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Backyard fight: Lara vs Skylaerr

Skylaerr (deleted member)
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18:50 <Lara_Black_Cat> Waiting for you in the backyard of the bar, bitch. I am wearing black leather leggings, a black plunging neckline top, and heavy boots with thick soles. YT
18:51 <Skylaerr> *I make my way to the back of the bar, seeing you there, I just grin, smirking down at you* I'm surprised you actually showed up, bitch. You'll regret it soon enough *Taunting as I step closer*
18:53 <Lara_Black_Cat> (What are you wearing?) We stand face to face. Are you ready for pain and humiliation, you fucking cunt? I raise my fists higher. YT
18:54 <Skylaerr>
18:55 <Skylaerr> *I stand, a few inches taller than you, glaring down as we face off, a snarl across my lips, my breathing quickening* I'll show you what a cunt is *I respond angrily as you raise your fists, I don't bother waiting, stepping forward with my left leg and driving my right knee up into your stomach*
18:58 <Lara_Black_Cat> I was about to drive my fist into your face, but I didn't have time. Suddenly your knee hits my stomach. "Ahhhh!!!!!" I double over in pain. Damn, this was very unexpected for me. I am very angry that the fight started like this and anger helps me endure the pain in my stomach. I straighten up like a spring and hit your boobs with an uppercut. YT
19:00 <Skylaerr> *I let out a taunting chuckle as you double over in pain, mocking* Awww, what's wrong, bitch? Hurt already *Taunting with another giggle as I step forward about to reach for your head and yank when I'm stopped feeling your fist fly upwards into my chest, I let out a startled grunt as I take a step back, prepping my own fists, my eyes glaring* You fucking bitch
19:03 <Lara_Black_Cat> "What's wrong, whore? Do your fake boobs hurt?", I taunt you. I get into a boxing stance, my fists protecting my face. I slowly snuggle up to you and suddenly throw a fake straight fist into your face and kick into your thigh.
19:03 <Lara_Black_Cat> YT
19:07 <Skylaerr> *Getting frustrated, I nearly growl, putting up my arms and approaching you, trying to read your moves, I dodge your fist, not seeing your boot fly up and crash harshly into my thigh, I stumble and nearly keel over, but manage to stay on my feet, my face burning red with anger as I'm turned, I swing my arm up frantically, swinging it back furiously in attempt to backhand your face behind me*
19:14 <Lara_Black_Cat> I get hit hard in the face, my head jerks to the side. I press my left hand to my face and step back. "Damn... My face! You'll pay for this, you stupid bimbo bitch!
19:15 <Lara_Black_Cat> YT
19:17 <Skylaerr> *I'm collecting myself and my breath, I shake my leg a little as you cup your face, I sneer* "I don't think I will, bitch" *I say coldly stepping forward and thrusting my fist hard into your stomach twice*
19:21 <Lara_Black_Cat> Punches to the stomach make me suffer and I moan in pain. "Ahhh... bitch..." To stop this beating, I have to go into the clinch. In the clinch, I grab your hair with both hands and shake your head from side to side. "Grrr you glam whore, I'll rip your fucking hair out" YT
19:23 <Skylaerr> *I'm about to strike again when your hands grasp at my hair and yank, pulling me up as you shake my head wildly back and forth, I grunt out in aggravation as you swing my head side to side, panting, I manage to reach my arms up, under yours and wrap them around your neck, embracing as I pull you closer and drive my knee up again hard into your stomach* "Let go you fucking bitch" *I shout before kneeing you again*
19:26 <Lara_Black_Cat> Too many shots in my stomach for me to stand on my feet afterwards. I scream in pain and fall to my knees, both hands pressed to my stomach. "Fuck... Bitch..... Ahhhh" YT
19:28 <Skylaerr> *I give my head a quick shake, composing myself when you let go, falling to your knees. I can't help but chuckle as I stand over you* "Oh I'm just getting started, whore" *My voice cold and angry as I reach back and grab the top of your hair, holding it firmly as my free hand begins slapping you across the face, back and forth with my palm and backhand several times over and over as I hold you there, taunting and laughing*
19:31 <Lara_Black_Cat> My head jerks from side to side after every slap. My cheeks are red from slaps. God, how humiliating it is for me to be on my knees in front of this whore and get slapped in the face. To stop this humiliation, I'm doing a dirty trick. I'm punching between your legs with my right fist. YT
19:34 <Skylaerr> *As I slap you again, I don't notice your arm moving, suddenly thrusting forward and punching me right between my legs. The shocking impact causes me to let go of your hair and stumble back and few steps, with heavy breaths as I clutch at my groin* Yu'll fucking pay for that you stupid bitch!
19:37 <Lara_Black_Cat> "No whore, you pay me, eat it bitch!" I quickly get to my feet and land a right uppercut under your jaw while your arms are too low to block my shot. YT
19:46 <Skylaerr> *I try to avoid, but can't as I feel your fist slam under my jaw, I let out a soft howl in anguish as my head snaps up and I stumble back, hitting the wall behind me, panting with frustration and adrenaline, I quickly push off the wall and lower my shoulder, lunging forward at you and driving my shoulder harshly into your stomach tackling you to the ground*
19:51 <Lara_Black_Cat> Damn, I didn't expect you to be able to pull this trick after an uppercut. Shoulder crashes into my stomach and I fall to the ground under you. Lying on the ground, I grab your hair with my left hand and hit your cheek with my right fist several times. " "Grrr whore! Get off me!!" YT
19:54 <Skylaerr> *I let out strong grunts as your fist swings up into my cheek, but I stay on top of you, glaring, I lift my leg and drive my knee down hard between yours, crashing my knee into your cunt on the ground before taking your hair in my hands, lifting, and slamming the back of your head into the ground several times* You'll fucking learn, bitch" *I scold again before slamming your head down another time*
19:58 <Lara_Black_Cat> Your knee crashes between my legs and it makes me let go of your hair and scream in pain: "Aaaaah, you fucking bitch!!! Ahhh, fuck!" Severe pain between my legs does not allow me to react and you hit me with the back of my head on the ground. It disorientates me, makes me dizzy. My hands fall to the ground. YT
20:01 <Skylaerr> *For good measure, I slam your head into the ground one final time as your hands fall to the ground, panting in frustration at this goth bitch beneath me. I sit, full weight on your stomach, running my hand through my hair as I catch my breath, wiping a bit of blood from my cheeks from your punches off my face. The sight of it makes me angry again as I sit on you, balling into a fist, I level a brutal right hand punch straight down into your face*
20:06 <Lara_Black_Cat> After you slammed the back of my head into the ground, I feel really bad. But this is not the end of my suffering. Your fist crushes my face mercilessly, blood squirts from my mouth. It doesn't knock me out, I'm still conscious, but I'm completely disoriented and I look finished. "ohhh.... "
20:06 <Lara_Black_Cat> YT
20:10 <Skylaerr> *With a sick chuckle, I lean down close, and lick a few drops of blood from your disoriented cheek* "What's wrong, bitch?" *I taunt again, this time slapping your cheek* "Finally learning your place?" *backhanding your other cheek before I finally stand up with a chuckle, standing over you lying there on the ground, I lift my heel up and stomp it down onto your stomach several times as you lie there* Just a weak little goth bitch *Kicking your ribs* Nothing compared to me *My foot swinging forward, unforgiving, crashing directly into your face as you lie there, kicking you, with a laugh*
20:17 <Lara_Black_Cat> I lie helpless on the ground. I understand that this glamorous woman kicked my ass, it's humiliating for me. But she's not done with me yet. "Aaahhh no!!" I moan as you slap my face. "Ahhh stop it!! Stop it!" I scream in pain as you kick my stomach. "Aaaahhh!! I give up! Spare me," I moan as you kick my gorgeous big boobs. But you keep beating me and a kick in my face turns off the light in my eyes, I'm knocked out. I am lying on the ground unconscious. YT
20:20 <Skylaerr> *Seeing you go limp, and knocked out, I stand over you, laughing. Reaching down and grabbing your hair, with no remorse whatsoever, dragging your body across the floor and back out to the bar where I grab a bottle of tequila, taking a sip straight from the bottle before dumping the rest of it over your face and body* Bitch.
20:24 <Lara_Black_Cat> I wake up with tequila pouring down my face. I'm still disoriented and don't understand what happened to me. But I can feel the blood on my lips and the pain in my boobs and remember that I had a fight with a glamorous bitch outside the bar. "Ohhh no...." I try to get up but I can't.
20:24 <Lara_Black_Cat> YT
20:26 <Skylaerr> *You hear me laughing as I stand over you, the bottle emptied onto your face and body* Awww, look who woke up. The little goth bitch *I taunt placing my heel on your stomach, standing over you, pressing down.* Already come back for more, or ready to admit you're nothing but my weak little goth bitch?
20:30 <Lara_Black_Cat> I know that I'm in trouble and I'm too beaten up to be tough on this bitch. When your foot presses into my stomach, I have to finally humiliate myself and admit my defeat: "Ahhh!! You won, I'm your weak bitch...!!"
20:31 <Skylaerr> *With a giggle, I stomp down on your stomach, my heel digging in with no remorse as I cup my hand to my hear mocking, leaning down* I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you *mocking in cold fashion, twisting my heel in your stomach* "Can you say that again for me?"
20:33 <Lara_Black_Cat> "Ahhhh!!! Don't touch me, ohhh!". I say loudly: "I'm your little weak bitch. Please let me go..." YT
20:38 <Skylaerr> "Let you go?" *I ask coldly, reaching down and grabbing your hair* "Why would I do that?" *I yank up harshly, pulling your weakened body up to your feet, holding tightly my grip in your hair* "You want to go?" *I say angrily, suddenly spinning in a half circle, dragging you with me before letting you go and throwing your body slamming against the bar with a vicious crash. Not stopping or relenting as I step forward as you're bent over and take your hair again, this time yanking back as hard as I can and slamming your body back down onto the floor* "You can leave whenever you like" *KIcking your side and turning you onto your stomach, I squat over your back, and pull your hair up, stretching your back and neck as I taunt and torment you, holding you there, I laugh and point straight in front of you* "The door's right there"
20:44 <Lara_Black_Cat> You throw me by the hair on the bar and back on the floor and I lie helplessly on the floor again. I cry and moan in humiliation and pain when you turn me face down. When you pull my black hair up, it makes my body arch. I scream in pain: "Aaaahhh, damn it!! Mercy!! Please stop!" The glamorous bitch keeps beating and humiliating me and I can't do anything about it. YT
20:51 <Skylaerr> "Mercy?" *I chuckle again before thrusting my hands down, smashing your face into the cold hard floor. "After how you acted?" I slam your face down again. And again. Ruthless, brutal, no remorse, smashing your face into the ground. "You'll find no mercy here, goth bitch" *I scowl, as I stand up, over you, and with a final, excruciating lift of my leg, I stomp my foot and heel down as hard as I can into the back of your head, squashing your face once more lifelessly into the cold hard floor. I give a small grunt, a quick breath, as I fix my immaculate hair before grabbing your and dragging your limp body to the door, opening it and throwing you onto the street with the other garbage* "Bye bye bitch" as I close the door and leave you out there lifeless.*
20:57 <Lara_Black_Cat> You drive my face into the floor over and over and me. There is a bloody trail on the floor. I lose consciousness again and no longer feel how you kick my back and head. I'm knocked out cold. I'm lying on the muddy ground in my backyard. My face is completely broken and all in blood. My leather leggings are torn at my thigh, the cleavage of my top shows bruises on my boobs from your kick. I'm lying unconscious, but I'm still alive. I will have to spend the next couple of weeks in the hospital.
20:57 <Lara_Black_Cat> (End)

<Published> 2023-06-18, viewed 66 times.

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