The Wild Southwest
Established: 2022-09-01
Chat room: #CowboyDeath
- No holds barred
- Muscle worship
- Extreme violence
- Death
A Place where studs of the southwest go to become real men, even if it means death
At only 15 years old our Sun City Warrior had yet to earn that name, instead he was simply known as Michael. A young boy he wished to make a name for himself and to do so he would have to survive the trials of the Southwest. Traveling from his hometown Michael had found himself up in the forested mountains. Michael is sore from his travel his lean body glistening from sweat. Lean and mean Michael shed his shirt off hours ago. He hears the babble of a creek and goes to investigate.
Arriving at the creek he can hear splashing and hides in within some bushes, playing it on the side of caution. Michael is only in tight dark blue jeans they are covered in mud, his fat bubble butt looking delectable. In the creek is a twenty year old stud, his face covered in stumble and his body looking like it was carved of granite. The stud turned to face Michael's hiding spot, his eyes going wide. Michael thought to himself what the fuck! This guys huge! The mans cock soft was thick and veiny and 5 inches long, its large head dipping below the water. Michael rubbed his own bulge, jealousy filling him. This guy dwarfed him in every aspect! Yet, Michael thought if he would defeat the man, he would certainty make a name for himself.
Slowly Michael made his way closer to the man his back once again turned away. Still groping his own bulge, a wet stain started to grow in the young cowboy's jeans. Distracted Michael stepped on a dry twig, the snap causing the man to turn around, his eyes narrowed. Michael pulls his pistol from his hoister aiming it at the mans chest "hands in the air!" Motioning for the man to come ashore, Michael grins feeling like this will be a easy victory "Damn that ass is fat. Ever been fucked before? Bet that ass will make me cum in seconds!" Michael bulge grows the wet stain of precum growing, the man eye seeing it. Michael continues to mock the stranger " I 'll hope you know imma kill you, wear your nuts around my neck and skin as a pelt. Bet that dick will pay a good penny back in town!" The stranger notices that also on Michael belt is a large hunting knife perfect for fulfilling his threats. The stranger stays calms, having delt with upstarts tlike Michael before, he knows the key to victory is to play with ego. " I see the stain, kid. Why, don't you fight me like how I am, man to man. Or are you not a real man?"
I growl " Fine, I always like to play with my prey before the kill" This being Michael first real fight, he is slightly nervous, but he knows he can not back down. He strips off his jeans, tossing them to the side, exposed for the man to see. His boy cock is thick, as thick as a can of soda, as it gets hard the foreskin peel back to show a large round helmet head. At 5 inches in length Michael is average for his age but he knows his cock still has room to grow. He grabs it and says " You like what you see?" His other hand playing with his smooth balls. The boy has a thick mat of pubes crowning his cock and ball, curly showing his latino decent.
The stranger walks over, smacking the boy's cock saying, " With that pee shooter I doubt your man enough." Flexing his pecs arms behind his back Michael responds "I know I am" Tightening his washboard abs, smooth still just the start of a happy trail forming, Michael declares " You wish you had this power. You wish you could have this cock, all the girls back home love riding it and soon you will to. " Throwing a wink at the older cowboy. The stranger walks even closer his own cock now fully hard. Now hard the cock has a slight curve, at 9 inches it pushes past Michael and rubes his pubes. He gulps fuck this guy's huge! " You'll see what real power kid is soon." The stranger grabs Michaels hand in a test of strength. Michael caught by surprise at first struggles slowly being pushed back his boot digging into the soft soil. Grunting he is overpowered falling to his knees.
The stranger pulls Michael arm down pinning them to his sides while towering over him. Smirking he rewards Michael with a knee to his face. Grunting Michael takes the hit and climbs to his feet hands still interlocked he kicks forward hitting the older cowboy abs sending him back and losing the hold. Michael flexes 'FUCK YEAH> THAT WHAT IM ABOUT! BET YOU THOUGHT YOU HAD ME COCKY BASTARD!" Grunting the stranger holds his abs "I'll definitely make you regret that!" Running forward the stranger spears Michael in the abs with his shoulder the two crashing down to the ground.
Hitting the ground with a thud, Michael lets out a low groan. " You can't break these abs " the boy states. Seeing that his opponent is still dazed from his own move Michael moves to the size and mounts a scissor hold on the others midsection. Michael does side pushes up to increase the squeeze the older man moans as his abs take the abuse. Feeling his abs start to break, the stranger clasps his fist together and smashes them into Michael own abs, three times. The young boy abs are lean but they lack strength and give. Michael loses the hold, and pushes away holding his redden abs, his cock still hard leaks beads of precum.
"Where you going coward?'' The stranger climbs to feet and grabs Michael head pulling up. Holding him in place the older man sends a right hook into Michael jaw, letting go just in time for the impact. Michael spins in place with the punch his lip busted, he tumbles down. Getting yanked back by hair, Michael moans "ooooo that hurts." The stranger sends another punch into Michael jaw his eyes rolling back as he sag in the older cowboy grip.
To everyone shock Michael cock shoots a load, several gobs of spunk fly out landing a few feet away. Smirking the stranger lifts Michael into a bearhug squeezing the young boy hairless torso, Michael cock rubbing into the strangers abs keeping it hard. Squeezing, Michael wakes up to the taints of "is that all you got punk." Michael moans "Fuck" His cock rubbing between the hairy clefts of the older mans abs, his cock super sensitive. The cum of the boy gets tangled with the happy trail of the older man his own cock hard and wanting.
Michael pushes off and punches the older man, breaking free of the hold. Both men abs glisten with Michael cum. Michael goes low and scoops the stranger suplexing him into the ground. Letting out a scream of victory as the older holds his back. Getting cocky Michael flexes a bicep the other rubbing his abs massaging the cum all over. Beating his chest like Tarzan he yells " I AM UNBEATABLE MOTHERFUCKER! GET READY TO BE RAPED!" The stranger still on the ground hold his back, on all fours trying to crawl away. Walking over Michael grabs the stranger hair pulling it, smacking him with his hard dick. Precum marks the older man face, his eyes darting to the large cockhead eyes wide with anger. Getting up the stranger turns fast breaking the hold and once again the two are locked in a test of strength.
Michael pushes with all his strength, looking down he sees the stranger huge cock swaying too and foe. Grabbing it he yanks it hard, "Im going to enjoy cutting this off of you bitch." The stranger having traveled for months with no action was super sensitive, a few rough pulls on his cock had him cumming in Michael's hand. "Aghhhh! Fuck!" the stranger grunts embarrassed at cumming so easily.
The two pant as they both fall to their knees, the noon day sun beating down on them. Micahel continues to jerk off the stranger "yeah big boy cum for daddy. That all you are a little boy looking to please daddy." The stranger reaches for Michael cock and starts stroking him off, it has now turned into a first to cum round. Both men groan "oooo oooo no you aren't gonna make me cum again." Michael increases the pace of his stroking "Imma make you eat your own cock man, gonna shove it down your throat." threatens Michael.
The older man moans and once again start to cum, his cum leaks rather than shoots pooling into Michael hand. His body shakes with his orgasm "Aaaghhh" he falls onto his back, Michael hand stills troking him for some post orgasm torture. Michael laughing "Man you cum like a boy barely hitting puberty!" His abs exposed Michael hammers the strangers abs while still holding his cock, with each punch cum squirts out. The older man bounces with each punch, his abs breaking down and turning red. "Ngh!Ouff! Ougghhh!" The grunts are followed by a crack a stray punch hitting the man in the ribs breaking it. Michael laughs high off of his victory "Fuck man look at you, you're so weak! You know what I am gonna cut your cock off and fuck that pussy."
The ab assault continues, his grip on the older cowboy cock turns the head scarlet red the shaft forming bruises. A brutual 30 minutes of beating, the brook hiding the sounds of the defeated cowboy grunts. Letting go Michael stands posing doing a vacuum flex, he starts to stroke himself the shadow of his cock looming over the down man face. the older man lays on his back chest heaving his arms splayed out and slack, he can only watch the young boy stroke his cock.
Getting on his knees again Michael pulls the stranger forward, stretching his legs wide he shoves his cock into the cowboy hole. "Fuck man, you're so tight! You feel so good" The stranger can only bite his lips refusing to scream. Michael pumps the guy ass with a fury. Michael slaps the shamed man "Fucker, you love this don't you, this your first cock?" Another slap BAM BAM BAM. Weakly he moans "No" tears run down his face. "No? I can tell. My guy your ass is so tight and tense your practically massaging my cock. "
BAM slaps turn to punches. The strangers handsome face is now bloodied and bruised. Teeth fly out, nose cracking. The stranger gurgles on his own blood, his brain running on instinct and fear, he grasps his cock again and starts stroking. Arching his back the stranger yells "IM CUMMING" This time A het of cum erupts landing on Michael back and hair, Michael laughing at the sight. Michael throws his own head back "FUCK IM CUMMING!" His own jet of cum erupts in the stranger's ass, leaking out . Both men are panting, slowly Michael shakily pushes out, his cock slips out followed by a turret of cum.
Getting to his feet he walks over to the strangers discard cloths seeing the glittering of a hunting knife. Laughing Michael asks "you know what is more humiliating than getting raped and castrated? " Silence is his answer. Approaching he shows the stranger his own knife.
Dragging the defeated man up against a nearby tree he asks "Do you want to cum one last time" sympathy in Michael eye. Michael holdings the man cock slowly jerking it " Cum for me one last time, cum for daddy one last time." The stranger could only nod, his cock hard , his head hanging down in shame. Slowly Michael jerks him, taking his time, in his other hand is the cowboy knife. The cowboy humps Michael hand moaning "i am going to cum,ooo god i am going to cum" His eyes are shut tight face squinched up. Michael grins evil on his face leaning forward he whispers "no you aren't"
Michael starts to saw into the cowboy's cock down like a sandwich working down to the base, the serrated blade making quick work of the thick cock. The two halves split down the middle only held by the base blood erupts, his orgasm being denied. Letting out a primal scream the older cowboy panics struggling to not gag at what was once a 9-inch monster of a cock. He holds himself up his hands on Michael shoulders, his knees growing weak as a large puddle form under the two. Sneering Michael asks, "You still think you're a man?" The older man responds yes anger in his eyes now, and with that Michael flicks the blade cutting off the remnants of the cock at the base, a spray of blood gushes out panting Michael lower body.
Michael bearhugs the cowboy lifting his larger body and shoving his boy dick into the man new pussy. Moaning "ooooo fuck this is even better than your ass, it's so warm, I can feel your heartbeat." Michael pushes against the tree humping the man's hole. The stranger drops his head as he is fucked, tears running down his face. The only sound other than the brook is the wet squinching of the man pussy being torn in. Michael groans "fuck imma cum" A hot feeling fills the older man pussy.
" Its time to end this bucko!" Michael places the knife on the stranger neck and humping furiously starts to saw the cowboys head off, blood squirting out covering his face. The man arms sway to the side but then go limp just spasming as his head falls away a jet of blood fountaining out. His eyes slowly close, the last sight being the young boy now man still pumping his body full of cum. Michael releases his hold and pulls out the cowboy body laying limp on the tree, he places his boot on his lower abs and screams like a beast.
" Now to take some trophies" Michael moves the body so it lays flat on its back, using his new knife to cut off the cowboy low hanging nuts he then goes to the discarded head. " I did tell you I would make you choke on it" He shoves the balls in the dead man mouth, carrying the head to the pile of belongs of the cowboy. He takes his pistol, belt, and hat. Lastly, he sees the man had jockstrap its large pouch perfect to carry his head in. Our boy is now a man and so the Sun CIty Warrior was born!
<Published> 2022-11-20, viewed 62 times.