Ultimate Power Federation
Established: 2023-07-19
Chat room: #UPF
- Stakes
- Rip and strip
- Forced Workout
- Muscle Testing
- Gutpunching
Tired of boxing and wrestling ? come and prove you are the strongest
48 members
2 stories
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2 stories
- 2023-07-27
UPF - women powerchallenge
- 1
- 2
- 70
- 2789
Anastasia the brawler
Nicky the hottest
Nicky and Anastasia meet for a power challenge including bearhug, armwrestling and fingerlock... and... a hot end ! Read more...
- 2023-07-18
Power Challenge
- 1
- 2
- 76
- 4677
Anastasia the brawler
Cindy got MUSCLE
After having been defeted in a bodybuilding contest, Cindy wants a rematch vs Anastasia... They agreed for an armwrestling and slap challenge contest Read more...
2 stories