Chara m'anama (Friend of my Soul) (Book)
The story of Einar and Ceadda: their quest, their love, and how their bond was the saving of a land.
- 2021-03-19
Chara m'anama (Friend of my Soul): Part 1 - The Old Ways
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- 2149
I live in a land far way called Talam. My land is rich in history and traditions of the past. But the old ways have been lost. My kingdom of man is called Adh mór. It is one of nine clans of man, beast, and creatures. Read more...
- 2021-03-20
Chara m'anama (Friend of my Soul): Part 2 - A Question of Trust
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- 6392
After their first meeting ( ) and Ceadda's refusal to reveal himself, Einar and Ceadda arrive together at the human village. While Ceadda enters the village, Einar tries to sort out the events of the day. An attack on the village breaks down the walls of distrust, even as it exposes the hatred of man for bearkind. Read more...
- 2021-03-25
Chara m'anama (Friend of my Soul): Part 3 - A Question of Bonding
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- 6678
The man and bear continue in their adventure for finding their way in this kingdom, the darkness is rising, questions of identity and roles come into question as they learn how they fit together this in great quest. Read more...
- 2021-04-05
Chara m'anama (Friend of my Soul): Part 4 - Revelations and Betrayals
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- 7125
We rejoin Ceadda and Einar as they successfully fight off a wolf pack. Their bond grows, and they mark each other, revealing their love for one another, in spite of the dangers it entails. But a further revelation threatens this love..... and their quest. Read more...
- 2021-04-07
Chara m'anama (Friend of my Soul): Part 5 - Visions and Nightmares of Love
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- 5468
- 2021-04-13
Chara m'anama (Friend of my Soul): Part 6 - The Temple and the Sceptre
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- 5725
Reunited after many trials, our heroes fall into a deep sleep. They awake in a strange new location, where many things are revealed and the universe itself celebrates their love. Read more...
- 2021-04-15
Chara m'anama (Friend of my soul): EPILOGUE
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- 2919
Wherein the future destiny of Einar and Ceadda and the land of Talam is recorded for posterity. Read more...