The Grimoire Valanis (Book)
Bonds, Knowledge, Space, Time, Creation and Destruction. 6 Universal Truths used to govern reality! 6 seals made to bind the remains of the Gluttonous Shadow.
- 2024-07-07
Infinite and Divine
- 8
- 9
- 72
- 10185
Cassy Kay
All stories have their beginning.. their first chapter, their prologue… a newly born demon awakens in the ruins of a burnt out monastery without any memories of her past .A messenger from the silver cities descends in search of answers as to her sisters’ whereabouts… What happens next… isn’t for the feint of heart. Read more...
- 2024-06-19
Jelamet's Last Defense
- 1
- 0
- 51
- 8516
Melascula The Succubus Queen
In an event that took place nearly 1,000 years ago, a then youngling Succubus named Melascula singlehandedly invaded the palace of Libidine, her target being the Succubus Queen at the time, Jelamet. This story has been told many time before, but what most seem to miss is the only worthy foe the future Queen faced in this endeavour... Read more...
- 2024-10-28
A Currid from boredom
- 1
- 0
- 46
- 12153
Amber Frost Blackheart
Amber patrols the edge of her island as a storm rolls in. Its ferocity means a creature is causing it, the mighty Currid! Steeling herself she readies to fend of the creature, when it turns out it seems panicked, as if fleeing from something. What she saw that day, and whom she met, would change her life forever…. Read more...
- 2024-11-05
A Friendship Forged Eternal
- 3
- 0
- 33
- 8815
Amber Frost Blackheart
After a passionate night of getting to know one another more thoroughly, Amber and Meer get to work in the impromtu forge set up inside of the might Currid’s skull that Meer cleaved off the previous night. The ladies get to work, forging a powerful weapon, the kind legends are made of! Read more...
- 2024-12-13
The Sapphire Star Rises From the Deep
- 4
- 0
- 50
- 3734
Amber Frost Blackheart
After a day of blood sweat and magic, the forges die down as Amber’s new Spear takes form. Walking outside to quench it in the sea water, much to Amber’s distress Meer rears back a launched the spear dar out to sea, impacting in an explosion of water and mist as Amber dives in after it! Read more...
- 2024-07-02
The Crimson Knight and her Guardian Beast
- 5
- 6
- 56
- 4151
Crimson Spense
Long before the Detective, before Crimson, the S.T.A.R.S operative, the experiments… a young red haired Vanessa sleeps in the basement of the orphanage. But even in darkness, the dreams of a child can light up the night! Read more...
- 2024-07-11
Rise of the Apprentice
- 1
- 0
- 36
- 7320
After having spent the last 20 years on earth living among humans, the demon Myriallia Valanis is summoned back to hell by her apprentice Naeth. The young demon attempts a coup against her master, but will it work? (WARNING: Extreme Violence and bloodshed) Read more...
- 2024-07-14
Fall of the Apprentice
- 2
- 1
- 62
- 7628
Three years after her former apprentice staged a successful coup, Myriallia Valanis finally gets her opportunity at revenge. WARNING: Extreme violence and gore Read more...
- 2025-02-14
Meerly meeting the new flame
- 11
- 7
- 66
- 6935
Kara Spense
A story two years in the making! The claws are out as Meer returns to find her ex girlfriend Crimson has moved onto a new flame... the pretty pink future superheroine Kara! Read more...
- 2024-01-09
- 4
- 11
- 80
- 10563
The Huntsman
The huntsman is searching for answers for pixie power.. but finds so much more. Read more...
- 2024-01-11
The Christmas Special
- 15
- 9
- 59
- 11573
On Christmas Eve when everything looks jolly in Gotham City, Levi encounters a deadly demon named Meer who is on prowl to collect the debt she is owed. Levi attempts to stop her, but the way their battle ends was not expected by either. Read more...
- 2023-12-23
Imperial Invasion
- 1
- 1
- 42
- 4751
Edelgard von Hresvelg
Empress Edelgard von Hresvelg confronts the demon Myriallia Valanis, seeking her subjugation. Fighting between the two quickly ensues. Will The Empress be able to continue to expand her territory? Or will she have to suffer the consequences of defeat? Read more...
- 2024-01-23
Training With a Demon
- 7
- 5
- 56
- 15900
Meer helps train Allie, using her knowledge of magic and mysticism to help her unlock her full potential so that Allie may learn new tricks and discard her reliable but ultimately limiting super suit and gem. Read more...
- 2024-02-03
Ambush at Batcave
- 13
- 2
- 104
- 13251
Levi G
After their last meet which ended in a draw, Meer wants to test Levi's true skill. Together Meer and Allie come up with a scheme to ambush Levi. Why did Allie help? Scroll to find out more. Read more...
- 2024-07-12
Deam es Machinae (Part 1)
- 2
- 0
- 46
- 7261
Cassy Kay
Having received a strange gem from her friend Meer, Allie stays late at work studying the potential power source. However, an android based on her own designs was secretly built by her boss, and needs the gem as it's own source of power. Read more...
- 2024-07-08
Deam es Machinae part 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 9006
Cassy Kay
Hot on the trail of Allie’s Assailant, Meer tracks down the android and the power source it stole! A gem from millennia ago containing the soul of a corrupted Seraphim, Eirune Velief. Can she arrive, or will Meer’s long forgotten past come back to haunt her? Read more...
- 2024-05-13
Grimoire Valanis: Binding
- 7
- 0
- 35
- 18437
Levi G
Divine intervention strikes at Wayne manor as Levi and Allie find themselves whisked away on the wings of an angel to a far or place in a long past time. Will they get home in one piece? And who’s the strange girl they met along the way? Read more...
- 2024-03-31
The Grimoire Valanis: Knowledge
- 4
- 1
- 46
- 9250
Lucifina, the Queen of Hell assist Meer in trying to uncover her past. Follow along and learn the truth of the Grimoire Valanis that houses Meer’s soul, the 6 Universal Truths that bind it… and the girl who started it all! Read more...
- 2024-02-14
Climactic Crystalline Chaos
- 2
- 6
- 48
- 8914
The Huntsman
Lead Scientist
Meerly and Huntsman's second encounter ends in spectacular fashion Read more...
- 2024-03-05
I'm not defensive..
- 1
- 0
- 64
- 4648
The Huntsman
Huntsman searches for answers in the aftermath of destruction and finds something unexpected.. Read more...
- 2024-03-31
The Grimoire Valanis: Space
- 5
- 8
- 47
- 11662
The Huntsman
After trying to confront Myriallia Valanis about the death of his master, and fighting off the shadows protecting the Grimoire Valanis, a girl was expelled from the inky mass. Who is she… and what does she have to do with Meer or the Book? Read more...
- 2024-04-19
The gathering darkness
- 3
- 2
- 39
- 4241
Edelgard von Hresvelg
Reunited after a long absence, the Empress returns from her schooling to find all remains well with her kingdom, except for one key difference with her High Mage. What happens next can only be seen as a dark omen of things to come! Read more...
- 2024-04-20
The Grimoire Valanis: Bonds and Memory Pt 1
- 2
- 2
- 36
- 8655
Leyding is shocked to discover the Reality Marble she dwells in is connected to the bed chambers in a far away castle. What’s worse is the sickening aura of Valanis’ influence that seeps through! Best investigate! Read more...
- 2024-04-30
The Grimoire Valanis- Bonds and Memory pt 2
- 2
- 3
- 45
- 8244
Edelgard von Hresvelg
An unlikely alliance is forged between Edelgard von Hresvelg and the mysterious Pink haired mage that intruded on her bed chambers as the Empress’ High mage is reveals to have been replaced by an Avatar of the Gluttonous Shadow since her departure! Read more...
- 2024-04-09
Into the depths
- 2
- 2
- 63
- 9275
The Huntsman
Another installment in the adventures of Meerlymakingacomeback and The Huntsman. In this one we return to Markan in search of knowledge, only to find something neither of us expects.. Read more...
- 2024-04-27
A Dream and a Hope
- 3
- 9
- 40
- 3954
Allie falls asleep while reading, with the bookmark Meer gave her before her disappearance in her hand. At first her imagination runs wild, conjuring up a vision of her missing friend, but the more she speaks with this imaginary-Meer, the less it seems like a dream... (It started as a silly one-off, but became more serious. We decided to leave it all for the sake of completeness) Read more...
- 2024-06-06
Into the Realm of Shadows
- 5
- 2
- 38
- 11452
Alicia Warlock
Having lost her companion, Myriallia in her new vessel, along with her new feline companion make it to the white dome that was meant to be their sanctuary...there, an unexpected figure welcomes the remainders of the party... Read more...
- 2024-05-03
A new beginning? Or a tragic end..
- 2
- 5
- 31
- 4963
The Huntsman
We last left Meerly and Gabriel on a cliffhanger, not knowing if she would escape the depths of Markan. Did she survive? Read more...
- 2024-06-09
Empowered Encounter
- 3
- 2
- 48
- 3810
- 2024-05-04
The Devil’s dealings…
- 4
- 8
- 40
- 2009
A deal is struck between two powerful demons for the good of Hell… but at what cost Read more...
- 2024-06-09
A sudden but inevitable betrayal!
- 2
- 1
- 35
- 2220
Meer appears before Lucifina in her temporary vessel, a poor librarian her and the Huntsman saved from Markan while they fought off Valanis. What happens next shocked everyone involved! Read more...
- 2024-05-23
The Tomb of the Root
- 1
- 0
- 33
- 6097
Edelgard von Hresvelg
With the looming threat of the Valanis causing Hell to have shattered into it's 7 individual rings, their individual sins remaining their until it's all resolved, Queen Lucifina, Empress Hresvelg, and Demoness Meer seek out an ancient power of hell...the Root... Read more...
- 2024-06-10
Curteina Drawn Under the Crimson Moon Pt 1
- 6
- 2
- 42
- 10430
Crimson Spense
Ordinary Private Detective Crimson Spense is hired to assist a woman locate her missing friends and brother. A simple case for a top investigator, but things are never that easy… especially when mentions of her old friend Meer begin to surface! Read more...
- 2024-06-11
Curteina Drawn Under the Crimson Moon pt 2
- 6
- 2
- 36
- 9787
Valanis The Gluttonous Shadow
Crimson Spense
With Elise now being escorted to the hospital and the missing persons case solved, only one thing remains. Cutting off the head of the Snake in charge! Our fearless Detective decided to take the fight directly to The Gluttonous Shadow, but how will things end? Read more...
- 2024-05-14
Grimoire Valanis: reCreation
- 3
- 6
- 36
- 19003
After a harrowing battle left her poisoned, torn, and clinging to life, a desperate Leyding opens a portal to Allie. Though the two only met briefly once before, Leyding feels she can trust her. Can Allie save her life, or will Leyding become a memory? Read more...
- 2024-05-17
Grimoire Valanis: Calamity
- 3
- 9
- 32
- 14034
The trio of Levi, Leyding, and Allie make their way to Iceland in search of the monastery Leyding used to call home. Valanis - and disaster - await. Read more...
- 2024-08-26
A New Home
- 1
- 0
- 52
- 31289
Luna the fiery boxer
Noa the bishop
Following the tragedy in Iceland, Allie and Leyding return home. Allie can't bear to be in her old home though, and turns to the person she trusts most: Luna. As the trio, along with Luna's brother Noa, become closer, a dark storm brews on the horizon. Read more...
- 2024-06-02
An Unexpected Visit
- 3
- 3
- 52
- 5587
The Huntsman (aka Gabriel) had trained Allie to be one of his order. But when it came to the final test, she was not able to pass and was kicked out. The two have not seen each other in quite some time, so when Gabriel gets wind of a choice Allie made, he confronts her... Read more...
- 2024-05-22
Grimoire Valanis: Homecoming
- 2
- 0
- 29
- 21525
Valanis The Gluttonous Shadow
Leyding and Allie must fight their way through a horde of demons in order to reach Leyding's old home and their target: The Grimoire Valanis. Along the way one of them is faced with a difficult choice... Read more...
- 2024-08-22
Into the Darkest Depths
- 2
- 0
- 70
- 10304
Cassy Kay
Trapped in a Soul Gem and cast aside by the corrupted ruler of Hell, Myriallia reaches out to her fledgling apprentice Eirune, her one chance at returning to her former glory. To reach her, Eirune must brave the rings of hell, which is fraught with danger and intrigue. Will Eirune be able to reach her master? Or will the perilous journey prove too much? Read more...
- 2024-08-26
A Heroine's End
- 6
- 3
- 91
- 14465
Luna the fiery boxer
Nora of Prysm
After an assassination order is put out on her, Allie's one enemy, now friend Nora knows she must take drastic measures to save her friend's life. But in order to save her, she has to do something she knows Allie will never forgive. She has to betray her friend. Read more...