The UUC League

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-05-11
Chat room: #uucl

  • No holds barred
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
  • Extreme violence
The United Underground Clubs is a league for brutal underground fights, light on rules.
31 members
10 stories
0 photos
0 files

16:03 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> To say I was crushed is an understatement. Lacey and I had been going out for almost two years when I heard the news. I'd been to every one of her fights before then to cheer her on since we started going out, except this one, called away on a work trip I simply couldn't avoid. And there I was, sitting in my hotel room, when I got the call that my dear, sweet Lacey, at the tender age of 28... was dead.
16:03 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> I couldn't even find the words to speak for a few minutes. And when I did, and Lacey's trainer emailed me the tape, the truth became clear. Lacey didn't just die, she was beaten, humiliated, and submitted by a younger, stronger opponent, some girl named Laurissa who I had never even heard of.
16:03 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> But because of the rules of this particular fight, there was no ref in the cage with the girls. Lacey's tapping can be clearly seen on the tape as she's caught in that rear naked choke, covered in her own blood from the beating she took, as she slaps the canvas... slaps Laurissa's leg... slaps anything she can reach. I watch horrified as those slaps slow, and finally stop, and it's clear she's unconscious. Any reasonable sportswoman in the world would have let her go and called it a well earned win.
16:03 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Seconds roll by, and Laurissa maintains the choke. You can very clearly hear the screams of the crowd as the spectators start to get worried, and their cheers for Laurissa's victory turn into shouts for her to let go. Within seconds, those cheers that turn into shouts turn into begging and screaming from the fans for her to let go. But she doesn't let go. She just keeps squeezing... and squeezing... and I swear, it looks to me like Laurissa is humping my girl's ass as she's choking the life out of her. Were you... getting off on this? You sick, twisted bitch...
16:03 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My mind swims, my heart swirling through the stages of grief. Over the next few days I do my best to work through denial that it happened... but it's very clear she's gone. Anger, that this callous woman abandoned every sense of decency and fighting honor to kill my future wife. Bargaining... if only I'd been there, maybe I could have done something... and that's where I get stuck. I don't even move on to depression, let alone acceptance. I'm stuck on bargaining. There's really only one answer that even makes sense, if the universe has any justice left in it at all. And I hold onto my anger, and I call up Lacey's trainer. "You need to get me into the cage with this woman."
16:03 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> It's unconventional, no question. Lacey and Laurissa are one of very few women involved in cage fighting, as the attrition rate is so high. Usually not from death, mind you, but the risk of injury is simply too high for most women to want to participate. Not my Lacey. My brave, strong Lacey. And I vow revenge. Laurissa, I'm coming for you.
16:04 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Somehow, some way, Lacey's trainer gets it set up. With no woman in the tri state area willing to get into the cage with Laurissa after the investigation somehow cleared her name - those fuckers just want their money, they don't care who lives or dies - the path for me is wide open. And the night comes, and I strip down to my black fight shorts, and put on my green and white Top King MMA gloves. I've honestly never been in a cage fight before, but my intent isn't sportsmanship anyway. It's revenge.
16:04 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The announcer calls my name, and I make my way to the cage. I don't wave at anyone. I'm not here to show off, I'm not here to entertain anyone. I'm a man on a mission. The cage door opens and I step inside, my heart rate elevated and my muscles tensed up, a drop of sweat already dripping in a line down the middle of my hairy chest from the hurt I just put on a heavy bag in the locker room to warm up.
16:04 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> And then the announcer says that name that's been haunting my dreams, and I clench my jaw.... Laurissa... yt
16:14 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> (Pinky white for sure, those abs are going to be fun to destroy.)
18:27 <Laurissa> You hear the crowd cheer. Despite everything I've done I still have fans, a lot of people love cocky arrogant bitches like me. I smile at them with my cocky smirk as I walk towards the cage, and then I step through the door. Doors on either side of the cage are locked immediately after, with audible clicks and clacks. I also wear some slim pink and white gloves on my chiseled hands, matching the rest of my attire - white loose shorts with some colorful pattern an brightly pink bikini tube top covering my modest but perky tits. The naive, cheerful and innocent looking outfit is, however, contrasted by a mean, cocky, self richeous, condifent and slightly demeaning smirk on my otherwise cute-ish face.
18:28 <Laurissa> "Hi!.." I start, and then give you a slow look-over. "Daddy!" I finish with my smirk getting a bit wider, my fans laugh at my witty comment about your apparently older age. From my fighter card you know I am a little younger than your now ex-gf, 25 years old. "What did you forget here? If you were looking for some sexy wrestling time, then it's the opposite building. Here we fight for realsies." I say, but proceed to tighten up my gloves and assume a fighting stance.
18:28 <Laurissa> Meanwhile lights start to dim around the arena slowly, all but those illuminating the thunder dome. At the same time some music starts to play from the speakers, quietly at first... ( )
18:38 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> As you enter the cage, I give your slim body a look over, head to toe, while grinding my teeth in barely contained rage as the cage doors get locked. And when I see that tight little frame of yours, I'm a little surprised my body feels something I never in a million years would have expected, when you walk in... the video doesn't do you justice... you're actually... really... kind of hot... Those loose shorts resting on your slender hips riding below spectacularly toned looking abs, your perky little tits in that top... I try to think about Lacey being squeezed to death by those toned arms, but my cock, as always, has a mind of its own, and I have to readjust myself in my shorts when you prance in.
18:41 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> But it's that cocky little smirk on your face that really catches my attention. And ohhhhh how I'm going to enjoy wiping that smile off your face, you heartless, vicious slut... Your cheery 'hi' does nothing to cool my temper or my unexpected attraction and your little quip elicits a smile from me. In another time, another place, maybe I would have let a girl like you call me Daddy. But tonight is not that night. "The only thing I forgot here is your life... but don't worry, I'll be taking that, and more, back home with me soon enough..."
18:43 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The lights dim, the Thunderdome music starts, I gain focus, taking my fighting stance, choosing my targets carefully... who am I kidding, they're all my targets... and I hold myself back just one more moment, to make sure the people locking the doors slip the key inside, so only the winner of the fight can open that door. And I wait for the bell to ring, just like my Lacey did. This is for you, baby girl... yt
21:41 <Laurissa> "Oooh, feisty!" I chuckle. "Sorry, old guy, you will be disappointed. I hope you enjoy femdom, because that's what is going to happen 'soon enough'". I parry already bouncing up and down on my feet, making a couple warm up punches, shaking my legs a few times which makes my meaty thighs jiggle.
21:41 <Laurissa> The heavy part of the music hits a momenet after the ring of the bell, timed perfectly, the crowd erupts with a cheer at the start of the fight. I exhale and as the bell rings I am already charging, running at you, closing the distance quickly and start throwing punches. A feint to your face, followed by two uppercuts aimed at your ribs, which are then followed by another flurry of punches, with me mostly on the offensive. yt
22:04 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> You mouth off some nonsense I barely even hear, tossing some meaningless threats my way, while bouncing those luscious thighs around. The fact that you're sex on legs is going to make this even more fun. I SLAP my right gloved fist into my left open palm... SLAP... SLAP... heels up and down in anticipation, just salivating waiting for that damn bell to ring. One last show of respect for the sport my lover Lacey believed in enough to die for. DING...
22:09 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> You come at me like a bat out of hell, throwing fast punches. I pull up my guard, turtling, flexing my muscles to lock down the defenses around my head and upper torso. Your feint is effective, but I don't even care. ''Come on bitch... come on... give me everything you got..." A pair of uppercuts slam into my ribs, and I drive towards you, taking them, and snarling... "HUFFF.... UFFFF...." your gloved fists making my heart rate go up even higher, my adrenaline surging... WHAP THWAP WHACK your gloves tap dance off my guard, and into my abs... and just when you're sending another one of those pesky uppercuts with your left out towards my ribs, I flex my right bicep big and hard down at the side of my ribs, drive in towards you, take that rib punch on my bicep with a THWAP, and then ROAR as I whip a soul crushing right handed uppercut up looking to decimate your chin, trying to take your goddamn smart mouth head off. yt
22:33 <Laurissa> As someone who does not look particularly buff I should've known that looks can be deceiving. But seeing you I honestly thought that you're just some unskilled bored husband or something, who decided to try out his luck in this kind of thing, maybe chasing adrenaline or something. But apparently I was wrong. Your guard is so good that I already started to suspect something in the middle of my barrage, but I should've discharged immediately at that suspicion, which I did not. And that was probably the fatal crucial mistake. Underestimating you and then not correcting on that mistake the moment I had any doubts about it.
22:33 <Laurissa> Suddenly you lash out with an uppercut the likes of which people haven't seen here for a while. Your fist hits me in the chin hard, my teeth clash audibly, quite likely some may even chip, my head snaps back and I make a step backwards. And then I just stand like that for a moment, and if anyone could look at me from above right now they would see the empty look in my eyes...
22:33 <Laurissa> The crowd is hushed as they start to realize what just happened. My hands drop and sway as I start falling down to my knees in front of you. Knocked down... or even out. With just one punch.
22:46 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My furious uppercut lands with a CRACK-CLACK that bounces off the walls of the arena, the first being the sound of my leather up under your chin, the second being your teeth clicking together, audibly doubling the force of the punch through your skull. A third sound, the THUD of your knees on the canvas, making it clear, you've been knocked silly with a perfect strike. I reach over with my left hand and open my fingers wide, sliding them through your silky hair, and grip a big fist full. "Probably should have worn a mouth guard, shouldn't you..." I taunt, certain you can't hear me but enjoying it anyway.
22:48 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> You teeter around on your knees in my grip, threatening to fall over, and I hold on tight. "Ohhh no you don't, I'm just getting started." Flexing up the muscles in my left arm big and firm, I step in close, my bulge pressed up into your face for leverage, then I drag up on your hair, adding my right hand cupping up under that punched chin to guide you back up to your feet pulling your face up my abs as you go, holding you steady by your head until you're able to stand on your own. Yt
23:08 <Laurissa> I fall to my round bare knees with a loud thud, my body shudders on impact, my tube top doing nothing to stop my tits from jumping on impact, probably only making sure they do that in sync together. My arms slap against my thighs and dangle limply, my head rolls leaving no doubt that I am out. You already start to hear some laughs from the crowd and cheers admiring your perfect uppercut.
23:08 <Laurissa> Slowly, with feeling you grab a bunch of my hair in your head and tilt my silly looking face up. You see that I am even looking at you, though my eyes have trouble focusing and it looks like I'm completely disoriented... Can't say that no one is home, but most of them were punches right out of it if you know what I am trying to say. I probably hear you but don't understand a word... I let out a stupid quiet moan.
23:08 <Laurissa> I never wear a mouth guard, as I alway think I'm so good... And one has to admit, until now you could count the number of times I got hit in the face on fingers of one hand. But everything ends some time... You can tell by the weight in your hand that your grip on my hair is the only thing keeping me up, it gets much harder to hold me up whenever you lean me one way or another. To the people in the crowd it does look like you're just mocking me and planning to drop me and claim your victory, which you can do actually. But you don't. You keep me up on my knees. The cage can only be opened from the inside... Either by the victor when he (or she) thinks it's over, or by the loser if they manage to run away. And I am in no condition to run...
23:08 <Laurissa> My cute smooth round cheek is pressed against your bulge, getting squeezed a bit, and you basically rub my face against your bulge as you lift me up, and rub my face against your belly and chest, leaving a trail of drool from my lips as you do so, until I am back on my feet. With just enough brain activity left in me to sort of kind of keep some balance. Stumbling left and right and threatening to fall, but managing to keep standing. yt
23:10 <Laurissa> The crowd start coming back to life. My fans already see this going wrong, and start claiming for you to stop, mostly in commanding tones. But you are gaining the following... Which is not hard considering that many people in the crowd actually hate me. You're not the first who got hurt by my attitude towards my opponents. You hear a growing voice of support rising in the crowd towards you. A dark and evil voice. yt
00:07 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My vicious grip on your hair and chin is successful in leading you to your feet, but you don't seem to be able to do much more, which is fine with me. The crowd is torn. Most of them shouting in opposition to what I'm doing, and calling for me to stop... just like they did with my dear Lacey... and others murmuring "kill the bitch!" "end her!"
00:12 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Removing my grip from your chin to turn to the crowd, maintaining my grip on your hair, I wave a palm down hush to those who would call for my mercy. Then I turn back to you. "You hear that, Laurissa? These are your fans. They want me to stop hurting you... or kill you... I wonder how their voices will change as this goes on!" And without another word, I bury a bicep flexing VICIOUS uppercut into your navel looking to lift you up off the canvas, pull back and pump a second WICKED uppercut a few inches below your navel and into the flesh just above your waistline, then crouch down and spring up, SLAMMING your chin with a third uppercut, releasing your hair as I reach through to the lights above the cage. yt
00:24 <Laurissa> I stumble around but you help me keep standing with a grip on my blonde hair. My arms swaying, my lips parted, eyes weakly looking around, not fully understanding what's going on, though slowly it seems that my mind starts getting back. You can feel that I am starting to hold more of my own weight and stumble less. My gaze starts to become more sensible, as I actually look at my fans, all with worried faces, and the rest of the crowd with anger on theirs. But that's as far as you let me recover as in the next moment to a gasp and cheer of the crowd your fist hits me in the belly. This time I am not even trying to tense it up.
00:24 <Laurissa> "OUGHH..." air leaves me as I lift up to my toes, and then another punch hurts even more. I stand doubled over, hands on my belly, legs slightly spread and a third uppercut clashes me teeth again, straightens me up and sends me falling flat on my back, arms and legs spread, head bouncing, legs rolling a little, flesh jiggling on impact and bouncing on the bouncy canvas of the dome.
00:24 <Laurissa> For a while I just lie on my back, until I wake up with a start and with a cough, wheeze some air in and attempt to roll over... yt
00:37 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Much to my pleasure, the painful grunt of my punch burying itself into your tender abdomen is music to my ears, and sends a lovely sense of pressure and power up through my gloved fist, through my arm, into my shoulder, and down through my whole body. There's nothing quite like the feeling of landing a full force punch on another human, and when that human is a skinny little thing like you? Well it's clear why that blow would have devastating effects.
00:40 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Doubling you over with a second punch is fun, and I can almost feel your internal organs rattling around, as your tight little abs aren't so tight anymore. And that beautiful uppercut CRACK-CLACK up under your chin again adds a delicious little percussion to this symphony, and the fans cheer as you are sent to your back. Some of the fans calling for me to stop hurting you start cheering for me after that second brutal uppercut, whether from bloodthirsty sadism or an unspoken desire to see Lacey's killer brought to justice I'll never know.
00:42 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> I walk around the cage, waving my arms and beckoning the crowd to back up my plans for Laurissa crushing. "COME ONE, this is the woman who KILLED MY GIRLFRIEND LACEY" I finally admit out loud to the crowd, who fall deathly silent for a few moments as the truth is revealed... and then the whole place ERUPTS in cheers, drowning out those failing voices calling for me to stop hurting you and let you go.
00:44 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> As you roll onto your stomach, I strut over to you, and plant my heel on your firm little ass, and the sole of my foot into your sacrum, pressing your hips into the floor, and leaning my body weight on your lower back. Throwing my hands in the air again, looking to gain support from the crowd, as I pose on top of you keeping you tits down, ass up, and prevent you from getting to your hands and knees. Whether you know it or not? I'm giving you this time on purpose, to give you time to regain some strength, so I can pound it out of you again. yt
15:33 <Laurissa> You admitting who you are and why you want to hurt me so much immediately brought a huge part of the crowd to your side, even some of those who were initially on my side. You can already hear a lot of them screaming out names of other fighters I needlessly injured or killed, you start to realize that Lacey was just the last one in the line. You hear suggestions about how you should hurt me exactly starting to come at you from all sides, but it's hard to make out any individual ones.
15:33 <Laurissa> Just as I, huffing moaning and with shaking arms and slightly bulging arm muscles, managed to finally push myself up to all fours, you take all that progress away by stomping on my back. From the thud sound and my yelp you can tell I hit the mat with my pelvic bones, and enjoy the view of my ass and thighs jiggling for a moment , a ripple going over my skin at the moment of the impact. I crawl with my arms, only leaving scratch marks on the canvas with my nails, you simply apply more weight to your leg and with your superior weight it's more than enough to keep me pinned in place. Also making me whimper in pain. By this alone, the way I crawl and move, you can tell that some strength returned to me. But then you also hear my voice:
15:33 <Laurissa> "You sick fuck…" I say, though not very clearly, two uppercuts to the chin and my still rattled brain clearly take it's toll. "Your bitch didn't deserve to live… Could not fight… at all…" I grunt and buck trying to throw you foot off. yt
15:38 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> There is no denying that ass of yours is spectacular. And yes, I am quite enjoying the view from up here, as all 190lbs of muscle bear down on your lower spine while I flex over you and gain the support of the crowd. Now, normally I'm a kind, gentle man, but your actions have simply pushed me over the edge. And as it's becoming apparent this place is accepting... even inviting of potentially lethal violence, there is no better place in the world for me to direct my aggression, my anger, my loathing, my lust, than inside this cage, with you.
15:42 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Your crawling is adorable, your whimpering music to my ears. And I'm really enjoying it, until you open that foul mouth of yours, and start to speak poorly of my dear, sweet Lacey, who died at your cruel hands. While it may have been true that you were a superior fighter that night, nobody deserves to die doing the thing they love. As you buck and grunt, I abruptly press off your hips, letting you up to your hands and knees, as I make my way behind you. "We'll see which bitch doesn't deserve to live, you filthy slut..." I snarl. Enjoying a view of your perfect little ass, I step back two steps, run in, wind up, and HEAVE a brutal soccer kick up between your legs to SLAM into your bikini bottoms, trying to kick your pussy all the way up through your body and into your foul mouthed throat. yt
16:02 <Laurissa> And apparently in my insuferable desire to keep taunting you and making snarky comments I am not making it any easier for you to... sort of calm down, am I? See that's the thing, I often know that I should keep my mouth shut, but I just can't... And don't even stop there: "But I see what you might've liked about her... She had a nice ass. Did you know I got off on it? As I snuffed he-AAH!" you interrupt me with a press on my hips before getting off me, and I use the moment to try and get up as quickly as I can. I'm up on all fours, and I start getting up further but you kick catches me in an awkward pose, which is, however, perfect for your kick...
16:02 <Laurissa> Instead of sending me straight up, it sends me flying forward and falling on the floor near a cage wall. The kick was so bad... Sure we dont have balls, but if you kick hard enough it still feels like my ovaries are being pulled at. "Ohhh fuck..." I hiss in pain, it's hard to breathe, I clutch at my crotch and wince in pain. But the moment I see you and the look on your face I know I can't just expect you to give me time to recover. I start to stand up, back against the wall, I push my legs, slip, fall, then try again, this time grabbing the cage wall and pull myself up to my feet... I'm wobbly on my feet, but I manage to put my fists up. I shake my head, it keeps spinning and it pisses me off.
16:02 <Laurissa> Regardless of my state I move towards you, not expecting you to give me much more time to recover anyway. I send a wild haymaker at your head, with a scream or rage. yt
17:20 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Ohhh yes, I do remember you humping my woman's fine ass as you were choking the life out of her, make no mistake. Another time, I would have absolutely got off on that image of you enjoying my woman's hot body, and had things been different, we might all three of us have enjoyed ourselves together. As it is, though, it's just you and me left, and that wonderful image of you on my girl's back writhing around echoes in my memory as you writhe around near the cage wall.
18:26 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> I stand back as you get up, excited to draw this out as long as I can. I'm not in a hurry to break you. You deserve a long, long beating for what you've done. Not just to my girl, but to who knows how many others. I take my fighting position, excited to see you lifting yourself up and putting up your dukes. Theoretically you could attempt to give up, but a tough bitch like you wouldn't dare. Your face contorted with rage, you fly at me with the most telegraphed, basic, first day of fight class haymaker, driving all 125 pounds towards me. And with a snarl, I crouch down, step in towards you on my left foot, and drive as much of my 190 pounds as I can into my flexed up right bicep, bunched up shoulder, my chest, my back, my hips twisting as I focus every last ounce of strength I have into meeting the charge of your body with my right fist, aimed directly into your solar plexus below your wildly swinging punch. yt
19:33 <Laurissa> The fight was pretty much sealed with that first uppercut that crashed into my jaw and sent my brain slamming against the insides of my skull . And then you did it again. So it's safe to assume I might already have some light form of concussion, and that does not help me fight any better… At the start of the fight you may have been legitimately worried about whether you would be able to beat me. I am, after all, an underground fighter with experience. But my arrogance and overconfidence gave you the opportunity and you took it. You already had strength and weight advantage over me from the start, speed and experience were the only uncertain things. And now in my current state there's very little chance that I will be able to win. But of course you know better than to take any unnecessary risks, I am still a fighter and angered one at that… You know that given the chance I will beat the shit out of you, and might even go for the kill.
19:33 <Laurissa> Given the chance. Which I am not. My attack is kind of stupid, but hey. Two brutal uppercuts to the head can do that to anyone. Stupid or not, it was a strong and dangerous attack, which would've been bad if it connected with your bearded face. But it did not… it swooshed right over your head as you ducked down and shot your own fist into my solar plexus, right under my pink top, making my tits bounce. "GHHHHaaah…" air left my lungs, my eyes and mouth wide open, my arms clutching at my chest. I'm wheezing. I'm trying to breathe, you can see my chest making jerking sounds as it attempts to draw air in, but my diaphragm is paralyzed, I feel like I am suffocating, I can't fill my lungs with air. You see some panic on my face. It's a feeling that hard to get used to even if you felt it before. Not to mention that it does make it hard to breathe, and lacking air how can I fight back?
19:33 <Laurissa> I stumble back until my fit ass slams into the cage wall, still breathing heavily, I'm trying to buy some time.
19:41 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> You would think, that a shorter, trained killer would be able to land a good punch on a bigger, taller, less experienced dude. You would think, that said trained killer wouldn't throw such a clumsy attack, given the apparently rising stakes of this fight. You would think nobody would be foolish enough to throw caution to the wind, and bet everything on a single strike. You would think, that bigger, slower, older dude wouldn't be able to duck under that wild ass haymaker... but you would think wrong. And when I drive my body weight through my arm and into my fist, detonating into your solar plexus, I can practically feel the base of your heart through your chest when the punch lands with a mighty TWACK. The rush of adrenaline already high peaks when my fist drives nearly through your body. And I've taken punches there before, they SUCK. If your diaphragm gets involved, shock is not unusual. Breathing? Certainly questionable.
19:45 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Your eyes widen in panic as you back away, and my momentum is already driving towards you. When you CLANG up against the cage wall, the crowd ROARS in approval, and more than one cheer of "KILL THE BITCH" rings out through the arena. I step in close... reeealll close... and I press my body up against yours, clearly suffering against the cage, and I growl into your ear, enjoying the panicked spasms of your tight little body against mine... "sucks to not be able to breathe, right? Gee, I wonder who else might have felt like that?"
19:52 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Reaching up with the spread fingers of my left hand, I press my palm over your face to shove your head back against the cage wall, then I just start pistoning uppercuts with my right hand into your abdomen, using the leverage of your face to keep you propped up on the cage wall, and give me something solid to lean on and a fulcrum to rotate my hips around. A vicious right uppercut just up under your left ribcage... a second vicious right just under the waistline of your adorable little shorts... a third uppercut under your right ribcage... and a fourth uppercut, barely above the "Y" of your thighs, looking to attempt the internal injury of your womb. Then I SHOVE your face back, and step away to leave you gasping for breath. "Don't worry Laurissa, I'm not going to kill you yet, there's still plenty of your body left to break first..." yt
20:59 <Laurissa> I am too concerned about trying to keep breathing, only getting scarse amounts of air with each wheezing jerky twitchy breath, so you are able to just mock me and press your body against mine, pinning me to the cage, squashing my modest but perky tits against your chest. I move my arms down and grab onto the cage, not letting you pin them between our bodies, you hear my hoarce wheezy panicked breathing in your ear as you gloat in mine. I was hoping for more gloating and mocking and talking, but when you hand covers my cute face and pins me against the cage wall I know that this is it, that's all the time I got. I swing my arms from left and right slamming my fists into your ribs, blindly as your hand is covering my eyes.
20:59 <Laurissa> But my pathetic attempts at fighting back stop as your fists start hitting my body. My bare skin under my ribs, feeling like your fist is going under them and directly crushing my lungs, forcing a loud moan out of me that could've easily been considered a sexy moan of lust, if it was not forced out of me by your fist. "AGHH!" you see my abs tense up after you hit me just below the waistline, as I attempt to double over, but you are still pinning me against the wall, you can feel my warm breath and my drool on your palm. Another moan coming out of me as you empty my other lung, and then a vicious punch to my pubic area makes me let out a hoarce squeal with whatever air is left in my lungs, and a small wet spot appears on my shorts. As you let go of my face you also see tears in my eyes, as your shove hits my head on the cage wall, I bounce and fall on my knees and further down on all fours, one hand clutching at my crotch.
20:59 <Laurissa> I continue to wheeze, I'm feeling even more dizzy than before, the world is spinning. I still have trouble breathing but you made sure to punch more air out of me. The crowd laughs as I pathetcially attempt to stand up only to fall back flat on my belly, multiple times, until I finally roll over on my back and look up. I fucked up. This is bad, I can tell you really want to kill me, and you can do that, especially with the way the crowd supports you. I'm starting to convince myself that I should try to beg for mercy, but there's still this huge part of me that is too proud to do that. My breathing is also sort of starts to get better, initial panic goes away... but god my womb and bladder hurt like hell... I roll on my side and curl up. yt
21:36 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My blows drop you to the canvas in obvious pain, and your pathetic attempts to stand leave your belly and tits slamming into the canvas more times than I had even intended. Standing back while you're writhing around, I lift my hands into the air, beckoning to the crowd to cheer for more pain and agony for the vicious killer at my feet, not looking quite so vicious now. Rolled over onto your left side, I step towards you and reach up to grip the fence with my left hand, giving myself some leverage to heave a soccer kick into your injured navel, before stomping down on the side of your ribs with my heel, hoping to do some damage to your liver.
21:38 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> "The ground is too good for you, Laurissa, you need to stand up so all these nice people can watch you get what's coming to you." I reach down and grip two fists full of your hair, dragging you away from the cage wall, before guiding you to your knees, and lifting my big right thigh up to CRACK up under your chin... then I plant my foot, and CRACK you under your chin again, before reaching under your left armpit with my hand and guiding you upright once more. "Come on, you can do it, show these nice folks what a great fighter you are. So much better than Lacey, am I right?" yt
22:14 <Laurissa> I'm in so much pain as I squirm on the floor attempting to deal with it and overcome it, but clearly failing. And not just physical pain, emotional too, at the realization of losing a fight in such a humiliating way. With the crowd laughing at me, and by the sound of it I am feeling like even a lot of my old supporters are starting to switch sides. Fucking cheap bastarts, most of them only follow those who win…
22:14 <Laurissa> "AAAH!" I scream as you kick me, strong enough to make me slide against the floor a little. As you stomp on my ribs you can feel and hear a crack and a loud gasp coming from me, as you were succesful in kicking me hard enough to damage my liver. My vision darkened for a moment, my breath once again constricted this time from pain and sensations shot through my body at that. Again you grab my hair and drag me across the floor, I'm trying to pry your fingers off my hair and kicking my sexy legs but all to no avail, screaming and cursing as much as I can in my dizzied pained state. Screaming something about fucking up not just your girlfriend but your entire family and your dog, though you can't be sure, I'm not talking very clearly, mumbling a lot of the words.
22:14 <Laurissa> I have to give some credit to my pink bikini tube top. It was clearly a nice investment, the grippy silicone that was painted along the perimeter of it on the inside was really good at keeping the top on my tits, despite looking like it might fall off at any moment. But even that can't hold it on there forever. When you finally pull me up to my knees again the crowd laughs and cheers and wolf-calls for my pink tube top finally slid down my body and is now hanging around my waist. My cute tits .
22:14 <Laurissa> But you are on a mission and before you could even notice it you start ramming your knee into my chin, the crowd's wolf calls and whistlest quickly turn into awes and oohs, each time my knees lift off the floor and thump back, each time my head jerks, though not much as you're still holding my head still, each time my teeth clash and it does seem like some chips of my teeth dropped on the floor. Each time my now bare tits jump and jiggle. But my arms let go of yours and dropped after the first knee already.
22:14 <Laurissa> As you lift me up to my feet I'm swaying. Arms dangling like ropes, stupid look on my face, my eyes half closed and rolled up, I'm looking silly as you show my stupid expression and my current state to the crowd. You can tell that if you let go of me I will just fall on the floor, my legs are barely holding any weight.
22:28 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Holding up nearly your entire body weight by your hair and a grip under your armpit, it's clear you're incoherent and I won't be expecting much fight out of you any time soon. "Where's that taunting now, huh? And what was that about my dog?!" Keeping you upright by your upper body, I rear back and heave a knee up in between your legs, looking to lift you off the canvas with your pussy mounted on my thigh, and get those great tits of yours jiggling. Then just to have a little punishing fun with you, I reach back and heave another brutal right uppercut into your abdomen just after I drop my foot back down and release your armpit, then I twist my hips to swing a left uppercut up under your right breast, then a right up under your left breast, attempting to juggle you with my fists back up towards the cage wall again.
22:29 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Finally ending my combo by thrusting my hips forward to power my thick right thigh and finally my knee THROUGH your uterus, pouring on the punishing pressure to drive blow after blow upwards and backwards and keep you jumping back until you've got your perfect little ass pressed up against the cage for the crowd to enjoy, and when you get there, I RAM my left forearm across your clavicles and up under your chin, grabbing across to grip your left shoulder, to make damn sure you don't fall down. yt
23:04 <Laurissa> You are free to mock me, to have fun at me, with no repercussions coming from me. The crowd laughs and majority of them is on your side, you have their support for what you do, in fact they even encourage you to go harder on me. At this point your side of the crowd also grows with people who placed their bets on me, and now were at the point where they were quite sure I am not going to win. That I lost them their bets, their money, and they want me to pay for that dearly. If they can't get their money back, at least they want to get all the entertainment out of me they can. And the heavy music keeps playing loud in the background and only helping keep the brutal merciless mood of the fight up (speaking of music, I assume this is still what's playing but I'm open for suggestions if you have any ^^ )
23:04 <Laurissa> Your knee hits me between my legs hard. "Ughh!" I grunt in my half conscious state as it lifts me to my toes and back. You let go of me and I start topplin forward but your uppercut sinks under my it into my ribs and pushes me back up, sending a bouncy ripple through my right tit. I am leaning forward again and then the same happens with the other one, another punch keeping me up again. Your next knee hits me hard enough to make my feet lose ground and it sends me backwards, waving my arms as I try to catch my balance, stumbling with my noodle-legs, each time when it feels like they are about to give you "help me up" with another knee until my back finally crashes into the metal cage making it rattle, my ass protruding through the steel bars, white loose cloth of my shorts hugging it tightly because of it.
23:05 <Laurissa> And then you pin me to the wall with a painful forearm chop, you could almost feel my clavicles creaking pleadingly, but they did not crack from it. I, however, am a complete mess right now. My eyes are rolled up, my hair all over the place, disheveled, my mouth open and tongue slipping out and you can see and feel my drool dripping down on your forearm steadily, and my head keeps drooping forward. My tits are out, and my pink top is now looking more like a belt around my waist. My arms are just dangling helplessly along my body, and my legs are half-bent, indicative of the fact that the only reason I am still up is you keeping me that way. Almost as if you are trying to make sure no ref can even try to start counting me out before you are finished with me...
23:05 <Laurissa> "What a stupid bitch, huh!" "Yeah, she deserves that! My lovely sister! What she did to her!!!" "God damn, he's so tough, she had no chance..." "FINISH HERRRR!!!" "She lost me my fucking 500$, make her pay for that!!!" "Break her fucking nose!" "CRUSH HER!" "Hm, that's really a waste... Such a lovely body." "Haha, tiiitties! Fuck, where's my phone..." "Is that really Laurissa? I thought she's a good fighter." "Looser..." "Oh no... he's going to kill her, damn!" "No no, please stop! Somebody stop him!" "Yeah? Stop him? Where were you when she killed my daughter!?" you can hear some voices in the crowd, some scraming, some calm, some excited, some worried...
11:14 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The din of the crowd sounds like nothing more distinct than the rhythmic crashing of ocean waves to me right now, as I pour pressure into your upper chest and stare daggers through your dazed eyes. It would be easy to choke you out from here. Too easy. You don't deserve easy. I look your mostly naked body up and down, and what happens next can only be described as... premeditated. Step one, I jam my meaty thigh up in between your slender legs, to prop you up against the cage so you can't fall. Step two, I reach down with my right hand and shimmy your top up your torso, bringing your floppy arms along with it to pull it up and over your head, until I have to use my left hand gripping your throat to add a little support to my knee as I finish stripping your top off you. I let it slide down my arm to my elbow, and keep it there. I'll need that in a minute...
11:19 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Step three, I'm honestly grateful for that long, beautiful blonde hair of yours. Maintaining your position against the cage with my thick hairy thigh mashed up into your pussy, I reach up with both hands, and separate your hair into two fists full, and carefully thread them one at a time through the cage bars behind and above your head, then tie as secure a knot between your head and the cage as I can, intending to hang you up on the cage by your hair. This is hard work, keeping your body upright while performing such a precise task, but I'm a man on a mission and I get it done.
11:23 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Step four, I lift your floppy right arm above your head, twist one side of your bra top around and around your right wrist, feed it through the bars, lift your floppy left arm above your head, and secure both of your wrists to the cage wall using your bra. Before I rest, making sure the cage will hold you up by your restraints, and for once in my bedroom career, not giving two shits if your hands lose circulation or not. Then I lean heavily against your body with my thigh still mashing your pussy through your shorts, and enjoy my work, taking deep breaths across the side of your neck, past your ear, leaning beard to cheek against your face, sweat pouring down my back, and smearing between our naked chests, my heart pounding both from the effort, and in anticipation. yt
11:49 <Laurissa> I am helpless and defenseless now, and in any other case that would likely elicit a lot of support for mercy from the crowd, and you would likely not be inclined to continue the fight yourself. By all intents and purposes you could call it a win now. Put me down, pose over my drooling form and go take your money. But the problem is me. My opponents were in the exact same spot before, and I did not show them mercy, often against begging of the crowd. Same went for your girlfriend. She was down, she was knocked out when I saddled her and started to finish her off. It's only after that she woke up and started to tap out. Frantically. Desperately. Until her eyes turned glassy, dead. Just empty voids which previously were so full of love for you. Shit happens in the fighting cage, especially an underground and illegal (well, covered by mobs and stuff) like this one, but her death was absolutely not necessary. I did it anyway.
11:49 <Laurissa> Your knee rams between my legs, you can feel my smooth meaty inner thighs 'hugging' it, and you might even feel the outline of my pussy a little, through two layers of clothing - shorts and panties underneath. My body rocks a little as you prop it up, my arms go up as you remove my top, and the crowd laughs and gloatingly jeers as they think you're stripping me. My tits bounce as the top passes over them, then my head tilts up and my top slides over my face, my head falls back down, top goes over my arms and they flop down, slapping against my own thighs, swaying. You could say I am now officially topless.
11:49 <Laurissa> You're lucky that I am so far out of it, that there's no way I am going to wake up any time soon, giving you more than enough of it to tie my blonde locks into the cage. Though luck may not even have anything to do with it, maybe it was subconscious foresight when you punched my mind, my consciousness out of my body. My head pinned to the wall now, silly expression visible to all the people around the cage, and close ups shown on TV screens above and around the cage. The whole fight is getting filmed and broadcast over dark web, and recorded too, same way you got your hands on the recording of your girlfriend's demise. My head rocking a little left and right as you work my hair into the cage, my eyes rolled up and half closed, mouth open and drool occasionally dripping from my lower lip down on my smooth chest.
11:49 <Laurissa> Finally you're done, and the crowd is murmuring and chuckling in as much anticipation as you are, as they see that I am now restrained, tied to the wall of the cage and not going anywhere. You don't even have to keep your knee up now, my hair and my top and the cage will hold me up nicely for you. As you lean against my smooth body, irritating my smooth skin with your hair, you can hear me croak a little. Then again, you feel me starting to move, if barely.
12:01 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Pushing away from you now that your head and arms are locked tight to the cage, I'd thought about wrapping something around your neck... but again, the risk of you falling unconscious and dying from hanging is simply too great when you're in this condition. No, you're going to die slowly, of internal bleeding, not something as merciful as the quick end you delivered my Lacey. I take a few moments to let myself rest, breathing deep, sweating, and finally the crowds words of anger, hate, disgust, fear, mercy, and loathing, all start to penetrate my ears. "THIS IS THE WOMAN WHO KILLED MY LACEY" I bellow, for all your 'fans' to hear. "MERCILESSLY. POINTLESSLY. AND THIS IS THE DAY SHE PAYS FOR IT WITH HER LIFE. YOU KNOW THIS IS RIGHT. YOU ALL WANT TO SEE HER SUFFER AND DIE... RIGHT?"
12:06 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> I'm not really asking anyone's permission, more like... attempting to justify a position I've already taken, a decision I've already made. I'm not a man inside this cage anymore. My humanity is being stripped away minute by minute, leaving only the animal inside. I walk over to you hung up on the cage wall, and I strip away the last evidence of your participation in polite society too. Slipping my fingers inside the waistband of your shorts, your panties, I carefully work them down your hips, sliding my hands along your skin and feeling the curve of your perfect little ass, your slender young hips.
12:08 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Careful only so that I don't accidentally dislodge you from the cage, though the way I've got you tied up I suspect you'll stay up there until you're cut down. And I slide the last of your clothing down those meaty thighs, I take note as I strip you of the unmistakable scent of your sex, both in the clothing I'm stripping off you, and in your pussy, clearly damp from your sweat and what appears to be some of your nectar clinging between your labia and the panties I'm taking off you. Of course this turns you on, you filthy slut... of course it does...
12:10 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Stripping those shorts and panties down past your knees, down to your ankles, and off your feet, I stand up and twirl them around in the air for the crowd by their leg holes, before finally flinging them across the cage in a flourish. Right and truly stripped down to your bare, naked skin, for all the world to enjoy, and even from here, I can see the goosebumps rise and fall on your arms, and your hard nipples pointing out towards me. Filthy slut... yt
12:24 <Laurissa> And whether you needed it or not, you do get permission or at least approval from large enough part of the crowd that even if there still are any people left on my side, begging for my life and end of my suffering for whatever reason they might have, they are drowned out by the rest. Only my close friends remain in that category, as well as people who honestly believe that it was just 'part of my job' or bullshit like that. And probably those who really enjoyed watching me destroying other girls. But those would definitely have mixed feelings, as that's exactly what's happening to me now...
12:24 <Laurissa> I keep croaking and moaning a little as you start roughly, angrily tugging my shorts and panties down from me, they get stuck on my round ass, they get stuck on my thick meaty hips and thighs, but once they pass the middle of my thighs they slip down easily, sliding against my perfectly smooth waxed skin. And falling at my feet, until you pick them up and off me entirely. Which leaves me completely naked, except for my earrings. The crowd roars in excitement at the new level of humiliation, as you exposed me to the world, my round butt, but waxed pubis and some can even see my pussy, depending on where they are in the crowd.
12:25 <Laurissa> You notice some wetness to my panties and gloat about me taking pleasure from what you do, but of course it's not entirely true. Yes I do get excited sexually any time I get into a fight, I might even enjoy getting hit, but we were long past the point of me being able to enjoy this. So yes a little bit of that wetness may come from my horniness at he beginning of the fight, but most of it more likely came from your attacks against my lower body, simply shocking my insides and squeezing liquids from me like from a fucking sponge. There's probably some bladder contents on my panties too, adding to all that.
12:25 <Laurissa> I hang on the cage, you can see my eyes finally rolling down, but again they are weak, I look around weakly, not looking like I even understand what's going on, but who cares. Everything is blurry. Dark. Sounds muffled and coming from afar. Ringing in my ears. Banging of the music... or is it my heart? Angry shouting of the crowd. And a blurry silhouette of a man... Who's love I killed. I cough, which makes my tits jiggle a little, some sweat dripping from the tips of my nipples. My skin is so shiny from sweat now it looks to be oiled.
12:25 <Laurissa> "" I try to say please, but that is what comes out as I choke on my words and cough again. Finally I am at a point where I'm ready to beg, and yet I can't even make the words out anymore... "Phhhleeash...sthhp...."
13:19 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Ohhhh dear lord yes... you're awake... and begging... could this be more perfect... Music thumping, the crowd in turns loving and hating every second of this, photographs flashing everywhere, cameras recording the whole scene... it'll be all over the dark web no question. I strut over to you, a smug smirk on my face, reach up with my spread left hand, and grip your throat tight. Tight enough to feel your pulse through my fingertips, tight enough to feel those pulsing arteries full of blood trying to get to your brain compress and collapse halfway. Consciously avoiding your windpipe, so I don't interfere with your ability to speak... croak... whatever. And I lean in nice and close, putting my body weight on you through my grip on your throat pushing up under your jaw, and I hiss... "what did you say?" It's just too perfect. Everything about this, is too perfect.
13:23 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Pushing off you slightly, making room between us, the muscles in my arm bulging as I do my best to hold myself back and avoid simply squeezing the life out of you right here and now, I say it a little louder, so the crowd can hear... "WHAT DID YOU SAY? PLEASE... STOP?!" A deep sadistic guttural laugh ERUPTS from deep inside me as those words slither from your filthy mouth, the snake who viciously choked the life out of the woman of my dreams now begging for exactly what my girl begged for... mercy... and the irony is just too delicious. I can only hold myself back so long though, and as I give that throat one more SQUEEZE... I POUND my right fist deep into your navel, stapling your body to the cage wall, releasing that grip on your throat so I can hear you choke and suffer some more. yt
13:35 <Laurissa> "Ghkk!" I choke and croak as your strong hand grips my smooth neck, tilting my head back and pushing me up to my toes, my mouth openning in an attempt to keep breathing with a cute croak.
13:36 <Laurissa> Even in my dizzy disoriented state you can still see fear in my eyes as you press against me and ask what I said. I whimper in fear, but even now you see my arms trying to untangle from the cage at the same time. You defeinitely heard what I tried to say, and even those closest in the crowd possibly too, though with the crowd's roars and cheers and music playing it's very likely only you heard it. But you made sure to let the crowd know what I tried to say. I never begged for mercy in my lift. And this situation between us is exactly why I especially did not want to do it now, knowing how it will look, how humiliating it will be. Not just because of the fact of begging for mercy, but because of me not showing any to your girl... I have no right to ask for it. And yet you got me to a point, you beat me to a point where I did it anyway. As it feels like the only chance left for me to live through this...
13:36 <Laurissa> You are squeezing my neck tightly, my lips start turning blue, I'm croaking and choking, eyes wet with tears of pain and fear, I'm shaking my head, it looks like my eyes start to roll up again, but you stop just in time to not let me pass out again and punch me in the gut. "OUGHH!" I grunt and I can't even double over and the cage bars ring from my nude body ramming into them after the punch. I wince and moan in pain, letting out what sounds like a sob. "Please... I'm... sorry" but you can tell how hard it is for me to say these words. Do I even mean them or just trying to buy some time? You can defienitely see my wrists working on trying to slip through the knots. yt
13:41 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> That punch to your gut feels like fucking white hot SEX to me, the shock and pressure of your soft, smooth flesh giving in to my rough hard knuckles jolting down my arm, through my chest, and straight into my groin. No question, there is something I'm enjoying about this particular revenge, on this particular woman, in this particular scene, that is getting me excited. No question too, that the fact that you're fucking stunning is helping. I flash again to thinking about you and my dear Lacey, and how much fun the three of us could have had... if you weren't such a cruel, heartless bitch.
13:44 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> I see you wiggling, I see you struggling. I'd struggle too, if I were you. I hear what sounds like... an apology... from YOU?! and it's literally the most laughable thing I've ever heard. No fucking WAY you felt even the tiniest bit sorry when you were humping my girl's ass and choking the life out of her. I bet you loved the shit out of dominating and killing her, you sick fuck. And I've heard enough of your sniveling. "Shut the fuck up, Laurissa. You made this bed, and now you're going to sleep in it." It's not a threat. It's not a prediction. It's exactly the premeditated murder I set out to accomplish when I stepped into this cage with you. And it's coming true, right now.
13:49 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Removing my right fist from your belly, I twist my hips into a VICIOUS left hook to the base of your ribs, targeting just above your liver. I know a direct shot to your liver would likely knock you out instantly. And I'm not ready for that yet. Then I twist into an equally vicious right hook to the left side of your ribs, hoping to crack a few and make it painful for you to breathe. A second left hook targeting the ribs just outside your right breast, and a second right hook targeting your left. I'm not holding back a single thing, excited to jostle your ass against the cage for the crowd while I'm breaking you. yt
14:11 <Laurissa> If up until now my fears could be considered fake or uncertain... It changed. As you roared your words into my face with some saliva drops landing on my skin I saw something in your eyes, something primal and terrifying. I gasped, my eyes opened wider, you could tell that in this moment it was true primal animal terror that I felt. "HEE-UGH!" I tried to say "HELP" to plead to the crowd but your fist shut me up, horrible pain shooting from my liver that almost made me black out again, but unfortunately it did not happen, I heard my ribs crack on that side. Something you probably did not even aim for with that punch. But you did with your next, as another crack followed from my ribs on the other side. And you throw more punches at my ribcage, bending, creaking and cracking more of my ribs as your fists crush my ribcage against the cage. With your last punch I cought out some blood.
14:11 <Laurissa> With all the violence you unleashed on me up until now, it was all mostly recoverable damage. But this trickle of blood that licked out of a corner of my mouth was an indication that this fight just crossed a line. A line into an area of damage that might not be possible to fully recover from as you started breaking my ribs, and apparently one of them might've cut into my lung.
15:53 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> That trickle of blood from your mouth is a sign... a sign that the reality of your situation is being thrust on you now whether you like it or not. And like a shark in the water, that blood is a tiny little reward for me, an indicator that I'm successfully completing the steps of the task I set out to accomplish. With your ribs audibly buckling under my attack, I want to vent a little more frustration at your chest, remembering just how much I enjoyed sucking on Lacey's perfect little nipples, drawing her firm breast tissue into my soft inviting lips... and that desire I felt melts into the rage I'm unleashing on you for taking that woman away from me, knowing I may never again feel that kind of love and passion. And if my passion needs to go, I'm leaving it in this cage, with your last dance.
15:56 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> I simply swing for the fences, biceps bunching as I pump out a heavy jab to your right nipple, then a heavy right cross to your left. Not just looking to hurt you, looking to destroy your ability to raise a child with your milk, before I destroy your ability to do anything. Another jab, another cross, then a left hook, then a right hook, simply looking to rip those tits off your chest, and if your ribs happen to suffer injury along the way, so be it. I know it's pretty tough to punch through a rib cage, but with your body trapped between my fists and the cage, I also know every one of these punches is going to feel like I'm hitting you with a brick. Suffer my pain, bitch... suffer... yt
16:04 <Laurissa> I always thought that my tits are kinda small, envying girls with larger tits and even occasionally considering a surgery. But now as you start pummeling them I realize that they were not so bad after all, definitely way better than having a pair of crushed minced sacks that you set out to turn them into. Your fists crash into my cute tits making them jiggle and squashing and squeezing them, shuddering my ribcage with each punch. And while my tits are enough to fill a hand when squeezed, they are nowhere near large enough to protect my ribcage from your attacks.
16:04 <Laurissa> My tits suffer a lot, and it's hard to tell from the outside but on the inside you are destroying my milk glands and causing internal bleeding. My upper ribs manage to hold your punches better than lower ones did, but it does not make these punches any less devastating. Your attacks are causing incredible shock to my insides. My stomach and lungs, my liver all are getting shocked by your rageful attacks, and even my heart feels like it starts skipping beats. My eyes are wide open as all I can do is try to deal with terrible feelings that being brutally pummeped in the chest entice. Each punch forcing quick short moans and whimpers to escape from my wide open mouth. yt
16:31 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My breathing is coming harder now, as I put in some real effort to sandbag you against the cage wall. It's been a minute since I put this kind of force into a heavy bag workout, but as far as I'm concerned, this may be the last time I'll be hitting anyone for a long time. The potential consequences of beating you to death, however, fade away to a meaningless whisper among the encouraging sounds of audience members mixed with your sounds of agony. After a few more blows, I'm satisfied that your tits are destroyed. Breeding you would be a mistake anyway, you heartless piece of trash...
16:33 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> That thought triggers my next target. I've ruined your ability to feed a baby, now I'm going to ruin your ability to make one. Focusing on conserving my strength as much as I can while I'm pouring my rage into you, I continue heaving massive, muscle ripping blows into your body, this time targeting just above your worthless mound, grinding my teeth together as I look to simply rupture your uterus. Furious that I'll never be able to have children with Lacey, and really, really looking forward to ripping that ability away from you too.
16:34 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Twisting my hips side to side, I focus on my mind's internal picture of your feminine anatomy, and target a left uppercut deep into where I expect your reproductive bits to be, just above your pelvic bone. Then I twist my hips again, recruiting as much ass as I can into driving a second uppercut into your womb. Then twisting back and forth, another left uppercut, and another right. This is the last time you'll bleed, bitch... I snarl, and throw a fifth, then a sixth uppercut to the same place. yt
18:27 <Laurissa> You indeed are a man on a mission and your mission so far is going greatly, as you are methodically destroying me, the bitch who caused you so much pain when I killed your loved one. I barely manage to take a breath once you finally stopped shocking my ribcage with your punches, a shuddering uneven breath but it's better than nothing. My heart seems to be recovering to a normal, if fast, rhythm, but you dont waste another moment and without any pause switch to your next target. Just working me like a damn punching bag. For all intents and purposes - I am one now.
18:27 <Laurissa> I scream in pain as your fists start to crash into my lower parts, my ass bouncing into the cage wall again and again, my entire womanhood is now getting shocked and crushed by your ruthless attacks, I cryout in pain with tears streaming down my cheeks as with a few well placed strong punches you deal irrepairable damage to my reproductive organs to a point where as you predicted some blood drips from my pussy, something that even the crowd notices and comments on. My legs give and I hang entirely on my hair and wrists now, swinging left and right a little, looking at you like on a monster that's about to consume my very soul. I lost my ability to speak in this vear, just gawking at you in pure terror with eyes full of tears. Almost starting to look like nothing more but a little scared girl.
18:27 <Laurissa> Just like Lacey did at the end. So this is what it felt like for her... I want to say sorry again, but all I can do is shake my head.
19:05 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The fury of losing the woman I love to you is matched, even eclipsed, only by the knowledge that you didn't just take away someone I care about, you also took away my future family. Dreaming about the children I can't have with Lacey adding even more fuel to the blaze of hell in my heart, balanced by the heavenly knowledge that I've been gifted the opportunity to take away your future too. Erasing your genetic line with my bare hands feels like divine justice, and in this moment my anger is mixed with another feeling, one that feels even better. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to take away everything you took from me.
19:08 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The blood trickling down from your pussy gets me oddly excited. My fury, my gratitude, all these wild emotions blending with my body's curious experience of lust. And the thought occurs to me, what a twisted pleasure it would be to put the seed I can no longer put inside Lacey, into you instead, so that my future with her can experience a satisfying end, dying inside you. Buried in the coffin of the body that took that future away.
19:14 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Your tears stream down your face and drip onto my fists, and mix with the blood trickling down the insides of your thighs. If you're able to cry, you're able to bleed, you're able to breathe, and all that is still too much of a gift for you. You need it all taken away. Every last gift, past, present, and future. I unleash my fury a little lower, rearing back with my big leg and SLAMMING a knee up in between your legs, to smear some of that blood back up into your pussy. That pussy that will never see a baby pass through it. Then I pull back and swing a FIERCE right cross into your nose to bash your stupid head back against the cage wall. Bleed... bleed... yt
12:07 <Laurissa> Well, you at least would still be able to have a future and a family with some other woman, but you are making sure I would not be able to have any future at all. Methodically and cruelly breaking my body with your fists. My body hurts... all over, I'm in a world of pain. Ribs broken and poking at my lungs, my cute tits crushed by your fists, my womb damaged beyond repair, my teeth chipped, jaw likely slightly dislodged and it would not be surprising if I had micro fractures in my skull. Especially after your next punch that crashed right into my nose. My head was 'cozily' resting against two cage bars, tied by my hair it had nowhere to go at all. Your fist flattened my nose with a crack, blood bursting around and compressing my skull against the cage wall. With enough force to cause a sudden change in intercranial pressure which knocked me right out. My eyes rolled up and body, even though it was not particularly tense all this time, went completely soft.
12:07 <Laurissa> "Hang in there, Laurissa!!! Haha!!! Get it!?" the crowd was not being nice either, showing their true primal side, jokign about my suffering. And I can't exactly blame them, I only made it easier for them by my own attitude towards other fighters. They laughed at this and other jokes, to them it was all merely a form of entertainment. yt
12:12 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Not just entertainment... divine justice... what the Germans call Schadenfreude''... joy over the harm befalling another. And this crowd has seen you do enough damage to enough families in the least sportsmanlike way, that their joy at seeing your comeuppance knows no bounds. With that beautiful CRUNCH of your face under the pressure of my fist, it's no wonder your brain could not handle the violence, and simply threw up the white flag and tapped out. Unfortunately for you... your lungs are still moving, so I'm not nearly done yet. And while you're hanging there doing nothing useful, I strut around the cage with my bloody fist in the air. Any of the crowd who were once 'on your side' have now gone to the dark side along with me. I'm a good guy, really... the Angel of Death today, levying judgment brought down by your own actions.
12:17 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Since you're not awake enough to 'enjoy' your beating at the moment, I reach down and find your panties stuffed inside your adorable little shorts, and rip them in half. Taking the time to 'premeditate' your destruction just a little more, I take each of your ankles one at a time, and using the fabric of your own ripped clothing, bind those legs spread wide apart to the cage wall. A twisted crucifixion, to continue your punishment. Reaching down to slide my right index finger up the inside of your thigh to grab some of the blood dripping from your pussy, I use that bloody finger to 'dot' your navel... then I draw a circle around it... then a bigger circle... then a bigger one... marking your body into a literal target. And with a smile, I draw one more little point, saying "BOOP!" as I dot your chin with your own pussy blood.
12:20 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> At this point, I've long since given up any hope of humanity. You're a sack of meat, and I'm tenderizing you. I don't even bother waiting for you to wake up, before crouching down and sending a few punches at my lovely little target, JAB JAB... CROSS... turning to the crowd with a smile for their approval, wild eyed and out of my mind in aggressive, adrenaline and lust soaked bliss. Then I turn back to you and toss a few more, my breathing slowing as my attacks once again turn methodical, working your internal organs through your soft abs like a hammer pounding a tenderloin flat. JAB.. JAB CROSS... JAB... CROSS CROSS... yt
12:30 <Laurissa> I passed out but that only left me even more helpless if that even matters. Giving you an opportunity to tie my sexy legs to the wall without any danger of me suddenly kicking out and hitting you. I remain unconscious and limp as you use my own ripped panties to now completely restrain me, and make the crow laugh as you draw a target on my flat belly with my own blood, blood coming from my destroyed womanhood. And with the crowd at your side there is no reason for you to stop. At least your Lacey died with less horror and humiliation, but that's the point of your message. It's not addressed at me anymore. Especially now that I am out and that you've decided I am not going to live - it's not like I will be able to learn from this exactly. But others will. Other potentially 'cruel' fighters in the crowd, and those who will watch this later. Maybe they will know better than to treat their opponents like I did lacey.
12:30 <Laurissa> Though there's also a chance that this might become a new norm for the crowd, because after what they see now other fights might just seem bland.
12:37 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Internal bleeding from blunt force trauma is a shitty way to die. It's also oddly relatively bloodless, because all that blood remains contained in the waterproof sack of your abdomen. Depending on just how much damage has been done, it can take seconds... minutes... hours... even days, to bleed out inside. And as much as I'd love to leave you hanging up on this cage wall bleeding out... bleeding in... for days... and days... and days... like the medieval or biblical torturous death you deserve, the fact is, we can't be here forever. The 'high' of this kind of adrenaline rush, this joy at another's distress, doesn't last forever, and someone will eventually get the authorities to open this cage if I don't open it. Which means... I need to get this over with, and you need to die, sooner rather than later.
12:43 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> While it would have been fun to make you continue to watch me beat you into a lifeless sack of brutalized meat, your brain seems content to hide out in the shadows with that little white flag of surrender waving, not that I give a shit. Torturing you to death was the primary goal. Showing every evil doer, every cruel unsportsmanlike fighter in the world what can happen when you violate the social contract of the rules of engagement, that's the real message here. Frankly, Laurissa, you're not even that important. You never were. You're just another bottom feeder getting your jollies off hurting someone who can't fight back... and you took it too far. It's the fact that you thought you were important, that needs to be destroyed today. You're NOTHING.
12:45 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> I know I injured that liver of yours before, but now it needs broken. I get into position, flexing my arm muscles big and tight, and wind up my hips, slowly taking the time to throw a slow motion punch, tapping the perfect spot to break your liver in half, then pulling away. Winding up again with my left hook, throwing another slow motion punch, then tap. The crowd cheers as they know what's coming, and that you can't do a damn thing to stop it, and everyone knows what kind of damage this is going to do... Turning and smiling to the cheering crowd, loving their encouragement, I finally wind up one more time, and SLAM a MASSIVE left hook directly into your liver, looking to fucking crack it in half and get the blood really flowing inside you. yt
12:58 <Laurissa> If your goal was to make me suffer enough from physical abuse and humiliation to break my body and mind, then you succeeded in that goal when you made me beg for mercy, say I am sorry... or at least attempt to. And to make me absolutely primally terrified. You let the crowd get to realize what you were planning to do next and deliver another punch. Another ripple goes across my skin, my body arches to the side, tits jump, I let out a half-choke half-whimper as it happens. My liver is not just shocked, it cracks open, releasing even more blood into my abdomen. I am already knocked out so it does not make me any more knocked out, but it certainly serves to keeping me stay this way. While just a liver shot might not be too dangerous to one's life, this is yet another one of the injuries you did to me, all of them combined... My body starts shaking slightly, trembling from all the internal dangers with more sweat showing up on my skin, my body is struggling to say alive.
13:04 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> WHHAAPP... the absolute THUNDEROUS clap of my left hook into your side makes the whole cage wall shake and rattle with a stainless steel chime to celebrate your impending doom. With your arms outstretched overhead, and your ribs pulled up and out of the way, your liver didn't stand a chance. I watch with glee as your lips turn pale, knowing all the blood from your broken liver is seeping out into your abdomen, and I can almost hear every little peripheral capillary and vein in your body shriveling up in terror attempting to keep your body alive despite the shock I just put it into. In this condition, it's theoretically possible that a talented team of ER surgeons and critical care specialists could piece Humpty Dumpty back together again. Your recovery would be long and painful, and it would be touch and go for a while, assuming they got you to a hospital bed fast. And as I back away from the punch, I look around the dark crowd, curious if anyone is calling 911.
13:10 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> All I see is a sea of wide eyes mentally recording every last detail, every last angle. All I hear is cheers of joy and celebration and encouragement. Not one more shout for mercy, not one more pleading beg for me to stop. Not one single person in this audience wants you to live anymore. Every last one of them wants to see you die, in the most humiliating way possible. I back away to enjoy the moment, knowing your heart is pumping its hardest, knowing your blood isn't where it's supposed to be, knowing your brain, already knocked out, is trying so, so hard to stay alive, every last drop of your life force getting sucked into your core, as your body tries to survive the shock I just put it into. No matter what happens now, I've gotten my message across. All you demons out there, don't tempt the angel of divine justice... And at this point, there's really no reason in the world to throw another punch. yt
13:20 <Laurissa> I am crucified on the cage, hanging by my own hair, with my hands above my head and my legs spread, my body is entirely on display. And while my torso is just one big bruise and my face is quite broken, my legs still look sexy and appealing at least... Not that it matters. Or does it? Does it make this whole scene more exciting to watch for the crowd, mixing some erotic nudeness into it? Only the crowd can tell.
13:20 <Laurissa> I hang on the ropes, the crowd is chanting for you to finish me, but I can't hear it. My body is shivering, sweating like if I had a fever, and maybe I even do, with all the damage done to it, body probably not realizing what the hell is going on and trying to use anything at it's disposal to survive. Some funny choking cackling short higher-pitched moans start to escape my mouth, my eyes open and roll around as I try to look at something, to stay awake and they just keep rolling up. yt
15:50 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> "FINISH HER!" calls one audience member, surely recalling some horrifying scene he saw in a movie or a game somewhere. Clearly with no interest in the fact that the woman strung up on this cage wall is a human being, no regard for her life whatsoever, just... enjoying the carnage. When it comes down to it, are we no more than animals? "KILL THAT BITCH!" yells another, "LOOK AT HER, SHE'S NOT SO TOUGH ANY MORE IS SHE?!" laughs a third. Everyone's got their opinion of you, and not one of them pleasant or loving. You don't have a single friend in this building. And the fact that your feminine sexuality is strung up and exposed for everyone to enjoy, the most vulnerable, exposed moment in your young life, definitely doesn't pass by that bloodthirsty crowd unnoticed. Several of the fans making lewd gestures, hooting and hollering and cat calling. No question you've likely gotten a lot of mileage out of your sexuality, those strong legs of yours providing a wide open invitation.
15:57 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Your choking, cackling moans get me even more excited, that you might possibly be able to achieve some semblance of consciousness before I finish you. How fun would that be, for you to watch your own final blow? I step right up to you, and with my left hand take a firm grip of your jaw, squeezing on your cheeks, tipping up your head to look deep into those eyes of yours rolling around, trying to see if the light is still on, or anyone is home. The crowd's shouts for me to put you away echo in my ears, and I'm doing my best to remain patient and enjoy the moment... this last moment when you finally get what you deserve.... but it'll only be a moment. I can practically hear your heart pumping your abdomen full of blood as your cool lips turn more pale by the second, and if I don't kill you soon, you're going to die. "Any last words, Laurissa?" I chuckle, doubting you can focus on anything but the pain and shock in your body. yt
21:46 <Laurissa> It's a relatively large crowd, and with it being an underground fight club where people fight for real, with injuries being common and death not being too uncommon it's very unlikely that there is a single person in the crowd who thinks this is a game or fake. Even if someone screams "FINISH HER" or other things as reference to a game or a movie - they know what they mean. They know what this can lead to. They know that this cute looking blonde girl may die. For real. And it's not even that they don't give a shit... The worst part is that a large part of the crowd actually CRAVES it. For the loved ones she injured. For the loved ones she killed. And even simply for the betting money she lost them in this fight alone. "SHOULD'VE WORKED AS A WHORE, NOT A FIGHTER! I'D GLADLY BE YOUR REGULAR, BITCH! HAHA!" someone else adds and it spawns and triggers an avalance of other lewd and violent comments to follow.
21:46 <Laurissa> You grip my face and squeeze my cheeks, forcing my face into a funny looking expression, which only elicits more laughs from the crowd.
21:46 <Laurissa> As you watch my face you can see that indeed some amount of consciousness seems to return to me, my eyes roll around, lacking focus but then they finally stop and look at you. They keep struggling to stay straight, keep trying to roll up each time I blink but return to look at you. It is, however, hard to tell what I feel because of just how exhausted my face looks right now. Complete and utter exhaustion and maybe even submission, utter defeat. Though it's doubtful that I would be able to follow any of your commands if you tried. And then even the crowd got quiet, curious to hear what I might say.
21:46 <Laurissa> You see my lips attempt to move, though your squeezing them makes it even harder to do so. A few more cackles escape my throat. "Ghh... kh... cack... gh..." is all I can 'say'. You can tell I am trying to say something, but I can't. My body is not listening me anymore. Mind clouded. Though with you holding my face like that, you could 'puppeteer' me to say anything...
22:17 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Your gasping, croaking, creaking voice makes me laugh. "Where's that smart mouth now, Laurissa? What was all that about... femdom? "Old man"? "DADDY?" WHO'S YOUR DADDY NOW, HUH?" My eyes wild and smiling as I move your beat up, pale lipped face around. And moving your cackling creaking lips like a fish out of water, in a mocking voice, I 'speak' for you... "OH DADDY, PLEASE... PLEASE NO MORE, DADDY" I practically scream in laughter, "I KNOW I'VE BEEN A BAD, BAD GIRL DADDY... BUT PLEASE, DON'T HURT ME..." BAHAHAHA...
22:22 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> "PLEASE, DADDY... I'LL DO ANYTHING... I'LL SUCK YOUR DICK EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE... I'LL..." and here, I stop yelling, for just a moment, my voice cracking a little, as I stop 'mouthing' words on my beat up puppet, and my voice gets softer... "I'll have your babies, Daddy..." and... my jaw clenches. My right fist clenches. I squeeze on your jaw, pressing your head back against the cage wall as hard as I can, practically vibrating...
22:23 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> All the muscles in my chest, my arms, my back, my shoulders, my legs, all tense up, in absolute, white hot grief, mixed with fury, mixed with loss, mixed with vengeance.... and I say not one more word, but dip my shoulder, lower my fist nearly to the canvas, plant my feet, and WHIP up the biggest, fiercest, jaw breaking, head cracking uppercut my body is capable of throwing, practically LEAPING into the air as I drive my fist up under your chin, trying my absolute hardest to rip your head right off that body of yours and SLAM it through the cage wall. yt
22:36 <Laurissa> The crowd laughs at your every joke, as you're talking 'for' me. Moving my head and squeezing my face to make me open and close my mouth with drool leaking out now and then and stretching in ropes down and dripping on my own tits. Saying all those things in contrast with my beaten bruised state and me being naked and spread out on the cage wall, legs spread and all exposed. Then you squeeze my cheeks harder and press my head against the cage wall, with my head resting on two bars, the middle of my skull in between them. Your hand squeezing and squashing my face further, smearing drool over your hand and my face.
22:37 <Laurissa> The crowd notices how rage fills you more and more, even I seem to look more scared again as I cackle louder and even try to shake my head in protest as you yourself made me 'say' the words that you will never hear from your beloved girlfriend... And then you send the fiercest uppercut... probably even this experienced and spoiled with violence crowd ever saw. Spoiler alert - it did not take my head off. But what happened was not less brutal and violent.
22:37 <Laurissa> Your fist connected with my jaw, for the Nth time causing that familiar THUMP-CLACK! sound, first your fist connecting with my jaw and then my teeth clashing together. And with nowhere for my head to go it lifted my head up and pushed it back into the wall. My jaw cracked first, some internal injury. My head got pushed upwards so hard that something in my neck cracked as well, probably not fatal but it would definitely paralyze me at least partially. If not for the last thing.
22:37 <Laurissa> Your fist drove my head backwards hard enough to shove it right between the two metal bars of the cage. Not too far but enough that it crushed the back of my skull causing such a brutal spike in intercranial pressure that it likely immediately sent me into a coma, you could see blood leaking out of my ear. I twitched and cackled for a few more seconds. And then finally stopped moving... eyes rolling up one last time. yt
11:28 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> As my fist THUMPS under your chin, with your hair tying you up against the cage there's not much give, and your head is forced to take every last ounce of force I apply to it through my fist... until it slams back against the steel bars, and takes a second hit from the steel, making the rocking and rolling of your brain inside your skull even worse. I am almost certain I just broke my hand, I hit you so hard. I don't even fucking care, because I know how much worse the damage is to you. Totally worth it.
11:28 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Of all the dozens of professional boxers who have died in the ring doing what they love, the vast majority, nearly all, have died of intracranial hemorrhage, and in particular, a subdural hematoma. Blood pumping rapidly into the inflexible, hard cavity of the skull between the bone and the outer surface of the brain, increasing pressure and compressing the brain tissue until it can no longer survive. Really, it's a mercy that some might question as divine design rather than evolutionary advantage, that the brain loses consciousness so quickly during an injury like this, so at the very least, it doesn't have to experience its own strangulation.
11:28 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> As I land back on my feet and step away to watch you die, my chest rises up and down in a combination of exertion and excitement. My muscles sweating under the hot lights, and all the fight fans cheering for the hardest punch they've ever seen a fighter take in this arena. The sheer difference in our body weight should be enough for all of them to know the truth here. There's no possible way you could survive an injury like that. Your heart doing its very best to pump blood to keep your liver perfused, ironically pumping that blood into your abdomen instead, dropping your systemic blood pressure. Your heart doing its very best to pump blood to your brain to keep it oxygenated, ironically suffocating it instead. Really, at the end of the day, it's your own cold, dark heart that ends up killing you.
11:28 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Your lungs stop expanding, the blood drains from your face leaving you pale, a few drops dripping slightly down your nose and from your ear, and it's clear you're gone. Your top half a bruised up, broken, bleeding mess, your bottom half a spread wide, sexy invitation. I start to stroke myself through my trunks, my own pumping heart easily filling my cock. Many of the audience members think the show is over and I'll finally stop hurting you... after all, what more damage could I do? And others... well, some of them think you haven't been humiliated quite enough. And those folks, I agree with. You and I still have some business to take care of. So I step in close, my cock in my left hand as I stroke up inside my trunks, my right hand exploring the curve of your hip and around behind to enjoy a feel of your plump little ass. The three of us could have had such fun together... yt
14:20 <Laurissa> There was a moment of quiet as the crowd watched my corpse just hanging on the wall after your mighty punch. Is it just another knockout or did you finally end my life? There was no definitive finisher move in here, not the kind they were used to seeing, something that left no doubt that a loser is dead. And while your last punch surely looked different, as it was stronger and drove my head in a way it didn't before, but there was still a chance I might be alive. But then my sexy naked body twitched. And then again. And somehow these twitches didn't look like I am trying to wake up. The crowd roared in excitement. Some cheering to the general violence of this all, others excited to finally see the bitch they so hated killed. They were chanting your name. "GREG! GREG! GREG!" in unison, a steady chant so loud that it was hard to hear music that was still playing in the background. And my body just hanging there. Twitch here or there. Sometimes strong enough to make my tits jiggle.
14:20 <Laurissa> My head held up straight forced to face forward even now, tied by my own hair. Arms lifted up almost as if I'm showing you my tits on purpose, and legs spread, exposing my waxed pubic area and pussy. Legs wide enough to spread my pussy lips a little. They didn't realize that you are stroking your cock through your pants until you walked up to my corpse and stroked my hip. The skin still warm, it will be a while until it cools down. Except a few parts that felt cool to the touch just because of how body regularted it's own temperature, sweating some heat out. In between chanting the crowd started to discuss the fact that you're stroking your cock in the middle of all this. Not the first time something sexual happened in the cage, especially in one like this...
14:20 <Laurissa> But usually it was either some dry humping for humiliation purposes, or fucking in the middle of a fight to exhaust each other. Plain out desecrating someone's corpse... Occasions when it happened could likely be counted on fingers of one hand, even here.
15:49 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Strung up on the cage wall is the body of a woman I both hated with all my heart and mind, and also can't help but be attracted to physically. Bodies are funny like that, aren't they? How an image on a screen can turn us on easily even if we don't know anything about the person on the other side. How we're naturally programmed to feel like impregnating a body that our body thinks will make us strong children. How we can project a personality onto a body that may be nothing like the person inside it. We all like to think it's a partner's 'personality' that turns us on, and that's the social message we tell each other... but there is no drive like chemistry, and your body easily passes my body's 'boner test' especially spread wide and inviting like this.
15:53 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My emotions in this moment are mixed. With the adrenaline rush and dopamine high of punching you unconscious and then dead filling my body, I do feel the grief of my missing girlfriend, who I'll never get back... and yeah, I'm sure I'll find someone else eventually, but we had big plans. And here you are, a once in a lifetime opportunity to do something with you that I'll never get to do with her... and my body wants it very badly. My stroking adding to the smooth, warm touch of your skin, your pert tits bruised up and still pointing out towards me invitingly, your hands up like you're bound to the bed, your feet spread wide like I've got you chained down the way I like... Lacey and I 'played' like this a lot when she was alive, and it turned me on so, so much to have her spread wide and vulnerable for me...
15:59 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> It's then that I make the decision to go through with the thought I had earlier. If I can't put a baby inside Lacey, I'm going to put it inside the woman who killed her. In the moment, that feels like exactly what I need to get closure. And so I push my trunks down over my throbbing cock, hooking the waistband under my big heavy balls, and I feel the curve of your lower back, and your ass... normally when I'm with Lacey, I take some time to tease her and get her nice and wet... that's totally pointless now. I think back to the times we had when she was on her period, and though blood isn't the best lubricant, it'll do for now. I get a big mouthful of spit worked up, and drop that onto my hard cock too, just to make my slide in a little smoother. And then, positioning my hips for the perfect angle, I dip myself slowly inside your pussy, noticing there is absolutely no muscular contraction preventing my entry. It's a smoooth slide in. yt
13:58 <Laurissa> It's possible there was also another cause of why you felt like fucking this bratty and arrogant but young and cute girl that now hangs dead on the cage wall. Killing her is not enough. It did not bring the satisfaction, not enough to offset your grief for Lacey. It certianly did not bring Lacey back. You sure this girl suffer a lot, and brought her to the point where even someone with such a defiant personality was terrified for her life and clearly begging for mercy, even though she could not physically say it at that point anymore. She sure suffered enough. But that was not enough for you.
13:58 <Laurissa> Maybe fucking her corpse will help. Going that one step further. To desecrate her body and to take this one extra pleasure from it. And then you proceed with it. The crowd thought they've seen it all, but you prove them wrong. They gasp in shock as they see your hard cock throbbing menacingly next to the broken girl, and then again as you slide it in, causing my corpse to slam into the wall and rattle the cage again. My head bobbed a little from your thrust, tits made a little jump. Even with my muscles relaxed you still feel how tight my pussy was. And still is, but likely not for long. There is no twitching of it, no bucking of my hips. But there's something else instead - the satisfaction of knowing you're fucking, punishing the girl who wronged you.
13:58 <Laurissa> That you're humiliating her in front of the crowd beyond measure. She will forever be remembered by this fight. No one will remember her victories, any time the name Laurissa would come in talks they will remember this - a cocky girl who was defeated and turned into your bitch, your punching bag and then your fuck toy. On top of the 'high' of doing something taboo, where else would you be able to do something like this, and have no repercussions?
14:12 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The hooting and hollering of the members of the crowd loving the lewd defiling of your defeated, broken body fills the room, some of them now banging on the outside of the cage and whistling at the size of my cock and those spread legs you so kindly built up for me for 20-plus years just so I could use your lifeless shell for my pleasure one time. Very kind of you to work so hard building those thick thighs for me, Laurissa... it's really too bad no other man will ever get to enjoy this... but it's the price you pay for taking my Lacey away from me...
14:13 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The compression of your naturally tight pussy muscles wrapped around my cock are indeed impressive. You would have made some man very happy, no question. If it wasn't for the fact that this body of yours was driven by a heartless bitch who contented herself humiliating and destroying other people, you could have been someone's real life punching bag and fuck toy, and you both could have lived a long, happy life together. But actions have consequences... well... at least sometimes they do. Today the consequences are all borne by you, on those lifeless shoulders.
14:16 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Fully lubricated by your bleeding uterus and my spit, I thrust gently just to make sure the path inside you is clear, then I reach down and grip your hips, pulling myself in deep, then out just as slow, to enjoy the sensation of your pussy wrapped around my cock. Thrusting faster once I'm sure every stroke will feel just like I want it, I start to bang... bang... bang... your ass into the cage with every thrust. Something about the crowd cheering me on and excited for me to claim the ultimate victory over you makes this all even hotter. And something about picturing what's left of your face as my now ex-girlfriend blends the two of you into one, and reduces you to just... your parts. And those parts feel amazing...
14:19 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> It doesn't take long, really, now that I'm not putting even a shred of effort into your pleasure, and simply using you for a cock sleeve. Grunting, thrusting, banging you against the cage, my balls quickly fill my shaft, and I think about Lacey, and I think about your hips and your ass and your tight pussy and "aaaAAGGGHHHROOAARRR...'" I simply EXPLODE inside you, pumping rope after rope of my seed deep inside a womb that will never be fertilized. For you, Lacey... goodbye to you, to our baby, to our life together...''
14:21 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Flushed as I finish pumping you full of cum, I slowly pull out, once again, not giving a shit if you enjoyed it or not, because you can't and you never will again. I wipe off my spent cock on your hip, grab your shirt still in a crumpled pile on the ground and clean myself off, and SPIT into your face. Then I grab my clothes, panting from exhaustion and pleasure, and pull on my boxer briefs and shorts, stumbling towards the key, and the door. yt
22:16 <Laurissa> As soon as your cock enters my dead pussy you get right to it. Full force, full speed, you start thrusting your cock into my lifeless but still appealing carcass, with no mercy, no remorse. Your body is pressed against mine, you can feel my still somehow hard nipples sliding against your chest. Your rough thrusts rock my entire body as you hatefuck the one who killed your love, and took away such a big and important part of your future from you. And for that you took all of it from me. All of my future, whatever dreams, whatever plans I had, you took it all from me. And now you proceed to take even more, take my pride and honor, whatever I had left of it anyway. Taking my image of a fighter.
22:16 <Laurissa> My head pinned to the wall by my hair, tied to it, rocking and jerking slightly from your thrusts. My buttocks getting squeezed between the chainlink of the wall with each thrust, as well as my thighs. The crowd watches it with awe and with cheers, for them it's all just a show, just like it was all this time. If there are any people crying, weeping for me now - you can't hear them behind all those that laugh, jeer at me and cheer for you to go on harder. Getting creating with calling me a whore, a slut and a fuck toy in all the ways they can come up with. And then roaring like they would for a 'goal' at football once they see your tense up and start filling my lifeless pussy with your cum... Load after load gets emptied into me. And all I do is stare forward. Well... my face does, with it's eyes rolled up and lips parted.
22:16 <Laurissa> As you pull your cock after dumping your load into me it oozes out and drips. With my legs spread wide it does not leak down my thighs, but just drips straight to the floor from between my wide spread legs, from inside my now still slightly gaping pussy. A glob of spit hits me in the cheek and I don't even flinch at it. It just remains there, slowly stretching down my cheek, leaking and spreading over my skin as it does.
22:16 <Laurissa> And when you finally leave the cage that spit finally reaches my jaw and a part of it stretches and drips from it, down on my chest and over one of my tits. Club owners decided to leave my corpse on the cage for the rest of the night as other fighters walked into the cage, one pair after another. Your statement, an art piece as some even referred to it, remained on the wall, and there were no other deaths that night. For now everyone in this club would remember what can happen if you kill someone that has a loved one that can come for revenge.

<Published> 2022-10-26, viewed 165 times.




2022-12-31 22:53

Knew you two would make a mad detailed story like that. Always appreciate your both writing skills, bravo!

Greg the Pet Vet

2023-01-01 13:05

(In reply to this)

Laurissa is such a talented, versatile writer that I knew we'd make something special as well. Thank you for your great comment brother!


2022-10-31 15:13

Great story telling. Can feel the brutality, pain and sorrow in every letter. Congratulations to Laurissa& Greg

Greg the Pet Vet

2022-10-31 15:30

(In reply to this)

You are very kind, thank you!!

This was a challenging piece to write for both of us I think, though I'm very proud of what we created together.


2022-10-31 15:34

(In reply to this)

I could not have worded this better myself. Challenging is a good way to put it 😄

But the result it well worth it! ❤️

Asena (deleted member)

2022-10-31 15:06

Great story and more importantly great story telling. Novel quality. Congratulations to both parties. Terrifying and brutal masterpiece.

Greg the Pet Vet

2022-10-31 15:28

(In reply to this)

Wow, what a wonderful comment, thank you!!

Laurissa is a brilliant writer for sure, and it was my honor to create this story with her.


2022-10-31 15:37

(In reply to this)

You flatter me! 😊 I thought I was trying to match your writing and not the other way around :) It was my honor to restore your belief in deathfights :P