Wild Teens Fight Club
Established: 2023-09-08
Chat room: #WTFC
- No holds barred
- Trash talking
- Female / Female
- Underage
- Catfight
A place for teens 19 and under to meet, chat and fight
32 members
0 stories
0 photos
0 files
20:57 <FieryTeenRachel> I have created the public room #WTFC.
23:12 <Diana04> hello
23:12 <katie_kat> hiya!
23:12 <Diana04> hi katie
09:38 <Anna_the_teen> Hii girls
10:43 <Princess_Kitty> i am the baddest and the best here
00:16 <FightQueenEmma> hii im new here
09:30 <dirtydiana78> Helllo
09:57 <Anna_the_teen> Hello Room
09:58 <dirtydiana78> Hi
09:59 <dirtydiana78> You are not logged in. i am Jenny how are you?
18:33 <dirtydiana78> Hello
18:35 <Ellabelle> Hi !
15:55 <dirtydiana78> Hi
07:01 <Tilda> Anybody home?