The Anger Foot Dojo

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-08-06

  • Karate
  • Taekwondo
  • Kick-boxing
  • Foot fetish
A dojo that unites martial arts and foot fetish
24 members
0 stories
0 photos
1 files
About The Anger Foot Dojo

Greatly inspired by LoriMKarateArt, I've decided to describe this dojo with her words. This is a safe place for people that loves Martial Arts and Feet. I will and every member is encouraged to share their knowledge about martial arts and foot fetish in the federation, so we all can learn from each other and have an amazing time together!

<So what do we love? FEET! Where do we love them? In the DOJO! But why? Why is that so sexy? Once I started getting regular exposure to this world it wasn't a hard to see why someone with a foot fetish would gravitate towards Martial Arts. Where Martial Arts/Feet is different is that feet are a frequently used tool in Martial Arts in a way that they aren't in other sports. A much more personal way. But why is that "sexy"? Kicks hurt, receiving that kind of pain is sexy and the foot is sort of the "delivery vehicle" for it. Finding yourself on your back, face pinned to the mat by the foot of a superior adversary as a form of humiliation can be arousing. Then there are the type that just love the feeling of a barefoot pressed against them. Their face, crotch, chest, or just ANYWHERE. Nowhere is that sort of activity more frequent, encouraged and frankly, expected than in a Martial Arts studio. Now back to Martial Arts which says "Be barefoot here! Touch other people with your feet here! Touch pretty much anything with your feet here! It's what we're all about! We even have special outfits we do it in!" And it's sexual because our feet are private parts. For me, when I touch someone with my feet, or they touch me with theirs, it's an intensely intimate act. And that's why Martial Arts/Foot Fetish arouses me so much! Kind of puts a new, deeper spin on this picture doesn't it? > -LoriMKarateArt-

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Online in chat

15:26 Angel_the_Dragon: I have created the public room #angerfootdojo.
18:44 Rexsomm: Hi all thanks for the accept. New to this world but hoping to speak to more like minded folk 😊
18:52 Angel_the_Dragon: No worries and welcome in! Settle yourself and, since you are new to this world, I suggest you to read the document in the files, and my posts on the dojo walls, which will provide you with a lot of useful information on martial arts techniques and how to properly cyberfight.
22:16 Mmachick: hey guys
11:00 FightQueenEmma: hi im new
17:59 Seidokai_Dojo: I'm new too. Greetings!
18:02 Rex_Somm: Hey! I pinged you if you’re interested in chatting. Your profile is sweet
18:03 Seidokai_Dojo: Sorry, I haven't seen your message, my Dm was flooded in my first few days here
18:04 Seidokai_Dojo: And I've miss a few
18:06 Rex_Somm: Haha yeah I’m not surprised, it’s a cool concept you have
18:06 Seidokai_Dojo: *bows politely*
14:57 Angel_the_Dragon: Welcome to all the new members!!


Angel the Dragon

2024-08-06 17:51

*Student/White belt - People who just joined the Federation. They had to read the guidelines and show they can fight. They Have to show to have read the cyberfight guide and knowlwedge of basic martial arts skills. They must publish a story here with any other user involving MARTIAL ARTS AND FEET to advance to the next grade to get promoted.

*Dojo Pal/Green belt - People who have been active in the dojo. They have to publish two stories here with any other user involving MARTIAL ARTS AND FEET to advance to the next grade. They have to show proper knowledge of technique and be a good roleplayer

*Sempai/Brown belt - Same like Green Belt, but they have to post five stories with any other user involving MARTIAL ARTS AND FEET to advance to the next grade. They must be very active in the dojo, provide advices for new members or dojo pals and if they can, help them with training, but this is not mandatary.

*Sensei/Black Belt: They have to publish ten stories with any other user involving MARTIAL ARTS AND FEET to advance to this grade.. Only Sempais can apply to this rank after they have published ten stories after they become sempai. They will be under observation for a reasonable amount of time in which they must show to be worth the grade. Then, there will be a public ceremony in the chat, with me giving the rank of Sensei.

Angel the Dragon

2024-08-06 17:39

Check the files and grab the giude to how properly cyberfihgt! I hope we all can improve!

Angel the Dragon

2024-08-06 17:36

How to Explore a Foot Fetish
You can explore your foot fetish with a partner. If you both would like to explore a foot fetish, some ideas include:

Giving or receiving a foot massage
Sucking on toes
Kissing or licking certain areas of the feet
Giving or receiving a foot job (stimulating the genitals using the feet)

Why do people like feet?
While everyone is different, there are reasons why some people become foot lovers, as we mentioned above.

Everyone has their own preferences for body parts that they like. And while it might be more likely or common to have a butt or a boob fetish, some people just have a pronounced interest in feet. There have been a few theories that can explain why some people find feet irresistible and like to play with them.

1. Biology
Feet are very sensitive to the touch. They are covered with nerve endings, and so the brain that processes the sensation sends signals whenever the feet and toes are stimulated.
So, tickling, rubbing, and massaging feel incredibly good to the feet.

2. Humiliation
There is a possible psychological element of a foot fetish, and that is humiliation. The feet are the lowest part of the body, so they think of them as the least important in a strange way.
So, some people like to feel “lower” than their partner. They enjoy having their partner’s feet on their body. This is some sort of power play or “being put in their place” through “humiliation.” [Read: Diaper fetish – Everything you want to know but don’t want to ask anyone]

3. Dominance and submission
Some couples like to play around with dominance and submission power plays. And if they do, feet are just one part of that. So, if one of the partners has a foot fetish, they might want their partner to treat them like a human footrest. They see this as a way to dominate them so they can worship at their feet.

Or, submissives find it exciting to kneel at their partner’s feet and adore them. This makes that person “smaller” and more submissive. They might even encourage their partner to put their feet all over the different parts of their body, which would put them in a position of submission

Angel the Dragon

2024-08-06 15:38 -List of well explained Taekwondo techniques List of well explained karate and other martial arts skills

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