Established: 2022-09-21
- No holds barred
- Boxing
- Kick-boxing
- Gutpunching
- Catfight
10:16 <weakkittyfights> finally somebody that looks like i can beat down 😁
13:57 <Vivian_Grey> I actually think I could beat you easily
13:57 <weakkittyfights> lolo your so cute and tiny
14:00 <Vivian_Grey> You fight with extreme violence I see. Do you fight to the death?
14:01 <weakkittyfights> yes sometimes
14:01 <weakkittyfights> in your case yes fight till your death
14:06 <weakkittyfights> you want some of me let me know hun
14:19 <Vivian_Grey> Oh I'll have no problem killing you alright. Then I can flirt with that girl you call a girlfriend and take her as my lover.
14:20 <Vivian_Grey> Though I don't really have time right now. Next time I catch you on though you're dead.
14:20 <weakkittyfights> ohhh your soo wanting to die
14:20 <Vivian_Grey> You'll be the one dying
14:20 <weakkittyfights> like im soo scared of you
14:22 <Vivian_Grey> I know you are and you should be
14:23 <weakkittyfights> talk is cheap just like you midget slut
23:55 <Vivian_Grey> Oh you're totally going to doe now for calling me a midget you ten cent whore
00:01 <weakkittyfights> im not scared of you midget slut
00:03 <Vivian_Grey> Anything goes? Weapons and all? Battle until one stops breathing?
00:04 <weakkittyfights> ok then to the death little midget
00:04 <weakkittyfights> You are not logged in.
00:04 <weakkittyfights> my bikini
00:06 <Vivian_Grey> You are not logged in.
00:06 <weakkittyfights> as we fight in a beach shower room
00:06 <Vivian_Grey> Bring it bitch
00:06 <weakkittyfights> i look you over feeling confident
00:07 <Vivian_Grey> I look you over and give you a smirk. "Step off bitch or you'l regret this"
00:08 <weakkittyfights> as i raise up my arms flexing showing off my body then raising up my fists in front of my face arching out my chest as i circle you looking down into your eyes smiling- YOUR GOING TO DIE BITCH yt
00:10 <Vivian_Grey> "Keep dreaming skank," I follow you and take the first punch sending a fist towards your chest.
00:10 <Vivian_Grey> Yt
00:12 <weakkittyfights> oyee your fist making noise as it goes into my left boob burning in pain as i try to resist the pain starting to tear as i send my right fist out toward your left boob as well yt
00:12 <Vivian_Grey> "Ouch!" I yelp hissing and stepping back. I hold my left boob then kick towards your crotch.
00:14 <weakkittyfights> as you step back i attempt to follow to work on your other boob but your foot goes into my kitty as i scream in pain falling to my knees holding my burning kitty tearing in pain yt
00:15 <Vivian_Grey> As you fall to your knees I go for a strong roundhouse kick to your head.
00:15 <Vivian_Grey> Yt
00:19 <weakkittyfights> OYEEEEEEE your foot goes into my head making me fall on my left side then falling over on my back as my head aches in extreme pain like a migrane as i hold my head laying on my back breathing hard and fast looking in a blurr at my short tough rival losing my confidence as i she her standing over me yt
00:24 <weakkittyfights> yt
00:25 <Vivian_Grey> I walk up to your head and begin to repeatedly start stomping on it as viciously as I could. "Take back the modget comment slut!" I rage
00:25 <Vivian_Grey> Yt
00:28 <weakkittyfights> i scream HELPPPP as i block my head with my arms your foot making my arms go into my hurting head feeling less pain saved by my arms as i then grab one of your feet twisting it yt
00:29 <Vivian_Grey> I fall as you twist it. "Start a fight and then call for help? You're a coward!" I yell kicking down at your head from the ground
00:32 <weakkittyfights> i block your kick with my hands as i crawl back my head in extreme pain my focus limited as i get up slowly and reach behind the barrel taking out a dueling sword as i then move to a corner waiting for you to get up as i hold my sword in my right hand hoping you know nothing about swords like i do yt
00:34 <Vivian_Grey> I slowly get up and then move to the other corner grabbing a duelling sword. "I can't wait to cut that ugly little head off," I say
00:36 <weakkittyfights> TALK IS CHEAP BITCH ! I might not be able to beat you in a brawl or fistfight but at least we can be more even here i have a longer arm bitch i swing my sword with my right hand toward the left side of your head as i scream DIEEE SLUT ! yt
00:38 <Vivian_Grey> I raise my sword blocking your hit then push forward closing the distance between us. I keep focus on our sword before sending a hard kick towards your crotch.
00:38 <Vivian_Grey> Yt
00:42 <weakkittyfights> i push with my sword using my body weight to push you back but your foot goes between my thighs as i moan in extreme pain knowing i cant stop to rub or care for it as i tear my face grimacing in pain as i back off with my sword out to block any attack not being able to rub my hurting kitty yt
00:44 <Vivian_Grey> I figure you would block. I smirk then swing hard at your sword hand hoping to disarm you.
00:44 <Vivian_Grey> Yt
00:47 <weakkittyfights> your sword making a loud sound as it hits mine as i hold on tight almost dropping it because of the weight but i manage to hold on then i pretend to swing my sword toward your left side but then move it upward to slash across your bikini top and left boob as i yell TAKE IT BITCH ! yt
00:48 <Vivian_Grey> "Oww," I yelp as my bikini top falls off and my left boob begins to bleed. I step right and then swing fast and hard at your neck.
00:48 <Vivian_Grey> Yt
00:53 <weakkittyfights> i move my sword as fast as i can to block your sword as it comes toward my neck , the sword clashes into mine as it knocks me off balance stumble against the wall my heart racing fast knowing this is a life or death situation as i hold up my sword in front of me to block any moves as i try to figure out how to use my sword better yt
00:55 <Vivian_Grey> As you go to block I swing my sword in a circular motion aiming it at the wrist of the hand holding to sword. I was hoping to cut your wrist and make it impossible for you to hold the sword.
00:55 <Vivian_Grey> Yt
00:59 <weakkittyfights> oYEEE i yell as your sword cuts my hand as i drop the sword my eyes open wide as i face you in a panic my hand burning in pain as blood drips alot i quickly bend and pick up the sword but it is very heavy for my left hand i can barely hold it up as i cry out OKAYY BITCHH STOPPP PUT DOWN YOUR SWORD GIVE ME A CHANCE LETS USE KNIVES INSTEAD ! PLEASEEE ONE CHANCE ! yt
01:00 <Vivian_Grey> "If I didn't grab this sword would you have killed me?" I cut your left breast slicing through yoru bikini top.
01:02 <weakkittyfights> i try to lift up my sword but your sword goes over mine and cuts off my bikini top my boobs flop and my boobs blood flies across the floor as i scream my boobs burning as i hold them yt
01:02 <weakkittyfights> brb in 30 minutes
01:03 <Vivian_Grey> I take your no answer as a yes then dash forward aiming to stab my swkrd between your tits and through your heart.
01:03 <Vivian_Grey> (Okay)
01:03 <Vivian_Grey> Yt
01:20 <weakkittyfights> i reach out as i see you come lunging yourself towards me as i feel your cold sharp sword slice through my chest as i hold your sword trying to keep it from going in all the way through me as my hands start to bleed and you keep forcing your sword in me against my will as i start to gurgle and cough my body convulsing as cum flows down my shaking thighs and blood gushes from my chest down my body and flowing from my mouth as my eyes open wide my mouth open wide as blood flows and your sword goes through my body and out of my back as my eyes roll back and my body collapses spread out on my back with the sword still in my chest as my body lays motionless and lifeless yt
01:38 <Vivian_Grey> "Take that slut," I strip you naked, "guess who's flirting with your girlfriend now"
01:38 <Vivian_Grey> Yt
01:41 <weakkittyfights> my body destroyed by my rival at the hand of her sword
<Published> 2023-05-25, viewed 55 times.
2023-09-09 08:04No leave her alone!