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Kitty Vs Megan In Outdoor Rematch Fight

Princess Kitty (deleted member)
MeganFrost (deleted member)

04:18 <weakkittyfights> I have created the public room #Kitty_Vs_Megan_Rematch.
04:19 <HimothyFighter> Sits behind Megan’s side as I root for her
04:20 <weakkittyfights> hey Megan !
04:20 <weakkittyfights> you ready to get your butt beat down ?
04:20 <IrishBoxer2023> Get her Megan!
04:20 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> Like I said, you’ll end up on your back once more covered in your own mess
04:21 <EJ_The_Growler> Ohmy.
04:21 <weakkittyfights> Talk is cheap just like you
04:21 <HimothyFighter> Oh wow
04:21 <weakkittyfights> Guess i have to close that mouth of yours
04:21 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> Go ahead, bring it 😏
04:22 <weakkittyfights> i step out on the grass in a open field
04:23 <The_Mangler> Sits down...with beer....CMON MEGAN
04:23 <weakkittyfights> wearing >You are not logged in.
04:23 <Lisa_the_sexfighter> Fight! Fight! Fight!!
04:24 <weakkittyfights> my fist raised up as i come toward you circling you looking in your eyes
04:24 <Levii> *takes a seat beside Lisa*
04:24 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> I enter the field, in a Dark blue and black Bikini outfit and my long brown hair is down, standing 5’7 as I see you, glaring at you, raising my fists up to circle you as I keep my eyes on you.
04:24 <IrishBoxer2023> *sits next to Mangler* hey man!
04:25 <HimothyFighter> Get her Megan!
04:27 <weakkittyfights> 5 ft 5 118 lbs i wiggle my ass for the audience and take off my top letting my 32bs dangle as i pretend to swing my left fist toward your right side of your face but then swing my right fist toward the left side of your cheek yt
04:28 <Robs40> O yeah... kitty is getting punished
04:28 <The_Mangler> Booooooo
04:29 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> I weigh 141lbs as I listen to the audience cheering in the back, seeing a fist come at me, swatting it away but keeping my eyes on you, ducking under the second incoming fist that I was expecting and attempting for 2 punches to your stomach.
04:30 <HimothyFighter> Wooooo fuck her up!
04:30 <Robs40> Kitty is going down
04:31 <EJ_The_Growler> on whom?
04:31 <Robs40> *looks around...I hope me
04:33 <weakkittyfights> upset that my punch failed as i feel your fists go into my tummy as i bend slightly with the first punch trying to take the burning pain and attempt to punch back with my right fist but your 2nd punch stops me as i crumble falling to my knees holding my nauseated tummy coughing out saliva yt
04:34 <The_Mangler> YESSSSSSSS
04:34 <HimothyFighter> HAHAHA
04:35 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> My punches hit, stopping you in your tracks, making you fall to your knees as you hold your belly. I quickly take the opportunity to try ramming my knee up into your chin, hoping to do some damage to your jaw as your coughing out for air.
04:36 <Levii> BOOO!
04:37 <weakkittyfights> OYEEEEEEEEeyour knee brutally in my chin as i fall to the ground on my back in a daze looking up in a blurr as blood drips from the left side of my mouth yt
04:41 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> I laugh, before attempting to stomp on your stomach as you cough up blood and are already dazed from just 3 hits of this fight, “oh your in for it now ‘hun’” I mock you.
04:43 <weakkittyfights> AGGGGH my body twitches as your foot goes in my battered red tummy as i turn over laying on my right side holding my tummy feeling like i want to puke as i breath hard and fast my body trembling yt
04:46 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> “Well, you were talking all that shit. Get up and fight you bitch! Don’t make me get bored of you that quickly.” I laugh, waiting for you to get up as you turn over and breathe hard on the grass.
04:47 <Lisa_the_sexfighter> Oh damn, she's so weakk
04:47 <Levii> Cmon Kitty!
04:48 <weakkittyfights> i feel imbarrassed as i look around at the audience as i get up slowly holding my battered tummy with my right hand and wiping my mouth with my left then slowly raising up my fists in fear as i check you out my heart beating fast trying to control my shaky thighs yt
04:50 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> “You got your self into this mess, you gotta play tough like the big girls if you want to play with them!” I taunt, watching you finally get up on shaky legs, seeing you raise your fists as you check me up and down. I raise my fists as well, smiling.
04:52 <weakkittyfights> i see you smiling that sparks up a flame as i send a punch with my right fist toward your left boob as i yell YOU BITCHHHH ! yt
04:54 <Lisa_the_sexfighter> Kitty is so going down again
04:54 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> I gasp out as your punch hits my boob, I let out a gasp, stumbling back, “Alright ‘hun’, you got your one free hit in,” I smirk, before coming back on you and attempting a right hook followed by a left.
04:55 <Levii> *covers Lisa’s mouth* Hushhh
04:56 <weakkittyfights> i block your right with my left arm feeling the pain and duck from your left punch as i send a uppercut to your belly
04:56 <weakkittyfights> yt
04:57 <IrishBoxer2023> Come on Megan get her!
04:57 <The_Mangler> Take her down Megan
05:03 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> I grunt as you punch my belly and block my first punch, feeling a bit of air leave as I attempt to ram my knee up and into your stomach as you stand back up, trying to stop your sudden momentum.
05:03 <The_Mangler> CMON MEGAN
05:05 <weakkittyfights> aaagghh i moan as your knee goes in my nauseated tummy i back off holding my tummy with my left hand trying to take the pain yt
05:05 <The_Mangler> Keep on her....
05:06 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> I continue on, coming on you as I try punching your face right in the center as your hand moves down to your belly, your moan only encouraging me to continue my onslaught.
05:07 <The_Mangler> Take the fight out of her...
05:07 <beachtownbabe> come on kitty...
05:07 <Lisa_the_sexfighter> She's going down again~
05:09 <weakkittyfights> BAHHHH my head tilts back with her punch as i stagger back my nose now bleeding i feel dazed and confused as i rush toward you swinging my right fist loosely toward your face as i yell BITCHHHHHHH ! yt
05:10 <Levii> Go Kitty!
05:10 <The_Mangler> *Glares at Levi*
05:11 <The_Mangler> Don't let up Megan
05:11 <Lisa_the_sexfighter> *covers Levii's mouth* hushhh
05:11 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> ‘Well at least she’s trying’ I think to my self before waiting last minute to reach out and try and grab her swinging arm, attempting to twist it up your back as you rush at me dazed and confused. “I’m sorry, what was that?” I smirk.
05:12 <weakkittyfights> AHHHHH MY ARM LET GO LET GO BITCHH ! yt
05:15 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> Oh what’s the matter? The kitten trapped?* I laugh, using my grip on your arm to turn you around, releasing it, before attempting 2 punches to your boobs as you stand there.
05:17 <The_Mangler> YEASSSSSSSSSSS
05:19 <Levii> *pushes Lisa’s hand off* Let go of her !
05:19 <weakkittyfights> my face grimaces with pain as your fist goes deep into my boobs burning in extreme pain as my body tenses with your attack my thighs trembling as my arms dangle down at my sides as i have no more fight left in me surrendering myself to you as i moan and cry in pain , cum flowing down my shaky thighs yt
05:21 <IrishBoxer2023> 👀
05:22 <IrishBoxer2023> This might be what I call… a CKO!
05:22 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> Fuckin slut, Think about what you say before playing tough! I taunt, deciding to punch your boobs twice more as cum leaks down your thighs, I smile evilly before I attempt to ram my knee into your crotch hard. ‘And you deserved that one.’ I say.
05:22 <The_Mangler> Ha ha....now that's awesome...
05:22 <Lisa_the_sexfighter> And Kitty meets her pathetic end~
05:24 <Levii> Arghh..
05:24 <Lisa_the_sexfighter> Suck it, Levii
05:25 <The_Mangler> Love it when Levi loses....
05:25 <weakkittyfights> your fist pummeling my battered red boobs as my body twitches then i feel your knee in my kitty as i scream out in pain falling to the ground holding my burning wet kitty as i lay face down my hands between my thighs crying in pain yt
05:25 <The_Mangler> High fives Lisa 🤚
05:27 <weakkittyfights> i hope levii kicks your ass
05:27 <Lisa_the_sexfighter> High five Mangler! ✋🏼
05:27 <Levii> Dw i’ll kick both their asses;)
05:27 <IrishBoxer2023> YES!!! Way to go Megan!
05:27 <The_Mangler> PFFFFFFFT
05:28 <HimothyFighter> Haha well done Megan
05:28 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> I lean down, grabbing you by your hair as I lift your head up to talk in your ear, ‘keep your mouth shut bitch.’ Before ramming it back down into the dirt.
05:30 <weakkittyfights> i cry as you roughly lift my head up as my feet kick up and down wildly yt
05:31 <The_Mangler> Good job Megan
05:31 <beachtownbabe> poor kitty...
05:32 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> Using my grip in your hair, I decide to add in a scissor hold into it, attempting to re-position you so your head is rested on my waist, legs clamped around your throat squeezing as I look to finish you off on the grass, sitting behind you with my hand still in your hair.
05:33 <Lisa_the_sexfighter> Oh look at that~
05:37 <weakkittyfights> my eyes open wide as i panick you ontop of me as my body squirms underneath you and trembles and shakes as my feet keep kicking up and down wildly as my hands try to loosen your strong thighs from my neck as i stick out my tongue gasping for air feeling your thighs flex as my red face turns blue and my feet stop kicking and my body stops convulsing as i pass out with more cum soaking up my panties my body is limp underneath you yt
05:38 <The_Mangler> Well done Megan.....
05:40 <MeganTheWrestlingGirl> Once she is passed out, I use my grip in her hair to drag her off my legs, getting up as I look down at her cum filled limp body, before leaving her out cold in the grass.

<Published> 2023-06-20, viewed 71 times.
