The UUC League

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-05-11
Chat room: #uucl

  • No holds barred
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
  • Extreme violence
The United Underground Clubs is a league for brutal underground fights, light on rules.
31 members
10 stories
0 photos
0 files

When Victor Met Lana


22:39 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I’ve been fighting in underground no-holds-barred cage matches for years… Never had much interest in the professional route. I never needed the money, and pro fighters are so much more subject to public scrutiny. The underground circuit was a better fit, an outlet for my all consuming bloodlust. I never could explain where that desire came from… it was just always… there. For as long as I can remember. Of course, my favorite thing of all about underground fighting is that it’s the only setting where a guy like me can get matched up against a female opponent. And I’ve found I really, really enjoy my female opponents. None of them ever stand a chance, but that doesn’t stop them from stepping into the cage, one after another, with a cocky grin or smile on their faces… only to be carried out minutes later, the smile replaced by a blank expression, or a pained grimace. They’re so pretty like that. Tonight, I’ve been told, is one such fight… Mtc
22:48 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I’m in the changing room, and I’ve just finished my warmup. Ready for the signal to head out to the cage. I’m wearing my usual short black trunks and black boxing hand wraps, ready to tear this bitch’s face open with my fists. God, I hope she’s a fighter. A real one. There’s nothing I hate more than when I get in there with a woman and realize she hasn’t even done enough conditioning to take a punch to the abs. At least make me break a sweat. Mtc
22:52 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I should say, there have been some good ones, over the years. I’ve been told you’re good… what was it… Lana? But then again, I’ve never heard of this club, so how good can you really be? I get the signal from an attendant that I can go out to the cage now, although I’m a little confused, because I usually get to go second… I mean, I’m the one who’s about to put on a show, so I should be the one everyone is waiting for. Oh well. They’ll find out soon enough. I strut out into the arena, showing off my muscles, flexing and showing off my rippling abs and back muscles as I make my way to the cage. I walk in through the cage door, and it shuts behind me with a loud CLANG! I look around, doing a bit of shadowboxing as I study the layout of the arena, which has multiple walkways from which you could enter… trying to see where you will be coming from… Looking forward to seeing who this “Lana” is… and if she lives up to the hype. Yt
23:05 <LanaMauler> This club was, to be completely honest, a disheveled wreck of a place. Arena in the big basement under an old warehouse, with a rusty cage and dirty seats. It was the kind of place people came not to show off for cameras, or take home a fat winner's purse, but simply to beat others who would challenge them into the floor. That, taking total physical control of an opponent and tearing them apart, showing them all the ways their body can be broken, and leaving the scraps to get dragged to the "medics", was why I love fighting like nothing else, and that's why I did it here of all places. I chewed through the regular competition a good while ago, so now my favourite nights are when confident outsiders hear about this place, and inevitably come in totally assured of their superior fighting ability - until I, inevitably, disabuse them of such a notion.
23:13 <LanaMauler> This one, my meal tonight, is no up-jumped bar brawler who got too big for his boots, nor a pro trying to blow off some steam on the "little leagues". Apparently, he's an experienced street fighter, and he's made the rounds in the underground circuits, with a bit of a reputation behind him for leaving a trail of beaten bodies on the way. Good. My last few matches have mostly been a spectacle for the rough crowd, who always love a decisive beating, but from the sound of it you might be able to make this some real fun, or at least, exercise. In my regular black sports bra and tight shorts, I finish my stretches before hearing my name called out to cheers and hollers in the crowd. Cracking my knuckles, I step out into the arena proper, strolling up to my opponent and getting my first good look at him.
23:17 <LanaMauler> Maybe a little shorter, but definitely well built, his defined muscles accentuated by the shadows cast from the dim lighting down here. If he knows how to use that body, it'll be sure to be an interesting match. Either way, I'm looking forward to getting my hands on it. I'm let through the door in short order, before the door is closed and the padlock after it - we're in here until this is finished. Looking you up and down as I stalk past to my corner, my face betrays no emotion. "You're in my cage, handsome. You ask nicely, they might let you out before that bell rings and things get dangerous."
23:17 <LanaMauler> yt
23:35 <Victor_Van_Quisher> As you near the cage, I continue my shadowboxing, pretending not to notice your tall, athletic, powerful frame as the door opens and you stride in on those long, powerful legs of yours. I don’t think I would even use the word “confident” to describe you. You are certain. It would be chilling, if I hadn’t seen this scenario play out 100 times before. Your face has “professional” written all over it. And I LOVE it. I finish warming up, rolling my neck side to side, and I step closer, listening as you taunt me. Oh, wow, this woman has it. That thing I’ve been looking for. I can’t hide the grin creeping across my mouth… nor can I resist the opportunity to retort… “Thanks for the warm welcome, beautiful… I think I’ll stay. Dangerous is just my speed.” I settle into an orthodox boxing stance, light on my toes, ready to absolutely brutalize the statuesque valkyrie on the other side of the cage. Yt
16:42 <LanaMauler> You keep pumping fists into the air, getting those arms warmed up as though you're going to be using them tonight, while I enter to adulations from the crowd. You project a rare air of real confidence - plenty come down here talking a big game, but cracks in the walls start showing pretty quick. You though, don't seem put off by the blood stains on the ground, or the audience's apparent lack of favour. A rare treat indeed. If I want to see cracks I'll have to break your walls myself. A grin plastered on your face as you respond, I nod once emotionlessly. "Good, try to keep up then." Raising my arms up and setting myself, southpaw, I stare right into your eyes as the cracked bell rings out across the club.
16:42 <LanaMauler> yt
17:28 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I study your stance as the bell sounds… southpaw, OK, nothing I haven’t dealt with before… I’ve been sizing you up, and can tell you’re maybe an inch or two taller than me… but not quite as heavily muscled, which is to be expected. Still, you look very fit and strong, even on such a tall frame. Definitely the physique of an experienced fighter. I need to be smart about my opening gambit here… I expect you will reach the center of the cage before I do, and will try to edge me out to the corner, or the cage wall, to limit my mobility. I have to make it hard for you to dance around me. Mtc
17:30 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I decide on my opening, bounding to the center of the cage with a salvo of a jab aimed at your right eye, followed by a right cross to your chin, then a switch-stance low left leg roundhouse kick, which brings my right leg to the lead position before chambering and throwing my left shin and instep at the outside of your right thigh, a couple inches above your knee, trying to target your peroneal nerve cluster, which if successful, could hobble your mobility early in the fight, allowing me to make short work of you. Yt
18:02 <LanaMauler> Bell rings, it's time to go. You're still appraising me, taking in my form and probably strategizing about how to tear it apart, as we approach the center of the cage for our first exchange of blows. From what I know, your plan is probably just to simply blunt my aggression with your own, use the power in that body of yours to beat me down and end the match quickly. Sure enough, you're quickly rocketing forward, fists flying. I sidestep your opening jab and block the cross with a forearm, before sinking lower and moving with your kick to sap its impact before it connects with my thigh. Credit where it's due, you're fast, and there's plenty of strength behind your blows. I can see how you got a reputation for humbling lesser fighters. Today, though, that's not who you were matched with. My hand goes down and grabs your ankle, pulling you forwards and trying to disrupt your stance as I shoot back up with an uppercut for a brutal opener, aimed at your jaw.
18:02 <LanaMauler> yt
18:57 <Victor_Van_Quisher> As we close the distance and meet in the middle, I catch myself admiring the resolute expression in those eyes, and your neatly buzzed blonde fade that ends in a sexy little swoop on the left side of your forehead… I almost never expect my opening jab to amount to much… in the rare occasion that it does, it usually means my opponent was utterly unprepared for any sort of fight… you, of course, make it look easy, effortlessly stepping out of the way as my left hand sails past your guard… mtc
19:04 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I try to course correct to keep up with my moving target when I throw my cross, but you parry it down with relatively little effort. No matter, the punches are really just there to keep you busy and set up the kick… which you’re able to neutralize as well, dropping low and rolling your thigh as my kick is about to make impact, an impressive display of timing and skill… maybe a hint of exertion showing on that pretty face now that I’m making you dance a bit... dance for your life, Lana… I think, mentally licking my lips… what the—suddenly I can feel my left leg being taken off balance as you pull me towards you by my ankle. I try to bring my left hand back to guard, from its lowered position due to counterbalancing the kick, but DSSsshhh!!! Your uppercut catches me perfectly under my jaw, and for a moment I catch myself looking up at the dim arena lights, noticing which bulbs and tubes need to be replaced… mtc
19:12 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I suddenly return to earth, and remember I’m in a fight, with you. Realizing I need to be more careful. Your uppercut has some real power… in fact, quite a bit more than a lot of the men I’ve fought in the underground circuit. Fuck… this *is* going to be fun. My head smarts… But I’m still here. Gotta get in closer, I think. I lower my stance, bending my knees a bit more, bobbing and weaving before stepping in to my right/your left, trying to slip under and around your next attack and shooting a left hook at your right obliques, then twisting on my hips to swing a right hook at your navel… keeping my guard up at head level in between punches… yt
19:50 <LanaMauler> An almost casual dismissal of that opening salvo of jabs, and I nullify your kick before making use of the leg you kindly put in my reach. A hard tug, not enough to pull you off your feet but certainly enough to open some questions about your balance on one leg, and you're wide open for me to move in, snapping your head back to show you the ceiling. It's a quick statement to inform you that you're not up against something easy tonight, and the message is received as you catch yourself, resetting your guard and going low, weaving around defensively as you look for an opening. When you think you see it, you're circling around my left, going low and keeping your guard around your head to avoid another knock like the last one so early.
19:57 <LanaMauler> Your left swings out, shooting for my obliques, and I deny you again by stepping forward and closing the distance between us, letting you hook past my back, before you wind back to try and throw a followup right. Rather than block or dodge, I go straight for a counter, throwing a rapid overhand left aimed to collide with your face while you're twisting for the hook, taking a halfstep in to add to the power of the punch, and chaining it into a hard right knee aimed for the center of your chest while you're down low.
19:57 <LanaMauler> yt
20:10 <Victor_Van_Quisher> It’s been a while since I fought a taller opponent… I’m usually the one brought in to “welcome” the fresh meat to my local club. So I feel a bit out of my element now trying to bob, weave, and dance my way in to get access to that impressively sculpted body of yours. My left hook swings out, and for a moment it’s on track to meet your obliques unopposed… when you quickly step in, towards me, causing my left to hook past your back, and making me work that much harder to get my arm back to guard as I wind up my right… damn, you can really move… mtc
20:18 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Before I know it, your left THUMPS into my right cheek, with serious power, stuffing my momentum and putting strain on the vertebrae in my neck. That cheek will swell soon, and I am beginning to feel the searing pain of a cut having opened just below my cheekbone… my right hook crashes and burns on its way to meet you… all I can think to do is try to tuck my arms in to my—WHAM!!!—your right knee follows that left straight almost instantaneously, before I can think of what to do next… sending a shockwave of impact and pain through my ribcage, certain to leave a dark bruise after the dust settles… I try to step back, guard covering my face as I attempt to reset my guard. This… isn’t working. You’re good... really good. I reluctantly decide to let you make the next move this time, in the hope that I’ll be able to find an opening and hit you with a counter of my own. All I need is one opening, and you’ll wish you’d never stepped in this cage with me. Yt
20:36 <LanaMauler> My dance continues to blunt your efforts on the offensive, your hooks finding no purchase before I'm just about on top of you with a hard overhand that whips your head to the side, enough force behind it to open a little cut. Right on time for my knee to rock your ribcage with satisfying impact, sending you reeling as you try to back up and shield yourself, clearly rethinking your tactics. The crowd eats it up, the initial aggressor getting punished repeatedly until he's on the backfoot, while I keep pushing forward and adding pressure like a machine. You seem ready to take the threat seriously now, going on the defense and watching me closely as we maneuver around. An invitation to take the initiative, which I gladly accept.
20:39 <LanaMauler> I sidestep to my left, throwing a couple of lightning fast right jabs to probe your guard and keep you on the defensive, letting my left wind back as I do before rotating my hips and coming in with a powerful hook aimed for your head. Whether or not you can take it on your guard, I don't stop the spin, going onto one heel and using the momentum to whip my right foot around in a back hook kick, sole aimed right for your face once more.
20:39 <LanaMauler> yt
21:48 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Parrying your fast right jabs is a bit awkward, since you’re a southpaw with impressive speed, technique, power and reach… but I manage to swat away the first jab, then the second, with my right hand… which of course leaves my guard distracted when you swing a heavy left hook at my head… FWWOOOSHhhh… fortunately I manage to slip my head back just in time to make you miss… hah, it was a bit telegraphed, after all… I go to throw a left hook of my own to counter, but you’ve dipped your body low, my target just disappearing in front of me… mtc
21:52 <Victor_Van_Quisher> THWACK! Your right heel crashes hard into the right side of the bridge of my nose, the sole of your foot pressing flush against my face as you whip a blindingly fast, reverse spinning hook kick directly into my face… sending me stumbling to my left, spinning on my feet 3/4 of a turn counterclockwise, for a moment unable to tell the floor apart from the ceiling… until I see your feet in my peripheral vision behind me and to my left… as stunned as I am, my face throbbing and bleeding now, I decide to go with the flow and shoot a spinning back kick at you, aiming for your lower abs with my left leg… you know, since I’m already spinning… yt
22:07 <LanaMauler> You're a lot better than most. A lot, and you show it, when you keep those defenses up and stave off that first jab, then the next, and even avoid the hook by an inch as you quickly pull backward. Finally, a good workout. Skilled though you are, you don't see what's coming next as I continue the spin and arc my leg up, clocking you in the face hard and sending you into a spin. That one definitely made an impact, but you're definitely not out yet, as you show when you try to go with your own spin and pivot into a back kick at my abdomen. It's a little slower, more an improvisation it seems, practically begging for a ruthless response. That is exactly what it gets, when I backstep out of the arc of the kick and go low, timing a savage uppercut with my right fist to meet the inside of your knee as the leg flies through the air, and hit the MCL, following it up by pushing back in and channeling the movement into a hard left hook aimed right for your kidney while you're turned.
22:07 <LanaMauler> yt
22:40 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Keeping you just in my sights as I throw that improvised back kick… You duck and throw a precision strike to my knee. I feel a sharp pain in my MCL… what are you, some kind of fucking surgeon? I can already feel the muscle weakness setting in as I try to swing my leg back and regain some kind of stable stance, when BAM! Your left hook slams with brutal force into my kidney… sending a shock of pain through my abdomen and back, and eliciting a pained grunt, “Ughhh!”… FUCK, you are giving an absolutely dominant performance tonight… if I manage to make it out of this alive, and with my good looks more or less intact, I need to remember to ask for your number… focus, Vic…I need to get control of this fight ASAP, or I’m in serious trouble… Turning back to face you, I swing my right elbow clockwise where I think your head ought to be, based on that last punch… keeping my left hand up to guard my chin, following with a hard, but damaged, left knee. yt
22:54 <LanaMauler> As you're trying to swing around and do any kind of damage to me, my uppercut clearly finds its mark based on the reaction and on how you seem to have a little trouble settling back onto it when your leg winds back. The hook, likewise, clearly hits its target with the grunt it gets out of you. You spin back around to face me again, trying to nail me with your elbow as you do. I slip under it, letting it fly past through the air as your knee approaches. Oh, bad decision. Bringing out my own right elbow, I shoot it to intercept your leg right below the kneecap and pile more onto the problems it's facing.
22:54 <LanaMauler> While I'm already low, I decide it's time to give you another hint about how fucked you are, showing off some deadly flexibility as my torso leans forward and my right foot flies over my own body in a standing scorpion kick aimed right at the center of your face, a move that elicits shouts from the crowd, before I unwind right back the other way to slam my knee into your navel as I rise back up to standing height.
22:54 <LanaMauler> yt
23:17 <Victor_Van_Quisher> As I swing my elbow around at you, you go low again… which is why I threw the knee, of course… and of course, you see that coming, and make me pay by racking up more damage with your own right elbow… “Rrrghhh!” I groan… dammit, now I really won’t be able to put much weight on it. That’s going to really slow me down. I don’t know who the fuck you are, where you came from, or how you got this good… all I know is I’ve never met a fighter like you before. I’m feeling… outclassed. I know you are mortal, just like me. You must have weaknesses. But I can’t get to them if I can’t touch you. Mtc
23:23 <Victor_Van_Quisher> And so far, you have managed to prevent me from doing so much as slightly inconveniencing you. I am starting to get the feeling I am in for a rough and painful night. You dip forward again and your right foot strikes me again, this time dead center in my face—SMACK!—blood shoots out of the bridge of my nose as as the ball of your foot makes impact, breaking the cartilage and tearing skin. Then, you go low, bringing your knee to meet my lower abs… “Oooff!!” I stumble back a step, wobbling on my injured left leg, trying to bring my guard back up… I can hear the crowd shouting and cheering as you continue to… kick my ass… Fuck. It’s happening. God DAMMIT. Yt
23:33 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Wiping the blood from my face for a moment, trying to breathe, trying to see, trying to focus… I’m getting frustrated. Beyond frustrated. Maybe can’t take you down with my formidable standing skills. Fine. I guess I’ll try my luck on the ground. Quickly assessing the distance… it’s worth a shot… Putting minimal weight on my left knee, and keeping my guard high as I lower my shoulders, I launch off my right leg as hard and as quickly as I can, trying to wrap up your right leg from the outside, and trying to continue pushing my weight onto you and charging with my right leg to take you to the ground in a single leg takedown… it’s a desperate attempt, but I don’t have many other options now… yt
23:49 <LanaMauler> Slipping under your elbow and offering my own to further hobble that knee, breaking the cartilage of your nose with a scorpion kick, and then rocking your abs once again with a knee, it's another exchange with the same message - you're in a lot of trouble in my cage. You definitely know that by now, so your change in tactics absolutely makes sense. You're making no progress and getting the beating of a lifetime up here, maybe I'm easier on the ground? You might be disappointed with the results, but that of course assumes you could even get me there. You push off with your good leg mostly, trying to grab my right and put your body behind an attempt to get me down. However, given I'm still in prime shape, that does leave you practically defenseless, and right below me. You have enough strength that I start to budge, but I start to poke holes in your plan with my fists.
23:51 <LanaMauler> First, a chain of savage hooks, torso winding left, right, left, right, as I pound into your sides, punishing everything from kidneys to obliques. After that, I pull my arms back in, and shoot my right elbow down hard against your exposed head.
23:51 <LanaMauler> yt
00:10 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I’m honestly a little surprised when I realize I’ve even managed to get a grip on your leg in the first place, given how this fight has been going so far… but without being able to push off my left leg, my right isn’t strong enough to get the job done on its own… then it starts to rain… fists. You’re working my back, my sides… “Ugh! Grr! Hnghhh!!!” I grunt in stubborn disbelief as I face this predicament… my back, my sides are aching, stinging… I feel my left floating rib crack as you hammer another hook in… As blood continues to drip down my face from my broken nose… then I feel the hard, sharp impact of your right elbow striking downward onto the back of my skull… an illegal move in MMA, but this of course is no-holds-barred. I feel a pervasive sensation of shock throughout my entire body as suddenly everything gets wobbly. I abandon my grip around your waist, collapsing at your feet, propped up slightly on my elbows, now dripping blood from the front and back of my skull. Yt
00:21 <LanaMauler> As you try to push me over, only really able to get the force out of one leg and struggling to move me in spite of your nominal strength, my fists fly and brutalize your body, blasting everything on the sides of your core. There's a satisfying crack as one of your ribs gives way to a particularly brutal hook, before the elbow spears down and you crumple, practically sliding down my leg and ending up at my feet. That's why the rules are no fun. I lift my foot up to your chin and turn your head up, so I can look down into your face, before pulling up my left foot and sending it rocketing back down in a brutal stomp to the face, ball of my foot hitting just above your mouth.
00:22 <LanaMauler> "Weak. Get up, I've barely broken a sweat and you're my workout tonight." I give you the instruction, looking down at you emotionlessly.
00:22 <LanaMauler> yt
00:54 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I’m in a daze, mostly wondering how I managed to get so badly beaten up in so little time… I feel your foot hooking under my chin, lifting my face up to look at you… my god, I feel so conflicted right now. I can’t help but feel the beginning of some arousal as my chin rests on top of your toes… it almost feels gentle the way you are holding my head up, and then you bring down your left foot, crashing the ball of your foot right above my teeth and below my nose, again sending a shock through my spine, my nose spraying blood again, before I collapse again, my head turned to the right as it hits the canvas… I hear your taunting and I… almost feel like I’ve let you down. You’re right. I need to keep fighting. I can’t go out like this, it’s pathetic. Mtc
00:55 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I punch my right fist into the canvas, getting ready to come back to my feet… no expectation that you intend to let me get up, of course. I take a breath, quickly steeling myself before surging up with a hard push off my right leg, charging into you with a right hook at your ribs, left hook at your jaw, right uppercut at your abs, and left uppercut to your solar plexus… hoping to finally make you break a sweat tonight… yt
22:07 <LanaMauler> After a brutal, methodical beatdown, and your last hurrah failing miserably at my fists, you're left collapsed against the ground for me to stomp into the canvas. After I order you to get up again, I'm pleasantly surprised to see you actually start to attempt it. A lot more stamina than most, I can certainly give you that much. You're clearly frustrated, not used to not being the one beating the other bloody, and you somehow still seem to think you can put a dent in my decisive victory as you position yourself and try to spring upwards on your good leg, fists flying. I knock away your opening hooks with my forearms, as though simply dismissing them, meet your first uppercut with an elbow to the upwards-swinging fist, and disrupt the follow up by rocketing up a left knee into your navel before I step into a hard shovel punch with my right directly into your own solar plexus, before you have the chance to make an attempt at mine.
22:07 <LanaMauler> yt
23:17 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Surging upwards again, against all odds, my once powerful strikes are substantially… less so, given my condition… so it’s no trouble for you to simply bat my hooks away with your forearms. This is humiliating... You crash your elbow down into my uppercut, which, ouch… never thought to try that before, and then you fully interrupt the rest of my volley with a left knee to my navel, WHAMM, and a shovel punch to my solar plexus, FWHAP, completely knocking the wind out of me, and robbing me of what little strength I had left… All I can do in this moment is collapse again on the cold, hard floor in front of you. Still conscious, but unable to move, or breathe, for the moment. All I can think now is… Well, shit. I guess that’s all I’ve got. Yt
23:29 <LanaMauler> My words left you no option other than to spend everything you had left on that last push forwards, only so I could dismiss it just as methodically as everything else and remind you exactly how this goes by rocking your body to the core with a couple of brutal blows. As you collapse back in a heap at my feet, gasping for air, I tilt my head and look down at you for a moment, appraising how thoroughly you've been beaten already. "No." I say matter-of-factly. "You don't get to lie down yet." Reaching down, I grab your head by your scruff of hair, lifting you up off the canvas and working you up towards your knees as the crowd cheers their bloodthirst when they realize they're getting more. As I pull you up with my left hand, my right flies out in a quick but forceful jab right at your throat to make it even harder for you to breathe and shut off any remote possibility of you trying to turn things around, before I hold your head in place to slam a hard knee right into the forehead.
23:29 <LanaMauler> yt
23:48 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Right, so that’s what that feels like… I think as you yank me up to my knees by my hair… I hear the crowd cheering… fuck, they would love nothing more than to see you wreck me… I deserve this… all of it. Honestly, this thought is the only thing getting me through this experience. I’m a bad, bad guy. And I know it. And somehow, the realization that maybe I’m finally getting paid back for all the pain and suffering I have caused others is comforting to me, even though it does not portend well for my current situation… mtc
23:50 <Victor_Van_Quisher> THUNK! Your right fist crashes into my throat, collapsing my windpipe, just as I was about to start resetting my lungs… feeling like I’m fucking drowning now… My mind is going into shock, trying to escape my body and this experience… And then, before I know what is happening, WHHUKK! Your knee into my forehead sends my brain rattling around, shutting my lights out, and leaving me completely out and at your mercy. My jaw hangs open, tongue hanging out, and my eyes are rolled back, only partially showing under the upper eyelids. My body goes completely limp as you hold me up by my battered and bloodied head. Yt
00:01 <LanaMauler> Maybe you have some kind of realization dawning in your eyes, or maybe it's just how punch-drunk you are for me. Either way, your expression changes with the blow to the throat eliciting coughs and chokes, before my knee slams into your head and knocks you out outright, leaving your body hanging limply from where I'm holding you. I sink downwards to your level, suddenly moving in and sitting on your lap, legs wrapping around each side of your beaten and bruised torso and feet meeting at the small of your back. My hands hold your head as I lean in and kiss you, my tongue exploring your unconscious mouth as I claim another level of dominance over your body. The audience goes crazy, whoops and screams coming down until I finally release you. You might be starting to stir already, you're tougher than most, but even if you were completely limp, the way I'm sitting my legs are effectively keeping you trapped sitting up, right in front of me.
00:03 <LanaMauler> My right hand goes under your chin to raise your head slightly, while my left winds back. A savage hook to the face, then a right, left, right, left, right, rocking your body either way but keeping you held up and not letting you fall, like some sadistic twist on a ground-and-pound.
00:03 <LanaMauler> yt
00:14 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I’m still fully unconscious, trapped in total sensory darkness, oblivious to time and space as you violate my mouth with a kiss, something I would probably be delighted to receive if I had even a shred of consciousness available to me in this moment… especially because you are sitting right on my lap… in fact, the pressure of your ass sitting down over my hips is actually beginning to cause some swelling in my bulge, maybe you’re starting to notice, maybe not, but either way, it’s purely physiological… there’s no psychology happening between my ears right now. All I am right now is your newest toy. And you get to work breaking me almost immediately. Your vicious punches snap my head back and forth from one side to the other, opening up cuts in my cheeks and sending teeth flying in all directions as you mercilessly ragdoll my head between your powerful fists. Yt
00:22 <LanaMauler> Holding you in my legs while sitting in your lap, there's nowhere for your body to fall, just limply laying to either side as my hooks snap your head left and right, sending your body after it. Finally, I get the real workout I was looking for tonight, painting either side of us on the canvas with your blood and well and truly breaking that pretty face of yours. Finally moving on, I rotate my hips to wind back into a cruel punch to the chest with my left to feel a crack in your ribs, while my legs release to let you flop back, laying face up totally destroyed in the cage. Rising back to my feet, I place one on your brutalized face to claim my victory with a raised fist, as the surrounding crowds chant my name and a few shouts beg for even more. For now though, I'm done with my toy, and with the simple act of looking down and spitting on you, I turn and stroll through the opening door, the club's medics passing me on the way out, just like always.
00:24 <LanaMauler> Everyone would be talking about it soon. There's always a bigger fish, and tonight the street fighter who loved to tear women apart got eaten alive by one. A bigger crowd next time I was fighting, probably.
00:24 <LanaMauler> yt
00:35 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I lie on the floor of this cage, under your foot, after having received a beating to rival every beating I’ve ever given combined into one, by my favorite kind of prey, a strong, confident female fighter. Except unlike your predecessors, you really had what it takes to show me how the other half lives. And so rises a new, infamous underground legend. I guess that’s how ecosystems work. Turnabout is fair play, and all that. As the medics drag my limp body out of the cage, I can feel my thoughts returning, swirling in my pain-addled skull again, but unable to move a muscle… Maybe I’ll survive. Maybe not. Maybe I’ll never fight again. Or walk, for that matter. Oh well. One step at a time. Till next time, Lana…

<Published> 2022-04-23, viewed 102 times.




2022-04-28 09:21

wow! beautiful writing by both of you! congrats!

Victor Van Quisher

2022-05-05 19:04

(In reply to this)

Thanks! Lana’s a phenomenal fighter and writer! Even though I’d much rather be winning, I couldn’t resist the urge to get in the cage with her and see what she’s all about :}