Public Open

Established: 2022-09-21

  • No holds barred
  • Boxing
  • Kick-boxing
  • Gutpunching
  • Catfight
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Kitty Vs Jess For Slave Lyssa

Princess Kitty (deleted member)
Boxer jess19 (deleted member)

14:31 <Boxer_jess19> lyssa is my mistress bitch
14:43 <weakkittyfights> i wear my pink boxer shorts and pink bikini top with my red gloves barefeet my hair loose 5 ft 5 118 lbs 32b-24-34 23 yo as i climb into the ring checking my opponent out as i go to my corner having 2nd thoughts as i see how big her body is yt
14:48 <Boxer_jess19> I see you crawl in and i smile as i see my smaller opponent, small though nonetheless sexy but i cannot let that distract me as this fight has more on the line than any other fight as my mistress is at stake. I walk towards the center of the ring with my body tense in anticipation.-yt
14:52 <weakkittyfights> i reluctantly walk to the center of the ring my heart beating fast as i try not to show fear and think confident as i look up in your eyes and touch gloves with you as i have trouble controlling my thighs from shaking as i move back waiting for the bell yt
14:56 <Boxer_jess19> I turn towards you in the center of the ring and i touch gloves with you to start the fight *ding**ding* the bell rings and i start off by putting up my guard and saying "is this what you wanted?".-yt
15:00 <weakkittyfights> i hear the bell ring as i put up my gloves looking up at you in fear wanting to say no but i cant back off knowing Lyssa will see this , i circle you feeling nervousness in my tummy yt
15:09 <weakkittyfights> yt
15:09 <weakkittyfights> yt
15:10 <Boxer_jess19> I can see the fear in your eyes and i know that you have forces yourself into this fights, I keep this in the back of my head as i throw two jabs at your face to test your guard.-yt
15:12 <weakkittyfights> i block your jabs with my left and right gloves then send a right and left jabs toward your face as i bounce around on my feet yt
15:16 <Boxer_jess19> I circle back against you as my gloves land on your guard, your guard is solid for now and i see your jabs coming at me and they hit my guard too, i come after you again this time with a jab at your guard to make you think like im continuing this strategy before i slide a hook lower at your belly.-yt
15:19 <weakkittyfights> my mouth opens wide as your glove makes a loud sound going into my lower tummy agggggghhhhh i back off my tummy feeling nauseated and crampy from your punch as i bend holding my tummy with my left glove trying to recover as i move away yt
15:21 <Boxer_jess19> I thought you could handle that punch, and I'm puzzled as i thought you where tough as you thought you could take away my mistress from me, using this opportunity i walk back towards you to keep you contained and against the ropes as i throw a hook and a cross at your breasts and upper belly.-yt
15:27 <weakkittyfights> OYEEEEEEEEEEE your glove making my breasts flop out of my top burning in pain as your gloves then cross my battered breasts making me scream in pain and then your glove going in my nauseated tummy as i cant keep up leaning in the ropes as i crumble to my knees holding my painful tummy and rubbing my battered red sore painful dangling breasts looking up at you tearing as im in extreme pain crying as i look up at you my body shaking and trembling with pain yt

<Published> 2023-05-30, viewed 48 times.
