Established: 2022-09-21
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I Want to Destroy Your Body
<Summer_Hart> Finally! It's Friday, I'm done with my stupid job and I'm meeting my date at the club for a night of drinks, dancing and all kinds of fun (wink wink). The line isn't too long, and as soon as I get inside I head to the bar to order a cocktail. Hmmm... Taking a sip from my drink, I haven't got a text from my date yet. I smooth out my short beige dress a bit, and wander around the club over to the dance floor... and find my guy out there already. And then I see another woman dancing--no grinding!--on my guy. What. The. FUCK! I start stomping over to find out who the fuck this other skank is, feeling the heat rising in my cheeks...

<Claracats> I got a text from my boyfriend to meet at the club. I'm well into the night already and we are dancing..ok..grinding..on the dance floor. It was odd that Brad seemed surprised to see me for a moment, but it's already slipped my mind. I wearing my very short blue dress when I see a girl stomping toward us. I sense already this might be trouble and my eyes narrow seeing her figure displayed in that tight dress.

<Summer_Hart> "Oh heyyyy BRAD. Maybe you were feeling a bit uncomfortable and didn't want to tell this slut grinding on you that you were meeting ME your girlfriend here tonight!" I glare at Brad then over at you, looking up and down your body in that tight blue dress, my eyes going wider at the sight of your big tits practically popping out of it. "Hi, I'm Summer, such a pleasure to meet you. Now kindly fuck off and find some other guy to buy you a drink." I make a shooing motion with my hand to get you to leave.
<Claracats> I smirk at you seeing your eyes on my chest. I have to hold my smirk when I get a good look at yours seeing tits that can challenge mine. "Oh hi Summer I'm Clara. I'm dancing with MY boyfriend at the moment but if you would be so kind as to go fuck yourself, we'd really appreciate it. Oh but bring us some fresh drinks, there's a dear." I slip an empty glass into your waving hand and run mine down Brabs body and grab his crotch.
<Summer_Hart> A look of surprise flashes across my face for a second, but I already know what's going on. Typical fucking Brad. Juggling two women at the same time but he's too much of a bozo to keep straight which one he invited out on a date tonight. Brad is staring at the two of us silently. "Brad, don't say one fucking word!" I warn him, stabbing a finger into his chest. Spinning back around to face you, I slap your hand away from Brad's body. "You want a fresh drink? Here, take this one you fucking bitch!" I take my glass and splash the contents right into your face. "Don't touch my fucking man, Clara!"
<Claracats> Well, that explains why to big dope was a little surprised to see me. He was looking for this little cunt instead, but I showed up and he went, What the hell? I smirk as you slap my hand but I really should have seen the next move. I sputter as the drink hits my face and gets my dress wet, which makes it cling so tightly to my breasts and the cold hardens my nipples too. Now Brad might not be worth fighting over, but if this bitch still wants him I don't want her to have him. "How about I touch you instead, Summer?" I swing a slap right across your face.
<Summer_Hart> Your slap hits me hard on the cheek, sending my hair flying everywhere. I slowly turn back to face you, pushing my hair out of my face, "Never touch me again, you slut!" I lunge forward reaching for your hair, and... two strong hands lock my wrists up and pull me away from you. The bouncers are on their game tonight, and saw this coming from a mile away. I twist and turn in their grip and see they've got you under control too, and without further adieu they quickly drag us off the dance floor. And toss us none too gently out the back door into the alley behind the club! Brad is following just behind the bouncers with a stupid grin on his face. The bouncers yell at us to get out of here and SLAM the door behind them as they go back inside. My eyes snap right back to you, not the slightest bit embarrassed about getting kicked out. "Where were we, bitch? Oh that's right!" I grab onto a handful of your hair and try to throw a fist into your belly. "I was going to fuck you up, cunt!"
<Claracats> This time i see it coming and my hands are going right for your hair when I'm pulled back. "This isn't over, whore." I stumble as I get thrown out the back door. I turn back to you and you hardly miss a beat going right for my hair. I grab at you, grunting as you hit my hard abs. My rounded butt shoots backward, but my grip on your hair keeps me nearly upright. "That's my line, bitch!" I gasp and try to upper cut your big left tit.
<Summer_Hart> "AHhh fuck!" I cry out as your fist rocks my breast almost forcing it out the top of my dress! I retaliate with a hard tug on your hair, twisting your neck to one side, then using my free hand to latch onto your left tit. Squeezing the big mound, I try to dig my fingernails in right through the thin material of your blue dress. "I'm going to pop these fucking tits you whore!"
<Claracats> AHHHHH!! FUCKER!! I shout as you dig into my tit. I can feel your nails through the thin fabric. I snatch back on your hair trying to make you look up. "Right back at ya, cunt!" I latch onto the tit I just punched hard and twist. We stagger and I try to knee your cunt too.
<Summer_Hart> You crank my neck backward so I'm looking right up at the night sky, causing me to gasp. Then I squeal in pain as I feel your hand clamp down on my sensitive breast and crush the soft flesh. Our feet are taking tiny steps as we struggle to stay upright, and then your knee comes up between my legs juusstt barely missing my pussy and blasting my inner thigh instead. "You dirty bitch!" I growl at you, taking both of my hands and grabbing on to the front of your dress. With one hard tug, I rrriiipppp the material right down the middle to release your big tits. I get a double fisted grip on your tits, more than a handful, and try to push you back into a chainlink fence in the alleyway.
<Claracats> AIIIIIIEEE!! I cry out as you get a vicious grip on my tits. I'm forced back to the fence grabbing at your wrists but it's hard to focus for a moment. The pain is horrible but I grit my teeth I push your head back with both hands clawing at your cheeks. "Get OFF!" I slam my open right hand hard across the side of your fiace trying to get you off me. I feel the chain links digging into my now bare back!
<Summer_Hart> "OOowwww!" I moan as your claws rake down the side of my face leaving painful red streaks in their wake! Then your slap catches me off guard, and I stumble back just barely staying on my feet. I rub the side of my face gingerly as you move away from the fence and circle around me. Your bare tits are just too inviting of a target, and I whip my hand around aiming a nasty slap to the side of your tits, slashing my nails across them at the same time. Then I come back with a hard left punch aimed straight at your right breast, trying to flatten it right into your ribcage! "Yah, yaahh! I'm gonna ruin your tits you fucking bimbo!"
<Claracats> I circle away from the fence. My back is cut from the raspy metal here and there. I gasp as you go after my tits slapping one your nails leaving marks on my soft skin, then another punch makes me back away and cry out. I sob a little, but it's fake. But damn that did hurt but it made me furious AND it made my eyes water. I lash out my own fist sinking into your left tit. I reach out and rrrrrrip! your top down. "Try it and lose yours, slut!"
<Summer_Hart> I feel your fist drive deep into the center of my breast, and it explodes in pain making my eyes water a bit. "FFFUCCK!" I scream, totally distracted by my throbbing tits, and don't even react to you tearing open my top. "Ohmyfuckinggod you bitch!" I'm so angry that you've just ruined my favorite dress! Not caring how much my own tits are hurting right now, I press my body into yours and grab onto both of your big mounds. Sinking my nails into the soft flesh, I drag them down slowly to maximize your agony. And I try to make sure that one of my nails drags across your hard nipples...
<Claracats> I snarl as I toss away the shredded fabric of your dress and I sink my claws into both of your big tits, but you have the same idea. My mouth forms a little "O" of agony as you pull them down slow. But I'm not idle. I crush your girls together as I twist them into your chest. My nails are curling down toward your nipples as I slowly work yours. I'm turning a little pale as you work mine and I push with my legs trying to slam you into the dumpster behind us as I let out a little whimper.
<Summer_Hart> My tits feel like they're on fire as you squeeze and claw away at them. I do my best to return the favor, and for several seconds we're locked in mutual torture. But then with a sudden shove, my body goes flying into the empty dumpster, resonating with a loud ddoooom sound in the otherwise quiet alley. The wind gets knocked out of me, and I gasp and cough trying to recover. But through it all, I never let go of your tits, holding onto them for dear life. I focus my attack back on your nipples, pinching and tugging at them, pulling you in closer to me. "How.... does that... feel.... whore?" I pant in your face. Closer and closer... then I slam my knee up between your thighs!
<Claracats> We focus on each others' nipples after we slam into the dumpster. My nipples feel like they're in a vice as you work them over but I use my thumb and forefingers to pinch and twist yours, not sparing the nails. "you...tell me..SLUT!!" I pant...then GAHHHHHH!! Your knee pops up into, my pussy! "DAMMIT!!" I shout as the pain shoots through my guts. My grip on your tits loosens, but I refuse to let go. I sag against you and my face pushes into your shoulder and I bite your neck. It helps to keep me from sobbing a little too.
<Summer_Hart> "AAAHHH!! Crazy bitch!" The pain in my aching tits gets even worse as you continue to torture my sensitive nipples, but feeling your teeth digging into my neck puts me over the edge and I can't help but screaming. The shock of your crazy bite makes me release your breasts from my mauling grip. I need to get your mouth off of me NOW! I grab two fists full of of your long hair and try and pull your head away, then I spin our bodies around and slam your head or shoulder into the dumpster. "Get off of MEEEE!!" I shriek, throwing a fist into your lower belly. I keep punching, ripping wild uppercuts into your tits because they're such a big inviting target (and maybe a bit jealous of them too). Every blow is punctuated with my feelings about you... "I. HATE. YOU! PSYCHO. BITCH!!!"
<Claracats> I scream as you pull my hair so hard but both hands get into your. I slam my shoulder into the dumpster, but the bite doesn't go away until I gasp from the punch to my lower tummy. I sag back against the cold metal of the dumpster, but it's not over. I wince repeatedly, taking five punches to my tits. Holy shit. My tits are being ruined! You pause for a breath and I pounce on yours going right for your nipples and areolas. I twist and pull into opposite directions. My battered body is screming at me to run, but it feels SO good to do damage to your proud tits. "GET OFF ME YOU CRAZY SLUT!!" I pull you in and try to land a knee on your pussy.
<Summer_Hart> Mmm, the feeling of my fist pounding into your soft tits is so satisfying that for just a moment I actually forget how much agony I'm in. But it doesn't last long! My nipples explode in pain again as you tug on them, stretching them like pieces of taffy. I glance down and immediately regret it, the sight of my breasts covered in scratches being pulled into obscene shapes makes me growl in anger. I feel like the only out of this mess is to hurt you even worse. Too bad for me you also have the same idea... "AAAIIEEEE!!!" I scream as your knee SLAMS into my pussy, causing an awful, awful explosion of pain between my legs. My legs feel weak, and I grab onto your hips and the tattered remains of your dress as I fall to the ground trying to bring you down with me!
<Claracats> It's easy enough for you to bring me as you fall. It was you pinning me to the side of the dumpster that helped me stay on my shaking legs. Now you rip down what's left of my dress, exposing my tiny blue thong. Your tits slip form my grasp and I tumble, my big mangled tits slamming down into your girls hard, driving a gasp from my mouth. I get back into your hair and hang on, riding out the waves of pain from my tits and the continued throbbing in my guts from my kneed pussy, just trying to stay on top.
<Summer_Hart> A sob escapes my lips as your body lands on top of mine, the tits-on-tits collision is fucking excruciating! Our bruised and battered mounds slam into each other, then slide around uncomfortably as we struggle for position on the ground. I thrust my hips into yours and roll us over onto our sides, but can't get any further than that. Instead, I slip my hand down between your legs, taking full advantage of your ruined dress now. My hand clamps down on your panties, trying to claw at your right through your tiny thong. "I want to destroy your body, bitch!" I hiss in your ear as I dig my nails in.
<Claracats> AAIIEEEEEEEEEE!! I squeal in pain as you quickly grab my pussy! I try to push you back pull my hips back but you won't let go. "I'll RUIN you, bitch!!" I cry out. I rake both hands down you back slipping under what's left of your dress. I find your little panties and yank up hard. trying to wedgie them deep in your fucking slit as you torture my pussy. My other hand is back in your hair and I have to try and bite your face, trying to make you stop!!
<Summer_Hart> "AAAUUugghhh!" I feel my white thong get yanked hard up into my sex, splitting my pussy my swollen labia popping out on either side. Then your fucking teeth make another appearance, this time going for my face! I try to pull my head away and use one free hand to push hard underneath your chin. Then I clamp down with that hand onto your throat, threatening your breath if you don't pull away. My other hand is still busy between your thighs, but I pull it away and give your cunt a hard slap, doing whatever I can to get your off of me!
<Claracats> GAAHHH!! I gurgle out as you strangle me and slap my pussy. I am sawing the hell out of that thong digging it into your pussy as deeply as I can as you keep shredding mine, our tits roll against each other painfully as we struggle. You push back and I am forced to back off dropping your thong, Our tits finally separate and I dig my hand into your left girl, going for your nipple with my nails trying to dig a thumbnail in trying to make you back off as I claw at your hand on my neck.
<Summer_Hart> My head shakes back and forth in rhythm to you tugging on my thong, the sensation of it crushing my clit is painfully violating. But I gasp in relief when you finally let go even if it's still jammed inside of me. The relief is short lived because my left nipple feels like it's going to be sliced in half and your nail jabs into it. I let go of your neck and grab onto your wrist, trying to get your hand away from my breast. My other hand slides around your butt and I dig my claws in to one of your ass-cheeks. "Get off my fucking tits, slut!"
<Claracats> I gasp with relief when you get off my pussy, but your clawing up my ass now and it feels like you've done a number on my mound at least. I try to hook my nails in your nipple and areola as you pull at my wrist. In face I put my other hand on your big tit (the same one) I squeeze. I throw a leg over your hip trying to see if I can get of top, but you claws are leaving long scratches across my ass. "Fucking bitch, I'll ruin your funbags!"
<Summer_Hart> You go all out on my left breast, making me scream in agony as it feels like you're trying to pop my tit with the pressure your putting on it. The pain distracts me and you roll back on top of my body, putting me in a bad spot. I bring my knees up and spread my legs apart, trying to wrap my legs around your midsection and squeeze it. Now that there's a bit of space between our bodies, I bring both hands back up to your chest going for a double tit-squeeze. "Not if I ruin yours first you fucking cunt!"
<Claracats> AAHHHHH!!! My head rolls back as you latch onto my tits and get your legs around me. I'm not is a good spot either. "You bitch let my tits go or I swear...! I let it trail off and dig both hands into the same tit, twisting the orb around and trying to dig my nails deep in around your nipple. "I'll rip....it...off!" I gasp as we fight on the dirty pavement.
<Summer_Hart> The pain in my breast is unbearable, as you continue to tear at my nipple making an absolute mess of my beautiful tits. My legs loosen a bit around your waist, and I give your breasts one last clawing before releasing them. I need to get you off of me before my tits are ruined for good, so I use your hair to yank your head sideways. My other hand is throwing punches into your ribs and the size of your boobs as well. "Ungg.. unffff... nggg," I can't even form words now, just grunting with the effort of hurting you.
<Claracats> I slam down on my side with you pulling my hair and battering my ribs and tits. I cry out but start to swing back hitting your ribs and tits and trying to get at your face. Our grunts and cries of pain the only sound other than fists thudding into flesh in the alley. I try to hit you left tit and swing at you eye both of my tits already bruising from the beating. We writhe on the gravel and glass covered pavement.
<Summer_Hart> Your fists sink into my aching flesh over and over, leaving me bruised and reddened. And I'm firing back just as fast and hard, driven by the desire to make you pay for every punch you land. But a particularly hard punch POUNDS into my left breast that you've been working on for what seems like minutes now. "AAAAAHHHH!!!" I shriek as my tit erupts in pain, tears forming in my eyes. I move to cover up and protect my chest when another fist plows into my cheek, just below my eye. I cry out again and roll away from you, trying to cover my face up too...
<Claracats> I'm gasping for breath, both tits turning odd colors and I think they look dented by your fists. My ribs are feeling pretty bruised now too, but I got in a lucky punch on that left tit and got you just under the eye. I force my aching body to follow after you grabbing for oyur hair with both hand. I pull back and try to push you face down toward the pavement, wanting to squash your tits into the rough surface. "Eat, pavement, slut!" I hiss.
<Summer_Hart> "Rrrgghhh... my fucking... TITS!" I moan as you push me into the rough asphault, grinding my nipples across the rough surface. Still feeling a bit dazed from the punch to my face, the best I can do is reach up and grab onto the long, dark hair that's dangling a few inches in front of my eyes. Oh fuck, this crazy bitch is going to ruin my tits! My body is squirming around underneath you and my feet are tapping on the ground as I desperately try to figure out how I'm going to get out from underneath you!
<Claracats> owwwwww! I moan as you pull my hair and I keep a grip on yours. I'm panting on your back. My tits are crushed against your back and throbbing painfully. I try to get my legs around you as I lay there hoping to just make you quit. "Give up bitch, you might save your tits!" I huff out.
<Summer_Hart> Feeling you moving on top of me, your legs slithering around my body, I try to spin my body and push away but don't quite make it. Our sweaty bodies slip and slide and I end up awkwardly pressed sideways against you. I groan as I can feel the air getting crushed out of me. "I don't give a FUCK if you wreck my tits..." My right hand pressed against you is just inches away from your pussy, and I reach down trying to get underneath your panties this time. "As long as I fuck you up even WORSE!" I hiss as I drag my claws across your sex.
<Claracats> My eyes widen in shock as you nails drag across my mound. tears spring into my eyes and you're able to complete your roll over but it les me get my claws into your tits. There are cuts from they're time on the pavement and I dig my claws in and rake toward your nipples. "OHHHHHH you BITCH!! You asked for it! I'll ruin you too!" I scream and we go after each other.
<Summer_Hart> My tits are absolutely on fire, and feeling your nails digging into the abused flesh causes tears to spill down my cheeks. I really don't know how much longer I can hold out against this crazy bitch. Panting from the pain flooding through my chest, I dig my nails up into your pussy as we're locked together in mutual destruction, staring into each others' eyes. "You'll ruin me? I'll ruin your fucking sex life, slut!"
<Claracats> I'm panting also now with tears spilling from my eyes. "I'm going to...I gaps in pain as you nails dig deeper and I twist my nails in hard, not sure I can out claw you. I'm on top and I push myself up and try to drop a knee down onto your pussy hoping to stop you before you tear into my clit
<Summer_Hart> I feel your body weight pressing down on my tits as you lift yourself up, and i realize what's you're going to do. And tangled up like this, there's nothing I can do stop it. "NO! Clara don't--OOOOOOHHHhhhh!!" You drop your full body weight down and your knee absolutely DESTROYS my pussy! My entire body spasms violently as a spike of pain shoots up through my sex. Sobbing helplessly now, I push weakly at your thigh with my hands as your knee contines to grind between my legs and torture me!
<Claracats> "You were going to ruin me, whore? How about NOW! HUH!!?" I keep clawing at your tits and grinding my knee down on your sex. My tits droop form my chest battered out of shape by your fists and clawed by your nails. My pussy burns and stings, but I don't want to back off yet.
<Summer_Hart> "AAAAHHHH!! AHHHHH!" I scream over and over now as you tear my breasts to shreds and crush my pussy. Your knee grinds back and forth, with agonizing force before finding that special spot... "AAAIIEEEEE" I cry even louder now as my sensitive clit gets smashed flat. "i GIVE I GIVE! I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE!!!"
<Claracats> I snarl and knee you one more time and rake your tits again. "Fucking BITCH!! Who's ruined now?" I roll off and try not to curl up myself.
<Summer_Hart> I shriek and my body convulses again as your knee blasts my sex one final time for good measure. "I HATE YOU!!!" I sob between heaving breaths, rolling away and clutching my tits and the ache between my legs. "You bitch, youbitch youfuckingbitch..." I mutter over and over as the tears flow freely down my cheeks now. My entire body hurts, and my tits are fucking ruined! I lay there moaning and crying, wondering how I'm going to pick up the pieces of my battered body... and my destroyed life!
<Claracats> I pull myself up and try to cover my battered chest hoping my tits will recover from this beating. I turn and give you one more kick and stagger from the alley. The end.
<Published> 2024-10-31, viewed 121 times.
Zack Davis
27 days ago🥵! I volunteer to be Brad!
27 days agoClara I knew you were a bitch from the first time we talked. From what I read the same might apply to you Summer, she just got lucky. You could have won, it was a close thing.
Abby Rose
2024-10-31 10:18Deliciously vicious!
2024-10-31 07:01Meow-Meow! :) More of that please.
2024-10-31 06:09Hot, wild, brutal, sexy. Thank you for sharing it and congratulations both of you ladies, to winner and the loser both