The UUC League

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-05-11
Chat room: #uucl

  • No holds barred
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
  • Extreme violence
The United Underground Clubs is a league for brutal underground fights, light on rules.
31 members
10 stories
0 photos
0 files

The Heart of a Killer


16:51 <Victor_Van_Quisher> It’s Deathmatch Night again… my favorite night of the month. They’re held every full moon, so it’s always a treat when I can line this up with my schedule. I’ve heard tonight’s challenger is a real tough bitch named Krissy. Goes by “Killer Krissy.” Hell of a body, and an attitude to go with it. Sure, I’m a head taller than her, but I never underestimate an opponent, which is why I’m such a legend at this club. I step into the pit, wearing my black trunks that come up to mid thigh, along with my black handwraps. I look around the upper lip of the pit, seeing the silhouettes of people drinking and gambling above me… the walls of the pit are about eight feet high. The floor is hard concrete, as are the walls. I swing my arms in wide circles, do some warmups and shadowbox a bit, waiting for my opponent to enter through the other side. I’m going to rip her open.

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16:58 <Killer_Krissy> I stand on the edge of the pit, watching you shadowbox. "Hmph, he doesn't look so tough," I say, then hop down in. I'm wearing my green sports bra and shorts. My bare feet hit the cold, hard floor of the pit. I look at you with a smug grin as I start stretching out my arms and my body, arching my back and loosening everything up. "Hope you're ready to die, tonight."

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17:07 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I size you up, admiring your muscles and your curves, accentuated by your sports bra and shorts… admiring your confidence, even though it’s going to get you brutally killed tonight. “Hahaha… don’t worry about me, babe. I just hope you’re ready to be torn apart.” I crack my knuckles, grinning at you menacingly… a loud bell sounds, signaling the fight has begun…

17:10 <Killer_Krissy> "I've heard that before... usually minutes before I crush someone's skull!" I charge in the second the bell rings and throw a hard kick at your side. "HAH!"

17:14 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I lower my arm to take the brunt of your kick on my elbow, bicep and tricep… “ugh!!” … then wrapping that arm under your calf, trapping your ankle, using the other arm over the top of your leg to trap as well, then using my opposite foot to sweep your standing leg out from under you, trying to throw you to the ground hard… “huaagh!”

17:17 <Killer_Krissy> You catch my leg as it hits you. "Hey!" I let out instinctively. I hop up awkwardly on one foot until you sweep out my other leg and I lose my balance. "Woah!" I land hard on my back with a grunt.

17:20 <Victor_Van_Quisher> You fall hard on your back, seeming hurt and slow to get back up. I bring my right leg up high in the air, then swing my heel down towards your sternum in a brutal axe kick…

17:25 <Killer_Krissy> "Ughh..." I close my eyes for a couple seconds, which is just enough time for you to bring your foot down on my sternum. "GUHH!" My arms and legs shoot up into the air, then fall down on the ground. I let out a guttural noise as it's clear you kick did some serious damage. I grip onto your leg tightly as it pressed down on me, and I start throwing punches into it to get you off of me.

17:28 <Victor_Van_Quisher> “Ugh!!! Guhh!!” I pull my leg away from you, letting you get to your feet… I’m going to have more fun taking you apart standing up anyway… readying my hands in an orthodox stance, left in front, right guarding my chin…

17:29 <Killer_Krissy> I roll over onto my side and spit out a bit of blood onto the floor, then I get back up to my feet. I'm wheezing a bit, but I'm still confident I can come back after that disastrous first attack. I move in a bit more slowly, then try to throw out a few quick jabs, a left to your ribs and a right to your face.

17:34 <Victor_Van_Quisher> “Hahaha… bleeding already?” I taunt, watching as you come at me, trying to jab at my ribs… but my reach beats yours by several inches, and I throw my right hand over your jab in a right cross to your jaw, then again as you try another jab, then I block and catch your left arm, throwing a heavy left hook to your open solar plexus, looking to knock the wind out of you before your right straight can reach me…

17:37 <Killer_Krissy> Your fist slams into my jaw, and my head bobbles around my neck for a second. I try another jab but it's blocked and you catch my arm, then throw a hard punch into my solar plexus. "OOOOH!" I let out a breathy moan as my body slumps around your fist. A string of drool hangs from my mouth.

17:42 <Victor_Van_Quisher> This is going to be easier than I thought… I let go of your left arm and send a left-right uppercut combination to the underside of your jaw to snap your head back, then a blistering combination of left and right hooks at your ribs, abs, and obliques, at full power, trying to back you up to the hard, concrete wall of the pit.

17:45 <Killer_Krissy> My head gets knocked around from your uppercuts. I stumble back, and you switch to hitting my midsection, knocking me back with each blow. Finally my back slams up against the hard concrete wall. "UGH!" I try to raise my right knee and hit you in your stomach to keep you away.

17:50 <Victor_Van_Quisher> “OUuugghhh!!!!” Your right knee takes me by surprise, showing you still have some fight in you… sending me doubling over a little, but I use that momentum to slam my forehead into your nose, trying to stun you…

17:52 <Killer_Krissy> I slam my knee into your body, but then your head smashes into my nose. My head whips back and slams into the back of the wall. My eyes go unfocused, and I'm dazed, leaning up against the concrete wall. "Unnnngh..."

17:58 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I grab you by your jaw with my left hand, slamming a hard right elbow across your face… then twisting and dipping low and to my left, I curl my left bicep, twisting back towards you and deep into your navel with a brutal left uppercut… then twisting to my right, coming back at you with a brutal right uppercut to the same spot… intent on breaking those sexy abs of yours…

18:02 <Killer_Krissy> Your elbow crashes into my jaw. My arms twitch and flop against my legs as they hang limply at my side. You can see me struggling to refocus my eyes, and I let out another groan. Then you hit me hard in my abs, twice. My body jerks and I cough up a bit of blood after the second hit. I let out a gurgly groan as my body started to sink down to the ground...

18:11 <Victor_Van_Quisher> “Pathetic…” I taunt, as you start to go limp from my elbow and two uppercuts… I press my left knee in between your legs as you start to slide down the wall, grabbing you by your throat with my left hand, and sending an absolutely brutal series of four right uppercuts deep into your upper abs, trying to tear them apart and expose your vulnerable organs to more punishment…

18:13 <Killer_Krissy> My ribs crunch and shatter as you pummel my abs. My skin starts to stretch and bleed from your devastating punches. I cough up more blood onto your hand and arm as you hold me by my throat. I let out another gurgling sound, and my eyes keep rolling back into my head before recentering on you... I can barely keep them open anymore.

18:25 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Seeing your skin start to tear where it meets your ribs… seeing your eyes rolling around lazily… it’s time for the coup de grace…

18:26 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I find the tear in your skin… hooking my middle finger into it, then my index finger… twisting and tearing, widening the wound as blood pours out every 1/3 of a second as your heart pumps rapidly, almost as if it knows it’s running out of time… I plunge four fingers, like a knife, through your flesh, tearing through the muscles in your abdomen, REAAACHING into your chest cavity, feeling the tangle of veins and arteries pumping, pulsing desperately as you bleed all over my chest, all down my legs and yours, and I finally wrap my powerful fingers around your heart…

18:28 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Gripping, SQUEEZING… watching the unimaginable pain and terror registering on your face… And then, without a moment’s notice, pulling VIOLENTLY and RIPPING your still beating heart from your chest… raising it up to meet your lazy, dizzied gaze… letting you watch as it takes its last beats… I bring it to my mouth and tear into the raw muscle with my teeth, giving you a wink as you watch…

18:32 <Killer_Krissy> My eyes go wide as I feel your hand enter my body. "Wuhhh... guhhh..." I can't believe what's happening as your hand travels up into my body... you grip onto my heart and tear it out. I watch with wide, terrified eyes as you take a bite out of it. I sink down to my knees, still staring up into your eyes... I throw up blood and it splatters all over, before my eyes roll up and my face slams into the concrete floor. Blood pools out from under my body as it lays there, totally still.

18:40 <Victor_Van_Quisher> “Goodbye, Krissy… thanks for playing…” I press my foot onto the back of your head as you lie dead, face down in a pool of your own blood, totally eviscerated by my bare hands… I hold your heart up to show the roaring crowd—a new trophy to add to my collection… Then looking down at you, admiring your body while at the same time lamenting that I had to destroy such a stunning specimen. But then again… maybe that’s why I enjoyed this so much. I turn you over so you’re facing up now, seeing the whites of your open eyes staring up at the crowd now, and I place my foot on your chest as I again show your heart off to the crowd, reveling in your beauty and your destruction at my hands.

<Published> 2022-05-12, viewed 167 times.



Holly Brockler

2022-05-12 22:10

Awesome and brutal, hell yah!

Stephanie the jobber (deleted member)

2022-05-12 19:22

That's some mortal kombat shit right there! Great! Wouldn't mind though


2022-05-12 14:32

Great detailed story!

Victor Van Quisher

2022-05-12 14:54

(In reply to this)

Thank you!