The UUC League

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-05-11
Chat room: #uucl

  • No holds barred
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
  • Extreme violence
The United Underground Clubs is a league for brutal underground fights, light on rules.
31 members
10 stories
0 photos
0 files

Manda vs Victor: Underground Prize Fight


20:10 <Manda_mandagirl> maybe the 2 of us in a ring... small underground league or money fight?
20:12 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Definitely my cup of tea.
20:29 <Victor_Van_Quisher> [IMAGE:]
20:35 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Another night of underground fighting. I keep saying I’m going to quit, but the money’s good and the rush is even better. After my usual, thorough warmup routine, I enter the underground fighting arena and walk out to the ring, dressed in a simple pair of black athletic shorts that go to mid-thigh… no shirt, barefoot, my hands clad in black boxing wraps. I step between the ropes and go to my corner, bouncing on my toes, swinging my arms to get the blood pumping… waiting for my unknown opponent to enter the arena.
20:35 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Yt
20:28 <Manda_mandagirl>
20:28 <Manda_mandagirl> (fight gear)
20:38 <Manda_mandagirl> showing up for tonight’s match... good pay day and they say you are a good fighter, so im looking forward to proving dominance tonight. give them a real good show. coming out of the locker room in my black thong bottoms and sports bra, showing off my rippling body nicely and holding in my full chest perfectly, hands wrapped in light pink wraps ... coming out barefoot and getting a few high fives through the crowd and taps on the back and ass as i slide into the ring and pop to my feet... looking over the bigger and older guy... "you will do nicely" i say as i try to look calm as my heart POUNDS
20:38 <Manda_mandagirl> yt
20:46 <Victor_Van_Quisher> As I watch you step into the ring, my heart rate begins to increase, not out of intimidation but anticipation. You look like a ripe piece of fruit in that tight little outfit, your youthful athletic physique showing off all of the angles and curves of a woman in her prime. Your light pink handwraps contrast with your black thong and sports bra. Your smile shimmers under the spotlights of the dingy arena… I can’t believe you’re smiling… you think you have a chance against me? I can feel my blood going hot as I feel the impulses to put you in your place… to put you down, and break your body and spirit… I come to the center of the ring as the “ref” calls us in to the center… yt
20:49 <Manda_mandagirl> stepping forward as my eyes are LOCKED on yours for a moment… then looking you up and down as we get to the middle of the ring lookin UP at you as i still try to hold my smile.. the ref at our side as we stare down, my full tits press lightly into your upper chest just below those rippling pecs... saying nothing till the ref smiles and slaps his hands.. OK... instead of backing off and waiting for the bell i fire a hooking left/right towards your lower abs in a quick and violent combo, then just backing off very quickly hoping to get back befoe you can really react..
20:49 <Manda_mandagirl> yt
21:00 <Victor_Van_Quisher> You’re not shy, no… you press right into my muscular chest with your firm, full breasts… you show an uncanny lack of regard for the bell as you immediately begin throwing hooks at my body.. UFFF your left hits me right below the ribs, and if I hadn’t tucked my right elbow in at just the right moment, it could have possibly even hit my liver, hard. As I see your right hook coming at me, I am in the perfect position to counter with a right uppercut to your chin—which, if successful, stops your right hook dead in its tracks—followed by a left hook to your jaw, and if possible, grabbing you behind the head and finishing the combo with a right/rear knee strike to your solar plexus. Yt
21:04 <Manda_mandagirl> the little grin on my face as i fire the punch into your body as u take it well and my other cocked, but before I can even get it there the ref is stepping back and your fist coming up between us splitting my tits and i get my head to the side a little as your fist glances off of my jaw, still knocking my head back some... SHIT.. my guard coming up but your hook is lightening quick and my head SPINS to the side as you PEPPER my jaw w/ the shot, a little shocked as you grab for my hair.. i duck my head and YANK backwards as your knee flys upa nd gazes my forehead, that one sould have FUCKED me up as i stagger back a couple steps shocked at what just happened... taking a big step back, then another as i THROW myself into the ropes and use them letting them SPRING me forward towards you as i try to get to you QUICK before you expect it... i JUMP as i come towards you.. reaching out for the back of your head w/ both hands as i PUMP my right thigh forward... hoping to fly at you and POWER that knee and thigh into your rippling chest and abs.... HHIIEEYY
21:04 <Manda_mandagirl> yt
21:13 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I’m slightly impressed that you’ve managed to escape my counterattack with only a few glancing blows, then before I know it you are bouncing off the opposite ropes, hurtling yourself through the air directly at me… You are so quick, so athletic… that body isn’t just for show, that’s for sure. I bring my guard up high as your hands reach back for my head, I expect a knee to the face, but then I feel your knee CRASH into my chest with a THUMP, somewhat dampened by my rippling pectoral muscles and abs… it sure as hell hurts but it’s far from enough to take me down, much less, out… With your body fully colliding into mine, I take the opportunity to grab hold of your right thigh, pulling it toward me, grasping your left butt cheek with my right hand, loading my right shoulder into your abdomen and slamming you into the canvas HARD yt
21:18 <Manda_mandagirl> coming in hard and fast as i grab you and PUMP that leg into that rock hard body of yours. i have to admit, the muscles are very impressive as i HAMMER it home. getting a nice grunt from you, BUT u hold your footing, that size and power is sooo evident as you wrap your hand around my knee and ass.. NN NN OOOO.. PUSHING on your head and tryign to get u off of me only to NNNOOOOOO AAAAOOOOOOOFFFFFFFF.. you DRIVE into my prone body and HAMMERING that shoulder into my rippling abs and taking me off my feet as ytou pull my leg and ass, fingers digging into my hard ass cheeks and OOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFFFFFFFF.. ur PLANTme into the mat violenlty as the entire ring SHAKES.. the crowd SPRINGING to their feet as i am buried into the mat... gasping as i try to GRAB your hair in desperation .. attmeping to PULL your face forward and between my full young tits... trying to get some control to recover from the brutal slam.... holding TIGHT to the back of your head
21:18 <Manda_mandagirl> yt
21:29 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I feel your hands gripping my short hair, desperately trying to get some kind of control, and my confidence gets a major boost. You pull my face into your tits and I savor the smell of your sweat and the softness of your full breasts… As you writhe beneath me after being slammed into the mat, I feel your taut, muscular frame pushing and pulling wildly against me. You pack a lot of power onto that 5’5” frame, but tonight, it’s all in vain… I reach up past your left arm with my right, blindly grasping for your throat, and going in behind your right shoulder with my left to pick you up off the canvas again, holding you aloft, letting you kick your feet in the air and then bringing you down in a brutal two handed CHOKESLAM!!! Yt
21:35 <Manda_mandagirl> PULLING your head and your face disappearing in my full tits as the crowd goes wild... cheering and yelling. holding u TIGHT to cut your air and light.. giving me time to recover a little and smother some of the fight out of the much bigger man.. then feeling that big hand on my throat as you wrap it up and grabbing my shoulder as well as i feel that power as you START to lift me.. NN NN NNNOOAAKKAKAKAAAKKK.... as im getting off of the ground my feet hanging as i TRY to kick at your body but in a PANIC as you hold me high.. feet kicking that rock hard body as you hold me HIGH in the air... AKAKHEKAEHAEK.. face bright red and .. then coming down from almsot 7 feet in the air as u CHOKE me... and THROWN down violently landing on my back as my head bounces.. entire body BOUNCING on the canvas as ALL the air drives from me and ears start RINGING as my head slams down.. rolling to my side holding my throat and head as i try to roll towards the ropes...
21:35 <Manda_mandagirl> yt
21:44 <Victor_Van_Quisher> As you try to roll away to the ropes, looking truly pathetic when you once looked so strong and confident, I’m compelled to keep dishing out relentless punishment… I easily catch you by your long, flowing dirty blonde hair, dragging you back to the center of the ring, pulling you up to your knees and planting your head between my legs, then before you can realize what is happening I reach down and grab you by your hips, pull upwards while launching myself into the air, whipping you upwards like a jackknife so your ass is hovering directly over my head, then SLAMMING you straight down to the mat in a massive, BRÜTAL, powerbomb!!! Yt
21:48 <Manda_mandagirl> rolling but caught quickly by the huge man.... WW WW WAAIIT.. i gasp as you YANK me by the hair getting up as i have my left hand on ur thigh and my right making a fist pulling it back but YANKED forward and feeling ur rippling thighs on my shoulders... reaching down for your knees, but IMMEDIATLY gripped and YANKED off of my feet w/ ur hands grip my hips and im FLIPPED up SOO easily... nn nnnn nnooo.. tits struggling to stay in my top as you flip me up and JUMP..... hands reaching out for NOTHING as im upside down and coming straight down.. my head POUNDED into the mat... eyes shut and ears RINGING as im let go and falling FLAT to the mat, tits UP... OUT for a moment.. then my eyes fluttering as I lay there.. feet barely moving as my brain is scrambled and lying in this HORRIBLE position
21:48 <Manda_mandagirl> yt
22:03 <Victor_Van_Quisher> You lie motionless on the canvas before me, and I’m almost certain you went unconscious for a brief moment there… your head nods from side to side and your limbs stir weakly as you try to find that last bit of fight left in your body… I could easily finish you with a ground and pound, but honestly you’re too pretty for that… besides, I have something more fun in store for you. I easily move up past your legs and sit up on your chest, again, admiring those full, perky breasts as my cock grazes in between them… I slip my right leg up past your head, then pulling your head up towards me and slipping my right leg between your back and the canvas, I hook my right foot in the crook of my left knee, creating a vice-like grip, exerting crushing pressure on your chest and cutting off the flow of blood to your head and right arm, in a finishing move commonly known as a mounted triangle choke. I lean back, turning up the pressure and pulling on your arm for leverage as I watch your face turn RED
22:03 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Yt
22:31 <Manda_mandagirl> laying on the mat between ur strong legs, TITS UP as my top is barley covering my full chest anymore. legs spread eagle and laying alost motionless as i start to wake up… fluttering eyelids trying to get everything back in focus, but can’t get a clear thought though my head. only to have you slide forward and sit on my strong chest… crushing my ribs inwards as i fight for air and ur full cock pressing into the middle of my tits as you lean forward and ur long legs wrapping my arm and neck.. u stighten up as my head jerks to the side some. eyes open in shock as my rock hard body spasms in ur grip as i spring back to life, but only jerking and spasming... face bright red as you snake ur legs and strangle me. feeling like u are going to dislocate my jaw w/ the power as you hover over my perfect muscular young body...
22:31 <Manda_mandagirl> yt
22:36 <Victor_Van_Quisher> “Yeah, that’s right, cocky bitch! Time for you to take a nap! You’ve earned it!” I taunt you as you sputter and spasm helplessly beneath me. I squeeze your right breast until your nipple pops out over the top of your cup, then squeeze your cheeks as your face turns darker and darker red as your circulation is cut off… yt
22:38 <Manda_mandagirl> my hard little body laying prone udner you as ur thighs strangle me, thick package pressing into my cleavage as you lay on me... then my tit attacked and SQUEEZED out of my top as my hard nipple is shown to the entire arena.... shaking on the ground as you crush my face and neck and skull..... eyes fluttering till they slowly SHUT... ravished by the huge man in the ring....
22:38 <Manda_mandagirl> yt
22:43 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I watch those pretty eyes go white as they turn upwards and your cute face swells beet red. Your eyes shut and your face loses all trace of expression… I feel your strong, fit body tense up beneath me, a telltale sign that there is no more fight left in you—you are officially LIGHTS OUT. The tension eventually fades and you go limp, and I sit back and release my grip on you as the ref comes in to hassle me… but not before I take a couple trophies from our battle… I pull your sports bra up over your head, then pull your black thong down past your feet, leaving you lying totally naked in the ring, with the exception of your pink handwraps… yt
22:45 <Manda_mandagirl> your legs finally unhook my unconscious body as i lay there spread eagle.. there for the enjoyment of you and the crowd as im STRIPPED naked.. my teen body laying perfet and naked on the mat unconscious as the ref raises your hand in victory... beaten and bruised as u hold my attire high over your head....
22:45 <Manda_mandagirl> YT or THE END
22:46 <Victor_Van_Quisher> The end :)

<Published> 2022-01-25, viewed 210 times.
