Venus Chess League

Public Open

Established: 2023-08-06
Chat room: #venus_chess

  • Even match
  • Back and forth
  • Male / Male
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
For when you want to dominate their mind....
17 members
0 stories
0 photos
0 files


19:57 <A_Taste_of_Chase> Maybe in the ring, not on the board
19:58 <Luna_the_fiery_boxer> *just get cocky*
20:11 <A_Taste_of_Chase> *flexes brain*
20:25 <A_Taste_of_Chase> *flexes brain even more*
13:57 <A_Taste_of_Chase> I could probably play some chess soon
13:57 <Aspenkicksass> I cannot. Getting ready for work
13:58 <Luna_the_fiery_boxer> I can make one game
14:00 <A_Taste_of_Chase> I need just a few more minutes 😊
14:00 <Luna_the_fiery_boxer> alright~
14:27 <A_Taste_of_Chase> I lied things keep coming up.
14:27 <A_Taste_of_Chase> Sorry Luna, maybe later today 😊
14:27 <Luna_the_fiery_boxer> alright :p
22:06 <A_Taste_of_Chase> Use this link to friend me on and let's play sometime!
00:20 <Nathan_gingerbread> Ohhh i am in for this
00:21 <A_Taste_of_Chase> Hey Nathan
00:26 <Nathan_gingerbread> Cant register an account :(
00:54 <Nathan_gingerbread> Got it
00:55 <Nathan_gingerbread> Ultracrepida. ⬅️Me
13:54 <Nathan_gingerbread> β™ŸοΈπŸŸ¦β¬œπŸŸ¦β™ŸοΈπŸŸ¦β¬œβ™ŸοΈ
13:54 <A_Taste_of_Chase> I'd be able to play soon
19:47 <Nathan_gingerbread> Umm maybe we could expand this ? Other games...i do like idea of high stakes games
21:33 <Nathan_gingerbread> Forfeits ..consequences..
21:33 <Nathan_gingerbread> Realises only one talking and shuts up
17:42 <A_Taste_of_Chase> You are not logged in.
05:41 <Aspenkicksass> Other competitive games could be fun to add ^~^
22:59 <EJ_the_Growler> I don't think I ever posted my friendlink thingy. Also: welcome to folks who've joined since the last time we welcome folks who've joined! if you wanna befriend me on, here ya go:
03:25 <BitterSweet> Thanks for the welcome!
14:52 <AlexxaMMA> Is this league active?
06:43 <Morgan_Harvill> Hello!
16:55 <EJ_the_Growler> hey, Morgan!