Teenagers Wrestling Club (TWC)

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-05-15
Chat room: #TWC

  • Pro wrestling
  • Grappling
  • Freestyle wrestling
  • Oil wrestling
  • Mud wrestling
A place where age between 18 to 23 can wrestle each other and can have fun. So they are welcome..
22 members
3 stories
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MuscleboyEthan (deleted member)
Teen Heel (deleted member)

<Teen_Heel> "My first match and I'm gonna fight with the undefeated champion. Focus Demir focus" I'm nervous and getting sweaty in my red trunks. Slide into ring get up and raised my fist. Walking inside ring and waiting for undefeated champion yt

<MuscleboyEthan> my 5'7 155lbs Latino teen bod clad in sexy & tight pink speedos as i enter the ring after the sexy Turkish rookie, being forced to defend my title against him by the promoter who i quarreled with last time as I FLEX my smaller bod.... my cock haaaardening at the sight of his muscles even as i GLARE at him & pose before my fans......
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<MuscleboyEthan> yt

<Teen_Heel> Raised my arms and biting my lips walking to center of the ring for a lock up yt

<MuscleboyEthan> my cock already ROCK HARD & TENTING my skimpy speedos as i check out your muscled bod, circling you as the bell rings... watching you raise your arms & come on to lockup as i do the same, our bods SLAMMING into each other as we lockup..... FLEXING & STRAINING my muscles as i try to PUSH you back as hhhhaaarrdddddd as i can, trying to overcome your size advantage as my fans cheer me on............yt

<Teen_Heel> Grrr struggling. Suddenly wrapped my arms around your waist lift you up and ram into the corner again and again yt

<MuscleboyEthan> unable to even BUDGE you no matter how hhaarrddddddd I PUSH as you showcase your RAW POWER, breaking the lockup & GROWLING as you wrap your arms around my Latino bod & lift me up.... SLAMMED into the corner again & again as my HOWLS fill the ring, my fans BOOing even as i get ROCKED by this smokin HAWT stud at the start of the match itself............yt

<Teen_Heel> Got your legs and add lift you up higher. Turned around myself and BAM! Massive spine buster to you. Even ring shackled yt

<MuscleboyEthan> lifted up higher in the air as you turn around & then SLAM my Latino teen bod onto the canvas in a massive SPINE BUSTER, HOWLING out in agony as i ARCH out on the canvas.... clutching my back as i ggrrooaannnn in pain & try to roll away towards the ropes, the crowd STUNNED by your DOMINANT display as you have the Champ HURTING within minutes in your debut match itself............yt

<Teen_Heel> Quickly grabbed your hair and kicked your abs. Put your head between my quads and wrapped my arms around your waist. Lift you up and perform piledriver on you yt

<MuscleboyEthan> not allowed to roll far as you DRAG me onto my feet by my hair, your boot SMASHING into my abs as my Latino teen bod is almost LIFTED in the air by the force of the blow..... coughing & clutching my abs as you YANK my head between your thighs, HOISTING me up & PILEDRIVING me in the middle of the ring as my BATTERED Latino bod ends up facefirst on the canvas in the middle of the ring..... CONVULSING from the BRUTAL moves as i struggle to remain conscious, BADLY ROCKED by the smokin HAWT Turkish Rookie as the promoter claps & encourages you while the crowd BOOs.............yt

<Teen_Heel> Put your legs under my armpits and sit on your face. Put you in schoolboy pin and ref counting 1 yt

<MuscleboyEthan> rolled over onto my back as i end up SPREADEAGLED, my ROCK HARD cock TENTING my skimpy speedos badly as you proceed to plant your muscled ass over my face to add HUMILIATION to the PUNISHMENT you're dishing out to me..... my Latino teen bod ending up FOLDED as you SCHOOLBOY PIN me, your crotch PRESSING down on my face to make your manscent wash over me as the ref begins his count..... my teen cock THROBBING & spurting precum into my skimpy speedos as i WHIMPER into your crotch, struggling...........yt

<Teen_Heel> Yes yes yes! Moaning loudly and biting my lips. Giving my whole weight 2!! Yt

<MuscleboyEthan> my hard-on spurting more & more precum into my skimpy speedos as you ggrriinnddddd your crotch all over my face, your manscent almost OVERWHELMING as the ref continues his count.... my pride & title on the line here as i WHIMPER into your balls, my legs flailing as i DESPERATELY try to KICK OUT before the ref can hit 3...............yt

<Teen_Heel> You kick out and I fall on my back. On my fours trying to get up yt

<MuscleboyEthan> barely managing to kick out as i avoid a HUMILIATING defeat at the hands of a debutant for now, but my Latino bod is BATTERED from his moves as i ggrroooaannnnn & end up lying on my back even after kicking out..... a damp spot from my precum clearly visible on my speedos as i gggrrooaannnn & finally try to roll away towards the ropes, trying to recuperate even as the promoter eggs you on to PUNISH me more in front of all my fans...........yt

<Teen_Heel> Finally got up and rubbing my back grr slowly walking cocky to you yt

<MuscleboyEthan> HURTING as i slowly roll into the ropes, grabbing them as i start to DRAG myself back onto my feet using them.... my teen cock ROCK HARD & threatening to rip a hole in my skimpy speedos as i ggrrooaannn from the BEATING i've taken so far, my fans egging me on as i try to get onto my feet...........yt

<Teen_Heel> Quickly locked my arms under your armpits and put you in full nelson. Lifting you up and showing your dirty speedo yt

<MuscleboyEthan> barely onto my feet when i FEEL your muscled Turkish bod PRESSING into my Latino one from behind, your hands snaking under mine & clasping around my neck as i get TRAPPED in a FULL NELSON before i can do anything.... FEELING your pecs, nips, abs & hard cock PRESSING into my sweaty back & covered ass as i ggrrooaannnn, chin forced into my throat as you make me watch my THROBBING hard-on spurt precum into my speedos while i get PARADED around the ring before all my fans..... ggrroooaanniinnngggggg as you continue to DOMINATE me in front of the delighted producer who cheers you on while my fans BOO loudly........yt

<Teen_Heel> YEAAAH! Who's your master now bitch! Submit to me yt

<MuscleboyEthan> being TAUNTED as you PARADE my TRAPPED Latino bod around the ring, showing me off to all my fans as you DEMAND my SURRENDER.... WEAKENING more & more in the hold as the STUNNED crowd watch their Champ getting OWNED by the bigger Turkish stud, your hard cock HUMPING my covered ass & making my THROBBING hard-on spurt precum profusely as i ggrroooaannnn & shake my head.... BADLY TRAPPED as i now try to STOMP down on your foot in a DESPERATE attempt to break free, knowing i'm done for otherwise............yt

<Teen_Heel> Aghhh released you and turned my back to you. Rubbing my foot fuck yt

<MuscleboyEthan> finally released as my BATTERED & WEAKENED Latino bod crumples down onto all fours, mmooaanniinnggggg as i try to recuperate while crawling towards the ropes.... getting back onto my feet as i SLUMP into the ropes, recovering as i let you rub your foot before you turn around & come back at me... letting you come close before i move off the ropes & towards you, trying to land a hhaarrddd CHOP into your meaty pecs..........yt

<Teen_Heel> Oaghhh holding my pecs FUUUUUCK. They turned red! Turned my back and groaning yt

<MuscleboyEthan> finally managing to get some offense in your stumble back, following you as i try to send another CHOP into your pecs......yt

<Teen_Heel> Aghhh get away from me aghh. Breathing heavily and running away from you. Still holding my red pecs. Grr turned back to you and rush at you for spear yt

<MuscleboyEthan> my chop sending you back as you clutch your REDDENING pecs, my fans cheering as i move towards you to press my advantage.... but you turn around & rush into me, bending at the last moment as your shoulder SMASHES into my untensed abs in a BRUTAL SPEAR.... my poor abs almost DESTROYED by the vicious move as my Latino teen bod CRASHES down onto the canvas, CONVULSING & writhing as i clutch my abs & roll from side to side in AGONY.... the Champ getting DOMINATED by the Rookie in front of all the fans as you have BADLY HURTING at your feet in the middle of the ring........yt

<Teen_Heel> Get up and flexing my biceps. Kissing them in front of everyone "is that all? You'll be my bitch soon" smirking badly and walking cocky to you yt

<MuscleboyEthan> you FLEX your smokin HAWT bod & kiss your HUGE biceps as the producer cheers you on, being TAUNTED as i ggrroooaannn weakly & try to roll towards the ropes once again.... HURTING.........yt

<Teen_Heel> Grabbed your hair and put your head under me armpit. Grabbed your speedo. And circling my finger on air for taunting crowd yt

<MuscleboyEthan> hair grabbed as you DRAG me onto my feet, still clutching my poor abs & coughing as you pull my head under your armpit... the crowd booing as your free hand grabs my skimpy speedos, the promoter egging you on to FINISH me even as i ggrroooaannn into your ribs.... SQUIRMING as my ROCK HARD cock continues to spurt precum while you DOMINATE me in front of all my fans............yt

<Teen_Heel> Lift you up vertical and BAAAAM!!! Slammed your back mat hard. Even ring shackled. Quickly lay my back on your face and hooked your legs. Ref comes and counting 1 yt

<MuscleboyEthan> my Latino teen bod HOISTED up vertically in the air before i can do anything as my skimpy speedos get WEDGIED a bit into my asscrack to expose my lower asscheeks, hanging upside down in the air as you PARADE me around the ring to show off your POWER before SLAMMING me down into the middle in a BRUTAL VERTICAL SUPLEX... the force of the impact making the entire ring SHAKE as my Latino teen bod BOUNCES on the canvas before ending up LIMP, my cockhead popping out of my WEDGIED speedos as you proceed to PIN me... my legs hooked as i find myself spurting precum onto my pecs & abs while the ref begins the count... UNMOVING.......yt

<Teen_Heel> Yes yes yes! Stomping on my foot and biting my lips 2!! Yt

<MuscleboyEthan> the BATTERED Champ lying LIMP & UNMOVING as he's PINNED by the Rookie Debutant in the middle of the ring after getting completely DOMINATED & HUMILIATED, spurting precum profusely onto my abs & pecs as i slowly start to come to my senses & realize what's happening.... but am too WEAK & HURTING to even move a muscle & can only WHIMPER into your sweaty back in HUMILIATION as the ref continue his count...........yt 😳

<Teen_Heel> And and OMFG 3!!! Shocked and got fuck i beat the undefeated champion omfg! Ref raised my hand as a new champion yt

<MuscleboyEthan> the ref finishing the 3 count to give you the victory as you finally release me, my BATTERED Latino bod crumpling back down onto the canvas as i end up spreadeagled at your feet.... forced to watch the ref raise the arm of the new Champ in victory as i mmooaannn weakly & spurt more precum onto my abs, the producer egging you to FUCK & OWN me before the STUNNED crowd as i know i'm AT YOUR MERCY.... the Undefeated Champ DOMINATED & BEATEN by a Rookie as the crowd realizes how good the smokin HAWT Turkish stud is............yt

<Teen_Heel> Sit on your face quickly and flexing my biceps. Who's champ now say it! Yt

<MuscleboyEthan> the ref handing you the belt & leaving the ring for you to do as you please, the promoter egging you on as you sit down on my face... your crotch PRESSING down on my mouth as your manscent washes over me.... "y.y.you are the C.Champ, S.Sir", i moan as i SURRENDER to you now.......yt

<Teen_Heel> Get up and grabbed your. Lift you up and put you in tight bearhug. Sucking your neck and strength. Digging your balls with my hard cock. YOU'RE MINE ALL MINE! YT

<MuscleboyEthan> you get up & off me, DRAGGING me onto my feet by my hair as you wrap your muscled arms around my BATTERED torso & HOIST me up in the air in a BEARHUG.... HOWLING out in agony & WHIMPERING as you CRUSH me in the hold, showing NO MERCY on my BATTERED Latino bod as i BEG you to stop.... your hard-on digging into my balls even as mine ggrriinnddsss between our abs, AT YOUR MERCY as you DOMINATE me more & more before the crowd............yt

<Teen_Heel> YEAAAAAH! Who's your master now bitch! Ripped off your undies and conquering your ass yt

<MuscleboyEthan> my skimpy speedos RIPPED off as you showcase your POWER, lowering my Latino ass down onto your ROCK HARD cock as i throw my head back & cry out loudly.... getting FUCKED by the Superior Turkish stud in a BEARHUG as my WHIMPERS & SQUEALS fill the arena, getting turned from a proud Champ into your BROKEN BITCH as you have your way with me in front of all my fans.............yt

<Teen_Heel> Slammed you to mat and put your legs on my shoulders. Fucking your ass like a bull yt

<MuscleboyEthan> my naked Latino bod now SLAMMED down onto the canvas with my ass still IMPALED over your cock as i SQUEAL out loudly, my legs pulled over your shoulders as you start to POUND your hard-on in & out of my hole.... my own cock spurting precum without even being touched as i start to writhe & thrash on the canvas in the middle of the ring, getting TAKEN HHAAARRDDDD by you in front of the stunned crowd as the promoter cheers you on & tells you to BREED me like the BITCHSLUT you've turned me into...........yt

<Teen_Heel> Holding your shoulders on the ground. Roaring and blow inside you. Used my whole strength and fall on you yt

<MuscleboyEthan> my shoulders PINNED down onto the canvas as your manshaft POUNDS in & out of my hole, your cockhead hitting my prostate each time & driving me closer to my own orgasm without my THROBBING cock even being touched as soon you ROAR out loudly, & the start to BREED me..... cumming hhaarrddddd & DEEEP in my ass as the DEGRADATION & the sensations send me over the edge as well, WHIMPERING in HUMILIATION as i start to SHOOT my load all over my pecs & abs without my cock even being touched.... DOMINATED, BROKEN, FUCKED SENSELESS & CUMMED by this Superior Turkish stud in front of all stunned crowd as we both cum hhaarrrrrdddddd until our orgasms finally subside.... my BROKEN Latino bod still IMPALED over your manmeat as your spent bod collapses down onto my BREEDED one, WHIMPERING & AT YOUR MERCY as i lie LIMP under you in the middle of the ring
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<MuscleboyEthan> yt

<Teen_Heel> I'm slowly coming to myself. You drained me and getting pumped up little yt

<MuscleboyEthan> both of us ending up DRAINED lying in a SPENT heap on each other in the middle of the ring as you recover from your orgasm first, my BROKEN & BREEDED Latino bod too WEAK to resist you anymore even though my teen cock remains ROCK HARD despite having cum hhaarrrdddddd for you.....yt

<Teen_Heel> Got up and left the ring with your belt Yt

<MuscleboyEthan> you finally get up & off me, my BROKEN & HELPLESS Latino teen bod lying at your feet as you POSE for the fans with the belt as their New Champ.... your foot placed over my pecs as show off for them before finally bending down & DRAGGING me onto my feet by my hair, too WEAK & BROKEN to resist as you HOIST my naked Latino bod over your shoulder, your belt on the other shoulder as you exit the ring as the New Champ... your cum oozing out of my BREEDED ass as you take me away, the proud Champ turned into the BITCH of the new one as you exit the arena

<Published> 2022-12-18, viewed 142 times.



Nightmare Reni

2022-12-18 22:43

Very hit and good story. Ethan you wrote excellent!

European Muscle (deleted member)

2022-12-18 20:42

Damn guys nice. Ethan can sell his suffering well and the Teen is a real heel. Thanx for sharing studs!