The Queendom of Libidine

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Established: 2024-07-08

  • Fantasy
  • Descriptive writing
  • Female / Female
  • Sex
  • Forced cum
Where the Queens of Lust rule~
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11 stories
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A Surprising new visitor to Libidine

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Meliodas_the_Incubus:  A distant light shoots through the sky, a dark energy surrounded by a purple outline nosediving through the air, crashing against the ground and cratering the earth beneath, sending a dustcloud all around. As the dust settles, my form is revealed face down in the crater
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  My hands slowly press against the ground as low guttural groans leave my lips, my muscles trembling as I push myself up to my knees, blood dripping from my open head wound, mouth, and various cuts up my arms and across my chest. I pull myself up slowly, getting to my feet as I stagger out of the crater, stumbling and falling back down to my hands and knees as I pant hard
Maia_Sarakof: Well, well, well. Looks like we had an airdrop...
Royal_Guard_Gelda: A portal opens as I step through, my pink eyes narrowed on the invader as a low glow emits from my orbs, my aura flaring around my body as I step forwards and raise my arm to the rest. "Go ahead and carry on! I'll handle this!"
Royal_Guard_Gelda: Turns to smile and wave at the lovely ladies, before turning my attention back to the intruder. "I know you're from Hell. Who sent you here and why?"
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  Still disorientated and confused, my hand moves over to my head, covering the wound as the blood continues to trickle, dripping over and between my fingers as I lift my head up, my red eyes locking with the pink orbs of the demoness in front of me. "Ungh... A Succubus...? How...?" I mutter, struggling to get to my feet. "Hey! Where am I?"
Royal_Guard_Gelda: My cheeks puff out in anger as I yell. "How dumb do you think I am?! This has been coming for millennia now! We've been trained to protect this place for centuries!" I lower myself into a slight crouch as my wings spread, my aura spiking as pink eyes shine brightly, before my body shoots forwards, launching myself towards you as my fingers clench into a fist, pulling it back and throwing a punch towards the Demon's face!
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  "Wait, wha- Ack!" I can barely react, my motions already slowed by my beaten and weary state as the Demoness moves at an incredible speed, the next thing I know a set of knuckles slamming into my nose and sending me hurtling backwards, my body flying through the air. I manage to regain some composure as I feel myself dropping towards the ground, catching myself on my hands and pushing up from the ground into a flip to land on my feet. "Ouch!! What was that for?!" I yell angrily as I hold my nose
Maia_Sarakof: Well. Now that is an exciting morning all of a sudden... wait, why the hell am I the peanut gallery?
Royal_Guard_Gelda: "No one said you had to stand by, there was just no obligation to step in~" I wink at Maia before turning back to the Demon. "You ask a lot of dumb questions, don'tcha?" I smirk as I launch myself forwards again, imbuing my hands with a pink energy as I fire off a flurry of jabs and punches
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  Damn! Just after escaping one attack I find myself in another! She's strong too! I barely manage to dodge the first hit, the second grazing my side, the third blocked with a timely forearm guard. Blow after blow, strike after strike, I can barely keep up and defend myself against the attack, taking a few of them head on, before my wings materialise at my back, the dark appendages with a purple glowing outline launching me high into the air to try and escape. "Hold on now! I don't want to fight! I just wanna know where I am!"
Maia_Sarakof: "Well now. That is quite rude." I comment calmly... and open a portal below me and one on the ground behind the flying intruder, leaping down into the first portal to gain momentum... and getting launched out of the second one like a bat out of, heh, hell, looking to grab onto the intruders shoulders from behind, arms already sparking with an electrical charge, barely contained but ready to be unleashed fully at a moment's notice "Land. Now."
Royal_Guard_Gelda: My fists fly in a flurry of strikes, a barrage of punches thrown one after another in rapid succession. I hate to admit it, but this Demon isn't half bad, managing to block or evade most of them, but the feeling of flesh and bone under my knuckles on occasion doesn't go unnoticed. If I can keep up this assault, I'll outlast him in no time! My last strike misses as he takes to the sky, spouting more of his lies. I don't even give a response, snarling as I fly up in pursuit, ready to launch another attack
Meliodas_the_Incubus: Dammit... She isn't listening to me. I really don't wanna do this, and I barely have any power left as it is... but I really don't have a choice this time. I summon what remains of my power as a dark aura flares around my body, my eyes glowing a deep red as my muscles expand and swell, my body increasing in bulk and height as my horns elongate and sharpen...
Meliodas_the_Incubus: Just as I ready myself to face the attack in front of me, my body backs up slightly, not hearing the warning as a jolt runs through my body, almost numbing my entire form as I feel an energy of sorts zapping through my skin and flesh. I turn my head slightly, my eye landing on what appears to be a synthetic lifeform, which explains why I wasn't able to sense the presence from the surprise attack. I need to act! If I stay immobilised here the Demoness will finish me off! I strain with all of my might to raise my hands, my aura flaring higher from my form as my eyes brighten, my teeth clenched tightly as I attempt to grip my assailant's wrists, a mighty and demonic roar leaving my lips as I try with all of my strength to throw her down and towards the Demoness, hoping to ward off both attacks
Maia_Sarakof: "Gelda, up!" At the very least I have the presence of mind to call it out as I am launched away... not bad. Should have probably taken the time to put on a suit. Or grabbed a Neurowhip. Or FINALLY install those damn antigravs I have been thinking of before this. Ah, well. I twist in the air, tucking and rolling to ensure my trajectory changes just enough to make me sail past Gelda... and the spaces between my fingers flare up with blue mathematicaal symbols, the portals shifting and realigning as I dive head-first into a new one just before hitting the ground... and get shot out of the other one like a cannon, flying in the direction of the bulked up intruder with my shoulder dipped and aimed at his torso. NOW we are thinking with portals...
Royal_Guard_Gelda: My eyes widen as I see Maia basically being thrown at me like a torpedo! "Whoa!!" I twirl in the air as the two of us narrowly miss each other, distracted for a second as I look down to make sure she'll be okay, but seeing she opens a portal just in time, I turn back to the invading Demon. I perform a mid air spin and aim a kick towards his face!
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  The portal opening on the ground didn't escape my notice, finally understanding how the synthetic managed to sneak up on me earlier without me having so much as seen it. Now that I know, I won't be caught off guard again. My head turns slightly as my eye spots another portal opening behind me, but needing to deal with the frontal assault first, I use my enhanced speed in this form to catch the kick thrown by the Demoness, my fingers wrapping around her ankle as I spin and pull her by the leg, swinging my arm and throwing her towards the spreading portal
Maia_Sarakof: This is rapidly turning into a math problem... just the way I like it. I barely shoot out of the glowing spot as Gelda comes barreling in my general direction... all right, change of plans, and the lightning suddenly deactivates as I reach for her arms "Tally-ho!" I call out and again twist in mid-air to throw her into the portal in a more controlled manner, letting her come out on the other end... unfortunately that all but kills my momentum and I land in a crouch "Heh. Nice morning workout... but enough games. Power: Online. Sensors: Online. Weapons: Online. All systems: Nominal. Engaging burst Module" I intone and begin vibrating on the spot, a low thrumming noise coming from me as the module springs to life and my HUD switches fully to combat mode, calculating trajectories and preparing for a supersonic jump... just need to find the right angle
Royal_Guard_Gelda: A wide smile spreads across my lips as I swing my leg, my foot coming crashing right into his... into his... huh... I don't feel an impact, my toes wiggling in my boot trying to feel a surface to kick... which is about when I feel the pressure around my ankle, realising my kick has been caught... "Ohhhhh that's not good...." I utter as I notice how much bigger the Demon is than when he first took to the air. "Waitwaitwai- GAAAH!" The world around me spins as I'm thrown the other way, getting dizzy as I spin, more so as I feel Maia grip my hands and spin me further as I shoot from one portal and out of another, taking me a second to realise where I even am. "Thanks Maia!" I wave and smile as my eyes land on the Demon again. Ooookaaayyy... So he's a LIIIIITLE tougher than I thought. No big deal! I just need to hit him harder, right? Right! I agree with myself, someone has to! I summon more of my power, my aura exploding with energy as the light soars, being careful not to raise it too high to the point of losing control of it again like I did before. I fly straight towards the invader, my fist surrounded by a bright pink orb as I throw a punch with as much energy as I can reasonably muster as my knuckles slam into his chest, a bright flash shining from the sky, dissipating to reveal... he... didn't budge... an inch... "Uh oh..."
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  The fist of the Demoness slams into my chest, likely putting all of her power into the strike, the impact barely felt through the hard muscle of my pec as my shining red eyes lock with her pink glowing orbs. My hand raises, sliding fingers around her wrist as I raise her arm upwards, my other hand drawing back with a clenched fist as I throw an under armed uppercut straight into her abdomen, my knuckles sinking into the flesh as I land a hard and sharp strike directly against her stomach, feeling the muscles crumble beneath the force of my attack. Not forgetting about the other nuisance, but not knowing where she is at the moment, unable to sense the location of synthetic life forms, I release the Demoness' wrist and catch her by the neck, fingers clenching at her throat as I bellow out with a demonic undertone. "Show yourself and drop your weapons! Now! Or I break this one's neck!" My self control in this form is difficult to maintain, but I still hope I don't have to follow up on this threat.
Maia_Sarakof: And this is where things get interesting. All right. Let's see here... This all will hinge on split-second manoevers - though, credit where it is due, it has been a while since I had to strategize like this... All right, then. The moment I get moving he will likely know where I am, because the sonic boom of someone breaking the sound barrier is difficult to overhear, But the distance is short enough that I will be on top of him in less than a second. Then there is the Gelda problem... well, got a brand new trick up my sleeve for that. Or more like old trick, new application. So... counting... counting... NOW! I LAUNCH myself off the ground, a deafening explosion trailing behind me - and again, if I had Antigravs, I could have just used the pressure to break them apart, dammit, upgrading later today, screw that noise - but really all I need is... there! My hand closes around Geldas foot and with a barely audible 'POP' she is gone, thrown into hammerspace - probably landing in a pile of plushies, don't ask, Gelda - while I continue my momentum. Flick of the wrist to release her from the extradimensional space and now I am hovering in his view for a split second "Uh-oh. Bad decision, mate" I snarl, my voice gaining a metallic reverb and my eyes flaring up - before I unload a barrage of punches, all accompanied by the distinct 'Boom' of the sound barrier being penetrated... and yeah. Sod it. I always wanted to do that... "MuuDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!" And for the record, yes: This IS a JoJo's reference
KOdboxerbabe: I get a sense that something is wrong, or could be seriously wrong and I back up and create a portal, flying through it like a missile. "hang on Gelda, I'm coming". The temporal distortion dissipates as the palace lobby starts to come into view and I see what looks like ten thousand fists attacking at once, as I stop my momentum and I look to see Maia going after somebody
Royal_Guard_Gelda: That punch... the force behind it... it's unreal... This has gotta be an ancient Demon or something... it must be. Blood pours from my lips at just that one single attack as it feels like his fist went straight through my body, like it came out of the other side or something, my eyes wide with pain, before I feel the tight grasp around my throat and cutting off my air. "Ack-!" My fingers wrap around his wrists, my legs swinging as I try to kick his arms, no good. It's like trying to kick a solid wall or something. I try to call out to Maia, to let her know not to worry about me and just go for it, but the tight grip stops any air from coming out. The next thing I know, Maia is right here, then we're... somewhere else... landing in a pile of something soft. "Oooh plushies!" I cuddle one, already forgetting about the battle, for a sec. "Oh wait! Maia?!" I look around, where the heck is this place?? "Hey! How do I get out of here??"
KOdboxerbabe: I close my eyes and focus on Gelda, seeing in my head that she's landed on a pile of plushies and I chuckle. Then I get a serious look on my face, standing next to Maia, giving her a nod. I also plant my feet, letting out a roar as dark purple energy surrounds me. *OH hoW MUcH fuN ThIs iS gOInG to bE*. I walk up to the demon and get right in his face. *OUr GEldA. YoU DArE tO tHreATeN ouR GEldA?!!?!?!"
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  My fingers clench at the throat of the Demoness as my eyes dart around the area, looking for the synthetic as I keep on guard for any portals around. In less than a second, the synthetic appears, before both herself and the Succubus disappear, my fingers clenching into a fist where her throat once was. I let out a low growl of frustration as the tricky robotic being appears before me once more, the speed at which she moves being unlike I've anything I've ever seen before, just barely able to raise my guard at the flurry of punches being sent towards me, my forearms shifting rapidly as I manage to block some of the blows, others breaching my defenses as I'm forced to take them, managing to avoid the majority of damage taken. I notice yet another Demoness approaching, both now side by side. My eyes emit a bright red glow as I release a beam of energy from my red orbs, firing off a blast at each of them from either eye.
Royal_Guard_Guila: Sensing a tremendous shift in the magical energies surrounding the land, several large powers seeming to be engaged in a fierce battle, I spread my wings and release my power, already knowing I would need my full Demoness abilities to be able to settle whatever is going on outside the palace gates. In an instant, my form irradiates with a bright purple energy as my aura reaches the very sky itself, my form changing as I take flight, looking to join in the battle
Maia_Sarakof: You know... here I was thinking this would be a nice and chill first day proper, but now I am fighting a bulked up demon with laser eyes and we are getting an avengers-style crossover in with more people coming in by the second... love it. And speaking of avengers... I cross my arms in front of myself, the blast hitting the prosthetics and burning away the synthetic flesh, revealing the wires, armor plates and synthmuscle underneath... and I snarl again, very slowly realising that hold on a minute... I am here. I am at the wheel, not observing from afar - and still I sound and act just the way I would with the residual program at the wheel... Wicked! All this goes through my head as I am launched away, making another mid-air backflip and landing on my feet, my boots leaving a trench in the ground as I slide backwards and finally come to a stop "All right. Let's kick it up a notch. Malevola, keep him busy for me for a second!" I snarl, reaching into my storage space again, peeking in... heh, Gelda took a souvenir, good for her - and yanking out what looks like a segmented chestplate, slamming it onto my torso... do we want to go full Godzilla threshold? No, not yet. Which is why the mech suit unfloding around me is still more on the sleek side, if one disregards the bulky... thing on the back "Initialising EOS Mk.3: Dusk Viper"
Royal_Guard_Guila: Reaching the battlefield, I sense the terrible energy of the intruder, recognising immediately this is a powerful Demon from Hell itself. I've never seen one in person, but I have heard the stories about the first Queen of Libidine liberating the province and severing the ties with Hell itself millennia ago, having prepared for an invasion from the realm that never came... Maybe... this is the start of that very invasion that was feared all those thousands of years ago. Reading the minds of all involved, but unable to penetrate the psyche of the intruder, I immediately know of Maia's plan and endeavour to assist. I spot Gelda... cuddling a plushie... sat in a pile of bushes... I sigh. "Gelda! Malevola! You heard Maia! Follow my lead!" I rush forwards in a burst of power, opening a portal in front of me, shooting through as the other side opens behind the Demon, landing a knee at his back before rushing back through and slamming an elbow into his face, employing hit and run tactics as I call for my sisters in arms to do the same
Royal_Guard_Gelda: I hear Guila's voice, snapping me back into the moment as I look up, seeing Maia seeming to charge something while Guila and Maria seem to be fighting the Demon. I place the plushie down, patting it on the head as I stand, releasing my own energy and following my sister's lead, coordinating our portals and landing consecutive strikes against the invader, rapidly attacking without letting up, intent on keeping him busy to buy time for Maia's plan to be enacted
KOdboxerbabe: I look over at Maia with a grin from ear to ear. "GLadLy. I'lL haVe lOTs oF FuN wiTh HIm". I see Gelda attack him and nod as Guila employs battle tactics. I stand still, raising my arm in the air, taking aim at him, with a huge smile on my face. "ECNAL ELCICI"..Three spears made of pure ice appear ans I point my finger at him, letting them loose
Meliodas_the_Incubus: Yet more opponents join the fray, unlocking a memory of something... very familiar... that's right! I was attacked right before arriving here somehow, having lost consciousness after the fight and landing in this new realm. Still, I can't shake the strange familiarity of this place, as if something about it feels like home. Not that I can dwell on these thoughts as I'm sent entirely on the defensive, this newest Succubus seeming more powerful than even the last as I try to block their attacks, the ferocity and speed of both almost seeming like it's increasing as I struggle to predict their movements, not helped by the ice projectiles fired upon me, carefully launched so that the Demoness' allies are not struck by the attack, my forearms just barely managing to parry the spears, one sticking into my shoulder. This angers me as I gather my darkness around me, the energy surrounding my form as I release it all in a singular shockwave in all directions, trying to force them all back to get some breathing space
Maia_Sarakof: Under any other circumstances I would be just admiring the view right about now... DAMN, a part of me has already dismissed this as a serious battle - after all, with the four of us and, oop, there is a dragon strafing overhead, hello there... yeah, no, sorry, mate, you could be Asmodeus yourself at this stage, but you are about to get got... but it looks like the intruder has one last trick up his sleeves... good on him. With a hiss and a pop my arms are shot away at the socket, empty sleeves rolling up by themselves - smart fabric, newest product of RazeTech, get yours now - and the human-sized arms are replaced with much larger appendages, locking into place as my body fully gets encased in the suit, making me stand at a proud 2.5m all of a sudden... with a whine of servos the bulky backpack unfolds, a cassete of missiles on one shoulder and an oblong square pipe on the other... FA-CHOWWW the jets built into the suit fire and I rise into the air, crosshairs in my field of view overlapping... I was just about to call for the others to disperse, but our new friend has done the job for me... good on him. There is a 'TING' in my ear as the target locks and... WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP a flurry of guided micromissiles shoots out in the intruders direction just as I accelerate HARD. The missiles? Those are just a distraction and they blow up before reaching him, just as vents on the back of the suit open and start throwing Chaff, making me look like an avenging angel as I barrel toward him. The smoke and metal particles from the missile barrage exploding should give me enough of a visual cover, but I am going for ALL the special effects right now, intending to break through the smoke and ram into the intruder, hopefully bringing him to the ground with the 5 tons of metal 'Fuck you' at the same time as the 'Pipe' swings around and aims for his face with the whine of charging capacitors... "Stand down or eat Gauss cannon, genius..."
KOdboxerbabe: I watch as my sisters in arms attack with speed and ferocity, using their hit and run tactics, though attacking in unison. They compliment each other so well, as they should, having years of combat experience between them. It's a sight to see and I smile as my ice spears heads towards the intruder, then I sneer as he's able to parry them with his forearm. I smirk and nod. "Impressive, Most Impressive". I then fly towards him, rearing my right arm back when a plethora of dark energy surrounds him and bursts forth in a shockwave explosion. I can't change my flight pattern in time, getting hit and blown back, hitting a wall..UUUUGGHHH...A hole in the shape of me is in the wall and I fall to the floor
Royal_Guard_Guila: The force of the shockwave is immense, even my full power not enough to withstand the sheer energy exploding from his very being, sending both myself and Gelda back with a tremendous push. I open a portal behind myself and enter, the other side opening right behind Gelda as I catch her, before opening yet another by Malevola. "I'm sorry I was unable to get to you in time, it seems we bought Maia the time we need. Let's get to a safer distance." I speak as I take her hand and pull her through, believing Maia surely will have put the Demon down for good.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: "Enough!" My voice bellows, the realm shuddering as the demonic reverb of my cadence carries out throughout the land, a the clouds shifting and swirling as a portal opens in the sky, the light from the gateway illuminating the ground beneath as I emerge from within the giant swirling vortex, descending to the ground as my glowing crimson orbs survey the damage to the area, the chaos below, and the aftermath of a fierce battle that threatens to become all the more out of hand. "This being is no invader" I speak loudly for all to hear as I approach the Demon, able to sense the confusion and fogginess of his mental state. "You are not here to cause harm... in fact, you do not know why you are in my realm... do you?"
Maia_Sarakof: "Hmpf. If you say so." Dangit, I was just getting into the swing of things... but hey, who am I to question the new development? With another hiss and crackle of rapidly cooling metal I push myself backwards and land with a heavy THUD, weapons still trained on the not-invader... because if the impossible HAS happened and he somehow tricked Melascula, well... I still got enough ammo loaded up to SERIOUSLY ruin his day
Meliodas_the_Incubus: Unbelievable... The power of this new place is truly fascinating... The synthetic being set off incredible projectiles, the likes of which I've never seen before! Each one a marvel in itself... and for sure distracting me as I feel a flurry of attacks land against my body, an incredible force sending me hurtling against the ground... and then... an immense power that makes even my blood run cold. A bellowing voice catches my attention as I look upwards suddenly. Is that... Lilith...? No, it isn't... but it's similar, too similar to be a coincidence. One thing's for sure though, this new power... I can't even sense the bottom of it. It's overwhelming, the sheer force reverts my form back to it's original state. "No... I don't" I reply quietly. "But... how did you know that?"
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The corners of my lips curl into a sly smile as my eyes glow a deep crimson, letting out a soft but knowing laughter as my hand raises, a purple hue surrounding my fingertips as I open a portal beside me. "All will be explained in time. First, let us get those injuries looked at. The finest Nurse in the Underworld can see to that for you~ You arrived with many of them already, didn't you?" I smile, gesturing towards the portal
Meliodas_the_Incubus: After everything that's happened... What reason do I have to trust her...? What reason do I have to trust anything...? My powers depleted, the memory of how I came to be here completely gone, only able to remember a very vague attack, even before getting into another intense battle here... I shouldn't trust anything right now! But... for some reason... I do. This is the one they all fought so furiously for? In any case, what choice do I have? I nod wordlessly, before entering the portal, hoping to get some answers
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: "Now then~" I smile as my fingers click, a spark emitting from the tips as a blanket of purple energy sweeps over the landscape, repairing the damage done to the realm during the battle. "Thank you all for your fervent defense~ And apologies to all for the chaos. I will bring answers forth in due time. For now, enjoy your time in Libidine~" I speak to one and all before entering the portal behind our guest, welcome to Libidine indeed~
Maia_Sarakof: "Heh. Always happy to help." I grin and give a two-fingered salute - looking rather humorous in THIS specific getup - before the suit starts to fold itself back up. the discarded arms vanishing and myself falling back into a portal... because there may or may not be an even hotter uniform for me to try on. Fashion is important!
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: "Would you mind taking a look at the Incubus, our beloved Royal Nurse?"
Dianne_the_Succubus_Nurse: Of course Queen Lessy!
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My fingers snap as I open a portal, the swirling vortex showing a silhouette emerging from within
Meliodas_the_Incubus: I step out of the portal, my wounds still covered in blood. "Thanks Queen"
Dianne_the_Succubus_Nurse: Well shit kiddo. You're a right fucking mess
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  You're not kiddin'! I was already barely walking when I found another battle right around the corner
KOdboxerbabe: I turn to see the incubus and my eyes burn a deep, dark red...YOU!!!
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  😨
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  Wait wait! Hold on! I never came looking for a fight!
Royal_Guard_Guila: My purple eyes emit a low glow as they narrow on the Incubus, my hand raising across Maria's chest as a gesture of restraint. "He is no threat as is, nor could he ever be with our Queens present"
Dianne_the_Succubus_Nurse: Okay, before we all go murdering the poor boy, can I at least examine him?
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  Please... 😰
KOdboxerbabe: I look at Guila and nod, keeping myself in check.."i understand".
Royal_Guard_Gelda: Takes Maria's hand and squeezes it softly
KOdboxerbabe: holds Gelda gently, looking deeply into her eyes
Dianne_the_Succubus_Nurse: Okay..... I walk up to Meliodas and examine his wounds, many caked in blood What the fuck happened to you?
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: "I believe it is indeed time that we hear your story, Demon. You were not here to invade, that much I am able to ascertain for myself. However your mind seems clouded, foggy... Either you have ancient magic that can prevent your mind from being read, even from a being of my power, or you do not know yourself. Which is it?"
Royal_Guard_Gelda: Hugs Maria tightly "You were fucking awesome out there~" I whisper into her ear
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  Well, you kinda nailed it on the second one. What I can tell you is that I'm an Incubus from the Lust Ring, but that much you pretty much figured out for yourself. I'm having trouble with my memory, huge gaps between events in my life, especially anything recent. The last thing I remember before getting here was a fight, surrounded on all sides, multiple opponents, an ambush. Whoever attacked me didn't want to fight, they wanted to kill. I couldn't even tell you whether I won the fight or if I just managed to escape, but it seems like I probably lost consciousness at some point. When I woke up, here I was, confused, disorientated, and confronted by a powerful and seriously pissed lookin Succubus! Which at that point I hadn't seen one for over a thousand years
KOdboxerbabe: "I had a duty to defend the realm, my Queens and my fellow royal guards. ANYONE who threatens those of this realm, especially you, will make me angry. and thanks dear, you were awesome as well"
Royal_Guard_Guila: "She would have performed more admirably had she taken the steps needed over the last few centuries to control her power" I sigh
Dianne_the_Succubus_Nurse: Okay, well, that's the what, now let's get down to how I can help~
Royal_Guard_Gelda: Sticks tongue out at Guila, hugs Maria "Yeah but no one said you had to be so badass and sexy while doing it! You go above and beyond" ^^
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  I smile, giving the Nurse a nod. "Thanks... um... What did you say your name was?"
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: "I believe we are due yours first"
Meliodas_the_Incubus: "Oh! It's Meliodas! Nice to meet you all!" I give a big smile
Dianne_the_Succubus_Nurse: Dianne, a pleasure~ Now, let's deal with you~
Meliodas_the_Incubus: Thank you 😌
KOdboxerbabe: "i wish i could've seen that, but i was busy getting blasted back into a wall. thanks meliodas. thanks"
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  S-Sorry...
Royal_Guard_Guila: "There is time, Maria. I have not forgotten our planned test"
KOdboxerbabe: "i have not forgotten about it either"
Dianne_the_Succubus_Nurse: As I look over Meliodas, my eyes glow with a pink hue. My fingers trace down his wounds, feeling the muscle tears and split skin. Well, my usual methods are..... fairly sapphic in nature, but I'll see what I can do
Meliodas_the_Incubus: I wince at the touch, but can't help but find it pleasant at the same time. "Do what you need to, and within the means you're comfortable. I haven't seen a Succubi in a long time, but I know the treatment they got from Demons. Just being shown mercy is more than enough reason for me to be thankful"
Royal_Guard_Guila: I admit, I am excited for it Maria
KOdboxerbabe: i am as well, Guila
Dianne_the_Succubus_Nurse: Uh huh, shush. Talking makes it harder. Rose petals begin to swirl around my fingers and I carefully place a petal on each wound, making sure my touch is gentle and delicate as I go.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: "We can arrange it soon, dears. We can have it here or create another private space for the members of the Queendom to witness"
Meliodas_the_Incubus: Shuts up as I feel a mixture of pain and soothing from each of my wounds with every petal placed against them. I try to keep still, not an easy thing to do with the sensations felt, but the touch of the Nurse is unlike anything I've felt before
Dianne_the_Succubus_Nurse: Now, the petals should stay on your wounds until they close, which should be in am hour or so, at which point they will dissolve completely
Meliodas_the_Incubus: I bow my head "Thank you, Nurse"
Dianne_the_Succubus_Nurse: I hope you don't become a frequent patient~!
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: "Her name is Dianne, please show her the respect due and use it"
Meliodas_the_Incubus: "Oh, right! Thank you Lady Dianne" I bow fully "And I've already had more than I could have asked for, I should be getting out of your way and heading off"
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: "And where exactly do you intend to go? Your home does not seem as if it would be a safe place, do you even have a destination in mind?"
Meliodas_the_Incubus:  ...
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: "As I suspected. Even were you to leave, you are unable to use the majority of your powers, including the powers of seduction common between your kind and my own, meaning you would be putting yourself in a very vulnerable position"
Meliodas_the_Incubus: "How did-" I cut myself off, knowing I was about to ask a stupid question. I sigh "Yeah, you're right. It's like I've forgotten how to be a Sex Demon at all"
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: "Then I propose a deal. Should my wife be in agreement, you will be offered refuge. My fellow Succubi and I will help you rediscover your powers and help you in regaining your strength. In exchange, I ask for your strength to be used to subdue any potential threats to our lands, and should you prove to be one of those threats yourself, I will not show you mercy a second time. Are all in agreement?"
Anastasia_the_Dominant: I'm in agreement. I am a bi bitch, and he gives massive twink energy
KOdboxerbabe: I agree.
Meliodas_the_Incubus: Looking around and seeing the unison, I see more of why these two rulers are so loved and fiercely defended. I lower my body, taking a knee as I raise my aura, a blackness surrounding my form. "I accept with gratitude. My life is now the Queens' to command as they see fit." My aura dissipates as I stand, a wide smile spreading on my lips. "Thanks! I'm lookin' forward to getting to know everyone!"
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I nod, the corners of my lips curling into a sly smile as I speak in a soft tone. "The Palace Catwitch will be very happy indeed~"

Published: 2024-07-18, viewed 0 times.

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