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Established: 2022-09-21

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Betty Vs Kitty In Bedroom Fistfight

Princess Kitty (deleted member)

23:01 <Adorable_kitten_betty> hi
23:01 <weakkittyfights> hi
23:01 <Adorable_kitten_betty> how are you?
23:01 <weakkittyfights> im ok i guess
23:02 <Adorable_kitten_betty> wanna bikini fistfight?
23:02 <weakkittyfights> lol 4 th fight today
23:02 <weakkittyfights> ok
23:02 <Adorable_kitten_betty> hehe ok
23:03 <Adorable_kitten_betty> bedroom match? or where you want to fight at?
23:04 <weakkittyfights> its up to you
23:04 <Adorable_kitten_betty> sure,
23:04 <Adorable_kitten_betty> i give you the chance to be local, we will fight at your room
23:05 <Adorable_kitten_betty> want me to start ?
23:06 <weakkittyfights> ok
23:07 <weakkittyfights> what kind of fight?
23:07 <Adorable_kitten_betty> fistfight
23:07 <weakkittyfights> oh ok
23:07 <Adorable_kitten_betty> or better said boxing, no gloves, nothin catty
23:07 <weakkittyfights> its up to you
23:08 <Adorable_kitten_betty> yes i like it
23:08 <weakkittyfights> ok
23:11 <Adorable_kitten_betty> After a few loses with girls from the site, I have decided to look for a girl at the site, that she is tough, but she hasn't scored a victory yet... Alaina, Aka "weakkittyfights" . So we decided to compete at her place, in bare knuckle boxing in bikinis... I have to say that I am always feeling nervous before a fight, but tonight I am so confident on the win... I am preparing at her restroom, tying up this pink string bikini that shows my hot bubble butt cheeks off.. about to go out.. and walk trough the hall, reaching her doorknob, and open the door yt
23:11 <Adorable_kitten_betty> You are not logged in.
23:15 <weakkittyfights> i wait anxiously and nervously my heart beating fast wearing my bikini preparing it in my bedroom worried about the outcome of the fight sitting on my bed You are not logged in.
23:15 <weakkittyfights> yt
23:20 <Adorable_kitten_betty> I open the door and i see you sitting on the bed, in bikini, already and I smirk and notice that the space is not that big... but I won't mind to fight you in close distance... "hey girl... ready to get beaten again?" I smirk as I close the door, showing my hot bubble butt yt
23:20 <Adorable_kitten_betty> You are not logged in.
23:22 <weakkittyfights> i look at your intimidating body as you show off as i try to not show fear as i raise up my fists in front of my face feeling my thighs tremblingb as i arch out my chest showing my 32bs yt
23:23 <weakkittyfights> You are not logged in.
23:23 <Adorable_kitten_betty> I close the door and go at you, fists up, getting almost toe to toe, no space to circle, so my only moves are that my torso moves from side to side... and my fits make little circles in the air... "come on, come on!"... I call you out and jab at your cheek with left... AAH YT
23:27 <weakkittyfights> feeling nervous as our bodies are too close as i move my hips getting in rythmn with you as you call me out and i want to scream but resist as you jab at my cheek i lower my right arm to block your jab as i sway to my left striking out my left fist toward your right side of your face yt
23:29 <Adorable_kitten_betty> I throw that jab, but you block it with your right arm, and connect a jab back at my cheek... PAAF! damn... I blink and try to stay there with you toe to toe, and I try to jab your cheek again with left... but this time follow with a right hook to your ribs! yt
23:32 <weakkittyfights> i again block your jab with my right arm feeling the pain in my arm but then your fist goes in my ribs as i groan in pain stepping back but cant back off too far not enough room as i hold my burning ribs with my left hand tearing in pain trying to recover yt
23:33 <Adorable_kitten_betty> you block my jab, but this time I can hit your ribs and I notice how you wince and groan... step back against a wall, and I follow, only 2 steps in, and we are again toe to toe... and I see that your left hand is rubbing your ribs, and I try to stun you with a short right hook to your cheek.. UUM.. YT
23:38 <weakkittyfights> oyeeee my head tilts back turning with your punch as i step 2 steps back but then try to fight back wearily striking out my right fist toward your left boob and my left fist toward your right boob as my loose hair goes in my face with sweat dripping from my hair yt
23:39 <Adorable_kitten_betty> PAAF! sounds my short hook... and I smirk, but I didn't expect a 1-2 combo to my tits... OOH OOH.. DAMN! I have to drop my right hand to hold my sore tits, that barely still underneath my top... yt
23:41 <weakkittyfights> as you drop your right hand i swing my left fist toward your right side of your face yt
23:44 <Adorable_kitten_betty> PAAF! sounds like, as your left hand hits my face and my face muscles contort.. I get closer to the bed, and turn around to face you, having the mattress against my thighs... grrrr... fists up yt
23:46 <weakkittyfights> i come toward you jabbing my right fist toward your foreheads yt
23:47 <Adorable_kitten_betty> that left hook was hard, but I had the chance to see this right to my forehead... and I move my head to my own left side... and swing a hard left hook to your right side, just below your ribs... still against the bed yt
23:50 <weakkittyfights> OYEEEE my face showing my painful expression as your fist goes into my left side as i back off holding my burning ribs tearing in pain backing off as far as i can in the small room trying to recover yt
23:52 <Adorable_kitten_betty> my left hand hits and I hear you groaning, you step back with your right hand down, holding your sore side... and I step in and try to return the favor, with a left hook to your cheek!! UUM... but this time I follow with right hook to your cheek! yt
23:59 <weakkittyfights> i see you stepping in as i scream NOOO BACK OFF PLEASEEE your left fist crosses my cheek making my face turn to the right and your right in my left cheek making my face turn to the left as my face is red and blue with blood dripping from the left side of my mouth over my left boob as i stagger back against the wall my weary sweaty body against the wall to keep me standing as my thighs tremble my heart races fast as i look at her face that means business and her strong body that looks like its ready to do damage as i cover my face with my arms as i yell NOOO MOREE I GIVE I GIVEEE OMGGG DONT FINISH ME OFF I HAD ENOUGHHH yt
00:01 <Adorable_kitten_betty> PAAF PPAAFF! sound the 1-2 combo and I love it, then I hear that you give up... YEAAAAH... WOO HOO!! I raise arms, i need a victory, but i need to workout much more... yt
00:03 <weakkittyfights> i see you raise your arms as i breath hard and fast hoping you honor my surrender as i let down my arms flopping to my sides looking at your body in fear yt
00:04 <Adorable_kitten_betty> END

<Published> 2023-05-25, viewed 65 times.
