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Established: 2022-09-21

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Kitty Vs Terri In Catfight To Ko

Princess Kitty (deleted member)
terriwrestle (deleted member)

13:14 <terriwrestle> I have created the public room #weakkitty_v_terri.
13:15 <weakkittyfights> Hi Slut i hope your ready for a good beating
13:15 <terriwrestle> nhb to ko only bitch
13:19 <weakkittyfights> sounds good to me because you need to get your slutty ass koed
13:19 <terriwrestle> bring it bitch
13:19 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> I get to see terri beat up kitty
13:19 <weakkittyfights> Dream on Loki
13:20 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> she's gonna whoop your little behind
13:21 <terriwrestle> getting ready as i step into the ring now wearing my black one pice as i have my blonde hair into a tight ponytail as i wait in my corner flexing and stretching my young toned body,,,,,yt
13:21 <Tarafrost_wrsl> Quiet feather and molasses chicken Loki
13:22 <Nathan_gingerbread> Loki πŸ” bet he is spitting feathers .
13:22 <weakkittyfights> i walk into the ring and stand in my corner as i take off my robe throwing it outside the ring
13:22 <Tarafrost_wrsl> comeon kitty you can beat terri
13:22 <weakkittyfights> showing off my attire
13:23 <weakkittyfights> You are not logged in.
13:23 <weakkittyfights> 5 ft 5 118 lbs 32b-24-34 23 yo my brown hair loose bare feet
13:24 <terriwrestle> standing in my corner now watching you enter the ring looking sexy in your attire but im here to show im better than you and the stakes high today for the loser as i shake out my arms and legs and finish my warm up now as i get ready to start this high stakes match,,,,,,yt
13:24 <weakkittyfights> wiggling my ass for the audience and throwing kisses
13:25 <terriwrestle> (the loser will get dominated by the crowd after the fight)
13:26 <weakkittyfights> flexing my arms and stretching on the ropes as i then turn around looking over at my rival as i wait to start yt
13:26 <Tarafrost_wrsl> cum on kitty take her out
13:26 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> Go terri!! punish her!!!
13:27 <Julia2000> Bring it girls
13:28 <terriwrestle> the bell rings,,,,""ding ding""" taking a deep breathe as i shift my feet and move out of my corner now as i have my guard up ready as this fight begins now circling the ring my eyes watching your movements,,,,yt
13:29 <terriwrestle> dont be a silent crowd,,,,join in with the match will make it seem more realistic,,,,pass out the beer ,,,
13:31 <weakkittyfights> i move out slowly as i arch out my chest with my hands up circling you looking you in your eyes as i pretend to swing my left fist toward the right side of your head but then reach out with my right hand to claw your face yt
13:31 <Nathan_gingerbread> How much you want to bet loki ?
13:32 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> $100
13:32 <terriwrestle> hands up ready as you fake me with your left fist as i bring up my guard but you catch me cold as i gasp out as you send your claw across my face wincing in pain as im forced to back off,,,,,bitch,,,,yt
13:32 <philman29> Come on terri get her
13:32 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> scratch her up terri!!!
13:33 <weakkittyfights> as you back off i kick out my left foot toward your belly NOOO WHORE ! yt
13:33 <Nathan_gingerbread> Lets make this intresting terri wins i do your chore all week ... You dont see terri win ... You go in the stocks.
13:34 <weakkittyfights> You are not logged in.
13:34 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> agreed
13:34 <terriwrestle> holding my cheek in pain as you get the better start as i try to recover but your kick slams hard into my belly as i fold in pain,,,bitch driving forwards bent over as i try to slow you down and slam my right shoulder into your belly and try to knock you away,,,,yt
13:34 <Nathan_gingerbread> 🀝
13:35 <AceGacumo> β˜•
13:35 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> C'mon terri!!!!
13:37 <weakkittyfights> i attempt to reach out for your hair but you charge at me with your shoulder stopping me as i fall to the ground and try to get up right away yt
13:38 <CharlieC> C'mon kitty don't give up!
13:38 <terriwrestle> avoiding your grip as i slam your toned belly with my shoulder and knock you down as i move in quickly and try to grip your hair tight and step behind you now as i try to curl my left arm tight around your neck and try to secure my sleeper,,,,mine now slut,,,,yt
13:39 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> " rip her hair terri!!! '
13:39 <philman29> Get her terri keep on her
13:41 <Steven_Strong> Hahahah oh oh oh Kitty
13:41 <weakkittyfights> you move fast not giving me a chance to get up as my eyes open wide as you grab my hair and put your arm around my neck as i grab your arm sinking my nail into it and try to move my left elbow in your side over and over as i gasp for air my body trembling yt
13:41 <Dimitri_Dragoon> *gets up and goes to the refreshment stand, comes back with a bunch of beer.* 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 Free beer all. Lets enjoy the show.
13:42 <AceGacumo> 🍺
13:42 <terriwrestle> stepping close behind you now as i start to lock in my sleeper but your quick to defend as i cry out feeling your nails dig in deep to my arm as i struggle with the pain trying to keep my hold but i lose my grip as you slam my side over and over as i wince in pain and lose my sleeper,,,,bitch,,,,yt
13:44 <Steven_Strong> Come on Terri
13:45 <weakkittyfights> i move back breathing hard and fast as i look over at my rival raising up my fists arching out my chest as i come toward her yt
13:46 <terriwrestle> frustrated losing my sleeper holding my side in pain as i see you come at me now as i bring my hands up ready and move with you as i try to send my left hand across your face,,,,bitch,,,,yt
13:46 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> clapping for terri!!
13:47 <Steven_Strong> Me tooo!!!!
13:48 <Nathan_gingerbread> Cut her down kitty
13:48 <Steven_Strong> Shut up Nathan
13:48 <weakkittyfights> BAAAAH your fist across my face making my face turn with your hit as i stagger back blood dripping from the right side of my mouth as i come back swinging my right fist across your face TAKE IT BITCH ! yt
13:50 <terriwrestle> angry as i come at you now and slap your face hard and try to reach for your hair now but you show your tough and hit back hard as i stagger back unable to reach your hair as you stun me with your fist,,,,,ughhh,,,,yt
13:50 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> both girls are gonna have black eyes
13:51 <Dimitri_Dragoon> Kitty got claws
13:52 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> so does terri
13:52 <Steven_Strong> Kitty got a soft tummy
13:52 <weakkittyfights> as you stagger back i follow reaching out and ripping down the top of your one piece bikini as i grab both your dangling breasts squeezing them hard and sinking my nails into them HOW DOES THAT FEEL BITCH ?
13:52 <weakkittyfights> yt
13:52 <CharlieC> That-a-girl...make her sing!
13:53 <Steven_Strong> Come on, Kitty is nothing....
13:53 <terriwrestle> rocked by your fist needing time to recover but you move in and take full control now showing the pain on my face as you lock on to my boobs as i gasp out feeling your claws dig in deep as i drop to my left knee in pain,,,,nahhhhh,,,,yt
13:54 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> C'mon terri!!!!!
13:54 <Nathan_gingerbread> * best consol voice * " FINISH HER !"
13:54 <philman29> Push thru the pain terri
13:56 <Steven_Strong> TERRI, come onnnnnn
13:56 <weakkittyfights> i let go as you drop to your knees and reach down with my left hand grabbing your hair dragging you around the ring showing off as i then kick you in your side as i keep a hold on your hair yt
13:57 <terriwrestle> boobs in pain as you let go now and snatch my hair dragged back up as you start to drag me around the ring now struggling to fight back as you keep me hurting as i cry out as you slam your kick into my side and keep me under pressure,,,,nooo,,,yt
13:58 <Steven_Strong> Terri WTF
13:59 <CharlieC> *watches, loving every moment of Terri torture.*
13:59 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> grrrrrrrrrr! @CharlieC
14:00 <weakkittyfights> i then pull you up by your hair with my left hand making a fist with my right hand SAY YOU GIVE UP AND THAT I AM BETTER OR IM GOING TO KNOCK YOUR ASS OUT BITCH ! yt
14:00 <Dimitri_Dragoon> *rests and hand on Loki's shoulder* I'm sorry, bro.
14:00 <Steven_Strong> We'll get her;)
14:00 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> stay strong terri!!!!
14:01 <terriwrestle> gasping out as you hold me tight now but dont hit me as you only taunt as i ball my left fist and try to send my uppercut into your chin and show you im not done yet,,,,fuck you slut,,,,yt
14:01 <Steven_Strong> Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh
14:01 <Nathan_gingerbread> Well....
14:01 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> YIPPIEEEEEEEEE!!!
14:03 <AceGacumo> 🍺😹
14:05 <weakkittyfights> UGGGGGHHHHH your brutal fist goes into my chin as i fall to the ground dazed getting up quickly and staggering as more blood drips from my mouth as i raise my fist feeling blurry and weary as my thighs feel wobbly trying to keep going not letting you get me as i charge at you swinging my right fist toward your head
14:05 <weakkittyfights> yt
14:06 <Steven_Strong> Come on Terri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14:07 <terriwrestle> making you pay for slowing down as i slam your chin with my uppercut and drop this bitch and start to recover now as i see you back up tough girl as you charge me but i see you coming and duck your swing as i try to slam my left fist into your side,,,,,yt
14:07 <Steven_Strong> Whohoooooo yes yes yes
14:07 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> That - a - girl terri!!!
14:08 <Nathan_gingerbread> Look out kitty
14:09 <Steven_Strong> Look at Nathan Kitty ;)
14:10 <weakkittyfights> AGGGGGGH i moan as your fist goes into my side as i bend my side burning in pain as i cry out in pain holding my side with my right hand and trying to resist the pain as i send a weary left punch toward your belly yt
14:10 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> you got her now terri!!!
14:10 <Steven_Strong> Yesss
14:10 <Steven_Strong> Flex your ABS Terri!!
14:11 <terriwrestle> avoiding your charge as i slam your side and watch you fold as i see you send your fist towards my belly but i step to the side now and try to sneak behind you as i look to wrap my arms tight around your body,,,,yt
14:13 <weakkittyfights> my eyes open wide as you wrap your arms around my weary body my side in terrible pain as my sweaty body squirms around in your arms yt
14:13 <Steven_Strong> Clap..clap..clap... Terri.... go!
14:14 <terriwrestle> stepping behind you now as i lock my arms tight and brace my feet as i start to squeeze my hug now and try to slow you down in my grip,,,,yt
14:18 <weakkittyfights> my mouth opens wide as i feel your arms tight squeezing my body as my body starts trembling and shaking as i turn my face right to left in a panick my thighs shaking as the squeeze is intense yt
14:19 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> you got her good terri!!!! maybe terri will get a chance to sit on her face for a ending!!
14:20 <terriwrestle> feeling good now as i keep the pressure going and hiss,,,,"" give bitch your mine""" shaking your body in my grip as i try to keep the squeeze going,,,,yt
14:20 <philman29> Get her and finish her Terri
14:20 <Steven_Strong> Goodnight Kitty
14:24 <weakkittyfights> i start to cough and gag , saliva dripping from the side on my mouth along with the blood that was dripping as i stick out my tongue my body convulsing as my face turns red and my bones are about ready to snap as my body is under too much pressure yt
14:24 <Steven_Strong> hahahahahah TAP TAP TAP
14:26 <terriwrestle> lifting up now as i try to bring you off your feet and turn as i try to slam you chest first into the canvas and let go,,,,,yt
14:26 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> WOOO HOOOOO!!!
14:26 <Dimitri_Dragoon> *leans forward, steepling his fingers.*
14:29 <weakkittyfights> my heart racing fast as you pick me up by your strength and slam my body to the ground i land face down as my head hits the ground my eyes roll back and my body goes motionless as i pass out and cum soaks my bottoms as i lay spread out face down unconcious yt
14:30 <Steven_Strong> Hahahahahahaha Kitty hasbeen shown her place
14:31 <Loki_sub_of_Foxy> I'm so proud of terri! she's wonderful
14:31 <terriwrestle> planting my foot down onto your back as i flex my arms in victory,,,,,moving to the corner post now as i sit on the corner post and look to the crowd,,,,"" please try to not break her to much,,,,,,yt
14:31 <Dimitri_Dragoon> *claps* good show!

<Published> 2023-05-30, viewed 49 times.




2023-06-03 10:51

poor kitty got beating and humiliate, very sexy though

Steven Strong

2023-05-30 18:10

Terri, you need to train harder!