The Wild Southwest
Established: 2022-09-01
Chat room: #CowboyDeath
- No holds barred
- Muscle worship
- Extreme violence
- Death
A Place where studs of the southwest go to become real men, even if it means death
The Wild Southwest: Death of a Man at the Hand of Boys
Our cowboy Mike rides into an abandon town, or at least that what he thinks. He rides a white horse, wearing tight blue jeans under that a tight white posing thong, His jeans are held by a black belt with a golden buckle lasso tied to one side and holster with knife and pistol on the other. He wears no shirt but has a leather vest. His nipples are hard in the morning misty air. This version of mike is hairier having not shaved in several weeks of travel. A thick happy trail travels up from his forest of black pubes and up his abs outlining them and finally arriving at his chest. He considers the hair as a symbol of his manhood. Mike has matured into a handsome cowboy and at 25 years old he has survived many duels with Indians and other cowboys alike. Known for his brutality, he is not a force to reckoned with
Mike jumps off his horse tying it to a wooden pole. He walks through the meadow grass his jeans getting wet, and the fog starts to stick this lean body, droplets beading on his hairs. He stops at a broken mirror to rub them in and flex to himself. Fuck I'm so hot he mutters. Unbeknownst to Mike, 15-year-old Ryder, wearing just a black jockstrap and his gang of lads ranging in age from 12 to 15 and wearing various thongs and tight form fitting underwear are studying the muscular young cowboy from one of the old buildings as he admires himself in a broken mirror. Ryder imagines himself fucking this cute stud before killing him but says quietly " OK guys looks like fresh meat but let's have some fun with him first, we will split into three groups, and each go to a different building and get ready to ambush him. Try to take him alive but if it gets nasty kill him. He send 13-year-old Tim who is quite muscular for his age and wearing a dark blue thong that he took from his last kill which fits him perfectly and enhances his 7-inch cock and two other 12 year old's who fancy themselves as men killers to one building , they are equipped with spears and knives and one handgun but it has only 3 bullets though they hope to replenish their supply of ammunition from the cowboy . The other two groups head off to the buildings that Ryder had indicated, and he stays where he is in the old Guesthouse with 3 other lads equipped with spears and knives and wait to see which building the cowboy goes into first. Ryder waves from the old Saloon to indicate he is ready to ambush the cowboy if he goes into the saloon.
Mike makes his way towards where the first group, with his sharp eyes he had saw the three boys moving in the shadows and as such he approached them with one hand already on his pistol. Mike enters the building of the first group and shoots his pistol hitting one of the boys in the back, the rounds Mike uses are custom design, meant to explode upon entering flesh creating wide gaping holes. Mike smirks at the remaining boys and says you younglings are fools if you think you could have snuck up on me, he bounces his pecs striking a superman pose at the boys, saying I am a hunter, a real man, I will wear your skins like a pelt.
His bulge grows, and it can be seen throbbing under his tight jeans he points at the leader of this group saying I am going to kill you both but you, you I am gonna rape. Ever gotten fucked before kid? Your gonna love it at least you won't be dying a virgin
Mikes cock is super hard to the point that it has reached 7 inches, it pokes its way out the top of his jeans despite the belt he wears, a good 4 inches of thick meat exposed for the soon to be dead boys to see, the foreskin is pulled back to reveal Mikes large round helmet. The 3 boys are taken by surprise and the first thing they know is one of the 12-year-old gets shot in the back, bullet ripping out of his belly as he is pushed forward by the impact but drops to his knees in shock saying "Oh fuck I have been shot " the other two look at him and see he is done for . Tim the older boy at 13 stares at Mike but with the gun pointed at him can do little as Mike tells them what he is going to do. They drop their weapons as they watch the wounded boy topple over dead guts hanging out of the big exit hole in his belly. They have seen many dead guys and killed quite a few between then and are realistic about their situation as Tim says to his friend "well it is a man eat man world after all, he died fairly quickly, not sure about us though. they stare at Mike and raise their hands in surrender.
Tim admires the cowboy's physique and notices the top of his cock protruding out the top of his pants with the head of the cock emerging from the foreskin. He can tell it is a big cock and by the look of it, it wants to be used. Mike smirks at the boy seeing them surrender and smirks no, no, no it aren't fun if you guys don't fight, he hoisters his gun and points at the smaller boy and says prove to me you're a man, attack me! He poses spreading his legs wide flexing his abs as his leather vest reveals more of his hairy torso. Punch my abs as hard as you can boy! If you make me stumble, I will let you both go after you two blow me. his cock glistens as it releases globs of precum, the air starting to be scented with sex
Jack the smaller of the two looks at Tim after hearing the challenge and shrugs "I'm probably fucked anyway so why not" Tim looks at him and nods "who know, good luck" and Jack steps forward at the much bigger boy posing as if he is showing off in a bodybuilder competition and says "well let's see just how good you are" as he stares at the bulge and the cockhead then instead of punching he kicks as hard as he can up between the cowboys spread legs hoping to deliver a crimpling blow. Tim seeing the kick land runs into help jack.
Mike sees the move coming and grabs the young boys' legs right before it makes contact pulling and lifting the boy towards quickly applying a bearhug and squeezing the boy yells in pain as his spine begins to pop. Mike snarls at Tim and says stop right there or your friend dies now. Mikes arms bulge as the boy throws his back in an attempt to escape, Mike glistens with sweat Tim sees that the move by Jack has been thwarted and stops saying "can't blame a boy for trying, sorry Jack" and backs off waiting to see what the cowboy's response will be. Mike continues to squeeze and says good boy wait your turn, you might be a better fighter then this one, and not just charge your opponent like an idiot. Mike then says to the trapped boy I hate guys like you so stupid they just charge in for that I will kill you like a fool; he lets the boy go he drops to his knees right in front of Mike. Mike grabs the boy by his hair and shoves his face into his hard bulge, the bulge being from his lower shaft and hefty nuts. With his other hand he draws his knife and pulls the kids head away from his bulge lifting him up. The boys hair pulls as he is lifted into the hair, you think he is going to scalp your commance but instead mike slices into the boys' neck and proceeds to slowly cut the boys head away. Eventually his body falls down Mikey tossing the head at Tim smirking
Tim watches his mate and listens to the cowboy and watches as his mate's head is cut off and thrown aside. He is not astonished or scared he has been in enough fights ending in someone's death that it has little impact on him now. He looks at Jacks head and kicks it further out of the way and can't help but notice the blood dripping from the big, bloodied hand and says " I think you need more practice but not a bad job, he was a friend but, in these times, easy come easy go". He stares at the muscular chest be nether the least vest and thinks to himself "he sure is a hairy brute and powerful the way he squeezed Jack". Mike smirks nah I wanted it to be messy the messier the more painful. Come at me boy he bounces his pecs, already anticipating the young boys moves. He laughs come at me and meet your fate of being raped. Ever been fucked before boy?
Tim listens to the hairy cowboy and says "are you kidding me what do you thinks young horny guys get up to when they are not fighting and killing" He looks Mike over and says "you want me come and get me" and stands his ground defiantly though knowing it is all going to end up badly unless some of the other boys show up but why are taking so long they must not have heard the gun ,oh well just try and wait it out or die I guess, Tim thinks.
Mike charges you faster than Tim was expecting tackling you and making hit your back against a support beam of the building. Mike sneers you can hear the hate in his voice, fucking queer of course you been fucked. You're not a real man like me with a tight pink ass and throbbing cock only meant to be worshipped. The wind is knocked out of Tim, Mike switches to holding in Tim in kiss of death ( knocking him out. When you come to its a searing pain Mike was true to his word and has repositioned his cock in his jeans, so it comes out the zipper, the zipper not being completely undone with the belt holding the top, and proceeds to rape his ass.
Tim regains consciousness after the sudden Kiss of Death hold and sees the cowboy's cock fully exposed but protruding from the jeans, he knows what is about to happen and braces himself as he has not taken a cock of that size before. He knows it is useless protesting and so grits his teeth as he feels the pressure on his cute pink rosebud anus but there is no holding it back and he gasps as he feels his anus opening and admitting the huge cock , it hurts but he knew it would as he lies there waiting for the cowboy to enjoy himself in the tight smooth ass he has just penetrated. the cowboy pulls him lifting him slightly as he proceeds to fuck the boy, he asks do you like that boy, I can see your enjoying it the boys cock being hard. Mike is enjoying it, having not fucked or even jacked off in over two weeks. The last time having been him fucking an Indian mother. Little did Mike Know that back up had arrived....
Tim's cock is rock hard as Mike starts fucking him and it hurts but as his ass stretches to accommodate the big thick cock it hurts less and even starts to feel good though he does not want to admit it to the cowboy, he looks over at jacks headless body and notices that Jack must have shot a load in his thong as it was oozing through the weave , it made him feel good to see that Jack had at least had a death orgasm and the way he was feeling Tim thought he would shoot a load soon, he had always fantasized that he would have a massive death orgasm and hoped that the cowboy would soon shoot his load and then kill him. It felt amazing now as the cowboys' big heavy balls slapped against the base of his own erection with an audible "slap". He could smell the older sweaty cowboy but knew he would never get to taste that big sweaty scrotum. He felt the cowboy thrust hard a few times and then he felt the hot gush in his eager ass.
As Mike starts to squirt into Tim ass, he does not know he is being watched by another 3 boys in the shadows. Mike grabs Tims head and starts to squeeze with his final thrust he throws his back and says fuck! Squeezing with all his might Mike thumbs pop Tims eyes, the pressure causing the orbitals of his eyes to fracture. Mike then lefts Tim slightly and with his final gush of cum smash Tims head into the ground. Tim feels his ass being pumped full of thick hot cowboy cum and starts to cum himself, gasping with so much pleasure being released but then feels the cowboys thumbs pushing into his eye sockets. Tim grabs at the cowboys hands but in unable to prevent the thumbs digging in deeper and yells in agony as his eyes balls rupture as the cowboy squirts his last load into Tims ass and then Tims head smashes into the floor as he realizes this will kill him and it does as his head is crushed and caves destroying his brain. The combination of pressure and impact cause Tims head to pop and cave in.
Mike pulls out cum erupts like a volcano from the boys ass, Mike flexes his danger sense going off telling him he is not alone. I know your there did you enjoy the show? He turns under planting his boot on the boys cock and balls flexing his biceps, his cock is now semi-soft and hangs 5 inches head hidden out of his jeans. Jonny and his mates are standing in the next room looking through the door and see the cowboy fucking then killing their friend Tim . They see the bodies of the other two boys on the floor not far away, one with his guts blown out of his belly and the other headless with the head looking straight at them which they find fascinating. There is nothing they can do at this point but watch to help Tim as the cowboy is well advanced in his fucking and killing process of Tim. The 3 lads have released their cocks and work them as they watch the cowboy enjoying his sex with Tim and killing him , they all see the cowboy has an excellent physique and watch his muscular body as he smashes Tims head into the floor and they shoot their loads but then realize the cowboy is aware of their presence so Jonny says " put your hands up but discard the gun and knife first " the three move a bit closer but remain out of reach, two with their spears at the ready and Jonny holding a revolver pointed at the cowboy.
The cowboy notices the boy with the gun and pulling his own from his holster shots the last three rounds into the boy one into his head, causing it to explode only his neck remaining, the second to the liver taking a chuck out of his right side, and the last into his crotch, the boys' legs barely hanging on by a few thread. Mike looks at the other two boys and says if you suck me I will let you live
It all happened so fast Jonny was shot to pieces , his head exploded by one bullet and the other two doing horrendous damage and the other two watch as Jonny jerks about in response to the impacts of the bullets then collapses. Eddy takes a chance and quickly picks up the gun that Jonny had dropped and points it at the Cowboy not knowing that the cowboys' gun is empty and say "Drop it" hoping that he can bluff the cowboy but if not and the cowboy shoots him it will be a quick death at least. The other boy still holds his spear as they wonder who will make the first move.
Mike laughs and fibs saying drop the gun boy and suck me, I'm still horny and need a mouth. Suck me good and you both can live. What are you only 12?
Eddy looks sideways at his friend and then back at the cowboy and says "yeah 12" and fires but he has only fired a gun once before and just misses the cowboy left side, the discharge startles his friend and Eddy is shaking. Mike throws his hunting knife at the boy it embeds itself into his skull and hit with such force that the boy flew back. Mike looks at the last boy and says fuck my offer Imma kill you little boy. He stuffs and zips his jeans back up and charges the last boy. Eddy is too slow and shaking as the cowboy reacts instantly throwing his knife straight into eddy's head and knocking his backwards and the cowboy charges at Brian who stands his ground and jabs his spear into the cowboys exposed belly right in the navel, it goes in deep and Brian twists it then pulls it out snarling "take that you bastard".
Mike groans holding his midsection saying fuck you, you little shit. Mike had tightened his abs which saved him for now from critical damage, yet the stab still left its mark. Mike crawled back on his bumble butt saying you got lucky punk, but luck runs out. Just then Ryder and his three companions rush in having heard the shots and Ryder does not hesitate to shoot the cowboy in the left knee then the right and the other three boys grasp the Cowboy who struggles but Brians helps as they force his hands behind his back and tie them tightly together. Ryder looks about seeing his 4 dead companions and saying "damn Brian good to see at least you are alive" he tells the boys to strip the cowboy knowing the two completely shattered knees mean the cowboy is not going anywhere. as the pull off his jeans and vest.
Mike screams in shock as his kneecaps explode from the shots, he holds them as the boys tussle him around and begin to strip him, first undoing his belt and then shimmering his jeans off revealing a white thong that can barely contain his genitals. The thong being one to many sizes too small since it was one, he used to wear when he was a boy himself. Ryder tells the boys to drag the cowboy over and lay him on his back on a table where he feels the huge bulging thong and then pulls it off releasing the big cock it had been restricting. The lads hold the cowboys legs apart as Ryder pull him towards the edge of the table which is just the right height , Ryder pull off his own thong releasing his 8 inch cock with just a few blondish pubes above it and eases it into the cowboys tight ass saying " damn you must have been good to kill 4 of my boys but your luck has run out stud , nice physique you got" he starts fucking the cowboy slowly whilst his boys hold the cowboy down in place .
Mike continues to moan as the head boy slowly shoves his cock into him, he can feel his anus tearing and can't help but lose control of his bowels. A fart rings in the room followed by the audio sound of a man shitting himself. The pain being too much, Mike pain struggling to figure out what's going on had only one option but to shit himself. Ryder is just getting into the rhythm when the cowboy farts so Ryder quickly pulls then the Cowboy shits himself to the cheers of those around him as Ryder says "damn that was close, looks like the dude is not much use , shame I was looking forward to some great sex but I guess it does not always work out" Ryder then takes a knife and slowly cuts off the cowboys big thick cock and balls and eats one sweetmeat and gives the other to Brian saying " well let's take him out the back and gut him then prepare him for the roasting spit. Mike felt the kid pull out of his ruined ass he did shit came out bloody and slick with precum. Mike moaned oooo god fuck I can't believe I shit myself. But then he feels his soft cock get pulled on hard pulling it from its roots and that when he feel the blade, and he screams eyes wide as he see his thick, soft cock pulled off. Blood squirts out in a fountain as the boy releases the cock from the Latinos body. Fuck, Fuck man but that's when he feels his balls get pulled the knife
Mike stares in shock , his face contorted in a silent scream, as he watched the boys peel the skin off, and eat his massive testicles. His pride and joy and the fuel to what powered his mighty muscular gone. The boys tie his arms together and drag him out he doesn't fight still in shock. With every heartbeat blood gushes out of his wound with audible sound, he leaves a trail behind as they take him outside into the misty gray morning.
He dragged, they bring him to a post, he still bleeding heavily from his groin and from the stump of what was his 7 inch cock comes a hot stream of piss. He groans in pain. The boys begin to build a fire bringing wood and other flammable debris. The boys then proceed to drag the bodies of the dead and dump them into the fire. A foul smell fills the air and Mike knows what is to happen to him. The boys then turn their attention back on him. They pull out aromatic oils and start to rub it into Mikes toned hairy muscles. Mike can't help but flex allowing the boys to cover every inch and crevice in the oil, turning his brown skin bronze and shiny. Had Mike had a cock still he would have been hard and leaking precum like crazy. The base of Mikes cock, the stump twitches and instead of precum starts to shoot blood in little squirts as blood rushes in an attempt to fill a now void cock. Mike grins as he imagines the boys sucking his cock but then his eyes snap open
Mike looks down to see the leader of the boys has stabbed him right where his cock was. The boy wears a wicked grin saying you fought like a man, but you will die like a pig. The boy pushes the knife all the way to its handle, Mike eyes are wide in shock mouth open but no noise escapes. He realizes that the knife is his own, how humiliating to be gutted by one's own blade. The boy begins to pull up from the wound cutting into you bush of pubes and making his way slowly up your 6 pack abs, blood gushes out and midway up your abs you feel your abs relax and then your guts begin to fall out. This was all the more painful as your knife was serrated so it wasn't a simple cut Mike was receiving but a sawing action
Mike groans as he feels his guts fall away the force and weight pull him slightly forward on the poll two of the other boys grab his guts and cut them away blood and shit fly all over, Mike eyes are growing heavy he knows he done for. The boy then reaches up though his wound and Mikes eye shoot open. He can feel the leader grasping his heart and with a tug his last moments are of his own heart held in front of his face. His face falls open face frozen in shock. The boys remove him from the pole and shove another one into the cowboys ruined ass positioning over the flame and turn him as he cooks. The boys eat good that night!
As the boys finish their meal, they leave a body that was once god like in ruins, chucks of meat are missing, the majority of his pecs gone, his once mighty thighs only have strings of flesh on them. The boys are full, the leader goes to retrieve Mikes Jeans, and belt with holster and wears them claiming his final prize and final humiliation of the cowboy
<Published> 2022-11-24, viewed 125 times.