The UUC League
Established: 2022-05-11
Chat room: #uucl
- No holds barred
- Long-term roleplay
- Descriptive writing
- Extreme violence
The United Underground Clubs is a league for brutal underground fights, light on rules.
21:12 <LanaMauler> Ever since I first showed up at this underground club, I've owned this cage. Wiped the walls with every opponent who thought they stood a chance. They've started keeping more medics on standby on nights I have a match booked. That might be a huge red flag for anyone coming up against me - unless they were new, didn't know me yet. Apparently, that's what the organizers were feeding me tonight, they promised me a cute chewtoy to beat bloody for the audience. The announcer's voice came over the air as I stalked back into the cage once again: "You know her, you love her, everybody give it up for the Mauler... LLLLLAANA!"
21:14 <LanaMauler> Dressed in my usual workout gear - tight sports bra and shorts that leave little to the imagination about my lethally honed body, and nothing but thin leather on my fists, I stepped through the door, stretching out my rippling muscles to cheers and whoops from the seedy audience, before I settle into my corner and wait for my chewtoy to get introduced.
21:14 <LanaMauler> yt
21:17 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> I am a 21 year old frat boy at a nearby college and I heard about this place from one of my bros. A place you can get paid to beat on people? I signed up right away. The organizers offered me either a warmup match against some little guy or a main event against a woman. I am a main eventer in my mind, so the choice was clear.
21:21 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> I check myself in the mirror before heading down to the cage in my black "Tapout" shorts and fingerless black gloves..."And her opponent...Pretty Boy Paul!". I wave and flex for the crowd but get little reaction. The announcer says this mixed main event is no holds barred, winner decided when it's over. I look you up and down. You're fit... probably about the same weight as me and a few inches taller..."Wonder if this chick can really fight...". I stretch a bit in the corner of the cage and settle into my fighting stance, staring across at you
21:21 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> Yt
21:25 <LanaMauler> I watch you enter the cage like a predator watching prey walk right into her den. Looking you up and down and appraising you like a slab of meat, I nod to myself. Pretty boy you are indeed. Good. It's more fun when you're cute. I'm not particularly impressed by what I'm presented with, looks like another overconfident "decent" fighter who got talked into signing the waivers to get paid for getting in here with me. Noticing you checking me out as well, I tilt my head to the side a little, raising an eyebrow. "Like what you see, pretty boy?"
21:25 <LanaMauler> yt
21:30 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> I can see you're sizing me up and am surprised to see a little smirk form at the corner of your mouth...."Yeah, I do. It's a shame what I'll have to do to you but I gotta get paid! Maybe I will take you out once you're healed up". CLANG! The cage door is shut and latched. They give the command...FIGHT! The crowd stirs in anticipation and I come out in a basic boxing stance. I have been in some scraps for sure but not formally trained, really. When I get in range, I fire a couple testy right jabs at your face
21:30 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> Yt
21:35 <LanaMauler> I continue to smirk through your answer, and giggle a little at your almost admirable overconfidence. Then, the cage is closed, and it's time to begin. Your stance isn't the worst I've seen, but it's definitely nothing professional. I slowly pull away from the cage wall, circling you, in a light and flexible guard. You make the first move, trying to through some jabs at me. Slipping to the side, I dance around your opening salvo, letting you punch air, before stepping into your guard and throwing a low, hard hook aimed at your gut.
21:35 <LanaMauler> yt
21:40 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> My jabs come up empty and your counter is quick, your fist sneaking just under my elbow and tagging my firm abs with a solid THWACK! The force of the shot ripples through my belly and hunches me over some. I grunt and grimace, trying to push you away to create some space for a high left hook toward the side of your head. "Unh!"
21:40 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> Yt
21:44 <LanaMauler> Slipping around and landing a satisfying hit on your body, the way it bends you over and the sound it elicits from you makes me hungry for so much more. With a continued smirk, my dance carries on, suddenly going low to slide right under your swinging left as I get closer, before pouncing up with a hard knee rocketing for your jaw while you're still hunched from that body blow.
21:44 <LanaMauler> yt
21:48 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> My counter is wild and not nearly fast enough, barely moving even a hair as you slip under it. I am pulling my first back for another go, not remotely prepared for a flying knee that rockets into my jaw and stands me back up in a hurry. The crowd erupts in a big cheer as I stagger back, side of my face red and tasting blood in my mouth. You've gotta know you rocked me good with that one. "Mmmf!" Trying to put myself together and clear the cobwebs
21:48 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> Yt
21:52 <LanaMauler> Making it look effortless, I'm under your hook and right on top of you before you even know what's going on, and the way you stagger after your face meets my knee tells me (and the crowd) that that one just hit big. You try to take a moment to get your bearings, but I'm following you step for step, and just as you catch your footing under you we nearly collide before I wind back and blast another powerful fist aimed right into your navel.
21:52 <LanaMauler> yt
21:58 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> I have my hands high, trying to avoid another headshot as I stagger back a few steps...but you give me no quarter and are up in my grill before I know it, I'm not ready and your first blasts right above my beltline, right into that sensitive spot, my navel. "Huuuuunnnnh!" The air rushes from my open mouth and my body sort of folds over your fist. I lean into you and punch at your sides but there isn't much on them...trying to catch my breath, you hard body against mine...realizing I am in trouble now
21:58 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> Yt
22:04 <LanaMauler> My leather gloved fist sinks into your core, and as your body wraps around my punch there are whoops from the audience. Still fighting while trying to get your breath, you're throwing punches either side, but they have no leverage and little power. I let a few thump off of my muscles to show off to the crowd, before returning the favour right back, and rotating my body left and right to wind into a chain of hooks, left, right, left, right, to pound into your sides and core, aimed to slam into your kidneys as well as spread the hurt all around your body and give you no chance to get breath back as I walk you backwards.
22:04 <LanaMauler> yt
22:09 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> "Hunh! Ugh! *Cough* My failed punches abruptly stop as you begin pounding my body with vicious hooks, twisting your body to increase the eyes light up in pain. You smash my ribs...I twist my body and you pound my kidney. It's relentless and you have me on the retreat, sucking wind until my back hits the cold steel wall of the cage and I can retreat no further, the crowd screaming for you to pour it body red and bruising up quickly from the assault
22:09 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> Yt
22:15 <LanaMauler> Blasting your sides repeatedly as you try to breathe, I maneuver us across the cage until your back is against the wall, not stopping for a second before I indulge the shouts from outside with a brutal headbutt into your face before my right forearm is pressed against your throat, holding you tightly against the wall and keeping you upright as I hammer into your gut repeatedly with my left. The punches slowly trend up, into a cruel set of blows right into your solar plexus and sternum, punching like I'm trying to reach the cage wall on the other side of you.
22:15 <LanaMauler> yt
22:23 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> My head is drooping down when we reach the cage wall and then CRACK!!!! Your hard skull smashes brutally into the middle of my face, breaking my nose and opening a gash just above it that has me gushing hot crimson now. Dazed and in pain as your strong forearm compresses my throat and holds me in place for what is to come; vicious body blows that break through whatever defense my abs could still body shakes and rattles against the cage wall, your first sinking deep into my guts and it must feel like pounding a sack of jello. "Unhhh! Ugh!" Feeling sick and in agony as you work your way up my chest, cracking sternum and ribs, just putting me through hell against the wall, my bloody face staring blankly at you while you destroy my body
22:23 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> Yt
22:29 <LanaMauler> Holding you in place and choking you at the same time, the brutalization proper begins to excited shouts and yells from all around. Using your whole abdomen like a punching bag, my fist slams into you again and again, all around, until your eyes are starting to glaze over. Only when you're coughing up a little blood along with the drool do I finally move on, but it would be a mistake to hope I might relent. Instead, my bloodthirstiness only grows. Grabbing you by the hair, I turn you around and slam you against the cage wall, using my grip on your hair to repeatedly pull back and smash your head against the metal, showing you off to everyone watching as I do it. When I'm finally bored of using your face to paint the cage, I turn you back around and slam one more cruel fist right into the center of your face before I press you back up against the wall by your throat once more.
22:29 <LanaMauler> yt
22:38 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> Wheezing, whimpering, gasping and groaning as you work my body like a heavy bag...the punches begin to feel like you are boring a hole straight through my guts....the dark blood oozing from my lips confirms the internal injuries. Perhaps I'd submit if I could speak...but you wouldn't have to stop regardless. The cage wall rattles and clinks when you begin to smash my face into it repeatedly...I look out through bloody swollen eyes at the bloodthirsty crowd cheering my destruction. My busted nose further flattens against the steel...Cuts and gashes and bruises mount up... turning the "pretty boy" into a battered, bloody mess. That last brutal right first lands with a sickening crunch of crushed cartilage, blood splashing halfway up your arm. I find it difficult to breathe through my nose as you press me into the cage wall again... gurgling on blood, my eyes pleading for mercy, the crowd in a fever pitch
22:38 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> Yt
22:45 <LanaMauler> After beating your body until the blood wells over and flattening your cute face against the cage, that final punch has a level of impact beyond anything beforehand that makes me almost bite my lip. In a rare and brief pause, I look around your face, cupping your cheek in my free hand as I lean in. "You still want to take me out after this?" I ask, almost mockingly, before licking a trickle of blood from your lip and pulling back to keep going further. I take one step back, releasing your throat. But right as you start to fall, I step back in with an absolutely savage straight kick right into your chest, the sole of my foot colliding with your sternum as you're pressed back against the wall with enough force to hear a hard internal crack. I hold you there for a few moments with my foot, to cheers, before pulling back a little again.
22:46 <LanaMauler> One hand goes down to catch your hair and guide you to your knees, making sure you stay up, before I wind my leg back and bring it forward in a knee to the face so brutal even some of my fans will wince. Then again, and again, and again, until your blood drenches my whole thigh.
22:46 <LanaMauler> yt
22:51 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> I am in complete shock and agony, my mind is able to register nothing but the pain and suffering you are putting me through. I feel your hot breath on my ruined face as you tease me. "Pl---pweese...stop..." I muffle, missing a couple teeth. You let go and I begin to fall forward, hopefully to the canvas but instead you deliver an absolutely vicious kick to my chest, pressing your heel sole in until....
22:57 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> CRAAAACK!!!! You feel my sternum collapse and cave in under your foot, shattering a couple of adjacent ribs in the process ...I let out a gutteral groan, my mouth spurting blood, the pain like nothing I have ever felt. You grind your foot in to prolong my torture before finally letting me sag to my knees where I am met with an absolutely brutal knee strike...and another...and another...jaw breaking...teeth flying, both my orbital bones shattering, hot, slick blood covering your thighs...Barely clinging to any semblance of consciousness
23:00 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> Yt
23:07 <LanaMauler> At this point, the crowd has already lost its mind. There's not a single scratch on me, but I'm covered in blood. Other than that and a light sheen of sweat, there's no sign I've been in a fight at all. By contrast, you are totally ruined beneath me, blood trickling from your mouth steadily, whole face a broken, red mess. I hum in satisfaction and hold your head in my hands, letting it rest against my sweat-covered abs. "After they fix you up enough - and that's gonna take a while - I want you back here. You want that too, don't you?" I tauntingly move your head up and down in a nod. "Good. I'll see you soon, pretty boy~..." With that, I go to step back, only to rotate on my heel into a spin kick, other foot slamming into your jaw with dangerous speed to put out your lights for good. That foot goes onto your throat again as I raise an arm, letting the announcer declare my victory before the medics dare to enter the ring and drag you out.
23:07 <LanaMauler> yt
23:14 <Pretty_Boy_Paul> I can only respond with a little gurgling whimper, my broken and completely ruined face resting against your hard, slick abs....The injuries are debilitating and the loser's purse won't begin to cover it....but all I want is for the torment to end. And it's your bare foot that ends it with one more devastating kick, dislocating my jaw and sending me into a deep sleep in a pool of blood under your foot. The medics find me clinging to life and drag me out of the cage on a wood slab, the cage looking like a massacre happened in there, my life permanently altered because I decided to fight Lana the Mauler
23:15 <LanaMauler> (End)
<Published> 2022-04-04, viewed 175 times.