The UUC League

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Established: 2022-05-11
Chat room: #uucl

  • No holds barred
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
  • Extreme violence
The United Underground Clubs is a league for brutal underground fights, light on rules.
31 members
10 stories
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Some Like it Rough - Joanna vs Rusty Underground MMA


17:11 <Joanna_Louvier> Hey stud ;)
17:12 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> hey hey
17:13 <Joanna_Louvier> You busy today? I’m in the mood for something rough…
17:17 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> not really.. just trying to not really work.. wht you got in mind?
17:20 <Joanna_Louvier> Well… I’m thinking something like an underground MMA fight… not looking for anything too bloody and brutal, or anything with a really long setup. Just a short and sweet intro that leads to a nice back and forth battle… eventually leading to a decisive KO finish. How does that sound to you?
17:21 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> sounds like a perfect coffee date...
17:21 <Joanna_Louvier> Haha… coffee date?


17:23 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> its been a rough couple of months and its time for a little payday... signing up for the fight night, i havent been in the club for a while, but im looking forward to gettign back into it. They love a good beating here!... in my black boxerbriefs and no shirt... body rippling and hard as i wave to the crowd loosening up and waiting to see who i am taking on tonight!.
17:23 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


17:33 <Joanna_Louvier> I’m making the rounds at one of my favorite local fight clubs after a day of light training and recovery… my body feeling strong and energetic… itching for a fight. I’m something of a minor celebrity here, the hometown MMA champ who comes back into town to visit and kick the occasional ass in an underground fight. I’m strutting around in my pink sports bra and battle skirt, my skin glowing with a nice tan from my recent travels. My muscles also rippling up and down my fit body, my unusually tall frame towering over most guys. I heard there was an opening tonight, so I took the match. Looking forward to meeting and beating my new opponent. I walk out to the cage, the club’s music thumping as the lights come on in the center of the octagon… I open the cage door and strut inside, flexing and warming up, showing off to the crowd… You are not logged in.

17:34 <Joanna_Louvier> Only after a few seconds of this do I even notice you, my opponent. “Hey handsome! I’m Joanna… nice to meet you,” I say, waving across the cage from you and blowing a kiss flirtatiously. Yt


17:37 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> You are not logged in.
17:39 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> hearing the place go crazy as their champ walks in.. guess i know who they are cheering for. i dont gie up size to MANY women.. but.... looking u up and down as i try to keep calm and keep everything held in where it should be... u finally look over at me... i cant help but smile... "nice to meet you... im going to appologize for what im going to do to you tonight.. maybe we can grab lunch sometime after you heal.. ill pay !" i say w/ my hands on my hips... giving u a little WINK...
17:39 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


17:44 <Joanna_Louvier> “Yeah, you’re gonna pay alright…” I mutter under my breath, before stepping up to the center of the cage. The ref comes to meet us in the center and gives his instructions… I don’t really listen, because I’m so used to hearing them. Standard MMA rules, we fight for three rounds, three minutes each, win by TKO, KO, submission or decision. “Touch gloves,” he says, and I raise mine up to bump them against yours… You are not logged in. yt


17:46 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> seeing that annoyance on your face and that makes me HAPPY... hearing the ref breaks my attention on you and looking over to him nodding .. then back to you.. "no submissions tonight hunny.. sorry" i say... raising my gloves and SLAMMING them down into yours... then stepping back and nodding to the outside waiting for the bell as i get my glvoes up just below my chin..
17:46 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


17:52 <Joanna_Louvier> Your cute chirping attitude is getting on my nerves, but I can’t help but find it kind of hot, to be honest. You’re obviously a few years younger than me, fresh faced, compared to this MMA veteran across the cage from you, and a few inches shorter… though a little more heavily muscled than I am. In any case, feeling the forceful slamming of your gloves on mine is a reminder not to take you lightly, unless I want to wake up staring at the ceiling lights. But I’m not dwelling on that. Just getting in my orthodox stance, not quite boxing or kickboxing, but more of a karate-for-mma stance I’ve been working on recently, my feet wider apart than usual, my body turned sideways… bouncing and keeping my hands up, I focus my gaze on you, ready to close the distance and light you up when that bell rings… yt


17:54 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> taking a couple deep breaths as my thick chest and abs flex nicely as my shoulders rise and fall as DDIINNNGGGGGG.. the bell echoing in the room as i start to circle to the right slowly.. then DARTING forward w/ my hands forward... but stopping after a half step.. just feeling u out and testing those reactions... a little grin as i start to circle again...
17:54 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


18:03 <Joanna_Louvier> I study your movements as you circle, while I move in to try to close the distance, trying to keep my left side pointed towards you, my jab and left foot ready to shoot out at the right moment. I see you starting to dart in, and I throw out a quick, probing jab at your forehead, but you stop short a half step in, darting back before you’re properly in range. I shuffle back a half step, a little cautious, then seeing you continue to circle, I step forward with a fully extended jab at your right eye, then quickly pivoting on my right foot, planting my left foot and slipping to my left in anticipation of your next move, then twisting back in and digging a left body hook at where I think your liver and/or ribs will be if you charge in at me. Then stepping to my left and resetting my guard… yt


18:07 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> faking the shoot then popping back up as i keep moving w/ you, then that fist SNAPPING in nicely and my head SNAPPING back as i am reminded of the reach you obviously have and that fist finds its target.. i get my guard higher to catch another but you go into defense and i want to take advantage of it... cocking my right and stepping right at you and a half step opening my stance to face you, but your fist coming already and TWUMP into my ribs .. AAHH FUCK... lowering my guard to my ribs, but as i do i TURN my shoulders to the left and try to SLASH my left elbow at chin height, trying to slow this big bitch down..
18:07 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


18:17 <Joanna_Louvier> My heart beats a little faster as I feel my big left hand beating against your forehead, YES… then that classic step to the left and cranking that slip, as you walk RIGHT INTO my big left body hook… OH YES… this little boy isn’t ready for the “big bitch”… I think to myself, stepping left and coming back to full height, my right hand raised to protect my jaw and I see you stepping in and FWHOOSHH, woah I just narrowly avoid a dangerous left elbow from my strong male opponent… Quickly, I switch my stance with a lightning fast twitch of my hips before bucking forward with a hard and STABBING left knee at your abs, before throwing a hard jab-cross at your mouth to pressure you back, trying to take a step back after that. “Ush!! Huah! Huah!” Yt


18:23 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> im in close w/ the bitch and getting a little worried, but gonna put you in your damn place and shut this crowd up as i TURN and fire my elbow waiting to feel that jaw wrap around it, but MISSING completely as i spin to the side, and my other arm still covering my ribs ... i look up and all i can see is the look in your eyes... concentration and enjoyment as they go wide and i see the hips jolt as i FLEXXX my hard abs and get my left hand down just enough to slow it down as it hits off of the side of my rock hard core, no real damage done.. and i have to say it.. i NEVER see it coming as AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.. spit FLYS from my lips as my head JOLTS to the side from the perfectly placed glove to my face... head spinning as i stagger to the side shaking my head w/ my guard up... FF F FUCK.. i think to myself as the fucking amazon stands looking amazing and vicious... i stagger back a couple more steps.. then feeling the COOL steel on my back for a MOMENt before using it to SPRING forward

18:23 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> as much as i can needing to catch u off guard or something as i come at you w/ a BIG step, then my right firing out in a big STRAIGHT push kick towards your body hoping ot catch u as u come in at me
18:23 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


18:33 <Joanna_Louvier> I feel your rock solid abs taking my knee like a champ… damn, this kid is gonna be harder to put down than I thought… but then my backup plan pays off, feeling my 4 oz gloves crack into your big, cocky, sexy mouth BAM! BAM! I see you staggering sideways, mmmffff… watching my wounded prey shrink away is getting me kind of hot… and hungry for more… seeing you backed up to the cage triggers an instinctive response from me, and I charge in at you, hoping to pin you against the cage wall and just fucking END you with my powerful, trained knees…

18:33 <Joanna_Louvier> But as I’m rushing in, shoulder lowered, the last thing I expect to see is you exploding out at me with a big right foot, which, just a fraction of a second after I manage to reflexively tense my brick wall of abs, plants right into my navel… “OUFFFssh!!…” I groan, biting down hard on my mouthguard and grimacing as I collapse into the cage wall a few feet from where you were a moment ago, still on my feet, but leaning against it for support. Fff.. fffuck… damn, he’s strong… yt


18:36 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> one of my best tools in the ring is my motor and ability to take abuse... i lunge at you using the energy i have left and fire the kick as i see those abs of yours FLEXXX but i DRIVE myheel in as hard as i can as i almost fold u up.. but a little shocked the big bitch is still on her feet as you end up on the cage.. i rub my jaw and shake my head side to side trying to get my vision to unblur!... taking a moment as i wipe the sweat from my rippling chest and FLINGING it to the side as i lock my eyes on the amazon on the cage... it SPIKES my adrenaline and i cant help it as i LUNGE at you.. both hands reaching out for your shoulders as i JUMP off the ground.. wanting to PUMP my right thigh just below ur heavy tits into your upper abs...
18:36 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


18:47 <Joanna_Louvier> I’m a bit shaken up, breathless and reeling from taking your hard push kick to my core, but fortunately, I still have my wits about me. You, on the other hand, appear to be partially dazed and partially in the beginnings of an adrenaline-fueled rampage… which means that if I can catch you getting sloppy, I can make you pay… the only problem is that I’m still too winded to move out of the way, and I can’t stop you from clinching me up with your strong arms on my shoulders… having a general idea of what comes next, I take a calculated risk and lower my arms to guard my solar plexus…

18:50 <Joanna_Louvier> THWWWUMPPP!!! The canvas flooring of the octagon appears to fall out from under me as your powerful right knee lifts my body into the air, my toes leaving the canvas for a full second before I land again, wobbly-ankled… my forearms throbbing from the impact, but my plexus still intact… I take a big, full breath, hands climbing from your hips as I sprawl my feet back and reach up to lock my grip into the crook of each arm… Pulling you down to try to level to playing field… pulling myself up to your level, my eyes, just for a moment, searching for yours… then trying to reach my right under your left armpit, and my left over your right trap and behind your back to clasp my hands behind you… I know my way around a clinch… do you? Ultimately, trying to pull you back into me as I swing my right knee straight up, with SAVAGE precision, into your solar plexus yt


19:05 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> jumping and DRIVING my knee up in a brutal shot.. wanting to destroy that perfect body of yours so i can go to work on it!!!.. but as we come back down you are still standing when ur arms take the brunt of the shot... annoyed from it as i reach out but your arms coming out and grabbing me and YANKING hard as i feel those muscles FLEX and pull me in as ur tits FLATTEN to my hard sweaty chest... FF F FUUCCKK .. LL LLL ET GO... leaning into you as MMMFFFFFUCKK... i cant see it coming as you send that knee UP into my body.. my ass JOLTING up>>FFMMMFFFF... one hand lowering trying to keep that thigh from slamming up again... ur grip on me shocking and skilled as i try to PULL back from you.. trying to get your upper body off of the cage..
19:05 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


19:15 <Joanna_Louvier> I feel that heat and sweat between us… our bodies pressing tightly together as my soft, natural tits flatten against your hard pecs… you can feel my pecs too, a bit higher up, and the definition between them… it’s no small feat to try to wrestle away control of this clinch from you, but thanks to my training, I have an edge on you, and I make you pay… Hallelujah… I feel strong again as my powerful right knee sinks into your body. I know you’ll expect it again, feeling you trying to pull away, pull me away from the cage wall, out into the open… I step right, feint another right knee with a quick hop-step of my right foot, but quickly LAUNCHING a SHARP left knee between your lower abs and right side obliques, “Rraaaghh!!!” trying to deepen my hold on you and pull you in tighter… letting you pull me away from the cage wall, only to try to push off the canvas and try to pin you back against it instead… yt


19:21 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> PULLING on you trying to get u off the cage so im not caught locked in here... moving us from the cage, we start to move from the cage as your hip turns again and i get my hand low to catch that thigh from another shot into my body, but your clinch holds me in place and i get a Muay thai knee into the body.. MMFMFFFF.. moving w/ you as the shot pumps into my body.. then u LUNGE up.. and im on my heels, but my right hand still low and as i start to feel you jump into me, i hook my hand between ur thighs feeling ur thick mound as i try to LIFFTTT as much as i can and turn my body trying to THROW u over my body towards the canvas as i go down, instead of having u land on me
19:21 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


19:40 <Joanna_Louvier> I’m charging into you with my full weight, practically as heavy as you, albeit more tall and slender of build… which gives you a lower center of gravity, making it possible for you to reach between my legs with your free right hand after shrugging off my left knee… mmffhhh…. Your hand and arm brushing against my mound… for just a little longer than necessary, maybe… damnww—woooaahh!!! Feeling my entire body being lifted off the canvas, I can’t control much… have to think fast… I still have my arms around your head and your left arm… So I hold tight, as the cage and lights and small crowd all spin in my vision for a split second…

19:41 <Joanna_Louvier> trying to tuck my right knee up to my chest as a defensive maneuver… and most importantly… hoping to keep your left arm trapped, with my right hand sliding down over your muscles, to the inside of your elbow, gripping tightly just as BWWWAMMM!!! My shoulders and back are ROCKED against the canvas… f—fffuck… i feel your weight on my body, as I try to tuck my right leg up and hook my left leg behind your back. A little dazed, but still fighting… Maybe… I can still trap you… yt


19:49 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> a hand full of pussy as i have to admit, i could have grabbed your ass for the flip, and that may have put me in a slightly better position, but i turn and use ur thick womanhood to send you overme as i turn.. my entire body flexing and turning to move the big bitch over my shoulder as we go back.. trying to slam u down and drive my weight down on you, but as we are coming down you hold my arm, and ur thighs slide down and as soon as we land i feel ur crotch slam into my side and ur long legs wrap around me.. HHE HHEHHEEYYY.. FFUUCKK.. trying to roll and stand up as u still do have my arm,... trying to use my lower back (cause thats the proper lift) trying ot get ur back OFFFF the mat
19:49 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


20:43 <Joanna_Louvier> It’s like an instinctive response… wrapping my legs around you like that. Feeling your hard, chiseled lats and serratus muscles against my womanhood… my smooth, shaved legs sliding over your back as I flex my arms to trap your left arm firmly at the wrist with both hands, trying to drag your arm across my abs as I bring my right leg up and hook my knee over my left ankle… feeling you trying to pull yourself up, trying to lift yourself up vertically and fold me up onto my shoulders, but I have some leverage already, and I pull down on you with all the strength I can muster, trying to break down your stance and get you onto your knees… where I can SQUEEZE you in a classic triangle choke until you’re left a twitching, drooling, blue MESS between my thick, powerful, sexy thighs… yt


20:49 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> my arm caught SOOO tight as you start to pull across my body.. moving it across ur rippling soaked abs as you FLEXXXXX and crush me w/ those thighs... the pressure in your legs is shocking as my hamstrings FFLLLEEXXXXX.. hearing the OOOO's from the ladies in the croud behind me.. my entire body FLLLEEXXIINNGG as i PPUULLLL getting ur back off the mat a few inches as you YYAANNNKKKKK and i cant help it as my knees BUCKLE, but had u off the ground enough that i DRIVE my upper body forward as i drop down trying to SLAM ur upper back and maybe ur head down to the canvas even if not from too far.. trying to throw my body to the side as soon as we land, hoping to slide out of that grip
20:49 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


20:57 <Joanna_Louvier> “UGH!!” Fuck!!! Damn, he’s persistent… I almost have you trapped, but you’re fucking STRONG… stronger than I thought you’d be… and you just barely manage to lift me into the air again and SLAM me to the canvas, my head thumping against it and shaking my vision for a moment… maybe it’s not such a good idea to try to fight you on the ground… starting to get tired… I can tell my grip has slipped, partly due to the sweat between us. Can feel your arm and your back sliding out from my grip. Fuck. I quickly make a decision to try to disengage, trying to plant the ball of my left foot in your chest and push you away while simultaneously launching off of you… trying to get my feet under me again, left hand reaching out to guard for a “technical get-up.” Let’s see how you like fighting me standing again. Yt


21:05 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> SLAMMING u down as the entire cage shakes, even from only a low height.. i PULLLL and get free as ur long thick legs cant hold my rippling and SOAKED body after the landing. as i am getting free i cant help, but want to keep on you, wanting to pound this bitch into the mat now!.. breathing HARD but my motor never stops..reaching out for you, but your foot suddenly on my chest.. i look down at it for what feels like a long time then AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAA.. my arms and head JOLT forward as you PUSH me HARD between my thick pecs and i go flying backwards and my back and head pounding the mat... i ROLL once away as i grab my chest for a moment and shake my head as sweat flies around... pushing up to my knees breathing HARD as my rippling body gasps in for air... watching u closely as i start to PUSH to my feet.. OO OK SLUT... i say.. getting my bare feet under me as i catch air... "you are gonna PAY now"
21:05 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


21:21 <Joanna_Louvier> There is a real heat between us… a wet, pheromone-drenched, jungle heat of sex and violence… I can feel what you want to do to me… can see it on your face without needing to hear a word of it from you. And it gives me so much satisfaction to be able to deny you… my large but feminine foot pressing into your flesh, I notice the way you can’t help but stare… I’m tickled, but I am too focused on the fight to get caught up in these little erotic details… Because when I blast you back halfway across the cage, hearing you howl and your body thudding against the canvas… that feeling of showing you how powerful I am… making you feel it in your chest… that is what really turns me on. I hear you yell something angrily at me, and I’m getting to my feet as I see you start to get up to yours.

21:22 <Joanna_Louvier> Good, looks like I’ve gotten to you now. Despite feeling a bit drained from the ground fighting, I’m in decent shape, and there’s still time in the first round. Plenty of time to knock you out COLD. I say nothing in response to your call-out, but I bound up the length of the cage towards you, almost running, then twisting my hips and rotating my right leg forward with my right leg chambered, turning my body counterclockwise, stepping down and raising my left leg as I leap into the air off of my right foot, swinging my right leg in at your head level as I bring my left leg down again, in a powerful tornado kick, hoping to overwhelm you before you’re able to get your wits about you and take the initiative… “Heyyyahhh!!!” Yt


21:26 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> breathing hard and knowing i am younger and in better shape than this huge amazon.. my soaked spandex briefs are much tighter as my manhood is swollen no matter how INTO this fight i am... i adjust as im getting all the way to my feet.. knowing im going to have to PRESS this match.. i start to step towards you and my eyes go open wide as you come right at me and then start fucking spinning.. i take a half step back and as you turn and whip your hips and plant ur foot.. OO NO.. i get my arms up not knowing where the hell the kick is coming from as i get both forearms up just in time as the huge woman spins at me like a fucking tornado..

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.. the kick SLAMMING into my forearms sending pain RIPPING through both of them and still taking a bit of the top of your foot ot my cheek as the power is shocking and sends me stumbling to the side and turning and my back slamming into the cage.. a little dazed and my arms numb at the moment.. a little shocked and trying to get my footing and head space back
21:26 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


21:35 <Joanna_Louvier> As I complete the motion, I can feel my kick land, not entirely clean, but at least it’s not a total miss… I hear you smashing into the cage wall… I manage to land on both feet somehow, the sound of the crowd roaring now filling my ears as my senses come back to me… I turn and look for you, guard up… seeing you against the cage, I know I have a second to move in and press the advantage… coming from your right side, I shuffle to my right, stutter stepping to your left side into a southpaw stance as I throw a right jab at your cheek, left hook to your nose… hoping to keep you dazed and make it hard for you to adjust… then twisting my hips in and RIPPING a lightning fast left body kick at your right side ribs yt


21:40 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> hitting the cage as the entire thing shakes from the power of the kick... shaking my head as i am still covered up for moment.. then lowering my hands knowing i am going to need to fight u off.. but as soon as i see light, i also see you are there in goofy stance... AAAAHH.. the gloves start to fly as my head JERKS back, then my head SPINNING to the side as my nose sprays a little blood and my eyes glazed some.. arms coming up to protect my face long enough to get my air and fight back.. then there is a dull TWWUUCCKKKKKK... that kick comes out of nowhere and i hear it before i feel it as ALLLLL the air comes out of me and the pain RIPS through my ribs.... my arms grab my gut and i start to SINK down the cage gasping for air..
21:40 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


21:46 <Joanna_Louvier> “Oh, no you… Fucking… DON’T!” I’m on you like a lioness on an injured water buffalo, gloved hands grabbing your head… swinging into position, my left leg now in front, planted, as you start to crumble and slide down the cage wall… my right leg swinging back, painted toenails dragging across the canvas fast enough to ignite a match, my right knee swinging up at your chin with a vengeance, launching like a missile, locked on and out to destroy that handsome chin of yours… the young Amazon roaring a triumphant battle cry as victory seems all but certain… “RRRUAAAGHHH!!!” Yt


21:49 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> starting to slide down the cage, feeling like i have maybe 1 or more broken ribs and my eyes blurred from the punches ot the face . in BAD position as suddenly im lookin UP at the amazing amazon.. you body glistening and bulging as u stand over me.. opening my mouth trying to get a word out as you hold my head in place.. then the knee coming up violently at my chin as my teeth crush into my mouth piece and my head JOLTING back.... ears explode into ringing for a moment before everything goes WHITE as my body goes limp and falls forward chest and face into your thighs and lower belly as you are standing close to me holding my head..
21:49 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> yt


21:58 <Joanna_Louvier> I feel you collapse into me and slide against my abs and thighs… I feel myself getting a little wet as I know I’ve conquered you… But even in that moment, I can’t fight my training, and I quickly turn my hips and push you down onto your back, sitting my full weight down hard on your muscled, glistening chest, my left fist swinging back looking to punch you into the next CENTURY with a ground and pound…

21:58 <Joanna_Louvier> and then I feel the ref’s strong arms wrapping me up, yanking me off your KO’ed body as it suddenly dawns on me that I just KNOCKED you the FUCK out… I tap the ref on the shoulder to signal that I understand and he lets me go… I pump my fists in the air and shout a celebratory WOOOHOOO!!! Smiling and waving to the fans… another victory for the hometown champ… all’s right in the world once again… I turn back to you, happily taking full advantage of my privileges in this underground club, raising my left foot and softly bringing it to your broken face, pressing my toes to your bloodied, swollen lips… and striking a classic, victorious double bicep pose. You were rough, but not quite ready… not for Joanna Louvier, at least. Yt

22:00 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> ill call that THE END !
22:00 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> ur fabulous
22:00 <Joanna_Louvier> (Hope you enjoyed, hot stuff 😘)
22:00 <Rough_Ready_Rusty> (loved it.. hope u did as well!)
22:00 <Joanna_Louvier> (Thank you so much. You were PERFECT… ughh I NEEDED this)

<Published> 2023-03-03, viewed 148 times.



AlexHuan CW

2023-03-07 14:13

Excellent fight! Really descriptive. I can see there's a logical process (not not god-moding, etc). Keep the great work!

Joanna Louvier

2023-03-09 19:45

(In reply to this)

Thank you, Alex! This was a very fun back-and-forth… I’d almost call it “playful”… I guess Rusty and I just like to play rough! ;D


2023-03-04 16:16

To fight Joanna itself is an honour and an experience so memorable! I am sure Rusty would agree! Not the most epic of Jo ever but still she is still in great form! Awesome !

Joanna Louvier

2023-03-04 18:25

(In reply to this)

You flatter me, Joydeep! And it’s true, this one is far from epic… but that’s exactly how we wanted it! Some of my favorite fights have been rather short in duration—but long on intensity and action! I enjoy the epic stories as well, but I can’t be in that kind of headspace all the time… sometimes a girl just needs to have some fun! 😜

Greg the Pet Vet

2023-03-03 20:40

Rusty and I have had an encounter before, and I can vouch for what a great opponent he is.

Of course, everyone knows the redoubtable Joanna Louvier is never one to be taken lightly in the cage, or anywhere else for that matter.

Excellent writing and passion from both of you, as always. Thank you for sharing.

Joanna Louvier

2023-03-04 18:19

(In reply to this)

Thank you for your kind words, Greg! I always appreciate hearing your take on my stories!


2023-03-03 17:55

well, THATS my Girl :)

Joanna Louvier

2023-03-04 18:18

(In reply to this)

(: thank you, Ayane!

Kimmie Conover

2023-03-03 17:49

Absolutely amazing read. I felt captivated from the start to the finish. And as someone who lives for the finer details - you both left nothing to be imagined. Keep up the great work!

Joanna Louvier

2023-03-04 18:17

(In reply to this)

Thank you, Kimmie! Sounds like you had as much fun reading it as I did in the fight itself! This was one of my more organic, rapid fire cyber fights, so the energy was real… although I’m sure it helped that Rusty and I had chatted a few times prior to getting together for this match.

JakeThe3rd (deleted member)

2023-03-03 17:34

Excellent fight and amazing writing, you two!! Well done, wow!

Joanna Louvier

2023-03-04 18:15

(In reply to this)

Thank you so much, Jake! Rusty and I just clicked, and based on the responses we’ve been getting, I guess it shows!

Mareko (deleted member)

2023-03-03 16:04

That's something guys, that's really something. i love how you added the dettails in the story, there is lot more then pure technique. There is passion feelings and yourself in this story. I really can picture this fight into my mind just by reading it, awesome work to both hope to see more of this!

Joanna Louvier

2023-03-03 16:24

(In reply to this)

Thanks Mareko! Rusty is no pushover, and I had so much fun with him in the back and forth of this fight… there were a couple moments where I thought he might take over, but in the end, I gave him a little more than he bargained for… at least he still looks pretty hot laid out, KO’ed under my foot! 🫦

Mareko (deleted member)

2023-03-03 17:06

(In reply to this)

compliments are just deserved. i'm watching your fights from quite a while and overall its everithing hot around you Joanna. So or you are skille in finding good writers or you are be able to bring the best out of them, either way keep doing it. i can't wait to read the next one

Rough Ready Rusty

2023-03-03 16:07

(In reply to this)

Thanks brother.. shes one tough, awesome bitch!

Mareko (deleted member)

2023-03-03 16:08

(In reply to this)

i just saw she is, but she is great right ;)