The Queendom of Libidine

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-07-08
Chat room: #Libidine_Palace

  • Fantasy
  • Descriptive writing
  • Female / Female
  • Sex
  • Forced cum
Where the Queens of Lust rule~
174 members
14 stories
3 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

The foundations of the Queendom are being built~

The Queens prepare~

Opening it's gates to welcome members~

Enter... and pleasure we will share~

About The Queendom of Libidine

Welcome darlings~

The Queendom of Libidine is a special place, a realm of lust and fulfillment of your deepest desires~ Having recently made a first in it’s long history in being ruled by two Queens, we wish to welcome you into our domain~

Melascula is the third Queen of Libidine, having overthrown the prior monarch after centuries of tyrany. Since then, she has done her utmost to undo the damage of the last rule and help her people prosper, though thankfully she still has time for her own enjoyment~

Anastasia is the fourth Queen of Libidine, having been crowned after her marriage to Melascula, making history in a joint rule. Her dragoness hybrid blood, as well as her joining with Melascula infusing her blood with demoness essence has made her already powerful energy as strong as her wife. Despite her rule being only a fraction of her wife’s so far, she has been instrumental in contributing much to the land in a very short space of time, making it all the more a wonderful realm~


This will be a space where members can coexist and find a safe area to express themselves however they wish. To keep the realm comfortable for all, we will not tolerate the following:

Harassment – This includes both public and private. Any members found harassing one or more fellow members will be removed without exception. The discretion as to what constitutes will be down to one or both of the Queens. Should a dispute arise, please settle this amicably in private, and any irreconcilable issues will be looked at from both sides.

Male applicants by invite only – There was a long thought process as to whether males would be allowed at all, given Libidine itself is a population of lesbian sex demonesses. However, it has been decided that any males allowed will be invited personally, if you have not been invited, you are not welcome.

Alternates are allowed, but to be used respectfully – There will be no issue with having alternate characters within the Queendom, however if any are caught using them in a malicious or manipulative way, all associated characters will be removed and exiled.

Blocking of the Queens or admins – This should be fairly obvious, however any blocking of those who have admin rights within the realm will be seen as an attempt to hide activities and will be subsequently removed.

Official Libidine titles are granted to members at our own discretion, they are not to be requested.

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