
21-year-old Human female

Fighter Trainee Punchee Squeezetoy


  • Arms5
  • Chest5
  • Abs3
  • Legs4
  • Ass3


  • Height5'6"
  • Biceps10"
  • Chest31"
  • Waist30"
  • Thigh17"

Feisty and sexy (READ BIO)


Hello there. Here’s a little bit of a backstory about me. I am what’s called a session wrestler. Meaning I practically get hired to either wrestle on behalf of other people or wrestle others. I’ve done it all from wrestling in my bikinis to even wrestling my gym wear, and I’ve only been doing this for a couple of months.

The one thing I will not accept is advancements such as inappropriate, wrapping or stripping, unless given for consent. I am also Very competitive and find it very annoying to meet competitors who talk big only to become weaklings within a few seconds.

Last login: today
Start of membership: yesterday

This character's local time is 14:15
Time zone: [UTC-5]
