03:13 <Boxxxer> I see your phone light, "hello, uhh hey can i get a hand, kinda lost here"
03:14 <Joanna_Louvier> “Woah! Ah, sorry… also lost. Afraid I wouldn’t be much help…” I say, quietly studying your chiseled physique through your street clothes…
03:14 <Hi_Im_Damian> *Damian's breath stays still, and his form is still as ice, he continues to observe the intruders*
03:16 <Boxxxer> "Well then, may I suggest we be lost together?" I say as i walk up to you. Wearing jeans and a grey T shirt with black running shoes. At only 18 years old and standing 5'10 150lbs.
03:18 <Joanna_Louvier> I notice how young you look, despite your conditioning giving you a more weathered appearance… “so, you on a school trip or something?” I ask, trying to suss out what you’re doing alone in the subway… then… “hey, you get the feeling we aren’t alone down here?” I’m wearing blue jeans, white adidas running shoes and a green hoodie.
03:19 <Hi_Im_Damian> *a twig snaps in the distance*
03:20 <Boxxxer> I grin, "no just new to the city just moved here" a twig snaps and you ask the question, "yeah pretty sure we're not the only ones here" I say as I look around, "hello!!!! Anyone out there!!!" I yell trying to see if someone will answer me. Yt
03:22 <Hi_Im_Damian> *... Silence*
03:22 <Hi_Im_Damian> Yt
03:24 <Hi_Im_Damian> *... Silence but cooler*
03:25 <Joanna_Louvier> *phases out of play and becomes an NPC follower of Boxxxer in his current adventure*
03:25 <Joanna_Louvier> [ Joanna Louvier temporarily joins your party ]
03:26 <Boxxxer> I walk out to the darkness to find what that noise was as I keep Joanna behind me, being the tough guy male protecting the female. Walkimg towards a small pillbox in the subway.
03:27 <Joanna_Louvier> *rolls eyes* (ok, later! Have fun!)
03:27 <Hi_Im_Damian> (Bye bye)
03:28 <Hi_Im_Damian> (We should wait for tomorrow, I don't want one of our founding members being left out)
03:28 <Hi_Im_Damian> (At least not for this part)
03:31 <Hi_Im_Damian> (You're a co founder of the Fed now)
03:31 <Boxxxer> (I agree, ahh cool)
03:31 <Hi_Im_Damian> (Were the golden trio now)