Wild Fighters

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-12-13
Chat room: #WFG

  • Fantasy
  • Bareknuckle/fistfight
  • Grappling
  • Anthro
  • Stakes
An all anthro fight group
23 members
1 stories
0 photos
0 files


07:26 <MatildaLindwall> I have created the public room #WFG.
18:59 <Ellena_O> Hey Matilda
20:15 <Kat_white> Hey everyone!
07:32 <Karma_Tigerwort> Hello there, y'all! :D
21:03 <Lion_Fighter_Brett> Heya
18:27 <Roxanne_Wolf> Morning all
18:29 <Solaria> Hello
18:31 <Roxanne_Wolf> How are you?
18:31 <Solaria> I'm just fine, how are you?
18:34 <Roxanne_Wolf> Can't complain
18:34 <Solaria> That's good
18:37 <Roxanne_Wolf> You look like one hell of a fighter
18:39 <Solaria> I am
15:25 <Solaria> Hello
15:26 <Roxanne_Wolf> Hey
15:28 <Solaria> Hello again Roxanne.
15:29 <Roxanne_Wolf> How are you Solaria
15:29 <Solaria> I'm well, how are you?
15:31 <Roxanne_Wolf> Can't complain
15:31 <Solaria> That's good
15:32 <Roxanne_Wolf> Appreciate it
15:35 <Roxanne_Wolf> Any good matches?
15:15 <Solaria> Hello
15:21 <Roxanne_Wolf> Hey
03:19 <Bholdora> hnnng.... slow night
22:49 <Julia_Bellybutton> https://giphy.com/gifs/jesus-FZaNpQrCtyQms
22:56 <Julia_Bellybutton> https://giphy.com/gifs/jesus-FZaNpQrCtyQms
22:57 <Julia_Bellybutton> [IMAGE:https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcDMxdXBlZGp6eHFxaWFmZDcybmRveGFxZjZtMTI3NGwxdjBiOGFzbiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/AosCVTbv0EaXMvBmOb/giphy-downsized.gif]