Adam Drake

32-year-old Human male



  • Arms10
  • Chest13
  • Abs14
  • Legs10
  • Ass9
  • Cock14


  • Height5'10"
  • Biceps15"
  • Chest37"
  • Waist31"
  • Thigh20"
  • Cock8"

The high flying showstopper!


Wrestler Information

Birth Name: Adam Drake
In Ring Name: Adam Drake
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 172lbs
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Birthday: February 25, 1992

Physical Description: Athletic build with longer dark hair to top it off. Well built but not overly muscular as he prefers to be able to pull off impressive high flying stunts. He has darker eyes and a beard to finish off his look.

Alignment: Thinks he's a face... his actions say otherwise.

Psychological Make-up: He's driven to win and stops at nothing to pull out all the stops to do so. He loves the spotlight and constantly is trying to one up his last big stunt to win over his fans. He displays a sense of fearlessness in the ring, not ever afraid to play the daredevil and jump from something unconventional.

Entrance Theme: "Till You Come Down" by Sundrifter
Wrestler's Entrance: The arena darkens and quiets a bit before the abrupt beginning of "Till You Come Down" by Sundrifter hits the speakers. The anticipation is palpable as the dimly lit arena gets hyped up for the reveal, waiting for the drums to kick in with a burst of fire lights up the entrance ramp to reveal Adam Drake standing there in the darkness, the titantron roaring to life with his logo as the crowd applauds eager to see some high flying action. He stands for a moment building the hype before throwing an arm up into the air and striking a stance, taking off into a running start down towards the ring. He pulls off his first major feat before even beginning the fight as he takes flight over the top rope with a roll to punctuate it. He heads to a corner and climbs up onto the middle rope, using one arm to pound his chest a few times before hopping down and concluding his entrance.

List up to three strengths your character possesses:
1. Borderline reckless lack of fear in the ring.
2. Always willing to do whatever it takes to win, even to the detriment of his own body.
3. A decent bit of strength for lockups and slams.

List up to three weaknesses your character possesses:
1. Borderline reckless lack of fear in the ring.
2. Often gets caught up trying to pull off big stunts over winning the match.
3. Hates being booed by the crowd and will do anything to win them back.

Wrestling Style:

FAIR : 2
POOR : 1
NONE : 0


12 Categories to assign these points are:

Daredevil - 5
Lucha Libre/High Flying - 5
Technical - 5
Submission - 5
Power - 5
Martial Arts - 0
Cheating - 0
Brawling - 5
Pin/Sub/Ring Escape - 5
Stamina - 5
Ring Awareness - 5
Team-Work - 5


15-20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses:

1. DDT (All forms)
2. Suplexes (Whatever can be pulled off)
3. Superkick
4. Running Bulldog
5. Spear
6. Clotheslines (Whatever the situation calls for)
7. Running Big Boot
8. Enziguri
9. Diving Crossbody
10. Suicide Dive
11. Stunner
12. Drivers (Tombstone, Package, etc.)
13. Moonsault
14. Swanton Bomb
15. Curb stomp
16. Leg drop
17. Crossface
18. Spinebuster (Variations included)
19. Knee Strikes
20. Guillotine Choke (Usually paired with a DDT)

2-4 Signature Moves:
1. Adam Bomb (Sunset Flip Powerbomb)
2. Dragon's Maw (Dragon Sleeper)
3. On Fire! (Tornado DDT)
4. Jaws of the Dragon (Codebreaker)

2-4 Signature Spots:

1. After taking an Irish Whip towards the corner, Adam scales the turnbuckle and hits a Whisper in the Wind.

2. Adam ascends the top rope while his opponent is dazed on the canvas or outside the ring. He raises both arms and plays to the crowd for a moment before taking off for a finisher to send the crowd into a frenzy with a sea of camera flashes.

3. Adam launches his opponent towards the ropes with as much force as he can muster in an attempt to send them to the outside. He watches and bides his time as they get back to their feet before springing into action and leaping up onto the top rope to gain some momentum for a Shooting Star Splash by ringside!

4. When taking an Irish Whip to the far ropes, Adam ricochets back towards the opponent before leapfrogging over them and continuing to build momentum. He springboards off the ropes for a missile dropkick, DDT, or Moonsault.

Primary Finisher's Name: Dragon Ascent

Primary Finisher's Description: Scaling the top ropes as quickly as the match will allow, Adam poises himself to hit a Corkscrew Shooting Star Press onto the downed opponent for some devastating damage.

Secondary Finisher: Wyvern Crash

Secondary Finisher’s Description: Double underhook piledriver to put the opponent sprawled out on the canvas.

Stolen Finishers:

1. Scarlett Bordeuaxx's The Perfect Ten: A front flip piledriver that left her out cold on the canvas!

2. Cherryy’s Cherry Bomb: A sitout facebuster that planted poor Cherryy on the canvas after stumbling back from an Irish Whip!

Last login: today
Start of membership: 12 days ago

