knees up into your pecs as I raise my right arm upward over top of you then dropping a hard forearm across the back of your neck as I release your head from my grip flexing my bicep up as I growl down at you "I told you it was just luck!" yt
<MuscleboyEthan> my modified spear not having enough power to hurt you much as you wrap your arm around my head to TRAP me & start to SLAM your knee up into my pecs..... HOWLING out into your sides as i try to cover my pecs, but a hhaaarrddddd forearm SMASH to my back sends me CRASHING down facefirst onto the canvas at your feet.... back, abs & pecs already HURTING within minutes of our match starting as you TAUNT me, only able to ggrrooaannn in response as i now try to roll away from you & into the ropes in an attempt to get back up onto my feet........yt
<Duke_Terrell> I rush and sneak up behind you slamming my knee into your backside to bend you over as I reach my arm over your neck to stretch you backwards and stuff your face under my sweaty pit in a dragon sleeper as I raise my elbow up slamming it down across those smooth pecs of yours rubbing my elbow around to make them hurt even more "Like I said Luck now I'll let see how much you handle" I laugh as I raise my arm and then hammer down my fist into your navel rubbing my knuckles around yt
<MuscleboyEthan> barely managing to get onto my feet by using the ropes when you rush in & SLAM your knee into my back, making me HOWL out in agony again as my face now gets YANKED back by my hair... your arm wrapping over my face to in a HUMILIATING DARON SLEEPER as your sweaty armpit ggrriinndddsssssss over it, your elbow & fists SMASHING into my pecs & abs as your VICIOUS assault ROCKS my Latino teen bod BADLY at the start of the match itself.... my teen cock THROBBING inside my skimpy briefs & spurting precum as my pecs & abs get PUMMELED, your scent washing over my covered face as i WHIMPER into your pit... HURTING badly already as i try to SLAM my elbow back blindly into your torso in a DESPERATE attempt to break free...........yt
<Duke_Terrell> Sweat flies from your muscle body as I pound on it hearing you whimper into my sweaty pit as you slam your elbow into my torso making me grunt "Oh you want out?" I growl as I reach my arm higher up and hammer down my forearm hard across your pecs releasing your dragon sleeper to let your body smash down into the canvas floor as I stomp my bare sole across your pecs flexing my bicep over you "Come on then get up tough boy" I laugh with a grin as I step back from you yt
<MuscleboyEthan> my elbows not having much force behind them as i'm too close & hitting blind, getting DOMINATED now as your forearm now SMASHES into my pecs again before you finally release me & sending me CRASHING down onto the canvas at your feet.... your foot again STOMPING down onto my poor pecs as i WHIMPER & watch you FLEX over me, before you finally release me..... my arms covering my pecs & abs as i curl up on my sides near the ropes, HURTING badly & ggrroooaanniinnggggg as you laugh & tell me to get up... NEEDING to recuperate a bit as i try to get some time to do so.......yt
<Duke_Terrell> I walk over and drop down onto top of you grabbing both your wrist and pinning them above your head as I grin down at you "Come nothing left in you muscle boy?" I lean down flicking my tongue on your nipple as I lean upward and lock lips with you giving you deep kiss as my tongue wrestle around yours my hard bulge bouncing up against yours as I suck face with you for few seconds as I bring your arms closer and grab both wrist with one of my hands as I reel back my free arm and slam it down into your navel as I break the kiss yt
<MuscleboyEthan> pushed down onto my back now as you drop down on top of me, my arms PINNED over my head now as your knees drop down between my legs..... my hard-on PRESSING down onto mine & PINNING it as you bend down to lick my nipples, before moving up to start kissing me..... my teen cock THROBBING & spurting more precum as i find myself kissing you back, closing my eyes & getting lost a bit in my lust as i don't notice you crossing my arms & holding them with one hand until you list your cock off mine & SMASH your free fist into my navel while breaking the kiss.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i HOWL out in agony as your fist SINKS DEEP into my untensed abs & my cock SPURTS more precum, coughing WEAKLY on the canvas under you as i REEL under your assault.... HURTING badly as i now try to SLAM my knees into your sides in an attempt to get my arms freed & you off me........yt
<Duke_Terrell> Coughing up weakly as I drill my fist into your abs when you slam your knees into my sides making grunt and groan out as your arms break free from under my single hand holding them as I push back upwards my feet backing up from you as I adjust my cock in my square cuts "You want some more Muscle boy come and get it I've plenty more for you" I grin down at you as your still reeling from my assault on you yt
<MuscleboyEthan> my knees making you release me & get back onto your feet even as i clutch my abs & roll onto my sides, coughing weakly on the canvas at your feet as you TAUNT me... close to the ropes as i roll towards them & try to use them to get back up onto my feet, my Latino teen bod REELING from your VICIOUS assault as i try to recover.......yt
<Duke_Terrell> I see my hot Latino opponent struggling to climb to his feet on the ropes as I quickly push in behind you snaking my arm around your throat and bending you backwards to out stretch your chest and lock your face under my pit in a dragon sleeper as I raise my arm up high and start pounding those muscle pecs with my forearms one hit after the other yt
<MuscleboyEthan> You are not logged in. barely managing to get onto my feet by using the ropes when i FEEL your smokin HAWT bod PRESS into my Latino one from behind, your arm snaking around my throat as my face gets BURIED in your armpit.... your manscent washing over me as you TRAP me in a DRAGON SLEEPER now, your forearm starting to SMASH into my exposed pecs as you continue to DOMINATE me BADLY in this tie-breaker.... my teen cock THROBBING & spurting more & more precum into my skimpy speedos as big DAMP spot is already visible on them, struggling to BREATHE as my strength & will to fight start to get DRAINED more & more from what you're doing to me...........yt
<Duke_Terrell> "What you like that?" I laugh seeing how your cock tents in your speedos as I reach down grabbing into them pulling out that hard cock stroking it up and down in my hand "Yeah you fucking like that don't you?" I snicker as I release it and pull your speedos back up then raising my arm back into the air as I drop to one knee slamming your spine over as my elbow follow slamming over your pecs as I release you and shove you off my knee yt
<MuscleboyEthan> being TAUNTED now as your hand now slides down & inside my speedos, my teen cock YANKED out & jacked off as i spurt fresh precum for you.... getting TAUNTED more & more as you now stuff my THROBBING cock back into my speedos & drop to a knee to SLAM my spine over it, following it up with SLAMMING your elbow into my pecs as i SCREAM out loudly into your armpit.... finally released as i crumple down onto the canvas, clutching my back with one hand & covering my poor pecs with my other arm as i end up on my sides...... ggrrrooooaannniiinnnggggg weakly from the PUNISHMENT i'm being made to endure as you now TOY with me in the ring..............yt
<Duke_Terrell> I roll over to my feet grabbing the back of your neck pulling you up along to your feet as I spin around tossing you up against the corner as I step up and slam my bare sole into your navel pressing my heel down into it before pushing my foot out and stepping back a couple step as I rush back in winding my right up back and launch my fist right up into your solar plexus making sure to drill my knuckles around for some extra punishment yt
<MuscleboyEthan> mmoaanniinngggg weakly as you DRAG me up & toss me into a corner, my arms falling over the top ropes to hold me up as you proceed to PUNISH my abs now..... your bare sole SMASHING into my navel first as i double over, coughing & struggling to remain on my feet when your fist SMASHES into my solar plexus... your knuckles gggrriinnndddiinngggg to make the punch more devastating as my arms come off the top ropes, my Latino teen bod crumpling down onto its knees in the corner as i SLUMP forward into you.... my face ending up in your crotch even as my arms cover my abs, coughing weakly into your crotch as your manscent washes over my BATTERED Latino bod once again..... SQUIRMING.............yt
<Duke_Terrell> I grab your hair smoother your face over my hard bulge before I throw the back of your head against the middle turnbuckle, I grab the top ropes clutching them as I raise my barefoot up rubbing it along your tenting speedos as I stoke your cock with my foot as you cough and squirm weakly "Not so tough anymore are you muscle boy?...fucking like that don't you" I grin down at you yt
<MuscleboyEthan> my hair grabbed as you start to HUMP my face, spurting precum into your speedos as i find myself tasting it.... you PUSH forward with your crotch to make me arch back as the back of my head gets PINNED to the middle turnbuckle, you hold the ropes for support as you raise a foot & start to ggrriiinnddddddd the sole against my THROBBING hard-on..... ggrrroooaannnniiiinnngggggggg into your crotch as you HUMILIATE me completely now, my arms falling by my sides as i find myself OVERWHELMED & HELPLESS from your EXPERT mix of physical, mental & sexual assault... ending up kissing your covered cock as i find myself HUMPING your foot, PINNED on my knees in the corner as i close my eyes & SHUDDER from the sensations coursing inside me.... my teen cock leaking precum PROFUSELY into my speedos as you DEGRADE me in the ring now, OWNING me completely as you TOY with my OVERWHELMED Latino bod...........yt
<Duke_Terrell> I pull my cock out and slap it across your cheeks before stuffing it right down your mouth bucking my hips back and forth making you suck and take on that cock as my bare foot slides up and your throbbing cocks shaft in your speedos as you give into me and I grin down enjoying playing with this hot Latino stud as I moan out having my cock sucked as I ride your mouth with it yt
<MuscleboyEthan> your crotch finally pulled away from my face as i watch you pull your cock out of your speedos, getting SLAPPED by your cock as i WHIMPER & look up at you TOWERING over me..... "pplzz m.man... i.i'm g.g.gonna c.cum... ppllzz s.s.sttooppppp", i moan as you SLAP my face back & forth with your hard-on some more, spurting precum onto my face before you THRUST it into my mouth.... closing my eyes & sucking your hard-on now as i HUMP your foot with mine, FEELING my orgasm building up rapidly as i SHUDDER & try to SUCK you as best i can in the corner......
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<MuscleboyEthan> yt
<Duke_Terrell> "Yeah?...Then Cum Bitch...let that loud burst out in your speedos" I smirk stroking your cock faster and faster under the sole of my barefoot as I grab your hair pushing your mouth further and deeper against my throbbing cock as my precum drool out from the side of your mouth as your force to inhale down on it while I buck my hips harder against your mouth to make my cock push down deeper in your mouth yt
<MuscleboyEthan> my PLEADING to avoid a DEGRADING orgasm in the middle of a match falling on deaf ears as you TAUNT me & ORDER me to CUM like the BITCH you're turning me into, your foot gggrriinnddddiinngggggg against my THROBBING hard-on faster & faster even as you start to MOUTHFUCK me haaaaaaaarder...... the sensations soon proving TOO MUCH for my BROKEN Latino bod to endure as i close my eyes & SHUDDER, my THROBBING cock ERUPTING on your command as i start to SHOOT a HUGE LOAD into my speedos in the middle of this HUMILIATIN BEATDOWN that you're making me endure...............yt
<Duke_Terrell> I grin as a massive wet spot shows on your speedos as your erupt your load under my sole, I grab your hair tighter and buck my hips faster and harder into your mouth as I hammer your mouth with my throbbing cock until I blast my huge seed down your mouth and throat making you swallow down on it as I let it all spurt into your mouth before removing my cock slapping your face with it as I smirk down at you "Like that bitch? I know you did" I laugh throwing you to the canvas floor yt
<MuscleboyEthan> your teen cock ERUPTING inside my mouth almost immediately afterwards as both of us SHOOT our loads, me into my skimpy speedos while you fill my mouth & belly with yours.... trying to swallow very drop as both of us cum HHAARRDDDD, our orgasms finally subsiding but both our cocks remaining ROCK HARD.... mmoaning as you finally pull your cock out of my mouth & SLAP my face back & forth with it to HUMILIATE me further, TAUNTING me before tossing my CUMMED Latino bod down onto the canvas.... ending up on my back at your feet, my teen cock TENTING my cum-soaked speedos as i ggrroooaannnn weakly & watch you TOWERING over me..... AT YOUR MERCY.........yt
<Duke_Terrell> I push my barefoot down into your wet speedos as I soak some onto my foot then pulling from your cum soaked speedos giving you a grin as I look down at your hot beaten body and then I press my cum wet foot down your mouth forcing you to suck my cum clean “go on bitch taste your own juices” yt
<MuscleboyEthan> lying spreadeagled on my back near the corner as you now place your bare foot over my cum-soaked & TENTED speedos, rubbing your foot all over them to make them stick to my skin before you remove the foot & place it over my face.... my cum SMEARED all over my face before you THRUST your toes into my mouth to make me taste myself, my ROCK HARD cock THROBBING inside my speedos once again as you continue to DEGRADE & OWN me completely in this match.... sucking your toes & tasting my cum as your smokin HAWT WHite bod TOWERS over my BROKEN Latino one.....yt
<Duke_Terrell> “Good bitch suck down that cum of yours from my feet” I grin looking down as you taste and swallow it while looking up at me as you clean my foot up I pull it from your mouth and stomp on your pecs flexing my bicep over top of you “Like I said it was fluke you winning last time bitch so remember your place “ I growl down at you as I step over you and leave you defeated and humiliated on the ring floor.
<Published> 2022-11-24, viewed 116 times.
Apollo Dante (deleted member)
2022-11-24 22:21Have to say like many others when Muscleboy Ethan defeated Duke Terrell the last time they met I was in shock. And although the sexy latino boy said he was ready to do the same again Duke was having none of it!
In a one sided bout …I guess you could call this a squash …Duke got his revenge and how! Dominant from start to finish this was a HOT read ..leaving Ethan broken and humiliated. Just a bit surprised after milking his beaten opponent Duke didn’t take his victory spoils….but still awesome from him…not to say Ethan played a great part too!
Preppy Porter
2022-11-24 18:40got a load all ready for ya, dukeee boi
Jay Jones (deleted member)
2022-11-24 15:51Duke and Ethan, that was another great match you produced and you are to be congratulated on how well you work together.
Jay J
2022-11-24 14:32Lots of cliches would seem applicable here: Leave well enough alone. Don't push your luck. Let sleeping dogs lie. Supersexy Ethan pulled off a surprise win against Duke the last time, but got absolutely demolished this time out. Wow! Great match!
Drake NRW (deleted member)
2022-11-24 13:49Another great match by bad boy jobber Ethan. You are so sexy Ethan!