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Established: 2022-09-21

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Basement fight at the Majestic

<Fighting_Charlotte> So...there's this girl I met recently. She seemed sort of nice at first. She has dirty blonde hair, thin lips...I guess a friendly smile and large dark brown eyes. We chatted for a bit and I couldn't help thinking she was scrawny. Later things clicked when I heard she was a dancer and people called her mouse. Mousy....the name name fits. Saw her again. She was sipping a coke, wearing a red jacket and pretty cool red shades fashionably perched on her head. There was a less of a smile and for some reason the conversation was cold, collected. Third time I saw her, was in the ladies room of a club. Her hair was curled and flowed freely over her shoulder. The corners of her mouth were facing down. She was dressed in a white sequined dress with a fashionable sand coloured vest and lacquered white high heels. She was taking a selfie with that look on her face. I tried to chat with her, but she was having nothing of it. "Bitch" I thought to myself...I took a selfie of my own just for fun, making it obvious to her that I was sort of "copying" her but having fun with it. I got home late that night and started to go through the usual forums....and lo and behold....I come across the selfie I saw in the making...but below it, it said "Fight me!". The post was five minutes old. My mouse hovers over the reply button...and then I click sending a response. "I'll fight you!"


<The_Mouse> I sent the selfie, and I got an answer very fast. I was sure, you hate me and this is mutual. I lick my lips.. we seem very even, and I feel, we will trade a lot of pain. I had bad day... and I want to beat somebody wildly. I need a good and durable opponent, who can bear long beating. And I am OK, when she will fight back, and hurt me too. I write fast "What and how?"


<Fighting_Charlotte> I suddenly realize we're having a conversation. She is live and we're chatting. I respond "District VII, "The Majestic". It sounds like something opulent, but it's not. In reality it's a non descript apartment building. Walk around the back there's the parking lot and a back entrance for residents. Still not much to the eye...but if you know the underground fight scene the way I do....you'll know there's a doorbell above the door of a neon lit staircase. Press that bell and someone large dressed in black will come up out of the basement and open the door. There you must mention the name of who once introduced you, and the name of your opponent. If that checks out, he'll let you in....bring you downstairs and show you which basement storage room will be yours for the night. I get undressed...to wearing only a bra and panties....I put on an overcoat and head out for our rendez vous...

<The_Mouse> I arrive to the building and find the doorbell button what you described. I am excited. We will have a fight. A hard fight. Between two even fighter, I hope. I am ready to hurt you and ready to get pain in return. Push the button and my heart racing wildly. I take deep breaths. Try to seem calm and confident.

<Fighting_Charlotte> I've arrived early and I'm guided through to where we're to fight. I tell the big man to wait for a second. I take off my coat revealing my attire and give him the coat. He looks at me appreciatively before grabbing the handle of the heavy metal door. Door 08. It opens with a metalic creak and I step into the room. It's cramped, 2x2m...concrete....there's blood on the wall, I'm sure...but you can't see it because the only lighting provided is by a red light fixture within a caged setting. I step in and the door closes with an echo....Here I await my opponent.

<The_Mouse> I hear somebody is come and open the door. A man is here, and I say to him: "Hello... I have a date here. Dora, Charlotte. You probably know, where exactly." He nod "A date... strange date.." he say and led me to a steel door and open it. I smile at him and step in. Hear as the door closing behind me. And see you, I smirk, and don't say any word, only undress myself, until I wear my pantie and top. Hang my clothes on a hook, besides the door.

<Fighting_Charlotte> Within the room there is silence. No sounds from the outside manage to come in. It gives me time to relax, control my heart rate....get myself into a mental state to fight hard. A "clang" announces someone at the door, it opens and there I see you. You step into the room wearing nothing but panties and a bra. You're thin, lean even with a muscle definition common with dancers. Our eyes are transfixed, glaring with hate...which is a prerequisite for entering such a room. The door closes and it is just us now. "I'm going to fuck you up bitch"

<The_Mouse> "No way..." I hiss. Come closer to you. I can't wait to grab you. But I must be careful. You seem very equal to me. I don't want give you a chance to gain advantage first. Bend my knees a bit and hold my palms open. Start circling slowly.
<Fighting_Charlotte> I watch you circle, sizing you up. Your confidence is palpable but so is mine. I can tell we're evenly matched. It makes my blood boil with anticipation. I take a step forward, then another, closing the distance between us. My eyes never leave yours as I approach. You think you can beat me cunt, huh? Prove it", I taunt, my voice low and challenging. As I near, I suddenly lunge forward, aiming a swift swipe at your face.

<The_Mouse> You mocking me. But I am aware, you can fight. I heard from my friends. Watching on you and don't answer. And you attack. It is not fake, you try to hit my face. I step and lean back... you miss me, then lunge forward, try to hit your left ribs with my right fist.

<Fighting_Charlotte> I feel the air rush past my face as your fist narrowly misses my ribs. Damn, you're fast! I stumble slightly from the momentum but quickly regain my footing. Anger flares inside me - anger that you dared to strike first. Without hesitation, I charge forward again, swinging wildly at your face...knowing this is the start of what will become a vicious fight...where we won't stop until one of us is broken and bleeding on the floor.

<The_Mouse> You rush at me and hit my face wildly. I stumble back, feel the concrete wall on my back. Yank my knee up, to my chest and then fire out my heel, aiming to your lower belly. I try to hurt your ovaries. This will be desperate fight...
<Fighting_Charlotte> I grunt as your heel connects with my stomach, the wind knocked out of me momentarily. I double over slightly but quickly straighten up, grabbing onto your leg and yanking hard, trying to pull you off balance.

<The_Mouse> You bend over... and grab my leg and pull. I lost my balance, and grab your hair, as I fall on my back. Pull your head close, try to snap my legs around your neck.
<Fighting_Charlotte> As you stumble, I lash out with a punch aimed directly at your nose, hoping to hear the satisfying crunch of cartilage breaking under my knuckles. You grab at my hair and when your legs come up, I try to fend them off. I punch one more at your face as I spit out venomous words, "Fucking whore, I'm gonna break you!"

<The_Mouse> I try to trap your head but you fight hard and hit my nose. My blood start running.. You try to hit me again, but I pull my right hand back. Hold your head from your hair with my left hand, and hit your left eye so hard as I can... Try to slide my right leg under your left armpit and my left leg over your right shoulder. Try to trap you between my thighs.

<Fighting_Charlotte> I cry out in pain as your fist collides with my eye, stars exploding across my vision. Through the haze of agony, I feel your legs wrap around me, squeezing tight. I thrash and struggle, trying desperately to break free. With my good eye, I see the blood streaming from your nose and it only fuels my rage. I reach up, clawing at your face, raking my nails down your cheeks. "Bitch!" I scream, spittle flying from my lips. "I'll kill you!"

<The_Mouse> I lock you in my scissor. Cross my ankles behind your back, and squeeze you with all my force. I lay and squirm in my own blood.. You grab my face and claw me. I cry out.. try to hit your nose now with my right fist.

<Fighting_Charlotte> I gasp as your grip tightens, the pressure building unbearable. My breath comes in ragged pants as I strain against your hold. I feel the sting of your punches to my nose but refuse to yield. Instead, I throw my head back, connecting solidly with your jaw. Fuck you! I spit out defiantly, determined to make you pay for every ounce of pain you inflict upon me. I push you back hard, trying to create space and then throw a bare knuckled fist straigh into your left tit...hoping it'll bruise the ribs below it.

<The_Mouse> You are over me, you have better position to hit me. But I have a good trap on you, I have better position to squeeze you. You hit my left tit, and I feel your knuckles on my ribs, as you flatten my small boob. I moan in pain... And slide my own left ankle under my right knee, and bend my knee. I convert my scissor into a fig4 now, to squeeze your upper body harder.

<Fighting_Charlotte> I groan in frustration as you cinch the figure-four around my torso, the unrelenting pressure making it difficult to breathe. Desperate to escape, I grab your throat with my left hand hand start to hammer my right fist into your small breast, feeling your tit compress and my fist repeatedly hit bone beneath the blows. Your moans of pain spur me on, filling me with a sadistic sense of satisfaction. "Scream for me, bitch", I growl, my face twisted in a tortured scowl...hoping my onslaught will weaken your hold enough to escape.

<The_Mouse> You towering over me and start choke. Hit my tit with your right fist from side.. I moan, you hit well and hard. I grab your hand on my neck. Take a firm grip on your wrist with my left hand and drill my fingers between yours. Close my fist around your middle finger finally, and flex it backwards brutally. I want hurt you back... This is from the mutual torture now.

<Fighting_Charlotte> I let out a piercing shriek as you wrench my finger back, the sickening crack echoing in the confined space. Tears spring to my eyes from the searing pain radiating up from my hand. Instinctively, I release my grip on your throat and attempt to pull away. But your legs remain locked around me, trapping me in place. "You fucking cunt!", I inadvertantly sob, my voice raw with anguish. Through the haze of pain, I notice your bloody nose and the angry red welts blooming across your cheeks where I scratched you. A cruel smile tugs at my lips despite the agony. I raise my other hand, the one not currently throbbing in protest, and aim a vicious scratch at your face. "This is just the beginning, whore. I'm going to destroy you."

<The_Mouse> I break your finger, and feel as your body twitch, and hear your scream. I try to move your broken finger, to torture you more... And you grab and claw my face with your free hand. I squirm, try to twist my head to right, to prevent my broken nose from your hand.

<Fighting_Charlotte> I roar in fury as you manipulate my mangled finger, the excruciating sensation making my vision blur. In a blind rage, I unleash a flurry of scratches and slaps at your face, my nails raking across your skin, leaving bloody furrows in their wake. "You fucking monster!" I howl, my voice a hoarse rasp. "You broke my finger!!! I'll fucking rip your eyes out!" With a Herculean effort, I try to rip my trapped hand free from your grasp and send my elbow crashing down on your mouth. "Die, you filthy whore!" I scream, my eyes wild with madness.

<The_Mouse> You yank your hand free and slam your elbow into my mouth.. I cry out from my deep.. Arch my body back, Push you upper into the air and twist my lower body.. Try to roll us on our sides... and start hit your face with my fists.. left... right.. left.. aimed to your nose and eye...

<Fighting_Charlotte> With a grunt, I fall to my side. Your attempt to dislodge me being succesfull. I cry out in pain as your fists pummel my face, my head snapping back with each impact. Blood pours from my shattered nose, mixing with the sweat dripping down my face. I can taste the coppery fluid on my tongue, feel it trickling down the back of my throat. With a burst of desperation, I lash out wildly, my hands groping and clawing at anything they can reach. My fingers find purchase in your hair and I yank viciously, hoping to tear chunks of scalp from your skull. "Fucking die, you cunt!" I screech, my voice shrill and unhinged. I buck and writhe beneath you, realizing I've managed to free myself from your long wirey legs. Still positioned between your legs, I throw a knee upward, realizing there's no way for you to block it.

<The_Mouse> You claw me brutally... On my full body. I let you out, try to move away, when you kneel into my pussy. I cry out... Grab my own pussy and hold... Roll on my side. try to ease the pain.. rub my pussy... and ball myself on my side into a fetal pose..
<Fighting_Charlotte> My knee lands and your cry echoes through the chamber. You let go and roll off me....I manage to push myself off the ground, my shoulder leaning against the wall, panting heavily. My finger is throbbing and as is my face. I've been bloodied and broken but for now it's you that is in more agony than I am....."Fucking cunt.....", I say, trying to catch my breath. "I beat your skanky ass.... We can stop if you want." I pause, waiting for your response....not sure if the fight is over...."But if you still want to continue, then I won't deny you. So, what do you say? Do we keep going?" I continue...gasping for breath, not fully sure I can continue myself.

<The_Mouse> I gather all my strength.. Roll on my belly, and then push myself up... on my knees. Gasping for the air.. rub my pussy. See you, you are in really bad shape. Similar to me probably. Raise my hands in front of me. "Come closer if you dare. Or you can submit now." I hiss.

<Fighting_Charlotte> I look at you, seeing the defiance in your eyes, the determination etched on your bloody face. Despite my own injuries, there's desire to prove who's truly the victor here. I push myself up along the wall and then step out to the middle, my movements slow and deliberate. "You think you can scare me, bitch?" I sneer, my voice thick with pain and hatred. "I've taken worse than this and kept fighting." I lunge without warning, attempting to tackle you to the ground. We crash together while I scream "Fuck you! You're going down, cunt!"

<The_Mouse> I stand up, and waiting for you. You attack, and grab me. I grab your hair in return and try to twist you under me, as we falling down.

<Fighting_Charlotte> We tumble to the ground in a heap, my hair yanked painfully as you try to overpower me. I cry out, my grip loosening as you wrench my locks. But I refuse to surrender, even as the concrete bites into my skin. Using the momentum of our fall, I hook my leg around your waist and yank hard, trying to flip you underneath me. "Pathetic slut!" I snarl, trying to straddling your hips as we grapple on the cold floor

<The_Mouse> We fall, and you lock me in your scissor. Feel your squeeze around me. We are on the concrete floor.... put my left hand on your chest, to push you back, and create some space between us, and push my right hand down, between your pelvis and my tummy. Grab your pussy and squeeze with all my force. This is WAR...

<Fighting_Charlotte> I let out a guttural groan as you dig your fingers into my pussy, the sudden assault sending shockwaves of pain through my core. My legs clamp tighter around you, the scissor hold unyielding as I struggle to maintain control. I can feel the wetness of my arousal mingling with the blood and sweat coating our bodies. "Fuckkkk!" I curse, my voice strained as I grind my hips against your hand, trying to relieve the intense pressure. I grab at your head and spit in your face...

<The_Mouse> You twitch and spit in my face. Feel as you harden your squeeze... My fingers searching and finally find a way under your pantie and grab your clit, and pinch you hard. Squeeze and crush your clit, try to break your scissor with pain.

<Fighting_Charlotte> My entire body convulses as you pin my clit between your fingers, the sharp burst of pain cutting through the fog of battle. I cry out, tears pricking at my eyes as I squeeze my legs tighter, trying to shield myself from your torment. The mixture of pleasure and agony sends shivers coursing through me, my body trembling uncontrollably. I bite down hard on my lip, refusing to give you the satisfaction of hearing me whimper. "You fucking bitch...", I growl through clenched teeth. Determined to make you suffer as much as possible I rear my head and throw it forward straight into your nose.

<The_Mouse> I torture your clit... you headbutt me! I cry out, my broken nose hurt like hell. I collapse on you. Squeeze your clit with all my force and push my face on your chest and try to bite your left nipple.

<Fighting_Charlotte> I feel your hot breath on my chest before your teeth sink into my tender flesh. I scream in pain as you maul my sensitive nub. I throw my head back, arching my spine as the dual sensations overwhelm me. My legs quiver around you, the muscles burning with exertion. I know I can't maintain this hold much longer. With a burst of desperation, I reach into the air and as if I'm plucking an apple I slam my elbow into your shoulder blade and spine repeatedly..."Take this, you fucking whore!" I snarl, my voice ragged and barely coherent as I want to inflict just as much, perhaps more pain onto you than you to me.

<The_Mouse> I squeeze and bite you and you writhing in agony and hit my body when you reach me. My shoulder and spine are under brutal attack. I start chew your nipple to hurt you. Slide my free left hand on your face and searching for your eyes.

<Fighting_Charlotte> I wail in anguish as you mercilessly gnaw on my nipple, the pain shooting through my chest like lightning. My body jerks violently as you assault my most sensitive area. I feel your hand groping my face, seeking out my eyes. In a moment of clarity, I realize this could be my chance to end things. With a surge of adrenaline, I open my mouth wide and clench my teeth around your wrist, biting down with all my might. I hope to break free and gain the upper hand once more. "You're going to regret this, you nasty cunt", I hiss through gritted teeth, my eyes blazing with a feral intensity.

<The_Mouse> I try to hurt you more and go for your eyes.. But you bite my wrist!! MMmmmmmggh!!! I bite your nipple harder, to hurt you back, and pull and twist your clit. We both are trapped painfully. And the duel and torture continued...

<Fighting_Charlotte> I scream as you twist and tug at my clit, the agonizing pleasure-pain making my vision blur. I can taste blood on my tongue from biting your wrist, but I don't care. All that matters is ending this nightmare. With a frenzied roar, I use my free hand to grab your hair and yank your head back with all my strength. I have to bite down the pain of my broken finger as I whiten my knuckles in your hair. I pound my other fist into your exposed throat, desperate to render you unconscious.

<The_Mouse> I torture you and feel your agony. Then you grab my hair with your damaged hand and yank back... And hit my throat. I cough... can't breathe... Let you out and grab my own throat and try to get air...

<Fighting_Charlotte> I watch you gasp desperately for air, your eyes bulging as you clutch your bruised throat. A part of me wants to end this cruelty, but another darker instinct urges me to press my advantage. Seizing the opportunity, I get...slower than I'd want to....I look down and with my inured hand in your hair, I grab your chin roughly with my uninjured hand, forcing you to meet my gaze. "Look at me, you pathetic whore", I hiss, my voice dripping with venom. "Admit defeat. Beg for mercy and maybe I'll consider letting you walk out consciously". I lean in close, my breath hot against your battered face. "But if you keep resisting, I swear I'll destroy you completely."

<The_Mouse> I fighting for the air.. You bitch... Hold my neck... try to breathe.. Then feel, I will run out from the air. I nod at you and then all turn into black and collapse on you.

<Fighting_Charlotte> I feel your body go limp beneath mine as you succumb to the lack of oxygen. I release my grip on your throat, watching with a mix of relief and grim satisfaction as you slump against the cold concrete. Panting heavily, I slowly rise to my feet, my body aching from the relentless battle. I look down at your still form, a twisted sense of pride swelling within me. It's over, I mutter, my voice hoarse from screaming. "You should have submitted when you had the chance." With a final glance at your defeated body, I turn and stumble away, leaving you sprawled in a pool of your own blood and sweat, to bang on the door and signal this fight has come to an end.

<Published> 2024-10-10, viewed 83 times.




2024-10-10 15:09

Love your writing Charlotte. Very well done!


2024-10-10 14:42

This was a great fight now knowing who would win was even better!! Thanks for the story. Will there be a rematch? I hope so!!

Fighting Charlotte

2024-10-10 14:44

(In reply to this)

Thank you...there will....and it's likely havoc will be wrecked in a train's sleeping compartiment.