- Supervillain
- 2025-02-17
The Chained Goddess' Sacrifice
- 1
- 0
- 26
- 999
The Tragic Origins of the Sailor Scouts! (It's more narrative than action based but some might enjoy it Read more...
- 2025-02-08
Muslim assassin vs Killer
- 2
- 2
- 138
- 3808
A killer on the loose is caught by Aishah, the deadly muslim assassin. Does she kill him, or she fail, and get killed? Read more...
- 2025-01-23
Ironman vs Wanda
- 0
- 0
- 69
- 2413
Ironman foolishly try to go against the most powerful villainess Wanda and gets killed Read more...
- 2025-01-07
Jungle battle of good and evil
- 0
- 0
- 51
- 1653
Villainess Angela
Villainess Angela and Sheena the Jungle Queen battle for rights to the jungle Read more...
- 2025-01-02
Shipment to Siberia, no return.
- 1
- 0
- 62
- 2026
Agent Paris gets tasked with dealing with Agent Anna, a vicious russian asset, in a fierce motel catfight. Both of them know that there can be only one winner. Read more...
- 2024-12-20
Joanna at the Bank
- 0
- 0
- 46
- 3262
Joanna Cooks is dispatched to check on a bank robbery alarm; she meets a villain who's out of her league! Rape, bodily fluids. Read more...
- 2024-12-18
Sidekick - Lady Ruri vs Tanaka Koujin
- 3
- 2
- 94
- 1061
Koujin's first patrol goes wrong
- 2024-12-07
The She-Dragon Captured
- 3
- 0
- 87
- 2207
Meeting in Libidine for the first time in a while, Zexy and FExy get busy with some catching up, in the only way he knows how.... Read more...
- 2024-12-06
Officer aabirah vs mafia queen
- 1
- 1
- 73
- 2672
Mafia queen was caught by officer aabirah at warehouse....both had a jaw dropping fight the mafia queen Paola is wife of the mafia king would she be able to handle officer aabirah Read more...
- 2024-12-01
Battle of Two Stubborn Athletes
- 1
- 1
- 55
- 1945
Princess Aliyah Jasmin Al Areebi
Sasha Bank
Arabian wrestling star Aliyah met her western counter part Sasha in a one on one wrestling match, who is as stubborn and good at trash talks as like Aliyah. So it's time to find out who's the better woman out of these two ladies. Read more...
- 2024-12-01
Chapter 5: The Escape - Finale
- 7
- 1
- 52
- 3093
Agent Lexi
Subject 24
The Head
With Lexi mortally wounded and Shephard struggling against this new foe, are the pair destined to fall before they can regain their freedom...? Read more...
- 2024-12-01
Chapter 5: The Escape - Part 2
- 6
- 0
- 60
- 6673
Subject 24
Agent Lexi
Subject 0 - The Tombstone
The Head
Lexi and Shephard find themselves face to face with another of the experiments, one who claims to be another success, or at the very least not just another failure. What sort of strength and skill will this new foe hold? Read more...
- 2024-11-18
The Queen against the Witch
- 1
- 1
- 83
- 7760
Yumen decide to challenge the queen of barbarian for her thrones, the slim and little body of Yumen against the giant warrior queen. Who will win? Who will end up with an humiliating fate? And who will earn the thrones? Read more...
- 2024-11-12
A little fox meets my way.
- 4
- 0
- 104
- 3575
Roselyn the Foxhuman got some info about a bloodthirsty demon on her way out of the city. Read more...
- 2024-11-10
Princess' Dreams
- 1
- 0
- 58
- 2830
Princess Power dreams of a villain who destroys her . . . Read more...
- 2024-11-03
Epic deathfight for Earth's destiny!
- 5
- 2
- 93
- 6310
Darent the Gladiator
Queen Raven
It was a normal day until an invading alien gladiator appeared in the city. Raven showed up to defend her planet and and a battle of epic proportions ensued! I hope you all enjoy! Read more...
- 2024-10-24
Inside and Out
- 4
- 0
- 90
- 29485
Luna the fiery boxer
Valanis The Gluttonous Shadow
As Allie trains with Leyding and the sword Durendal, two visitors show up. One of which is welcome, the other very much not. Read more...
- 2024-10-07
how to kill a vampire
- 3
- 4
- 75
- 2345
Kathlyn tracks down the oldest vampire to kill him, but what happens next is extraordinary Read more...
- 2024-10-05
The Wonderful Squeeze
- 3
- 2
- 53
- 5513
On a seemingly uneventful night in the city, Wonder Woman happens across chaos in the streets. Being the most powerful woman on Earth, the Amazoness has no fear of diving into the mayhem to investigate and resolve the crisis, all the while completely unaware that she could be "wondering" *Editor's note: I'll see myself out* into a trap... Read more...
- 2024-09-23
The Incredible Experiment - Elastigirl vs Tendril Type 1: The Amalgamate
- 4
- 0
- 26
- 5702
Helen Parr awakens in a strange room, unable to remember what happened to her. She has no idea that she's in great danger, and worse still, the ones responsible for this have a very particular plan with this elastic heroine, looking to fight fire with fire against a particularly invasive tentacled foe... Read more...
- 2024-09-18
Warehouse Mayhem
- 1
- 0
- 49
- 3182
Aquaria tracks a supervillain causing mayhem to a warehouse. A desperate fight ensues between the two superpowered individuals. A fight she was not prepared for. Read more...
- 2024-09-16
Mirage assassinates Valencia the mob boss
- 1
- 0
- 92
- 3022
Mirage had gotten a contract to assassinate a mob boss Valencia. She infiltrated her mansion in the middle of the night. Now she must finish the job. Read more...
- 2024-09-14
Ambush in the Alley
- 3
- 0
- 72
- 2851
At the end of her night on patrol, Aquaria lets her guard down and is ambushed in an alley and easily defeated by an unexpected opponent. Read more...
- 2024-09-02
Fun house 4
- 3
- 9
- 45
- 3872
Nathan gingerbread
Supergirl Elle
SINthea Shmitte
Red skull
Captured ...supergirl endures at the hands of hydra it seems finally doomed to be there plaything. Read more...
- 2024-09-02
Burried alive match
- 0
- 3
- 130
- 4324
Anastasia the brawler
Oh Elle No
After a first defeat Anastasia insists to have a rematch with some new hardcore rules versus OhElle. Read more...
- 2024-08-15
Supergirl: A day at the beach.
- 0
- 0
- 41
- 3413
- 2024-08-11
Shadow Blitzkrieg Part 1
- 5
- 0
- 49
- 15338
Luna the fiery boxer
Maia Sarakof
Melanie the Shadow
As promised, Melanie has tracked down a FIRSTLIGHT facility for her and Maia to hit. though things go sideways rather quickly... and a lot of questions are asked - and also answered. Read more...
- 2024-08-10
Stretching out our wings
- 2
- 4
- 88
- 4196
- 2024-08-09
Conflicto en la universidad (historia en español)
- 3
- 4
- 67
- 6344
Uno de los estudiantes de universidad de la señora Alyssa reprobó sus materias y perdió el avance de su carrera universitaria, frustrado intenta desafiar a su maestra a un combate de boxeo en el cual, si resulta ganador, podrá aprobar y graduarse, si pierde el combate, repetirá el semestre desde cero... Read more...
- 2024-08-06
Double the arms, double the mind (The Monster vs. The Damsel)
- 1
- 0
- 74
- 16403
Adorable Angel Alice
Grabbastic recieves an offer to face the adorable Alice in a pro match he can't resist Read more...
- 2024-08-05
Liquid Variant Battle Simulation Test #1 - Opponent MayAlleyCat
- 1
- 2
- 70
- 3045
Female Failed Experiments
Agent Lexi
The following is data analysed by our scientists upon the conclusion of the match between MayAlleyCat and the Liquid Variant. The participant's small frame and fragile form would mean care would need to be taken to avoid severe injury or worse. Conclusion: Liquid Variant still seems to follow more primal lustful instincts, but coordinates it's motions to heighten effect. Will need further testing before giving final recommendation. Note: Prisoner 347 not found in cell during inspection check... Read more...
- 2024-08-03
Divine Intervention
- 1
- 0
- 66
- 8010
Lumea Calina Maltea
Lumea was training on her own in a gym until Saika visited her. DEspite her initial uneasiness, the elf accepted to fight her unnaware she's an arch demoness... Things went down for her untill something happened. Read more...
- 2024-08-02
Amethysts and Rubies - The initial encounter
- 5
- 8
- 63
- 5125
The Crimson Mistress sports a new outfit for her club, desiring the opinion of the purple clad beauty Cass, seeking it out in a rather unique way~ Read more...
- 2024-07-30
Frozen Flame (Borealis vs ...Alice??)
- 4
- 0
- 43
- 15765
Following a bank heist that reconnected Alice and Borealis together under unusual circumstances. Borealis has escorted Alice to a safehouse, there they share the same bed but not all is as it seems with adorable little angel Alice... Read more...
- 2024-07-30
Frozen Flame (Prologue)
- 0
- 0
- 16
- 2737
Following a bank heist that reconnected Alice and Borealis together under unusual circumstances. Borealis has escorted Alice to a safehouse, there they share the same bed but not all is as it seems with adorable little angel Alice... Read more...
- 2024-07-08
Revenge on the sith : part III ( dark force rising)
- 0
- 0
- 30
- 3139
Darth Krypteia
Nathan gingerbread
Nathan almost kills dearth krypteia but now the tables are turned, helpless in the face of her power he does not suspect any fate but a slow death Read more...
- 2024-06-29
Crypt of the Vampire Karla
- 1
- 0
- 59
- 8518
Karla and her Gladiators
Vampire hunter Mathieu Gerard clashes with the ancient vampire Karla in a dice fight filled with twists and turns. Read more...
- 2024-06-24
The Fun House ( the shadow key )
- 0
- 8
- 55
- 6061
Nathan gingerbread
Supergirl Elle
Stealing can be dangerous, stealing from a superhero even more so. But Nathan dares and thinks he got away with it. Read more...
- 2024-06-18
Being Human
- 2
- 0
- 51
- 17228
Nora of Prysm
Maia Sarakof
Alicia Warlock
Allie goes to visit her friend Alicia, but instead finds a M.A.I.A. robot. After dismissing Maia as a thing, a fight ensues. Can both of them learn a little more about what it is to be human before it's too late? Read more...
- 2024-06-18
Crimson Fire (part 3 epilogue)
- 2
- 0
- 21
- 1219
Adorable Angel Alice
Crimson Spense
The end of the battle, but has the war just begun? Read more...
- 2024-06-15
Crimson Fire (part 2)
- 2
- 2
- 42
- 14311
Adorable Angel Alice
Crimson Spense
Crimson has tracked the clues to the where-abouts of her missing person case (Miss Kamora) back to a street gangs lair. After infilitrating, she ends up tussling and subduing a lone gang member. Now she can press him for information... But... Is she alone with him here? Read more...
- 2024-06-11
Curteina Drawn Under the Crimson Moon pt 2
- 6
- 2
- 36
- 9787
Valanis The Gluttonous Shadow
Crimson Spense
With Elise now being escorted to the hospital and the missing persons case solved, only one thing remains. Cutting off the head of the Snake in charge! Our fearless Detective decided to take the fight directly to The Gluttonous Shadow, but how will things end? Read more...
- 2024-06-10
Curteina Drawn Under the Crimson Moon Pt 1
- 6
- 2
- 42
- 10430
Crimson Spense
Ordinary Private Detective Crimson Spense is hired to assist a woman locate her missing friends and brother. A simple case for a top investigator, but things are never that easy… especially when mentions of her old friend Meer begin to surface! Read more...
- 2024-06-09
A sudden but inevitable betrayal!
- 2
- 1
- 36
- 2220
Meer appears before Lucifina in her temporary vessel, a poor librarian her and the Huntsman saved from Markan while they fought off Valanis. What happens next shocked everyone involved! Read more...