Only Pro Chat-Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-02-04

  • Pro wrestling
  • Back and forth
  • Long-term roleplay
Bring your rivalry in the ring and prove that you're the best fighter in the world!
482 members
572 stories
936 photos
0 files
About Only Pro Chat-Wrestling

Events take place every two to three weeks. The most active wrestlers have the opportunity to get involved in subsequent events and compete for the belts. Being active and fun is more important than winning!
There are also "live action matches" which can be fought outside of official events

OPCW Revolution

OPCW XL: Night of Stars








The elimination match is divided into rounds.
In the first round there will be 4 single matches. Whoever wins stays in the competition, whoever loses is eliminated.
In the second round the first winner of one team will face the first winner of the other team.
The team that eliminates all the wrestlers of the opposing team will be declared the winner.












Deadline: 7th august 2024

Press release

OPCW World Champion Natalia Markova


OPCW European Champion is Moon Love


OPCW Ladies Champion is Amazing Andrea


OPCW NHB Champion is Suki Squid


OPCW Erotic Champion in Holly Princess


Online in chat
Latest Stories
1 Replies
1 wk
KC Lauren
11 days ago
1 Replies
4 wk
KC Lauren
2024-06-24 10:53
1 Replies
7 wk
KC Lauren
2024-06-04 11:01
1 Replies
11 wk
KC Lauren
2024-05-07 14:00
1 Replies
14 wk
KC Lauren
2024-04-18 12:27

18:17 ClearlyClara: Hello lil KC, and welcome lil leah
18:17 JJtheWrestler: Welcome @Big_Leah
18:18 Sebastian28: Hey guys, had a great match with Raevyn yesterday
20:59 Dutch: HellOPC
20:59 Dianne: Hi
21:02 Dutch: Hi Dianne
21:03 Dianne: Hi dutch
08:32 Carolsingapore76: Hi OPCW-ians
10:25 JJtheWrestler: Morning
10:27 shadyfighter07: Hello OPCW
09:58 KC_Lauren: hello OPCWers
09:58 JJtheWrestler: Good morning Lauren, how are you?
10:01 Sebastian28: Hey KC!!!
10:04 shadyfighter07: Hola
20:23 JJtheWrestler: Hi all
21:12 Dutch: Hello everyone
13:21 Jay_Jay: Heya
14:03 JJtheWrestler: Hi Jay
20:49 Dutch: HellOPCW
10:22 JJtheWrestler: Morning OPC

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