Valhalla Arena

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-08-26

  • Even match
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Male / Male
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
The last frontier of fighting, where Gods, Humans, creatures, demons.. of any race and gender can compete. pensavo questo metti un cuore se ti piace o spollicia
25 members
6 stories
2 photos
0 files

22:15 Leo_Leòn_Rebirth: @Yor_the_Thorn_Princess Chan! wellcome~
00:44 Leo_Leòn_Rebirth:
16:14 LaylaaBish: I’m the strongest
16:15 Leo_Leòn_Rebirth: Prove it!
16:24 Toji_Fushiguro: Prove what Leo?
17:12 Leo_Leòn_Rebirth: nothing just awkward
17:14 Froppy: Heyyyyy
17:14 Leo_Leòn_Rebirth: Hi froggy
17:15 Froppy: Hi Leo..! Long time no See, didn’t come here that often in this days!
17:15 Lee_Soo_Hyuk: Froggy? Kero kero
17:15 Froppy: Hii🐸🐸
17:15 Leo_Leòn_Rebirth: i saw you all right?
17:16 Froppy: Yeah all good, hope the same for everyone else here :D
01:07 Brunhilde: Duh ja
01:07 LaylaaBish: Nuh uh aj
01:07 JayDee123: Babbabooey
01:08 JayDee123: This Arena
01:08 JayDee123: So dusty *starts dusting the columns, sticking my booty out while I lean in to make sure I do a good job*
01:09 Brunhilde: *Start throwing Mayonaisse at the wall and suddenly freddy fazbear twerks*
01:09 LaylaaBish: Ew
01:10 Brunhilde: Lala the tsunny
01:10 JayDee123: *Gets mayo splashed on my cheeks and bottom lips and turns around, huffing and going* Brun I’m trying to woh- woh- wooooooh *drops feather duster and watches you twerk*
01:11 JayDee123: Damn I can’t forget tomorrow I gotta figure out who to talk to so I can see Laylaa’s chat messages again
01:11 JayDee123: I’m missing all the fun
01:12 LaylaaBish: Nooo! Stop that!
01:12 Brunhilde: Me too, I'm missing so much
01:12 JayDee123: BRUH!!
01:12 JayDee123: *picks Broom up by her ankles and starts using her head to sweep the floor* payback!! 😤😤😤
01:18 Brunhilde: *Stops you as I fix my other foot to the ground, raising my foot as hard as I can to free it from your grasp, then I stomp hard on your head to punish you* Do I really have to teach you how to behave?🥰
01:21 JayDee123: Oh shi-ack!! *In a silver flash you wrench your foot from my grip, and suddenly I’m in the grasp of your boot as my head throbs and I lie spread eagle on the arena. My eyes are teary and my vision blurry as I squirm like a caught rat* N-no ma’am!! Sorry ma’am!! Won’t happen again. 😰😰😰