The Wild Southwest
Established: 2022-09-01
Chat room: #CowboyDeath
- No holds barred
- Muscle worship
- Extreme violence
- Death
A Place where studs of the southwest go to become real men, even if it means death
Jacob- 20 years old 190 lbs 10 inch uncut
Justin -18 years old 185 lbs 9 inch cut
Two weeks after Matthews' defeat and death at the hands of the cowboy Adonis Jacob, Matthew's brother Justin became the new owner of the ranch. Seeking revenge for his brother he challenged the cowboy to a match. Not one to back down Jacob took the bait, but the question remained who was the predator and who was the prey.
Justin was lean and tall in contrast to our cowboy more full but granite hard figure. The two meet in the ranch. Jacob smirked “hmm guess history does repeat itself. You're gonna go down just like your big sister.” Bouncing his meaty pecs through his red wife beater , the poor shirt looked seconds from ripping. It hugged the cowboy like a second skin, his abs rippling under them. He wore tight white washed jeans, the bulge in front was large and coud be seen throbbing, the cowboy already getting hard at the thought of fucking the young rancher. Justin came forward wearing a sleeveless compression shirt and dark jeans he was jacked. His bulge was large, the outline of his cut cock visable. The teen was always hard and ready for a good fuck. The two bumped their chest, their pecs, abs and bulges colliding with force. The teens cock was sensitive and Jacob took quick notice pushing the teen off then scooping him up into a torture rack. One hand on his neck the other grabbed an iron hold on the teens balls through his tight jeans. The young rancher let out a scream, his balls being crushed. “ LET ME GO! YOUR A DIRTY FIGHTER! Screamed Justin his back popping as the cowboy bent in him half. “You wanna go down bitch, then let's go down!” Jacob leaves the rancher above his shoulders and drops him hard into an over the knee backbreaker. Justin doesnt even let out a scream, he just falls off the cowboys knee gasping and clutching his back. Justin rolls on his stomach Jacob taking advantage of the scenario rips off the rancher's shirt. Resting on the teen our cowboy adonis fishes out the rancher's knife, using it the cowboy cuts a hole into the back of Justin jeans. The hole reveals Justin's hairy crack and cheeks,Jacob plugs three fingers in. Justin lets out a loud scream-moan, his young body longing for any sexual touch.
“Damn boy, you a little horny bottom arent you? Bet you never ever fucked a girl huh? Im I gonna be your first, bottom bitch?” Jacob shoves in a fourth finger justin throw back his head in erotic pain, as his virgin hole is stretched outwards. “ You like that huh bitch? You want to be fucked? You no better than a little girl” Smack! The cowboy punches the back of Justin's head, knocking him out.
The cowboy strips the rancher of his jeans revealing his naked smooth ass. His long but thin cock is bent so that it appears between his legs.The cowboy got it in jerked the rancher off, his large hands getting a thick coating of precum all over them. Jacob grabs the rancher by his hair and makes the awakening rancher crawl on all fours. Pulling him to his feet Jacob lefts the teen into a rear bearhugged squeezing the rancher hard, his body groaning in protest but his cock in ecstasy.
Justin throws back his head back arching out as he tries to escape, unfortunately for him his cock erupts releasing strings of cum directly upwards In an act of desperation Justin swings his legs backwards and lucky for him it makes solid impact with the cowboys bull sized balls.
Jacob lets out a groan his arms weaken and slacken and the two boys fall onto the wooden floor. Jacob holds his back but is faster to recover. Crawling his way over to Jacob he uses both large ranchers hands to grab the cowboy jean clad bulge and squeeze. “FUCK, let go of my balls fagget!” Jacob screamed while trying to peel off the ranchers hands, but his strength was slowly fading as his balls were squeezed harder and harder. “Damn boy you got a handful” said Matthew to which Jacob responds through gritted teeth “ I ain't no boy like you those are the balls of man” Jacob struck a double bicep, a fatal mistake. The rancher freeing one hand uses it to pummel the cowboy abs and pecs with strikes that would have killed the dinosaurs.Every hit lifted the upper body of the cowboy, caught by surprise and overcome by the iron hard grip on his balls Jacob could do nothing but take it. Jacob was slammed into a nearby support beam his abs continued to be pummeled.
Jacob wins (Canon)
Having been slammed into the support beam Jacob knew he had to work fast. Fighting the pain Jacob kneed the rancher's own balls breaking his hold.Slamming the young upstart against a support beam, the cowboy claws at the ranchers abs. Justin groans and attempts to break the cowboys hold. His hands struggle to wrap around the cowboys large forearms and ultimately fail. The cowboy digs in deeper , Justin's abs weakening and caving in. He adds up the pressure earning a loud scream from the rancher. “ FUCK I GIVE I GIVE YOUR RIPPING UP MY GUTS!” cried the rancher. Using his hand the cowboy choked the rancher and rained down punch after punch into the ranchers crumbling abs. Finally letting go the rancher fell to the mat, blood bubbling up and out from his mouth. The rancher struggled to get to his feet only to collapse vomiting up his last meal and blood.
Grabbing the rancher by the hair Jcob proceeded to bash the rancher's head, punch after punch and despite the rancher's pleas Jacob did not stop. The rancher pleas eventually went silent, his eyes rolling back he was knocked out. The cowboy let his head lose to fall with a dull thud on the barn's wooden floor. Sitting down on the younger man Jacob posed his biceps pumped and his muscles wet with a well earned sweat.
Standing up the cowboy gripped his fat cock and pulled it , releasing a torrent of hot piss to land on the defeated rancher's face. Waking up with a start, the broken rancher opens his mouth unknowing, allowing piss into his mouth. “WHAT THE FUCK DUDE! STOP PISSING ON ME!” Jacob continues shaking his dick splattering piss all over the rancher's lean body. “Why should I? You look good wet.” Getting on his knees he approached the rancher, the young boy was pissed but curious why the cowboy was approaching with such care he wrapped his arms around the rancher in a half hug, whispering in his ear “ its over I know you want me boy.” Shivers went up his spine, the rancher's eyes went wide but not from the shock of the cowboys' seeming loving words but from the pain of being stabbed in the balls!
The cowboy grins his voice now full of malicious intent, the knife slowly pushing into Jacob’s sack. “Sorry kid, but I its time to end this.” The blade emerges from the other side of the rancher’s sack. Jacob proceeds to cut though the rancher’s sack, splitting it in two. The rancher face is in a silent scream his arms hang limp, he is in to much shock to fight back.Jacob uses his free hand to push the rancher back against a support beam his large hand pinning the young man cock to his abs. The blade continues to cut. Sawing the rancher cock like a hot dog bun, finally at the head the cock splits in two. Yet the blade continues to travel northward. The abs of the rancher give to the serrated edge of the blade, the rancher body shudders as his guts fall free. Jacob moves away a wet splat is heard, he grins at his handy work the rancher stares at him tears running down his eyes “Fuck”. He falls to his knees then to his side. Jacob approaches and says “ Imma a merciful man, and I see you’re in alot of pain.” With one might stomp Jacob caves in the rancher head, it gives way like a pumpkin.
Justin Wins (Non-Canon)
The cowboy leaned against the support beam of the barn, Justin with renewed vigor punched the cowboys abs with all his might over and over again.With each punch the cowboys cock and balls jumped, and slowly he got hard all ten inches standing up proudly. Jacob still dazed from the hit to his temple tightened his abs as hard as possible, but slowly they weakened. The cowboy sank to his feet, his abs demolished, he coughed up blood. The punches hadn't just worn down his abs but had caused internal bleeding. Jacob coughed up globs of blood , “ Fuck you man, your a dirty fighter. Imma fucking kill you” said Jacob. Getting up to his feet, the cowboy grabbed his cock and told the teen “ that ass is mine”. Justin smirked and flexed his biceps “ boy imma knock your ass out and fuck you till you die.” The two meet up for a test of strength Jacob still doozy didn't expect to get kneed in the face. Falling on his ass, his cock lay straight up fat balls on the mat. Holding his face the cowboy wasn't expecting the rancher to kick his fat bull sized balls. Justin kicked with so much force that he lifted the much heavier cowboy off his ass and into the air. Falling back down the cowboy rolled on the mat clutching his crushed jewels. Blood dripped out of his cock, mixed with precum. His cock grew even harder, the foreskin struggling to pull back. Grabbed by his hair Jacob is tossed on his back. Resting into a school boy pin Justin shoves his cock and pisses down the cowboy throat. Pulling out the cowboy gags on justin's piss
Justin leaves to one corner of the mat to admire his work. The cowboy lies on his back struggling to catch a breath his midsection destroyed, his abs spasm and tighten painfully. The cowboys pec tighten and loosen, the cowboy moaning and coughing up blood. Justin returns and props Jacob up and on his ass , his cock stands straight up at attention. The teen rancher grabs the swollen cock and jerks it . A steady stream of precum leaks out pooling on the mat. “ You like that dont you big guy? Your little queer ass loves getting man handled dont it.” Justin continues to jerk the cowboy, his cock swelling up even more; it is at its maximum volume the foreskin tight on his head. Justin reaches behind him and pulls out his brothers hunting knife and presses it against Jacobs 11 inch 7 inch thick cock.
With a wicked smile Justin cuts the cowboys cock slowly circumcising him. Jacob screams in pain and with both hands he grabs his cock to steady its throbbing least Justin cuts its head off.Pulling off the foreskin Justin shoves it into the cowboys mouth forcing him to eat. Dragging him to his feet Justin leads Jacob to one of the support beams of the barn and proceeds to tie his arms behind it. Justin begins to hammer away at the cowboys abs and pecs turning them red, Jacob coughs up blood. Eventually his large pecs are covered in blood, the internal bleeding getting worse. Grabbing his hair and making Jacob look him in the eyes the teen rancher says to Jacob “ Looks like you got those internal bleeds, tssk, bleeding should be on the outside not the inside. Using the hunting knife Jason cuts off the cowboys thick cock at its root and yanks it off.
Backing away Justin looks at his new toy. “Damn man you were a big one! Thank god I won or you would have ripped me in half.” Justin says smiling. Jacobs cock is still hard. The cowboy is in shock tears running down his face and he says “ ohh god why. How is this happening. I cant lose to a kid!” Justin approaches and shoves Jacobs cock into his new pussy hole. Jacob screams as he is fucked over and over with his own cock. “ Now you know how it feels to be fucked with your own cock.” Jacob screams with every thrust inwards. With a load moan Jacobs balls tighten rock hard and from his new pussy hole the cowboy squirts a huge shot of cum, with so much force it pushes out his dismembered cock!
Cum continues to shoot out, going as far as 10 feet! “Wow dude I thought you were a narcissistic asshole but this proves it!” Coughing up blood Jacob spits and says “fuck you fagget” Justin Stabs the cowboy cuting down his abs, with a mighty scream the cowboys abs flex one last time and then loosen letting his entrails fall to the floor in a stinking mess.
The cowboy lets out one last breath and dies. His pecs sag down and his body goes limp. Justin leaves but returns shortly after untying the body he lets it drop and turns it on its back. Some hogs had found their way into the barn and started to feast on the cowboys god like body. His body shakes as they enter his guts eating him inside. Justin smiles “ This is for your bro.”
<Published> 2022-11-24, viewed 50 times.